If a tree falls in the forest,...and no one is there to hear it,..does it make a sound? If Obamacare's mandate and fines , no longer exist,.. does it make a sound? In fact, does it even exist at all?
Remember, the only reality that there was to Obamacare ,was the tax aspect of it. Obamacare was obviously not going to provide Healthcare , Healthcare Insurance, or anything else. In fact, it has taken away people's existing health insurance , as it was designed to do , in order to ultimately force the single payer system that would give the Federal Government total control of all things related to Healthcare.The website still doesn't work .People are losing their doctors , and their coverage , and for those that do somehow manage to register for this debacle ,they are discovering skyrocketing costs , premiums , deductables , and extremely limited access to doctors and hospitals .In other words , all that Obama has said Obamacare was,..has turned out to be untrue. All that Obama has said was reality has instead proven to be fantasy. Yet, Obamacare goes on.Obama , Reid , and Pelosi continue to tout it as a complete success . How can this be? Well, because there are only two aspects of Obamacare that Obama , Reid, Pelosi, and the Democrat Party care about, and that's the taxes and penalties . The taxes have already kicked in , and have , in fact been in effect since Obamacare became law. This was the main purpose of Obamacare ;..to enact a far reaching ,all encompassing tax that will bring our greedy capitalist free market system under total government control.So far, so good. For it has indeed begun to do just that , as taxes in every aspect of the free market have been steadily increasing since the law's inception. But, that alone, does not prove Obamacare's existence ,.Obamacare's reality,...no,..that only proves that the idea of Obamacare was used to enact more Democrat entitlement taxes. What then, is the reality of of Obamacare? What makes it more than a mere existential idea, or concept used to push another Democrat tax scam? The Mandate, that's what. The Mandate,..the deadline for the Mandate ,..and the fine for not signing up,...is what gives this law any substance or reality, other than just being an all encompassing tax on the free market.
But now, once again, the goalpost has been moved . Not only has the deadline for signing up been pushed back once again, but the concept of the Mandate as well. Senator Harry Reid, in a fit of pique,.declared that those who are having difficulty signing up for the Affordable Health Care Act coverage,..are simply not intelligent enough to navigate their way around the internet. Therefore, Reid has proposed a solution;..If you can prove "hardship ", in trying to sign up , then you will be put on the so-called,"honor system",..and be considered exempt from the Mandate. In other words, according to Reid, if you admit you're simply too stupid to figure out how to sign up ,..you don't have to sign up ,...for the present time , anyway. And , if the American people are now exempt from the Mandate ,..then they are exempt from the fine as well. In essence,the Mandate is the Fine. If the Fine no longer exists , then the Mandate does not exist as well.And the longer the Mandate is pushed back, the less likely it will ever be enforced at all. In fact,...it won't be. The Fine doesn't exist, therefore the Mandate doesn't exist.And, therefore,...Obamacare doesn't exist.
Hospitals have rejected it . Doctors have refused to accept patients signed up for it. And those that have signed up for it, have , for the most part , not paid, ..and therefore are not really covered at all. And now, the Mandate has been eliminated as well. The Fine, or the threat of a Fine is gone as well . Total immolation. Total collapse . Total non-existence.
Yet, Obama, Reid and Pelosi still tout this non-law as a complete success. Why? Because it has done its job. It has accomplished all that it needed to do. More taxes were needed, to create more revenue flow to the Democrat Party. The facade of Obamacare provided this. A database that would register illegals with the Democrat Party was needed. The facade of Obamacare provided this. Another bailout and stimulus bill was needed . But, how to get it passed by the Republican Congress? The facade of Obamacare provided a way.And ,of course,...total government control of the free market ;...The facade of Obamacare has this goal well on its way to fruition. Finally, ..the Holy Grail of the Liberal Left ,..the one thing that would become the foundation of the socialist system of government they have always dreamed of. ;..the government controlled , Single Payer System of Healthcare. The Single Payer ,...to the left,..would solve all their problems . It would eliminate all private Health Insurance companies and force all Americans to be covered with the government plans,...period. No other way would exist . And this would enable the Democrat Party to control every aspect of the American people's lives , and the free market they operate in. Total Socialist takeover. Total elimination of capitalism as we know it. The facade of Obamacare provides this as well.
It sounds like the perfect plan , the perfect foolproof "con" , on the American public.Why then, have there been 38 changes to this law? Why then, the endless delays on the Mandate? Why has the fine been ,..for all practical purposes ,..eliminated? For political reasons , that's why. For , you see, even the Democrats understand that all that they have dreamed of , and all that the Obamacare facade can provide,...will be for naught ,..if the Democrats do not win the November Midterm Elections. There it is, in pure political terms. The simple reality is;..if the Democrats do not, at least , hold on control of the Senate,..everything they have accomplished,..is over. All of it will be reversed by the Republicans , once they control both the House and Senate ,..again. This is the reason for the endless delays in the Mandate . For , even out of touch with reality Democrats like Obama , Pelosi , or Reid,..must accept the fact that if they enforce the deadline for signup,..and then impose fines on the American people for failing to sign up,..they will lose the Midterm Elections,...spectacularly. That's a fact. You can lie about Obamacare , and all that it entails. You can destroy the economy with high taxes and regulations, and still blame it on Bush. Hell, you can blame all that has transpired , since 2008, on the Republicans , and get away with it with the low information voters,..but,..the one thing you cannot get away with ,..is taking money out of the pockets of taxpayers ,..during tax season ,..in the form of Obamacare fines. That would be political suicide ,..and the Democrats know it.
Therefore, make no mistake about it,..nothing that the Democrats claimed Obamacare was, or will be,..will ever come to pass.The delay in the Mandate,...is permanent. The delay on the Fine,...is permanent. And, the non-existence of Obamacare is therefore,..permanent. What is not permanent however,is the Democrat hold on the Senate . That will indeed end this November. For the most basic ,most existential of reasons ;...the Fine,..is not real. Therefore , the Mandate is not real. Therefore, Obamacare is not real . Therefore ,..the Democrat Party itself,...is not real. It never was;.. because al that they are , and all that they will be , and all that they have claimed to be , and believed themselves to be ,...was based on lies . Nothing the Democrat Party dreamed of, since its creation , has ever come true. A better , more prosperous, far superior , America through ever increasing taxes , regulations, and entitlements ;..a better America ,by weakening our military ;and enacting an appeasement style foreign policy ;..a better America, by creating more anti Second Amendment gun laws ,..has not come true. That dream,..has failed. But, not through lack of effort.All that they have done has failed. Whether it was under the Carter Administration , or the Obama Administration ,..any time the Democrats have had control of the government and control of the Nation ,..the Nation has failed . The Nation has faltered . The Nation,..has been diminished. And , the Democrat Party claims that all of it,..will still work All that they still want to accomplish , including Obamacare , will indeed work. All it requires is more of your money. More of your hard earned cash. Nonsense. Nothing they are, nothing they dream of being,..will ever really,..be. They are , cast out. They are,..discarded. They are,..now,..non-existent. President Obama, and the Democrat Party, are now like, Anti- Matter,..to the Republicans,...Matter .And all that remains that will ever show that they were here at all ,..are the destructive taxes , regulations ,..and weakened military that have endangered our Nation's security , and endangered the very existence of the Republic as well. The Fine, the Mandate, , the Law, and the Democrat Party may indeed now be non-existent anti- matter ,...but the destruction wreaked by all of it,...is certainly real.
Yes, all that the Democrats are may indeed have no substance in reality, but,...if the Mandate delays should work, and the Democrats should somehow manage to win in November,..the Nation itself would become non -existent, as well.
There is a scientific theory that says when matter and anti-matter meet,..total destruction, everywhere ,...is the ultimate result. So too, would this be our Nation's fate,should the Republicans ever meet, ..and join,..in policy,...with the Democrats.
