Sunday, January 20, 2013

Deception of the Children

Is the President planning on bypassing Congress , through executive order , to get his 23 anti gun bills passed?Does a shark pee in the sea? In addition to that, the President has adopted a time tested political trick to promote his new bills; President's in the past have done;...he's using children as political props.
The President appeared recently at a press conference to announce his anti-gun agenda;...surrounded by children . They were there to help him promote the  new, sweeping gun laws that he is proposing . It's a pity that nothing in these new laws would actually help to  protect those children .
This is the big issue. Can the President's new proposed gun laws and restrictions prevent massacres like the one in Newtown ? Of course not.
Gun laws only restrict law abiding gun owners . They have no effect on those who would commit crimes , with a gun. Look, here's the bottom line;...criminals will always , always , be able to get a gun , when they want one . That's not speculation ;...that's a fact. Gun laws proposed by President Obama and the left are designed for one purpose ; get guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizens, who were guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms , by the Second Amendment of our Constitution.
Why , you ask? It's simple , really. If you are trying to turn a Nation that is a free market Republic , into a socialist state, there are two things that must be done;...One;...You have to ban organized religion , and two; have to ban the citizens from owning guns.
These are the two key factors in any push towards socialism , and President Obama , has been pushing for both of these bans , since day one of his first term . In fact, the Democrat Party , in general, has been pushing to get these two bans , since the days of the Cold War.
Socialism is the ultimate goal of the Democrat Party. Government control over the people , and the free market, is the way to reach that goal. And , a gun ban is the key that makes all this possible.'We the People " , were given the right to keep and bear arms , for one reason, and it ain't hunting , sport shooting , or even home protection. No, the reason is to protect us from the government. The reason our founders started this experiment in self-government called America, was because of England's oppressive rule over it's citizens. The British government had become too big, taxes, too heavy. It was time for the colonists to arm themselves, and fight for their freedom, and their right to rule themselves , as individuals.
History has proven , time, and time again, that if you take guns from the citizens ;...tyranny will surely follow. And, it's this tyranny that the President , and his Administration , has in mind for us. However, don't get the idea that the left is Anti-Gun;..not at all. They are simply anti -you-having-a-gun . Why else would Obama have armed guards around his children at school , yet deny the same protection for your children at school? Why else would liberal , anti-gun celebrities such as Rosie O';Donnell, Brad Pitt , and George Clooney, insist on armed security to protect them in public, yet deny your children that same right to protection in our public schools? These people are not anti-gun;....they are the elite, they are the ruling class of society. They are,in their own minds;...better than you;...the common , working class citizen .They need to be protected ; don't. Their lives, and their children'e lives, are worth more than yours. They are , simply;...more important than you.
And;.....they need guns; protect themselves;...... from you.
You are the problem ; the elitist left , that is. You are the one obstacle, that limits their power , and control.
And, the best way to deal with that problem , is to take away your freedom , by taking away the root of that freedom , namely, the right, and the ability , to defend it.
We must always remember ;....anti-gun laws didn't exist;...until after Lincoln freed the slaves .
Then , carpetbagger politicians, from the defeated South, petitioned Congress to enact laws that would prevent the newly freed slaves from owning firearms. The reason was clear. You cannot beat , chain , lynch , or burn crosses on the lawns of a free black man who is armed and prepared to defend himself. The Second Amendment made the freed slaves , .....truly free.
The bottom line is this; cannot be free ;...if you lack the ability to defend that freedom.
Let's give our children back their freedom.
Let's stop the nonsense.
Forget gun laws.
It's time for the law of survival.
There's really only one solution ;..only one way to stop the slaughter of our children .
Arm our schools ;...Heavily.
There is no elite ruling class.
There is no middle class.
There's only ;....Americans.
And, all Americans , have the equal right , to defend their freedom ;...and their children .
President Obama , and the Democrat Party, need to take a lesson from history. All those Democrat administrations that have tried to take on the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens , have paid dearly come election time. The citizens of our Nation are now buying guns and joining the NRA in ever increasing numbers ;...including school teachers.
Meanwhile , President Obama's approval rating , continues to dwindle in the wake of his anti-gun agenda.
The simple reality is ;..if the President continues to push the anti-gun issue, it will cost him at the polls .As President Clinton found out , a war against guns means Republican victory come election time. 
Something for President Obama to contemplate ; the midterm elections loom ;...ever closer.
Something for the President to contemplate; he uses children for political props ; his anti-gun deception.  

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