Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Doomsday Game; Part two

Yet, despite all this, all these failures by the Obama Administration; failures that cost our economy , and cost Americans their lives, despite all this, the Republican dominated Congress , seems to lack the will; stop them .
And to add insult to injury, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , finally trapped into testifying before a Senate commitee , on her role in the Benghazi outrage, , faced virtually no opposition , no hard questions , and, "We the People", still do not know exactly what happened , and , why it happened.
Senator Rand Paul seemed to be the only one on the commitee interested in cornering the elusive , deceptive Clinton,demanding answers regarding the memos from Benghazi sent to her office ,repeatedly requesting aid. Memos that Hillary claims she never saw, or read. Senator Paul said that Secretary Clinton should have been fired for this act of negligence ;..and , if he was President, ...she would have been . Strong words, but, in the end, it was simply, not enough.
Clinton cried , and was let off the hook . We still know nothing . And , more importantly, the families of those four dead Americans , still know nothing.
Just like with the re-election of Obama .
Just like with the spending of Obama.
Just like with the taxing of Obama .
Just like with the "Fast and Furious "gun trafficking scandal.
Just like with every opportunity that Republicans have had , to stop the Obama agenda .
They have, at the crucial moment , lacked the will, and backed down .
But , unlike the other issues ;..Benghazi cannot be permitted to simply , "go away". The American people demand answers . The families of the four Americans killed ;...demand answers . Three questions remain . Three vital questions that must be answered . Three questions that, once answered , , may, in fact, result in the destruction of the Obama Presidency.
Like Nixon's "Watergate, "Benghazi Gate", if pursued by Republicans relentlessly, could be the smoking gun that unravels all that Obama has done, and may lead to impeachment for the President and possible charges of treason, for members of his administration .
If, the Republicans keep the pressure on , that is.
All it will take , are the answers to those three key questions, regarding Benghzi;...three questions that must be answered;......
Who ordered the standown?
Who was watching the video feed of the attack?
And;...where was the President , during the seven hour attack on the embassy?
That's all. Just the answers to these three questions will unravel all that is Obama ;...all that he has done , to damage this Nation.
The bottom line is this;..forget who read, or didn't read , those memos . As Hillary said, "What does it matter , when we have four dead Americans? How true. What does it matter? It doesn't . We already knew that Secretary Clinton was incompetent and a liar. What does matter , however , is simply this;....The White House had a closed circuit feed to the Libyan embassy ;..thanks to a hovering drone that was present during the attack. For all seven hours of the attack , the White House was able to view what was happening . Yet, we still don't know those three key things;...who was watching the video feed , who gave the stand down order, and where was the President during all this?
The American people demand answers to these three questions , they must have them , if our Republic ; to survive.
Someone was watching.
Someone gave the , "stand down", order.
Someone is responsible.
Where was the President, during all this?
The Republican House must finally show some backbone and obtain the answers to these questions ;...this is the one issue they do not have the luxury to back down on.
They must rise to the occaision , and honor the posts that the American voters have given them .
They must never let this opportunity , on this single issue, slip away. Ever.
Who ordered the standown?
Who was watching the video feed?
Where was the President during this?
"We the People ' , want answers .
We want the truth. Now.
There are those that believe politics is nothing but a game, and Washington , nothing but a theater , for the politicians who posture for the camera , with no truth behind that posturing. Hillary Clinton's crying, deceptive , prescripted testimoney on Benghazi was certainly all  this, as well as the fawning , love fest of praise that was heaped upon her by the Democrats in attendence at this hearing , who seemed determined to ignore the true purpose of this hearing , and instead turned it into a farewell tribute to Secretary Clinton. The Republicans, unfortunately , were not much better, and just went through the motions , unwilling, seemingly, to rock the boat too much, and, instead, like the Democrats , seemed content to just, "play the game".
Yes, politics is , indeed , a game. But, it's a game with dangerous consequences .
Consequences, that will have no effect on those who represent us in Washington , but will have long lasting effects on those who sent them there. Namely, us.
Let's never forget the potential doom these political games pose.
Let's hold those in Washington responsible , for the results of these games.
Enough with the games. It's time 'We the People" , demand some truth .
And, let's start with Benghazi.  

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