That is a fate that, We the People, ..should never let befall this Shining City.The Republican Party must be victorious in November, and thwart the destructive vision of this existential President,..the Anti-Matter Man,.....Barack Hussein Obama.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
The Age of Miracles
Will the mystery of the Malaysian 707 disappearance ever be solved? Probably not. Despite all the terror related hijacking theories that are being floated in the media ,..Occam's Razor must be applied here, in order to solve this riddle. Occam's Razor says that the simplest , most direct solution is the most likely answer. And, in this case, Occam's Razor holds true. Forget "Thunderball" like James Bond espionage scenarios ,..Malaysia operates as a police state Monarchy. And , like all socialist style governments run by tyrants , it's going broke. It hardly has the money to maintain its airplanes , let alone bother conforming with FAA rules and regulations. Socialist governments are notorious for cutting corners and putting out products that are usually of poor quality.The 707 may be a well made , American manufactured plane, but the Malaysian maintenance of that plane was sorely lacking. Socialist governments cut corners for one simple reason;..they have no money,..most of the time. Police State Monarchies rarely do . And what wealth they do accumulate through trade with the U.S. ,is quickly squandered in maintaining the lifestyles of their ruling class, who , characteristically, rule over their impoverished populace with an iron fist , while providing a faltering economy that leaves little for the citizens to live on. Malaysia is a communist style government , little different than Putin's Russia . Why then are those in the media believing any of the terrorist hijacking scenarios that are being put forth by this corrupt government? The timeline keeps changing . The direction of the plane , also, keeps changing. Malaysian officials have been uncooperative with other nations in providing information on the missing jet , and waited days before they even decided to check the background of the Pilot and Co-Pilot. Yes, the stories and info keep changing ,..and yet, our news media keeps buying each new story , each new change. The coverage is extensive on every network,..but that's understandable . It's a mystery , and people love mysteries. Plus, there were over 200 passengers on that plane, including a few Americans. If that's not enough to perk up U.S. interest , then the idea that the plane may have been hijacked to be used as a flying bomb certainly will. The interest is understandable. The concern about a possible terror attack , especially by the U.S. and Israel, ..is also understandable. But, at some point we must begin to face reality .If Malaysian facts and stats about the flight keep changing , and U.S.probes for more info are being ignored by the uncooperative Malaysian government, we must conclude that they are hiding something.What they are hiding most likely , is just sheer incompetence on the part of the Airline, the pilots , and the Malaysian government in general. Malaysia still refuses to let the U.S. take the lead in the investigation. That's a perfectly understandable reaction by a corrupt government, that is now trying to hide their screw up. that killed over 200 people by putting forth a halfbaked theory about hijackers flying the plane into Pakistan. Malaysian officials even made a show of contacting Pakistan to recruit their help in solving this mystery. Nice try fellas , but unfortunately for all the innocent victims ' family members who are still waiting for answers ,..the plane is almost certainly at the bottom of the vast and largely uncharted Indian Ocean. The Malaysian government still refuses to talk to the families to give them answers . There was even a heartbreaking scene in which a grief stricken Chinese woman became hysterical over her missing son.
This is the unfortunate reality that all involved in this tragedy must inevitably accept. For, to do otherwise would be to enable a corrupt socialist , police state Monarchy, that couldn't even be bothered to follow international FAA flight safety regulations , or to practice proper maintenance on the American made Boeing 707.A police state that, when backed into a corner , reacted like all police states do,...and blamed someone else;..this time, terrorist hijackers. Just like Putin, when he was pushed for answers regarding the Ukraine invasion ;..what did he do? What did he say? He denied any wrongdoing and then claimed that the Ukraine was riddled with Nazis, ..which must be dispatched by him,..Vladimir Putin,..the Nazi hunting Patriot. Putin's Nazi story is ridiculous , of course but so is the story put forth by Malaysian Prime Minister Najh Razak regarding the missing plane. To get answers , the U.S. would need to take the lead in the investigation . But , even then ,we have the Democrats and the Obama Administration in charge.Getting to the bottom of scandals and mysteries is hardly Obama's strong suit . He seems far more adept at diverting , stalling , and stonewalling investigations , than he is at solving them. Plus the President is currently too distracted with his March Madness Brackets , and appearing on daytime talk shows , to focus on this mystery. So no, the U.S. government, in its present form, is not the answer. The answer , in fact may never be known , unless wreckage starts to be washed ashore somewhere
The pity is , our government , the U.S. government, could have solved this and gotten the info needed to end all far fetched cloak and dagger speculation. But, only if the U.S. was run,..by the Republican Party.Sound like shameless partisan exploitation of a tragedy? Not at all. . The history of the Party confirms the simple fact that the Republican Party is the Party that created all that America is , was, and can be again. . The Republican Party is the Party of prosperity . The Republican Party is the Party of freedom. The elephant symbol is a symbol of strength . It was created during an 1860 political campaign. Republicans envisioned free soil, free speech, , and free labor, under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln may have issued the Emancipation Proclamation, but, make no mistake ,..it was the entire Republican Party that freed the slaves. The 1864 Republican National Convention called for abolition of slavery , and Congressional Republicans passed the 13th Amendment unanimously, with only a few Democrat votes. Women's rights were also a Republican domain . The 19th Amendment was written by a Republican Senator and was supported by far more Republicans than Democrats,..to be sure.
Tax cuts , Regulation restraint , were the commonsense policies the GOP established after the Civil War , that created decades of prosperity. Republican control of congress , and the McKinley , Teddy Roosevelt , and Taft administrations made sure these economic policies were adhered to , and they did indeed create economic growth. President Eisenhower also understood that the private sector , not government, was the engine of economic wealth creation. Reagan , with his tax and regulation cuts, resurrected the economy after years of Democrat destruction.
The Republican Party is also the Party of Military , and Foreign Policy strength , and Reagan and Bush were victorious over Soviet tyranny in the Cold War.
George W. Bush 's military remains , to this day, in strength, ..second to none in the history of our nation., and he used it effectively in the war against terrorism.
The GOP is the Party , that accomplished , Miracles. Miracles that could not even be imagined by other nations that still live under tyranny.
The Republican Party ended slavery .
The Republican Party passed the 14th Amendment, against strong Democrat opposition .
The Republican Party created the 1st National Park,...Yellowstone.
The Republican Party inaugurated the 1st African American Governor.
The 1st Woman in Congress, was a Republican.
The Republican Congress passed the 19th Amendment , giving women the right to vote.
The Republican Congress and President Coolidge granted citizenship to Native Americans , with the Indian Citizenship Act.
The 1st Hispanic Senator was a Republican .
The 1st woman to serve in both House and Senate was a Republican.
Racial segregation in Public Schools was ended by Republicans, and the law was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren , former Republican Governor , and Vice Presidential nominee.
The 1st Asian American u.s. Senator was a Republican.
A Republican President;... Eisenhower,.. signed the Civil Rights Act.
A Republican Senate passed the Civil Rights Act, despite a Democrat filibuster opposing the law.
A Republican President;...Reagan,...appointed the 1st woman, ever,...to the Supreme Court.
A Republican President ;...Reagan ,...destroyed the Soviet Union with his strong military stance , Star Wars bluff,..and his stirring , "Tear Down this Wall" speech in Berlin.
Impressive. The Republican Party did indeed ,..accomplish the impossible .
So, is it impossible for this Party to solve the mystery of one lone missing plane? And, is it partisan politics to suggest that they could? No, it's not partisan . And no, it's not impossible. The GOP is the Party that , as history has shown , does the impossible on a regular basis.Nothing is impossible for America and the Party that best represents it
Doing the impossible is just routine work for the GOP ,..the Party of Miracles. One things for sure, governments, whether they be in Malaysia or in the U.S., that do not answer to the people and their demands, that hide information , that delay investigation,..that conceal and ignore scandals and lies ,..that silence their critics by bribes and bullying,...will not survive for long.
