Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wrath of the Infidel

Iraq has now fallen to the forces of an Al Queda offshoot, and to the evil of terrorism. And, with its fall , all the blood and treasure that our Nation has  invested in this region has been wasted. We had won . Saddam Hussein and his evil  sons had been deposed, a dictatorship eliminated , and democratic elections were installed. The schools were opened , the rape and torture rooms of Uday Hussein were gone. Women could drive again. Girls could go to school again. And, all the while , the liberal left demonized Bush, his administration,and this war that they supported and voted for, and demanded to know where the weapons of mass destruction were. Did Saddam have the weapons? Of course.They were , for the most part, shipped into Syria.  Chemical weapons are WMD'S,and Saddam had used them on  the Kurds,years before, slaughtering thousands , and in the process creating the need  for American Intervention. The Democrats insisted the Iraq war was fought for oil, yet the U.S.did not touch a drop of it.The Democrats said the good war was the one in Afghanistan against the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Why were we wasting tax dollars on Iraq? Yet now, the Afghan war has also been demonized by the left, as an unnecessary waste of time, money, and lives.
Obama promised to end the war in Iraq. So, shortly before his re-election , he started the withdraw  of all American troops from that region . Like with Viet Nam, complete withdraw was the goal.Complete withdraw was accomplished. The result, of course, is complete disaster. There was a reason for the war on terror, and it had nothing to do with WMD'S and everything to do with the fact that war had already been declared on us, when the terrorists dared attack us, on our own soil , on 911. This is not about nation building . This is about freedom;..our freedom , and the freedom of our allies. The world is full of despots and dictators . The more there are, the more unstable and violent the world becomes. America is indeed that shining city on a hill that Reagan called us . But, if we isolate ourselves , and allow the enemies of freedom, socialism, communism and Islamic Extremism to fester and grow in nations around the world, then our superpower status means nothing. The world is safer, and freedom stronger, because the United States is part of that world.
Saddam Hussein was a sponsor of terror. He trained , financed , and gave medical treatment to terror organizations . He massacred his own people, with chemical weapons.He tortured and terrorized those unlucky enough to still be alive under his iron fisted rule. The United States went to war , not with the Iraq people, but with a dictator that was funding evil. So too, with Afghanistan.
So too, with Pakistan.
So too, with Syria.
So too, with Libya.
So too, with Saudi Arabia.
So too, with Egypt.
The dictators who rule these nations all sponsor terror financially. And, all these nations receive tax dollar subsidies from the one nation that they all regard as their enemy;...the United States.
And now, As our President has unleashed a new crop of illegal immigrants into our nation , so too has he decided to unleash terrorist leaders from Gitmo Bay, using Taliban dupe Bowe Bergdahl, as the excuse to finally empty Gitmo and close it forever.
Total surrender. Total defeat. 5 Top Taliban agents were released, in exchange for a homegrown terror sympathizer. The process has begun. Obama will now, in his final two years, end all wars , regardless of the fact that these wars are certainly not over. Not by a long shot. Those he releases will return to their mission , and will most certainly bring more death and destruction to the "Great Satan", the infidel America.
The U.S.goes to war to liberate nations , and by so doing, makes the world a safer place where people can live free, if they so choose. We are at war with terror, not a specific nation. The war cannot end until the Taliban, Al Queda , and all other terror offshoots surrender, on their knees, , unconditionally to the United States, or until they are completely destroyed;..whichever comes first. As Reagan said, in describing his foreign policy stance,"We win,...they lose."And , part of that victory must be the occupation of these nations that have been liberated,...permanently,... by our American forces. Otherwise, all our wars against evil will be for naught.For, when good withdraws,..evil advances. That is the nature of warfare. Nations that the U.S.has liberated will have permanent U.S. military bases . The reason is clear,....evil cannot be destroyed. It has always existed , and it always will. But, it matters little , as long as good strongly opposes it. We may not be able to destroy evil, ..but we can control it.
