Sunday, October 5, 2014

Enemy in the Looking Glass

The Gates of Olympus have been breached by the enemy,..and the enemy is us. Omar Gonzalez, the individual who scaled the White House fence without being intercepted by security forces apparently got much further than than first realized.He actually made it as far as the  White House Green Room, overpowering a female security agent in the process , and was finally tackled by another male agent . And, in the wake of this outrageous display of incompetence , Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said she was "proud" of the "restraint" shown by these agents who dealt with the knife welding intruder."Restraint?"The man should have been shot on sight, for potentially endangering the President and his family, who were fortunately not at home during this invasion.
Julia Pierson has now resigned , after being mercilessly , and appropriately ,..grilled by Republican Representatives Darryl Issa and Trey Gowdy on her inexcusable performance regarding this incident, and others in the past , when the President was needlessly put in danger by the chronic apathy of this secret service detail under her leadership.The list of incidents is long indeed;...shots fired at the White House ,the Mandela Funeral, and an armed felon security guard in an elevator with the President ,are just a few of the more outrageous examples of Pierson's seemingly non existent security system. But, what else can you expect from a woman who ,when first appointed,..told her agents she wanted the Secret Service to be more like "Disneyland"........Really? But then, Pierson's incompetence and lack of any solid credentials for her job should come as no surprise. This is a pattern for the Obama Administration All of Obama's appointees have eventually been revealed to be grossly incompetent .Timothy Geitner, Rahm Emanuel,  Elena Kagan, Kathleen Sebelius, Lois Learner, Eric Shinseki , and, of course ,Eric Holder, all ...have proven themselves dangerously unfit for their security related positions. All are ,..unqualified,...except of course, one key area,.....Ideaology. All of them,..Pierson included,..are hard core ,..leftist idealogues ,..loyal to the liberal cause , ..and more importantly ,...loyal to the Obama Administration ,..and it's America diminishing agenda.
All of President Obama's appointees have failed spectacularly , but certainly not in his eyes. In the President's eyes,they have all ,..I repeat,..all ,..done their jobs of attacking Republicans , weakening America,..and staying loyal to him and,..more importantly,..staying loyal to the Democrat Party and its mission to secure a permanent one Party system in America ,..with the Democrats being that one Party. Even Julia Pierson , whose position would seem to be a non-political one,was also charged to push the left's agenda .Her appointment was part of the "War on Women" strategy the Democrats have been pushing ,along with the 'Race Card" , in order to gain votes and, more importantly, gain the edge over Republicans at the voting polls. And, make no mistake, it's no mere coincidence that her ,"reluctant warrior" style as Secret Service Director reflects the style of our President as Commander in Chief. That was the plan. To demonstrate that "restraint" as Pierson said,is something to be applauded, and that the "Old School" style of the overbearing , uptight , militaristic Secret Service ,was nothing more than an outdated holdover from the Cold War days of Republican Rule in the White House. The President's agenda ,..from the moment he took office, was , after all, to show a new , different approach , from that of the Republicans , and in particular,..the Bush Administration.
That is the defining reason for everything Obama does.From the beginning , he needed to prove that he is the polar opposite of President Bush , and would demonstrate that by being this,"Anti-Bush", and repairing  all the mistakes that Bush had made , he would  heal not only the country,..but the world.And all it would take , is doing everything different from Bush.
You raise taxes , instead of cutting them.
You increase spending drastically on entitlements.
You downsize the military .
You embrace the Islamic enemies of our country , while demonizing our own imperialist nation , and its interfering military.
You withdraw troops , from all war zones.
You ignore our Allies
You abandon Israel.
You ignore your CIA,and military advisors on the subject of ISIS in Iraq , and everything else.
You ignore all security briefings,...period.
You diminish our security and open our borders to our enemies , and to disease ridden, entitlement bound, refugees.
And the result?
A Nation in collapse economically.
A Nation whose enemies no longer fear them .