But ,as long as the Party of Miracles , the Republican Party, remains undiminished , and strong in its faith , and belief that they are indeed the voice of free men everywhere;..our government will indeed,..survive.
This is the time for miracles.
Time to end Democrat rule that history has shown does nothing but damage our country. Time to restore America to the Shining City that it always was, and always will be again,..if 'We the People"still have the will to make it so. We the People, ..the People that can do anything,.. can accomplish miracles. All we have to do ,...is win elections. , and gain control of both the House and the Senate. The rest will be accomplished by We the People,..We the Government ,...and our Party,...the Republican Party.
The Malaysian Government will never solve the plane mystery. Indeed, it may be impossible to solve. For them,..that is. We the People could solve it . A Republican America could solve it.For , as our history has , indeed, shown,..we do the impossible,..every single day;...in this,...the Age of Miracles.
This is the unfortunate reality that all involved in this tragedy must inevitably accept. For, to do otherwise would be to enable a corrupt socialist , police state Monarchy, that couldn't even be bothered to follow international FAA flight safety regulations , or to practice proper maintenance on the American made Boeing 707.A police state that, when backed into a corner , reacted like all police states do,...and blamed someone else;..this time, terrorist hijackers. Just like Putin, when he was pushed for answers regarding the Ukraine invasion ;..what did he do? What did he say? He denied any wrongdoing and then claimed that the Ukraine was riddled with Nazis, ..which must be dispatched by him,..Vladimir Putin,..the Nazi hunting Patriot. Putin's Nazi story is ridiculous , of course but so is the story put forth by Malaysian Prime Minister Najh Razak regarding the missing plane. To get answers , the U.S. would need to take the lead in the investigation . But , even then ,we have the Democrats and the Obama Administration in charge.Getting to the bottom of scandals and mysteries is hardly Obama's strong suit . He seems far more adept at diverting , stalling , and stonewalling investigations , than he is at solving them. Plus the President is currently too distracted with his March Madness Brackets , and appearing on daytime talk shows , to focus on this mystery. So no, the U.S. government, in its present form, is not the answer. The answer , in fact may never be known , unless wreckage starts to be washed ashore somewhere
The pity is , our government , the U.S. government, could have solved this and gotten the info needed to end all far fetched cloak and dagger speculation. But, only if the U.S. was run,..by the Republican Party.Sound like shameless partisan exploitation of a tragedy? Not at all. . The history of the Party confirms the simple fact that the Republican Party is the Party that created all that America is , was, and can be again. . The Republican Party is the Party of prosperity . The Republican Party is the Party of freedom. The elephant symbol is a symbol of strength . It was created during an 1860 political campaign. Republicans envisioned free soil, free speech, , and free labor, under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln may have issued the Emancipation Proclamation, but, make no mistake ,..it was the entire Republican Party that freed the slaves. The 1864 Republican National Convention called for abolition of slavery , and Congressional Republicans passed the 13th Amendment unanimously, with only a few Democrat votes. Women's rights were also a Republican domain . The 19th Amendment was written by a Republican Senator and was supported by far more Republicans than Democrats,..to be sure.
Tax cuts , Regulation restraint , were the commonsense policies the GOP established after the Civil War , that created decades of prosperity. Republican control of congress , and the McKinley , Teddy Roosevelt , and Taft administrations made sure these economic policies were adhered to , and they did indeed create economic growth. President Eisenhower also understood that the private sector , not government, was the engine of economic wealth creation. Reagan , with his tax and regulation cuts, resurrected the economy after years of Democrat destruction.
The Republican Party is also the Party of Military , and Foreign Policy strength , and Reagan and Bush were victorious over Soviet tyranny in the Cold War.
George W. Bush 's military remains , to this day, in strength, ..second to none in the history of our nation., and he used it effectively in the war against terrorism.
The GOP is the Party , that accomplished , Miracles. Miracles that could not even be imagined by other nations that still live under tyranny.
The Republican Party ended slavery .
The Republican Party passed the 14th Amendment, against strong Democrat opposition .
The Republican Party created the 1st National Park,...Yellowstone.
The Republican Party inaugurated the 1st African American Governor.
The 1st Woman in Congress, was a Republican.
The Republican Congress passed the 19th Amendment , giving women the right to vote.
The Republican Congress and President Coolidge granted citizenship to Native Americans , with the Indian Citizenship Act.
The 1st Hispanic Senator was a Republican .
The 1st woman to serve in both House and Senate was a Republican.
Racial segregation in Public Schools was ended by Republicans, and the law was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren , former Republican Governor , and Vice Presidential nominee.
The 1st Asian American u.s. Senator was a Republican.
A Republican President;... Eisenhower,.. signed the Civil Rights Act.
A Republican Senate passed the Civil Rights Act, despite a Democrat filibuster opposing the law.
A Republican President;...Reagan,...appointed the 1st woman, ever,...to the Supreme Court.
A Republican President ;...Reagan ,...destroyed the Soviet Union with his strong military stance , Star Wars bluff,..and his stirring , "Tear Down this Wall" speech in Berlin.
Impressive. The Republican Party did indeed ,..accomplish the impossible .
So, is it impossible for this Party to solve the mystery of one lone missing plane? And, is it partisan politics to suggest that they could? No, it's not partisan . And no, it's not impossible. The GOP is the Party that , as history has shown , does the impossible on a regular basis.Nothing is impossible for America and the Party that best represents it
Doing the impossible is just routine work for the GOP ,..the Party of Miracles. One things for sure, governments, whether they be in Malaysia or in the U.S., that do not answer to the people and their demands, that hide information , that delay investigation,..that conceal and ignore scandals and lies ,..that silence their critics by bribes and bullying,...will not survive for long.
But ,as long as the Party of Miracles , the Republican Party, remains undiminished , and strong in its faith , and belief that they are indeed the voice of free men everywhere;..our government will indeed,..survive.
This is the time for miracles.
Time to end Democrat rule that history has shown does nothing but damage our country. Time to restore America to the Shining City that it always was, and always will be again,..if 'We the People"still have the will to make it so. We the People, ..the People that can do anything,.. can accomplish miracles. All we have to do ,...is win elections. , and gain control of both the House and the Senate. The rest will be accomplished by We the People,..We the Government ,...and our Party,...the Republican Party.
The Malaysian Government will never solve the plane mystery. Indeed, it may be impossible to solve. For them,..that is. We the People could solve it . A Republican America could solve it.For , as our history has , indeed, shown,..we do the impossible,..every single day;...in this,...the Age of Miracles.
Friday, March 14, 2014
The Hall of Heroes
Well, another CPAC gathering has come and gone . What hath been wrought in its wake? Who shall be the pick for the 2016 Presidential run? Sarah Palin? Ted Cruz? Rick Perry? Straw Poll winner Rand Paul? Or, perhaps the Republican Prodigal Son himself,..Chris Christie?All gave rousing speeches espousing the virtues of conservative principles . All oppose all things Obama. All believe in the free market principles that make America great . Who shall it be? Who shall be the leader that will save America from the grim fate that Obama has imposed upon the nation? The Answer;...none of them. To paraphrase Ted Cruz;... these are all good men ,and women,..but there is not one of them that can save the Nation . No one individual can. We've had rousing, hard core conservative leaders before . Reagan is still the template , the icon, upon which all budding conservative activists base their political strategems on. Yet, despite a landslide 2nd term election for the man, the Nation eventually, many years later, elected his polar opposite ,Barack Obama..almost an Anti Christ to Reagan's conservative savior image. Why? If the Nation was strong and the economy booming under President Reagan's conservative command, why then , would the American people reverse course and vote for someone like Obama? If the Nation was strong , and the economy booming under the reign of both Bush senior, and junior,...why then, elect Obama? Surely, the American people , by now, can see what is plainly obvious ;..the States , in our Nation, that are run by Republicans have strong growing economies . The States run by Democrats are bankrupt , with only high taxes and Federal Government bailouts to sustain them .
