Former Senator Chuck Hagel is a terror state appeaser who has sided with middle east dictators when they called the United States , "Brutal Aggressors", and , "The World's Bully".He has shown little support for Israel , or its right to defend itself , even to the point of calling their use of force against Palestinian attacks , a "brutal bloodbath". He has strongly opposed all things Bush , including the Iraq war , the surge , the Bush anti- terror program in general, and the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against our enemies. He has called , repeatedly, for cuts in military spending , which would drastically weaken our nations security , and leave us vulnerable to our enemies. And yet, despite these surprising views and actions as a Republican Senator during the Bush Administration , he has become the number one choice of President Obama to assume the role of Secretary of Defense. Why? What qualifies this man for such a position? He even called Iran a , 'legitimate government" , simply because it occupies space as a member of the corrupt United Nations. And, best of all, this past week , a Senate confirmation hearing took place , in which the former Senator was grilled brutally on his past statements and actions ;..a grilling for which Senator Hagel had no comprehensible response. Senators McCain and Graham, in particular, forced Hagel to respond to past Anti-American , Anti- Israel , Anti- Military statements , but Hagel's responses left both Republican and Democrat Senators , at the Hearing, speechless and dumbfounded. Indeed, not only did Hagel have no defense or rational explanation for his past stances on issues, but he also seemed not to even understand what the duties of Secretary of Defence might be. Imagine that . He wants to be the Secretary of Defense , yet has no concept of what the job entails. Not only that, but given his past antipathy towards our military, a bigger question arises ;...why does Hagel even want the job in the first place? And , more importantly, why does President Obamna want him for the job? For one reason alone. Hagel is Obama. All that Obama believes is reflected , quite clearly, in the views of Senator Chuck Hagel. His Anti-Military, Anti-Israel, Anti-America stance is Obama. Qualifications don't matter . Competance doesn't matter. No, all that matters to Obama is that Hagel, when appointed, will unwaiveringly support the Obama Agenda , without question. This is why Tim Geitner became Secretary of the Teasury, despite his inability to even pay his own taxes. This is why Elena Kagan was able to become a Supreme Court Judge, despite having no experience that would qualify her for that position This is why Hillary Clinton was able to become Secretary of State , with no more experience than being a former First Lady with a failed government health care program . And, this is why Senator John Kerry is about to become our new Secretary of State, despite the fact that he has spent his entire military and political career, accusing our military of war crimes . All of these people , and more, all serve the Obama cause which ultimately amounts to two simple things;...taxes and spending. All support Obama's endless tax increases. All support Obama's entitlement spending increases. All support Obama desire for increased government power , and control , over the free market. Senator Hagel , despite his shocking lack of qualifications for Secretary of Defense, may, in fact, be extremely qualified , in Obama's eyes , for the office , for one basic reason;..Sen.Hagel has always wanted cuts in military spending. This fact is crucial , in the President's eyes. You see, the Democrat Party has always had one overwhelmingly defining trait, and that is the complete inability to cut either taxes, or spending . With one exception , of course. The Military. Democrats are always willing to cut the military, because , in their minds , this allows them to pour more money into their favorite entitlement programs. Programs that will ensure future Democrat voters . That's the bottom line , and Obama and Hagel , both know it. Tax dollars that go to the military are a waste, because the military always overwhelmingly, votes Republican. Why then , in God's name, would you want to increase military spending , when it produces unfavorable results at the election polls? This is where the Democrat Party's contempt for the military comes from. The military is , essentially , in their eyes, stealing their money . Money that could be better used , elsewhere. Will Hagel be appointed? Hard to say. Despite the Republican Party's strong stance against him , they have caved to the Dems on many issues recently. However, there may be one reprieve;...the Democrats don't seem to like Hagel much either. Why? Well it certainly has nothing to do with Hagel's Anti-Military, Pro-Appeasement stance , or his incomprehensible Senate Hearing appearance. Actually, the reason is a completely unrelated outrage from Hagel's past. Senator Hagel, you see, dared to crticize an openly gay ambassador nominee , questioning if the man's sexual persuasion would interfere with his ability to do his job. This, in the minds of the Democrats , is where Senator Hagel has truly crossed the line, you see. You cam make anti-Christian statements sure, but not anti-Gay statements . Christians are a strong Republican voting base. The Gay community , however, is not. It's just like the left's recent attacks on Al Gore's selling of Current T.V. to Al Jazeera. The Liberal Left doesn't care that Gore sold to a company that supports terror groups. No, their beef is the fact that he sold to a company that is sponsored by Evil big oil money. Hagel dared show prejudice against a strong Democrat voting base . Therefore , like Gore, Hagel must be punished. Not for being Anti-Gay, or Anti-America, but for failing to reflect the total vision of the liberal Left, and their leader;...Barack Hussein Obama. Unfortunately, even if Hagel is rejected by the Committee , it matters little. We still have a Republican dominated Congress that refuses to take a strong , united stand against all things Obama. If Hagel fails, it will simply be the result of Democrats opposing him too, but for different reasons , of course. The rejection of Hagel would be a small ,hollow victory for the GOP, indeed. But there is one bright spot on the horizon , in the form of 19 Senators , led by Rand Paul,who have indeed stood strong and unwaivering on the issue of U.S. dollars and weapons , including tanks , going to Eqypt , a Nation now controlled by Muhammed Morsi, of the terror supporting Muslim Brotherhood. Apparently, these 19 Republican representatives don't hate our military or appease our enemies , like Senator Hagel. No, instead , these conservative heroes have refused to budge on this issue , refusing to vote , 'yes' on the approval of sending U.S. money and weapons to one of our enemies. History will show , on this day, that these 19 Senators stood strong against all odds , in the middle of the socialist tempest seeking to engulf our Nation. History will show that they did their job , they honored their oath , to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Hopefully, this courage is contageous and the other Republicans , in the House and Senate , will catch the virus, before its too late. |
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Alone against;..The Tempest!!
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