The U.S. is the leader of the free world. We are the beacon of liberty , the ultimate force for good in the world. Therefore , our mission must be , not to destroy evil, but to force it to retreat back into the shadows where it belongs. The U.S. mission must be to give the terrorists no respite , peace, no home base , where it can rest, regroup, and plot . We must keep evil on the run,..eternally. It must have no nation it can call home. It must have no nation it can rule from. That must be the U.S. goal. We must keep the Taliban ,Al Queda  , and all other terror offshoots, on the run, forever. We must chase them from every country. We must chase them in every corner of the globe. We must chase them from every country that they occupy, and force them into the wilderness.
For, if we do not, evil will always return, stronger than ever, and will indeed renew their attack on the one nation that has been its most persistent enemy,...the United States of America. Obama and the left, has never understood any of this , and has instead always regarded the the problem. If the U.S. were diminished, then the world would be a more peaceful place ,..with no terrorism. Imperialist America, supreme in its arrogance ,... creates terrorists.That is the left's firm belief.
And that is why, all that Obama has done, is by design. All of it ,.... Obamacare  ,Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, the EPA Global Warming inspired attack on the coal industry, the refusal to police our borders, and now, the release of terror leaders and the closing of Gitmo ,..all of it was designed to fail. None of it was supposed to accomplish anything except destruction. All of it serves the singular, misguided  purpose of weakening America, in order to strengthen the world.
Obama , and the left,..are wrong. Without America, the world would be the dark, dismal place , that it always was , before our Founders showed the world another way. . Without America, the world would be infested with nothing but dictators and tyrants, that would oppress their citizens and leave them in poverty. They would suffer unendingly, as most of the world suffered , until the birth of freedom , the birth of America. If America never existed, who would stand against the tyrants?
Who would end oppression?
Who would liberate nations from evil?
No one , that's who.
We stand alone , as the beacon of freedom for the world , ..and without us, there would indeed be only,...darkness.
Obama now knows the end is near. He has only two years left, to finish his plan,..his ultimate agenda, reduce America permanently. He is doing it. He no longer bothers to inform congress of anything he plans, and will continue to act unilaterally ,until his time as President is done.
  No enforcement of our borders . The closing of Gitmo Bay. All terrorists eventually ,..released. The coal industry destroyed with new regulations imposed by executive order in the name of the EPA,and fictional Global Warming. And now, the obliteration of the last great achievement of America, the defeat of Saddam, and the ousting of the Taliban from Afghanistan, and the decimation of the terror organizations around the world. This is not the end of the war. For , the enemy has declared war on us, and every other free nation on earth. Obama has not ended the war. He has surrendered. He has forced America to surrender. And now, Al Queda and the Taliban renewed and energized with the release of their top leaders, will now conquer  the nations we have liberated. And, they will continue to grow, and spread their evil , until ,it, once again, as with 911,.. reaches our shores .
That is the reason we send our finest to fight in these foreign lands. We fight evil over there, that we don't have to fight it over here, and to keep it from infesting other nations as well. That is the reason for war.
A world free of tyrants, terrorists, and dictators , is a world of free markets , prosperity, and freedom. A world free of tyrants ,terrorists, and  dictators, is a world free,...of war itself. Imagine it , if you will. The ultimate goal,...a world, of war . That must always be our goal, the goal of the United States of America.
But now, we , as a nation , must first defeat Obama and the left, before we can renew our never ending battle against evil. A sunni man, once in U.S. custody until 2009, now being hailed as the "New Bin Laden", now controls most of Iraq, with his new Al Queda offshoot organization. His sights are on Baghdad , the Iraqi President Malaki, and the American Embassy as well.And , most disturbing there are rumors that this man, known as Abu Bakir Al Baghdad , is already planning a new 911 style attack on the U.S.,..A U.S. that now makes no effort at all, protect its own borders.
This is the result. This is what happens when good retreats from evil. Evil attacks ,..and  its prime target,  is always ,
The solution is simple.Heavy, constant ,airstrikes in Iraq, now, ..until they beg us to stop .We win. They lose.
The U.S.military has the power to level the earth a thousand times over , without getting so much as a hangnail. Its time we start proving that fact to the terrorists , right now, bomb them back into the stone age, and bring about the total, unconditional surrender , or total destruction, that are the only ways to end a war.
We win,...they lose. That is the Reagan strategem , and that is how all wars must end, if the world is to survive.
It has been said that the terrorists fear only the wrath of Allah.
It's time to give them something to really fear.

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