Surely, We the People can see this. Surely, We the People now understand what works , ..and what doesn't.No, we don't. Greed, envy of the wealthy , and a innate sense of entitlement , have been the character flaws that sway many Americans into voting Obama,.... into voting Democrat.They want the entitlements. They want the free stuff,...even though they must, by now, know that there is simply no such thing as a free lunch. No,.they don't .At least , until the birth of Obamacare , that is. Obamacare has had an effect on Americans that, I'm sure the President never counted on , and certainly, never intended. It has finally exposed Liberalism for the government controlled con job that it is. And, the President knows it. That's why he has altered and delayed the law 38 times now. He knows that delay is his only chance to prevent massive Democrat loss in the November Midterms. He must delay ,..and make America forget the threat of Obamacare ,...at least until after the November elections ,..that is.
It was apparent to anyone who was paying attention , in 2008,..who Obama was , and what Obamacare would do to the country. Yet , America , elected him President.The question remains;..why can't any of these great conservative leaders that our history has given us , turn this Nation permanently to the direction and purpose that our Founders intended? Because;....we have forgotten the lesson that our first Commander in Chief taught us . After the Revolution,America had won its independence , and General Washington was hailed as almost a god.This system of self government,the first in history,...this new Republic,...now called for General Washington ,..to be crowned their New King.Washington wisely refused , and had to remind the people that Kings, Queens,..Dictators,...and Tyrants ,...do not work . When one man imposes his will ,..upon other men,..and subjugates them to his will ,...disaster results. Washington understood that America,a Nation that had broken from the Tyrannical Monarchy of England. ,...must be self governed ,...self ruled . We the People must rule ourselves . We the People must make the laws , and run our own lives as we choose ,..not as a Monarchy chooses. That , Washington realized,..is the true nature of man. Man, at his best, man,..created by God , to be free,...must rule himself,...or die. And, only by living that way, according to his God-given nature,...could he hope to excel , achieve,..and reach his full potential. Only by living free could man be happy. Yet, these newly freed Americans sought another King in Washington . Why? Because,....freedom isn't easy. Freedom is hard. Running your own life is hard. A system of self government is hard. But, in the end, it's always worth the struggle, the pain,...the sacrifice. Yes, Freedom isn't easy,...but, it's the only way for man to truly live .
However, laziness is also part of man's nature and laziness has always made us forget and elect yet another liberal con artist who promises everything , and yet, delivers nothing but more government control of our lives. We Americans keep falling for it , because we keep making the same mistake that the colonists made with General Washington. We keep trying to elect our Conservative King. That's what the Straw Poll at CPAC is all about. We look upon this Hall of Conservative Heroes and choose the one who best represents conservative virtue, and who, therefore is best suited to lead us, as our Conservative King.
It's time to end this repeated mistake. Obama won a second term,...because of this mistake. We the People saw the Republican alternative to Obama,...as an inadequate , imperfect, conservative and heir presumptive . It's time to stop looking for leaders ,..perfect or otherwise. No Republican Conservative ,..is perfect. All have their flaws . Whether Reagan, Cruz, Bachmann , Lee , Paul, Rubio, Gohmert,..all are flawed and lacking in some way , and all lack conservative values, ..in some way. How could they not?Like even Washington, they're all human , and therefore,...all flawed. And,..therefore,...none are suited,...to rule us. That's what Washington and our Founders understood. Only when the people unite , and rule together , as one, in a system of self government,...can a nation prosper, and its people reach their full potential.That's why it really doesn't matter which CPAC Patriot we pick to run in 2016. This is not a game. Our Party must must win . The Republican Party must win in November , because it is this Party, that is the direct representative of the people's rule.
The Republican Party united, or a Nation divided. That is the choice. To end this madness of Obama, we need only unite and decide,..omce and for all,if we really want our freedom ,...or not. For, if we do want it,...We Must Lead. No one else can do it for us. We the People,...must be the Leaders. Paul, Bachmann , Palin, Cruz, Lee , Rubio,..and others,..they will always be there to inspire us ,...to give voice to our conservative values that must survive ,..if America is to survive. But,..they cannot lead u7s . They can only ,...join us,..and wait for us to lead,..by participating fully in our system of self government. For , if we do not,..then,...a President Cruz , Palin, Bachmann, or Lee,..will not matter at all. For ,when that President 's time in office ends,...so too, will prosperity and security that he brought vanish too. Only we can create the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan spoke of . Reagan,..for all his worth,..couldn't do it. No, he could only show us the way, and point us to the path . But , in the end, it is a path that we must freely choose,..and it is a path ,that is never easy,..this path to freedom.
A special election was held this week in Florida's 12th District , due to the death of Republican Congressman Bill Young, who served an incredible 43 years in office. Young's aide , Republican David Jolly, defeated former Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink ,..in a Democrat dominated district,..by a narrow margin. And he did it without much effort ,..without Tea Party rhetoric or massive advertising campaigns. No, he won simply because he opposed all things Obama. He opposed Obamacare. He won, because he is a Republican,..and that was , apparently enough. We as Republicans need to realize that we do not need to redefine ourselves as a Party. We are already defined. We are not Democrats . , and do not believe in any of their destructive policies. The success of Republican run States in our Nation,..proves this . Not one Republican voted for Obamacare . Not one. And there have been endless congressional votes,..to repeal Obamacare,...by the Republicans.
We are not Democrats .We are not Liberals. We are not the Left. Our policies are the policies of tax cuts , the policies of regulation cuts, the policies that strengthen our military, the policies of limited government and free market independence . What more do we need to define us , than that which our eyes see, or that which our ears hear?What leader at CPAC can define us, as well as the success that America has had operating under a Republican controlled government, at both the State , and Federal level? David Jolly won the Florida special congressional election ,..because he was a Republican,..not a Democrat.That is all we need to be, when the November Midterms roll around. As long as We the People are united in the single fact that we are Republicans. We are the Party that created all the good things that America was,...and could be again. If we can unite , in this way,..then,...we have already won.
Obamacare has bankrupted the Nation, just as socialism and its tools will do. Our tools ,..the Republican tools ,...will restore it. All we need do is show up. and vote Republican , now and always. Washington did not lead , but instead, moved aside , after his Presidency,...and waited to see if we would lead. For, he knew , if we did not,..then all they had fought for,...would be for naught.
We the People did lead. Now, the Heroes of CPAC watch and wait,..as Washington did. Will we lead this new revolution , now that they have shown the way? If we do, then, no doubt,..the CPAC Heroes will follow us into battle this November . A battle to regain the Kingdom . A battle that we must win.
Zeus, Apollo , Hercules , Hermes , Athena,.....these Heroes from the Halls of Olympus did not lead the Ancient Greeks,..but,...their stories and deeds inspired them to achieve and create their own heroic destiny.
Can the Heroes from the Halls of CPAC,....do any less to inspire us to greatness?
Surely, We the People can see this. Surely, We the People now understand what works , ..and what doesn't.No, we don't. Greed, envy of the wealthy , and a innate sense of entitlement , have been the character flaws that sway many Americans into voting Obama,.... into voting Democrat.They want the entitlements. They want the free stuff,...even though they must, by now, know that there is simply no such thing as a free lunch. No,.they don't .At least , until the birth of Obamacare , that is. Obamacare has had an effect on Americans that, I'm sure the President never counted on , and certainly, never intended. It has finally exposed Liberalism for the government controlled con job that it is. And, the President knows it. That's why he has altered and delayed the law 38 times now. He knows that delay is his only chance to prevent massive Democrat loss in the November Midterms. He must delay ,..and make America forget the threat of Obamacare ,...at least until after the November elections ,..that is.
