Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Phantom Democracy

Egypt's free. Free from the rule of newly elected President Muhammed Morsi , that is. The Egyptian rebel force , aided by the military , has ousted the Muslim Brotherhood backed Morsi , who threatened to impose Sharia Law, and accomplished nothing more during his short reign than collapse the Egyptian economy. Yes , the Egyptian people are now free,.,.but free to do what exactly? What will change now that Morsi is gone, and the Egyptian military have seized power? Will the people choose freedom and democracy this time? Will the Muslim Brotherhood finally be rejected by the Egyptian people? No. This will not happen . Egyptians ousted President Hosni Mubarek for being an oppressive dictator who had destroyed their economy. Then , they replaced him , in a so-called democratic election , with an even worse dictator , Muhammed Morsi, who was directly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood , an offshoot of Al-Queda, and who called for the extermination of Israel , even referring to Jews as the , "decendents of apes and pigs". So much for democracy . At least Mubarek was neutral on Israel , and therefore easier to deal with in foreign policy negotiations .
The bottom line is this;..democratic, free elections do not create democracies. No, it takes much more than that. The United States is the greatest source of freedom the world has ever known , for one simple reason; Our Nation was founded by men of faith , men who believed in the basic Judeo Christian principles that were to become the foundation of the Constitution of the United States. Freedom .Liberty. Self government . Free Market principles. Freedom of Religion .All these concepts that were set down on paper , in the Declaration of Independence , and in our Constitution . And, all were based on one thing ;...the teachings of a man from the first century , a man named Jesus. That is the difference . That is the reason that we are free , ...and Egypt will never be. Not really. Our Nation is founded on concepts of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man . Our Nation is founded on the words of a man who taught us , to love our neighbor, as we love ourselves.
Egypt , however, like all Muslim Nations, is founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed ,..the Prophet of Intolerance. That's it in a nutshell. That's the difference that will keep Egypt in a prison of tyranny. Intolerance of other religions.Intolerance of other cultures. Intolerance of women'e rights. Intolerance of Gay rights. Intolerance of anything  that strays from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed.And, as long as the Muslim Nations continue to blindly follow the teachings of this man, they will be a cesspool of violence and bloodshed ,..all done in the name of their false god, ..Allah. A god that apparently teaches his followers to kill those that do not believe in him . A pity that the Muslims , including those in Egypt, have never understood that, a god who tells you to kill in his name, is not god at all.
The Muslim based Nations have doomed themselves to a never ending cycle of violence and death ,..all because they failed to ask of the Prophet Muhammed , one simple question;.."Who are you to tell me to kill in the name of God?"
America is great because it rejects a god who demands killing , and , instead , embraces a God , who demands that we love one another, as we love ourselves.
While the Egyptian coup was occuring, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were disengaged, and seemingly,..disintersted. Obama was playing golf, and Kerry ,..despite earlier denials, was sailing on his Yacht , even as Morsi was being deposed,and arrested. Like Pontius Pilate ,the Obama Administration is washing its hands of Morsi, despite its earlier support for him. The Brotherhood was always perceived by Obama as easier to deal with . This is why Obama brought Nato forces to bear in Libya , to oust Gaddafi , who was perceived by the Brotherhood as an enemy . Obama has always believed that the Brotherhood was a friendlier version of the Taliban , and Al-Queda , and was not linked to terrorism , or Muslim Extremists . Obama was wrong. The Brotherhood is Al-Queda. The Brotherhood is the Taliban . There is no difference in these groups , despite what the President thinks. All are part of the terror movement . All believe in Jihad. All are linked to the teachings of Islam . All are therefore believing in the concept that those who do not believe in , and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, are infidels and deserving of death. That is not a Muslim Brotherhood belief . That is not a Taliban belief. That is not an Al-Queda belief. That is an Islamic belief. , taught by the Koran , itself. To believe otherwise is to live in a fantasy world. These Muslim Nations are the enemy. And, these Nations, including Egypt, have nothing but contempt and hatred for America, the "Great Satan".Yet, we, as a Nation , continue to send billions of dollars to these terror states . Why? Egypt is not our friend. And, despite the fact that we directly fund their military , with our tax dollars, their military, is not our friend either. Many of the Egyptian soldiers have direct Al-Queda ties. Many of the rebels , who posed for pictures with their suppoter, Senator John McCain , are also Al-Queda operatives. This is why we must stop funding all of these nations immediately.
We go to war with terror states , not to bring democracy to them , but to oust their dictators that are a threat to world peace and U.S. interests. We keep our Army bases in these nations to assure that they remain , not democracies , but simply, terror free. Al-Queda free. For, in the end, that benefits us at home. For, the only way to stop terror is to make sure that Al-Queda , the Taliba, and the Muslim Brotherhood , have no home base to operate from We must keep them on the run . And , we supply these nations with our tax dollars , as long as they cooperate in this effort, by allowing us to keep our military bases in their countries, permanently. Look here's the bottom line;..Egypt will never be free. Iraq will never be free. Iran will never be free. Syria will never be free . Libya will never be free . Afghanistan will never be free. Not as long as their law is also,..their religion , and their religion is one of hate , intolerance, and ignorance.
And, America, under Obama, must realize that it cannot change this with war,...or treasure. But, there are two things we , as a Nation, can do , and must do . We must continue to use our military might to oust these evil tyrants that threaten the lives of their people , and world security. And , most importantly, we must cut them all off financially, and force them to realize that, they may hate us , ..we may be infidels , and the , "Great Satan",but , ..without our money,........they cannot survive.

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