A Nation whose militaristic apathy has created the first Islamic Terror State to ever exist.
A Nation that allows Iran to move ever closer to producing a nuclear weapon .
A Nation that allows Russia to invade the Ukraine that America vowed to protect.
A Nation that allows America to be diminished in the eyes of both our Allies and our enemies.
At this point, after six years,Obama's Anti-Bush Agenda would be considered a failure to anyone except a liberal that is. To the Liberal Left, and Obama in particular, it has been a glowing success.America has been diminished, and now all that remains is to secure the November Midterms , to complete the mission.
Enter;...the Coalition , alliance of nations to fight ISIS , on the ground,...while the U.S. maintains a steady stream of pin point bombings in Iraq and Syria .Not very likely.
Obama's Bush -like war rhetoric , Arab -based coalition, and Democrat support for military action ,..are all the result of political expediency ,and nothing more. To win the Midterms, the Democrats must show a willingness to protect the nation,..and to secure it from our enemies. Except, ..that it can't,..and won't,..and that has become apparent as the extremely limited U.S. bombing, pledge of no U.S. ground troops , and the half hearted aid to our allies has exposed the Anti- ISIS coalition for the politically motivated fraud that it is. Even the Iraqis soldiers that our tax dollars are funding , will no doubt , once again , take off their uniforms , drop their weapons, and run, at the first sign of ISIS .They did it before, and they will do it again. Let's face it, when push comes to shove, Arab will side with infidel Americans against their fellow Arabs, whether they're ISIS or not. This fact does not bode well for the future of Iraq, with ISIS now only five miles from its capital, Baghdad.
True, the UAE is bombing in Syria , along with other Arab nations in this fragile coalition , but this will soon fade away , since these nations are strictly motivated by the need for America's money donations that , in .keep all Arab nations from economic collapse and  starvation. In reality, America , at its best,..does not need a coalition to destroy ISIS. In truth, even if the ISIS war on terror by Obama and his fragile coalition were legitimate, and the President Bush inspired war rhetoric authentic, it wouldn't matter .The President, simply does not have the will to win. America has the technology ,..the sheer power , to bomb ISIS out of existence. ,easily,..if the President only had the will to do it ,..the actual will to win the war,..rather than play a game of hit and run , designed to simply run out the clock,..until after the November Midterms. And, the President has another problem , that would hamper any authentic war strategy;....
A Nation without Borders,..will soon cease to be a Nation at all.
America, right now,.,..has no security whatsoever. Our borders are gone, erased by Obama policy,..leaving us vulnerable to all forms of terrorism , especially with our military downsized and weakened .And now, even the White House itself, has been revealed to be unsecure , since even the Secret Service has also been deliberately diminished , along with the rest of our nation ,  by Director Julia Pierson , and the other leftists who currently occupy the ranks of the agency. Obama's destruction of America and its security would seem to be complete, since it now reaches even into the  White House.
Indeed, whether it's at America's borders , or the gate to the White House,..America is defenseless,'s security truly non-existent, on all levels, even unto the office of the Commander in Chief itself.
The Gates of Olympus hath indeed truly been breached. The enemy in the looking glass stares back at us ,..mockingly.
Has all now been truly lost?
At this point,can America be saved?
Is there any hope for the future of this New Olympus ,..this Shining City on a Hill,...this America?
Yes. There is only one chance , ONLY one small shard , small glimmer of hope.
The 2014 November Midterms, must be won, the Republican Party.
The Republicans can, as a Party,...destroy the Democrats in every election , just as easily as our military can destroy ISIS . All it takes is the will ,..and the resolve to do it.
Victory is within the Republican Party's  reach .All that remains is for them to snatch it from the destructive grasp of Obama and the Democrats ,..and then ,..seal the gates of this new Olympus, for the only gods that should occupy it ,..and control it,..the Republicans.
For, if not,..nothing else will matter. The Shining City , the New Olympus,..will truly be gone ,..forever ,..and even it's memory,..will truly be dust.

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