It was apparent to anyone who was paying attention , in 2008,..who Obama was , and what Obamacare would do to the country. Yet , America , elected him President.The question remains;..why can't any of these great conservative leaders that our history has given us , turn this Nation permanently to the direction and purpose that our Founders intended? Because;....we have forgotten the lesson that our first Commander in Chief taught us . After the Revolution,America had won its independence , and General Washington was hailed as almost a god.This system of self government,the first in history,...this new Republic,...now called for General Washington ,..to be crowned their New King.Washington wisely refused , and had to remind the people that Kings, Queens,..Dictators,...and Tyrants ,...do not work . When one man imposes his will ,..upon other men,..and subjugates them to his will ,...disaster results. Washington understood that America,a Nation that had broken from the Tyrannical Monarchy of England. ,...must be self governed ,...self ruled . We the People must rule ourselves . We the People must make the laws , and run our own lives as we choose ,..not as a Monarchy chooses. That , Washington realized,..is the true nature of man. Man, at his best, man,..created by God , to be free,...must rule himself,...or die. And, only by living that way, according to his God-given nature,...could he hope to excel , achieve,..and reach his full potential. Only by living free could man be happy. Yet, these newly freed Americans sought another King in Washington . Why? Because,....freedom isn't easy. Freedom is hard. Running your own life is hard. A system of self government is hard. But, in the end, it's always worth the struggle, the pain,...the sacrifice. Yes, Freedom isn't easy,...but, it's the only way for man to truly live .
However, laziness is also part of man's nature and laziness has always made us forget and elect yet another liberal con artist who promises everything , and yet, delivers nothing but more government control of our lives. We Americans keep falling for it , because we keep making the same mistake that the colonists made with General Washington. We keep trying to elect our Conservative King. That's what the Straw Poll at CPAC is all about. We look upon this Hall of Conservative Heroes and choose the one who best represents conservative virtue, and who, therefore is best suited to lead us, as our Conservative King.
It's time to end this repeated mistake. Obama won a second term,...because of this mistake. We the People saw the Republican alternative to Obama,...as an inadequate , imperfect, conservative and heir presumptive . It's time to stop looking for leaders ,..perfect or otherwise. No Republican Conservative ,..is perfect. All have their flaws . Whether Reagan, Cruz, Bachmann , Lee , Paul, Rubio, Gohmert,..all are flawed and lacking in some way , and all lack conservative values, ..in some way. How could they not?Like even Washington, they're all human , and therefore,...all flawed. And,..therefore,...none are suited,...to rule us. That's what Washington and our Founders understood. Only when the people unite , and rule together , as one, in a system of self government,...can a nation prosper, and its people reach their full potential.That's why it really doesn't matter which CPAC Patriot we pick to run in 2016. This is not a game. Our Party must must win . The Republican Party must win in November , because it is this Party, that is the direct representative of the people's rule.
The Republican Party united, or a Nation divided. That is the choice. To end this madness of Obama, we need only unite and decide,..omce and for all,if we really want our freedom ,...or not. For, if we do want it,...We Must Lead. No one else can do it for us. We the People,...must be the Leaders. Paul, Bachmann , Palin, Cruz, Lee , Rubio,..and others,..they will always be there to inspire us ,...to give voice to our conservative values that must survive ,..if America is to survive. But,..they cannot lead u7s . They can only ,...join us,..and wait for us to lead,..by participating fully in our system of self government. For , if we do not,..then,...a President Cruz , Palin, Bachmann, or Lee,..will not matter at all. For ,when that President 's time in office ends,...so too, will prosperity and security that he brought vanish too. Only we can create the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan spoke of . Reagan,..for all his worth,..couldn't do it. No, he could only show us the way, and point us to the path . But , in the end, it is a path that we must freely choose,..and it is a path ,that is never easy,..this path to freedom.
A special election was held this week in Florida's 12th District , due to the death of Republican Congressman Bill Young, who served an incredible 43 years in office. Young's aide , Republican David Jolly, defeated former Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink ,..in a Democrat dominated district,..by a narrow margin. And he did it without much effort ,..without Tea Party rhetoric or massive advertising campaigns. No, he won simply because he opposed all things Obama. He opposed Obamacare. He won, because he is a Republican,..and that was , apparently enough. We as Republicans need to realize that we do not need to redefine ourselves as a Party. We are already defined. We are not Democrats . , and do not believe in any of their destructive policies. The success of Republican run States in our Nation,..proves this . Not one Republican voted for Obamacare . Not one. And there have been endless congressional votes,..to repeal Obamacare,...by the Republicans.
We are not Democrats .We are not Liberals. We are not the Left. Our policies are the policies of tax cuts , the policies of regulation cuts, the policies that strengthen our military, the policies of limited government and free market independence . What more do we need to define us , than that which our eyes see, or that which our ears hear?What leader at CPAC can define us, as well as the success that America has had operating under a Republican controlled government, at both the State , and Federal level? David Jolly won the Florida special congressional election ,..because he was a Republican,..not a Democrat.That is all we need to be, when the November Midterms roll around. As long as We the People are united in the single fact that we are Republicans. We are the Party that created all the good things that America was,...and could be again. If we can unite , in this way,..then,...we have already won.
Obamacare has bankrupted the Nation, just as socialism and its tools will do. Our tools ,..the Republican tools ,...will restore it. All we need do is show up. and vote Republican , now and always. Washington did not lead , but instead, moved aside , after his Presidency,...and waited to see if we would lead. For, he knew , if we did not,..then all they had fought for,...would be for naught.
We the People did lead. Now, the Heroes of CPAC watch and wait,..as Washington did. Will we lead this new revolution , now that they have shown the way? If we do, then, no doubt,..the CPAC Heroes will follow us into battle this November . A battle to regain the Kingdom . A battle that we must win.
Zeus, Apollo , Hercules , Hermes , Athena,.....these Heroes from the Halls of Olympus did not lead the Ancient Greeks,..but,...their stories and deeds inspired them to achieve and create their own heroic destiny.
Can the Heroes from the Halls of CPAC,....do any less to inspire us to greatness?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The Curse of the Changeling
The Crimean Peninsula now belongs to Vladimir Putin, and Mother Russia. In truth, it always did. Years ago, Putin planned his taking of Ukraine and Georgia , knowing that it would be easy. , since the pipeline that supplies most of Europe with its energy,..runs right under the heart of the Ukraine. 30% of Gas and Oil to Europe comes from Russia. This is why England, Germany, and France have refused to participate in the new sanctions strategem that is finally being put forth by President Obama. Amazingly enough , after much red line posturing reminiscent of the Syrian standoff, the President has broken with his standard Foreign Policy strategy ;...he has decided to do something. However, it's an empty gesture that will not be supported by our Nato Allies , despite the fact that we have sent F-16's to aid them at the Crimean border;...and most likely the sanctions will not really be implemented by Obama . Most likely , it's just another empty threat by our reluctant Commander in Chief , just as empty as the outrage Secretary of State John Kerry has shown over the brazen impudence of Putin's actions.At a press conference, Kerry explained that Putin's actions are some sort of outdated holdover from 19th Century Foreign Policy strategems , and Kerry felt the need to remind Putin that this is, after all, the 21st Century;..and the Bush Cheney Cowboy aggression is a thing of the past.Now the Democrats are in charge . Now , Kerry postulates, there is no further need for aggression from Putin, or any of our enemies;...since the cause of it;.. American Imperialism, has now been neutralized and neutered, by the Obama Administration 's ,"Change America", agenda.
Of course, this is all nonsense . The left has always believed that the United States is the cause of the Tyrannical violence in the world , and if the United States is diminished, and its superpower status weakened, then,..all these nations that regard us as an enemy to be defeated, ..would then regard us as a friend , who wants nothing more than peace, free trade,,..and mutual cooperation on foreign policy issues. Again, total nonsense. Putin, you see, is not acting like a 19th Century Barbarian, as Kerry believes. No,..Putin is just acting like Putin. He has never changed . Nor will he. His military invasion of the Ukraine was always his goal, just as his taking of Georgia was . He accomplished the Georgia takeover, surprisingly,.. while Bush was President, and now, he has the Ukraine as well. This is all part of Putin's plan to restore the Soviet Union to its former glory. That has always been, and always will be Putin's only goal , and he will never vary, never waiver,....from that goal.
No, Putin has not changed . Russia has not changed . Both Sarah Palin , in 2008, and Mitt Romney ,in 2012,predicted that this move by Putin would take place, if Obama became,..and remained,...President. And now, their right wing predictions have come true , just as they said it would.For you see, both Palin and Romney understand that our enemies ,..will always be our enemies ,...not because of of false liberal claims of U.S. military aggression, but simply because these tyrannical nations are the enemies of freedom and liberty , and,...America is, after all, the Leader of the Free World,emphasis on the word,"Free."Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Venezuela,...none of these Nations has changed. None of them has become more aggressive , more brazen, more tyrannical . No,...We have Changed. The simple reality is that the America that once was,...has vanished ,..and a Changeling has been left in its place. A Changeling that, on the surface , may look similar , but is extremely , almost dangerously,.. different . The Obama rhetoric often sounds very right wing indeed, but it is, in reality,...an illusion. In 2008 Obama promised to" Fundamentally Change America."And ,..so he has. Wealth re-distribution ,..to insure Democrat votes, and a weakening of our military , has indeed produced the change that Obama has sought. America is no longer what it used to be.Certainly, even the hollow shell of the U.S., is still formidable, and, no doubt,,..we still hold the number one superpower status ;..and the title , Leader of the Free World, may also still apply . For,..if not us ,...who then? We have no competitors , really, in either category. But, the policies of our President , and the withdraw of our military forces around the globe,..have sent a clear message to our enemies." Now" , they think, "is the time to strike".Military plans and agendas , long put on hold while Bush Cheney held a Cowboy grip on Foreign Policy, have now been given the green light by our enemies ,...Putin , in particular. Obama is weak in Putin's eyes as well as the eyes of all those tyrants and despots ,..who still receive billions of our tax dollars in subsidies,...while they plot to destroy us.
The simple reality is ;...a weak economy and a weak military will embolden our enemies every time. Putin now knows that he can do what he wants in the Ukraine, with impunity. And, not only has Obama weakened his own Nation deliberately, but he has also weakened the freedom hungry Ukrainian nation as well, by brokering a deal , in 2009, that called for the Ukrainians to dismantle their military and weapon systems ,..in exchange for America's promise ,...Obama's promise,....to defend them, and their freedom ,..from all who might threaten it. That was our promise . That was Obama's promise. And, like most of Obama's promises, it has proven worthless. Apparently, the disarm deal was done more to placate and appease Putin , than to assure the Ukrainians of America's protection. Obama, in the end, really sees nothing wrong with Russia wanting to conquer other nations . After all, who is Imperialist America to say they shouldn't? Who is America to dare impose its will ,..its imperialist freedom,...upon other nations?
Who is America to claim so called superpower status ,..to claim superiority ,..military or otherwise,..that is designed to bully and oppress other nations and make them feel inferior?
Well,...Obama got his wish. America is now equal with other nations ,.at least , in our enemy's eyes.
We will not be the world's policeman .
We will not impose liberty upon other nations that suffer under tyrants and despots.
We will not use our superior military to liberate nations , and then use our treasure to help them rebuild , and restore.
We will do now, what all the other nations , around the globe do. These nations that occupy NATO , and the U.N.We will do exactly what they do, when freedom is threatened ,..anywhere in the world.
We will do nothing.
Like other nations , we will now posture , and pontificate .We will give speeches filled with outrage . We will call upon the transgressors to stop acting like 19th Century Barbarians,..as Kerry did. We will give lip service to sanctions that will ,..in the end,. either .never happen , or will never be fully implemented. And, in the end, we will bow before our enemies ,..before Putin,..who will continue to take advantage of our reluctant President, a President who will never come to realize that, in the end, there is only one thing that will make Putin, ..or any of our enemies ,..retreat and agree to peace talks. Force. Pure , naked, military power. "Peace through strength" , Reagan said. Bush achieved it by destroying Saddam Hussein , and his evil sons. There were no terror attacks on our soil, for all eight years after 911, and Libyan Dictator Momar Gaddafi voluntarily gave up his nuclear weapons ,..to avoid the fate of the Iraqi dictator.
Reagan achieved it also. His mere presence forced an end to the Israeli hostage standoff and he brought the Russians into peace talks with mere threats of a so-called,"Star Wars" defense system.The Berlin Wall came down under Reagan ,..not because of peace talks with the Russian premiere Gorbachev,..but because Reagan refused to give up plans for the Star Wars program,..and this forced the Russians to spend themselves into financial bankruptcy ,..by trying to keep up with the U.S. ,..militarily. Reagan and Bush's mere threats of force backed by the will to carry the threats out,brought about the peace Obama seeks,...but will never achieve,..with his methods. The bottom line is this;..military aggression ,..and war,... are the only ways peace can ever be achieved against the enemies of freedom and liberty .History proves this. The United States of America,..uses force to liberate ,...not to conquer. That is the difference , between us, ..and our enemies. And that , is what makes us ,..even with our power diminished ,..now , ..and always,..the Leaders of the Free World.
For again,..if not us,..then who? No one, that's who. The world will watch, and wait...for this changeling America ,..to return from whence it came , and for this changeling President , to be replaced by another changeling ,..who will understand that you cannot have peace, you cannot have freedom, you cannot have liberty,..unless you are ready,..willing ..., and able , to fight for it, defend it,..and ,..if necessary ,..die for it.
Kennedy understood this. Reagan understood this . Bush , senior and junior,...understood this.And Russia,..was well aware of it.
The game, as Putin has said,..is not chess,...it's poker,..and Putin does indeed have a good poker face . To beat him , we need a President who can convince him that our threat of force is no bluff ,...and that this dangerous game Putin is now playing , is a game we play to win.
Can Putin be beaten without the use of force? of course , but again, ..we must play to win. Our changeling President must impose strict sanctions that will shut down the Russian Banking system completely,..and destroy the value of their ruble. It can be done ,...if ,..again,...we play to win. Will Putin shut down the gas pipeline that fuels Europe in retaliation? Perhaps. But ,we must show him, that nothing he does ,..nothing he attempts ,..will make us waiver,..even if he shuts down all of Europe. That's how you beat Putin. And,That's how America played the game,..before the Curse of the Changeling.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Reflections Through An Oracle's Eye
Battered , bruised , and bloodied ;...a soldier , clad in tattered armor, now approached the steps of the temple that he did seek. For many days did this battered warrior walk, driven on by one thought ;...why? Why did his army lose ? All seemed to be in their favor. The Tyrannical King had destroyed the Nation with his entitlements and handouts , that appeased the masses,but which had also driven all that was productive out, and weakened the military as well.The Kingdom, bankrupt from the King's extravagances , the army drained of all monetary funds, ,...now seemed the perfect time for a military coup, the soldier thought.Now seemed the perfect time to regain the Kingdom . After all, how, in his weakened , vulnerable state , could this King oppose the rebel forces , that would fight to the death for their freedom? How could the rebels lose against the weakened Tyrant? And yet;...they did. The soldier watched in disbelief as their forces were dispatched on the battlefield with seeming ease, by the King's Army.An Army that, by all rights , should have been no match for the freedom fighting rebels ;..especially after almost five years of this King's debilitating reign .
And yet, now , here he stood ,this soldier , one of the last survivors of this final battle for the Kingdom . He staggered forward , up the marble steps , his spear dragging behind him , his sword clenched in his bloodied fist ,..a sword , that was now poised , for the confrontation to come. The soldier entered the Temple now , and at the end of the darkened room, there sat the Oracle of Delphi.Kings ,Queens , Statesmen,..from across the globe often came here to seek answers to the mysteries that the future held. The Oracle , it was said, could reveal these mysteries to those that sought them.
But now, the soldier did not seek the future,...but an answer to the past. Once, before the battle to come,..the soldier had come to the oracle to learn if victory for the rebels would be in their future. "Yes", the Oracle replied , "You will be victorious . Your forces will depose the Tyrant , and freedom and prosperity will be restored to your Nation, but,..only if the stars are aligned , and your forces united ,..before the battle is joined. Armed with this news,the soldier went forth to his rebel army and told them of the Oracle's prediction . The Army's Rebel Leader then did consult his astronomer , who predicted the hour of this star alignment , and the hour when the battle would be joined. . The Oracle of Delphi is never wrong . How could they lose?
Yet now , a beaten warrior , did stagger forward ,..to seek answers from this damnable Oracle that had sent his army to its doom. He grew closer now , armored feet clanging loudly on the rich, black marble floor,..and as he did , his scarred and bloodied arm reached for his sword , and drew the battered blade from its blood stained scabbard . And, his scarred arm trembling ,..he pointed his sword toward the marble throne upon which the Oracle sat ,..glaring at the approaching soldier,..her long, raven black hair, and brass crown, shimmering in the candle glow, her long flowing robe of gold, casting a myriad of reflections on the dark marble walls of her chamber.
"You deceived me Oracle!", the soldier cried."You said the battle would be ours. You said that our forces ,..the forces of freedom,would prevail against the Tyrant , and that freedom and prosperity would be restored . Yet now, ,...look upon me!", the soldier screamed."I am the lone survivor of our decimated forces!"
"Why have you returned to me?", the Oracle asked , growling with rage. "What have I to do with your battles, ..and your Kingdoms?The soldier responded,"You said we would win ,..if the stars were aligned , at the time of battle!", "And they were ,..we made sure of that". "Yet the Tyrant's weakened army , demoralized and bankrupt,...still defeated us "."And now Oracle , I shall have my revenge upon you ,..who sent my army , my comrades,..to their doom , on your empty predictions. ""And now, ..prepare yourself"., the soldier said, as he strode closer to the Oracle's throne, and raised his sword , to strike down this false prophet.
"Sheath your sword soldier!", the Oracle commanded, rising from her throne , and pointing accusingly at the man before her. "I promised you nothing."The battle was assured ,..but only if, as I said,..the stars were aligned and your forces united!"The Oracle now pointed one , accusing finger at the bloodied soldier. ."Were your forces united soldier?" "Were they?"
The soldier paused , sword in mid swing,...and said,"Well ,.....why , of course we were ." We had a common goal,... the overthrow of a Tyrant , and the restoration of freedom and prosperity to the Kingdom.""We sought the same goal , the same result!", the soldier screamed. "How could we not be united?"
"You were an army divided!", the Oracle bellowed, leaning forward on her marble throne , arms tensed with rage."You fought amongst yourselves constantly, and many among you refused to fight ,..refused to join the battle,..for they viewed your army to be just as bad as the King's, and just as corrupt.""They refused to fight , because , in their minds , they saw no difference between your forces , and so, instead chose self-destruction ,..over victory.Meanwhile , the King's army, although weakened, by the King's many excesses , were still united in their support of his cause. ""This!", the Oracle shrieked, "Is the reason for your loss , the reason for your crushing defeat. "The reason ,..the cause ,...lies within your own forces man,.....so do not seek to blame me for your failures ,...for your lost opportunity "."You were a party divided, man," the Oracle continued,"And now,.....you are a party , defeated"."Blame no one but yourself soldier".
The soldier paused, breathing heavily, his blood continuing to spatter the marble floor, from his still open wounds , and,...his sword arm trembling , ...slowly dropped ,..till his blade struck the marble floor , at the foot of the Oracles throne. Trembling with rage and exhaustion, the tattered soldier , now dropped to his knees , gripping the hilt of his bloodied blade in both hands , head bowed, ..the blade grinding into the marble floor. He knew! He knew the awful, terrible truth of it all now,..he knew that the Oracle had indeed spoken the truth . They were divided . Many of his army opposed the method of attack . Many more opposed the leaders within the army , and felt that they were too weak,..too willing to listen to the demands of the King ,..seeking peace with him,..and a bloodless end to conflict. Many refused to accept these leaders , and yes,...chose death over battle. Not because they opposed battle, but because they opposed the leaders and the battle methods. "We were fools"."I know that now", muttered the soldier ."In the end, all that mattered was an end to this Tyrant's reign of destruction . Why did it matter who led and how? "They were already beaten!", screamed the soldier."By the gods, Oracle,.. they had beaten themselves.""All we had to do was unite , and finish them off!"The Oracle , now interrupted, "But, man,..pride and arrogance overwhelmed you , and blinded you to your true mission ,...and thus,..sealed your fate. ""And now", the Oracle said, standing and turning away from the soldier , "I have tasks that await me.""Begone from my sight , foolish man, and return to your defeated army, ..to grieve ,...at what might have been. " And, as the stunned soldier watched the Oracle 's shimmering, golden garments and armor, fade among the grecian columns of her temple,...the man stood on his shaking , bloodied limbs , and cried out , "Wait!""What of the stars?""You said the stars would be aligned at the time of our victory,..and so they were !""Our astronomer said so!""Did that count for nothing?""Stop!", the soldier commanded."I demand you answer me before you leave!""Did the stars mean nothing?""Why did you deceive me, Oracle, ..about the stars?"
The Oracle stopped ,..and strode back across the temple floor ,..and then , paused over the bowed and crumpled form of the soldier .She glared down at him, and replied, "You did not ask me , which stars, did you?""The stars I spoke of were the stars of fate ,...not the stars of the heavens,...and these stars ,the stars within your own rebel army, ..indeed had to be aligned ,...if victory was to be yours". "What gibberish is this?"cried the soldier, staring up at the Oracle ,..looming over his kneeling, beaten form. "The stars of fate?""Within our own army?""Yes ", said the Oracle. "The stars of fate"."Three of them, all in total. "The Oracle now turned from the stunned , prostrate form , and strode away , into the depth of the temple walls. "Wait!"cried the soldier ."Three stars of fate?""What are these stars?""Speak, damn you!" shouted the soldier. "I demand to know". The Oracle , once again, stopped , and , in the darkness of the temple walls, her voice seemed everywhere ,..and nowhere at the same time . "The three stars, "she replied, are the stars that must , in the end,..become one , and must align , or never will the freedom you desire rise again".The Oracle's voice, now lower, boomed again,"All three are the same . The Stars of the Republic , the stars of freedom and liberty, the stars of your House, your Senate, ..and your Presidency"."All three of these must indeed ,align,within your corrupt, former Kingdom , or the freedom you seek will never be".
The Congressman awoke , screaming, ..and suddenly realized the terrible dream , the terrible nightmare,...he had just experienced. He slowly rose from his Washington office desk , and looked at the paper that lay upon his desk. It was a voting ballot. The day had arrived. It was November, 2014,...and the ballot in front of him, had the names of his Party , his team,..and , yes, his name as well,....the Republican candidates that were running for the House and Senate. This was the day. The Day of the Midterm elections,2014. The day that would decide the fate of his Nation , his Kingdom,..for the remaining three years of President Obama's reign. The Congressman stared at the list of candidates on the ballot, ..and with the dream , the nightmare, he had just had ,..fresh upon his mind,...he took a pencil, and carefully marked a star next to each and every Republican name on the ballot. The Congressman's army ,...was now assembled. The dream of the Oracle,...was a dream of what might be , a nightmare, ..that still may become reality. And now, filled with resolve, ..the Congressman , up for re-election ,..left his Washington office, ..to go forth , and do battle at the polls. A battle, that , he now knew, ..can only be won,..by an army united,....a Republican Party ,...united.
And yet, now , here he stood ,this soldier , one of the last survivors of this final battle for the Kingdom . He staggered forward , up the marble steps , his spear dragging behind him , his sword clenched in his bloodied fist ,..a sword , that was now poised , for the confrontation to come. The soldier entered the Temple now , and at the end of the darkened room, there sat the Oracle of Delphi.Kings ,Queens , Statesmen,..from across the globe often came here to seek answers to the mysteries that the future held. The Oracle , it was said, could reveal these mysteries to those that sought them.
But now, the soldier did not seek the future,...but an answer to the past. Once, before the battle to come,..the soldier had come to the oracle to learn if victory for the rebels would be in their future. "Yes", the Oracle replied , "You will be victorious . Your forces will depose the Tyrant , and freedom and prosperity will be restored to your Nation, but,..only if the stars are aligned , and your forces united ,..before the battle is joined. Armed with this news,the soldier went forth to his rebel army and told them of the Oracle's prediction . The Army's Rebel Leader then did consult his astronomer , who predicted the hour of this star alignment , and the hour when the battle would be joined. . The Oracle of Delphi is never wrong . How could they lose?
Yet now , a beaten warrior , did stagger forward ,..to seek answers from this damnable Oracle that had sent his army to its doom. He grew closer now , armored feet clanging loudly on the rich, black marble floor,..and as he did , his scarred and bloodied arm reached for his sword , and drew the battered blade from its blood stained scabbard . And, his scarred arm trembling ,..he pointed his sword toward the marble throne upon which the Oracle sat ,..glaring at the approaching soldier,..her long, raven black hair, and brass crown, shimmering in the candle glow, her long flowing robe of gold, casting a myriad of reflections on the dark marble walls of her chamber.
"You deceived me Oracle!", the soldier cried."You said the battle would be ours. You said that our forces ,..the forces of freedom,would prevail against the Tyrant , and that freedom and prosperity would be restored . Yet now, ,...look upon me!", the soldier screamed."I am the lone survivor of our decimated forces!"
"Why have you returned to me?", the Oracle asked , growling with rage. "What have I to do with your battles, ..and your Kingdoms?The soldier responded,"You said we would win ,..if the stars were aligned , at the time of battle!", "And they were ,..we made sure of that". "Yet the Tyrant's weakened army , demoralized and bankrupt,...still defeated us "."And now Oracle , I shall have my revenge upon you ,..who sent my army , my comrades,..to their doom , on your empty predictions. ""And now, ..prepare yourself"., the soldier said, as he strode closer to the Oracle's throne, and raised his sword , to strike down this false prophet.
"Sheath your sword soldier!", the Oracle commanded, rising from her throne , and pointing accusingly at the man before her. "I promised you nothing."The battle was assured ,..but only if, as I said,..the stars were aligned and your forces united!"The Oracle now pointed one , accusing finger at the bloodied soldier. ."Were your forces united soldier?" "Were they?"
The soldier paused , sword in mid swing,...and said,"Well ,.....why , of course we were ." We had a common goal,... the overthrow of a Tyrant , and the restoration of freedom and prosperity to the Kingdom.""We sought the same goal , the same result!", the soldier screamed. "How could we not be united?"
"You were an army divided!", the Oracle bellowed, leaning forward on her marble throne , arms tensed with rage."You fought amongst yourselves constantly, and many among you refused to fight ,..refused to join the battle,..for they viewed your army to be just as bad as the King's, and just as corrupt.""They refused to fight , because , in their minds , they saw no difference between your forces , and so, instead chose self-destruction ,..over victory.Meanwhile , the King's army, although weakened, by the King's many excesses , were still united in their support of his cause. ""This!", the Oracle shrieked, "Is the reason for your loss , the reason for your crushing defeat. "The reason ,..the cause ,...lies within your own forces man,.....so do not seek to blame me for your failures ,...for your lost opportunity "."You were a party divided, man," the Oracle continued,"And now,.....you are a party , defeated"."Blame no one but yourself soldier".
The soldier paused, breathing heavily, his blood continuing to spatter the marble floor, from his still open wounds , and,...his sword arm trembling , ...slowly dropped ,..till his blade struck the marble floor , at the foot of the Oracles throne. Trembling with rage and exhaustion, the tattered soldier , now dropped to his knees , gripping the hilt of his bloodied blade in both hands , head bowed, ..the blade grinding into the marble floor. He knew! He knew the awful, terrible truth of it all now,..he knew that the Oracle had indeed spoken the truth . They were divided . Many of his army opposed the method of attack . Many more opposed the leaders within the army , and felt that they were too weak,..too willing to listen to the demands of the King ,..seeking peace with him,..and a bloodless end to conflict. Many refused to accept these leaders , and yes,...chose death over battle. Not because they opposed battle, but because they opposed the leaders and the battle methods. "We were fools"."I know that now", muttered the soldier ."In the end, all that mattered was an end to this Tyrant's reign of destruction . Why did it matter who led and how? "They were already beaten!", screamed the soldier."By the gods, Oracle,.. they had beaten themselves.""All we had to do was unite , and finish them off!"The Oracle , now interrupted, "But, man,..pride and arrogance overwhelmed you , and blinded you to your true mission ,...and thus,..sealed your fate. ""And now", the Oracle said, standing and turning away from the soldier , "I have tasks that await me.""Begone from my sight , foolish man, and return to your defeated army, ..to grieve ,...at what might have been. " And, as the stunned soldier watched the Oracle 's shimmering, golden garments and armor, fade among the grecian columns of her temple,...the man stood on his shaking , bloodied limbs , and cried out , "Wait!""What of the stars?""You said the stars would be aligned at the time of our victory,..and so they were !""Our astronomer said so!""Did that count for nothing?""Stop!", the soldier commanded."I demand you answer me before you leave!""Did the stars mean nothing?""Why did you deceive me, Oracle, ..about the stars?"
The Oracle stopped ,..and strode back across the temple floor ,..and then , paused over the bowed and crumpled form of the soldier .She glared down at him, and replied, "You did not ask me , which stars, did you?""The stars I spoke of were the stars of fate ,...not the stars of the heavens,...and these stars ,the stars within your own rebel army, ..indeed had to be aligned ,...if victory was to be yours". "What gibberish is this?"cried the soldier, staring up at the Oracle ,..looming over his kneeling, beaten form. "The stars of fate?""Within our own army?""Yes ", said the Oracle. "The stars of fate"."Three of them, all in total. "The Oracle now turned from the stunned , prostrate form , and strode away , into the depth of the temple walls. "Wait!"cried the soldier ."Three stars of fate?""What are these stars?""Speak, damn you!" shouted the soldier. "I demand to know". The Oracle , once again, stopped , and , in the darkness of the temple walls, her voice seemed everywhere ,..and nowhere at the same time . "The three stars, "she replied, are the stars that must , in the end,..become one , and must align , or never will the freedom you desire rise again".The Oracle's voice, now lower, boomed again,"All three are the same . The Stars of the Republic , the stars of freedom and liberty, the stars of your House, your Senate, ..and your Presidency"."All three of these must indeed ,align,within your corrupt, former Kingdom , or the freedom you seek will never be".
The Congressman awoke , screaming, ..and suddenly realized the terrible dream , the terrible nightmare,...he had just experienced. He slowly rose from his Washington office desk , and looked at the paper that lay upon his desk. It was a voting ballot. The day had arrived. It was November, 2014,...and the ballot in front of him, had the names of his Party , his team,..and , yes, his name as well,....the Republican candidates that were running for the House and Senate. This was the day. The Day of the Midterm elections,2014. The day that would decide the fate of his Nation , his Kingdom,..for the remaining three years of President Obama's reign. The Congressman stared at the list of candidates on the ballot, ..and with the dream , the nightmare, he had just had ,..fresh upon his mind,...he took a pencil, and carefully marked a star next to each and every Republican name on the ballot. The Congressman's army ,...was now assembled. The dream of the Oracle,...was a dream of what might be , a nightmare, ..that still may become reality. And now, filled with resolve, ..the Congressman , up for re-election ,..left his Washington office, ..to go forth , and do battle at the polls. A battle, that , he now knew, ..can only be won,..by an army united,....a Republican Party ,...united.
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