As a Federal Judge declared NSA spying legal and necessary to the security of the Nation ,Edward Snowden was giving a Christmas broadcast from overseas , reminding Americans that the privacy and security of all American citizens was being threatened by this very same NSA. Is NSA leaker Edward Snowden a patriotic hero ? No, but, perhaps, he could have been . Here's the bottom line; Edward Snowden is a government contractor , who took an oath to protect the security of the classified documents he was exposed to .Not only did Snowden break that oath, but he then took asylum in both China and Russia, thereby giving our political enemies access to our nation's most guarded secrets . This cannot happen. There are communist nations that America must always maintain an intelligence advantage over .The oath Snowden took serves the purpose of protecting that advantage , and preventing these communist nations from spreading their tyranny around the globe. The United States , as the leader of the free world , must always be one step ahead of the oppressive tyrants , lest the world be plunged into chaos and darkness. The main weapon we possess , in this fight for global freedom, is our covert intelligence operations . It's the weapon that enables us to win wars . Its the weapon that enabled us to defeat the Axis powers and win WWII. If that weapon can no longer function , because of so called inside leakers , then the security of our nation becomes severely compromised , and the security of the world as well.
If Edward Snowden truly believed that our Constitution was being violated by the actions of the NSA, and American citizens rights were being violated, then , he has a duty , and an obligation , as an American citizen, to come forward and expose this corruption . But, you do it the right way. You don't flee the country ,and provide classified computer files to both the Russians and the Chinese. That is not an act of Patriotism. That is an act of treason. Many would argue that our Founding Fathers did the same thing and were branded traitors by England as a result. But , the founders did not flee England to betray the Crown, but to expand freedom and to create a new system of government, where the people would rule themselves in a brave, new land. A radical concept, and , if achieved , a unique one,in all the world. Yet, it was done and has made us the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Once it had become apparent that war with England , because of excessive taxation , became inevitable, the Founding Fathers did indeed, break from England , and did indeed, become traitors to the Crown. But, unlike Snowden, they did not flee America, to hide in other lands . There was no need . They understood there was nowhere to go . They were already in the land where freedom and liberty were most possible . All it would take is the will to stand their ground and oppose the oppressor , no matter what the cost, or sacrifice.
The colonists understood that, America was their last stand, the ground they must make their fight on, the land that they must defend against all enemies ,or they would lose everything. Indeed, they were traitors like Snowden, all of them. They were willing to risk all to oppose the tyranny of England , but, unlike Snowden, they stood their ground, and defended this new found Nation, America, against the Nation that claimed this land as its own ;..England.
Our military takes an oath to defend our nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. But, this is an oath that all Americans should take as well . For , if the citizens who rule are unwilling to defend their freedom , and their land , against these enemies, ...then there is no freedom. You cannot expose a threat to our nation freedom by retreating to nations where there is no freedom ,..and there never will be. We have Republican Congressman and Senators who expose the corruption of the Obama Administration everyday, and they do it here , in Washington , in the People's House, which is the engine , the symbol, of our freedom , and where the voice of We the People can be heard , through those who represent us. Snowden could have stood before this House of Representatives , and voiced his concerns , and exposed this corruption , as many others have,if he truly believed it to be a threat to our nation. This is what our Founders would have done.
There is no other place on earth , than America, to take a stand for Justice against Tyranny. Edward Snowden, as an American, should have known that. Instead, he now sits in exile , a dupe of the Russians who will exploit him for all the intel and anti-American propaganda they can squeeze out of him . And then, unfortunately, Edward Snowden may discover the difference between the United States ,..and Russia, at least as far as freedom and free speech is concerned . After all , Russian jail cells are full of so -called , "patriots', who spoke out against the corruption that defines their homeland. These Russians citizens were willing to sacrifice themselves for their principles and are now paying the price ,either with imprisonment, or their lives. A pity that Snowden didn't realize that in America this price had already been paid , by the patriots who founded our nation .
Edward Snowden's stance against NSA corruption in America would have been far easier than his stand will be now , in a land where the so called ,"patriot", is still regarded, as an enemy of the State, and deserving of death.
In ancient Judea, those who called themselves Christians had a chance to hide their faith , and swear allegiance to the Emperor , and Rome.They could also have fled, to other lands, to follow their faith, but instead they stood their ground in the arena, ..and paid the price for the faith that would indeed one day be the blueprint for the Shining City on a Hill called America. Had these followers of Christ fled that arena , and gone into hiding,.....their faith,..and our Nation, would, most likely , not exist at all.
Is Edward Snowden a hero? No,..for there must always come a time , when all heroes must be willing to go into that den of lions, and pay the ultimate price; this Arena called America.
Ed Snowden , in his Christmas broadcast , said that children today will grow up with no concept of the privacy , that makes us what we are . Snowden is wrong. Privacy is not what defines us as Americans. Freedom does. And privacy , must sometimes be the price for that freedom.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Last Gladiators
A&E is a liberal based television cable network. The shows they air generally reflect this political outlook. Why then, was a reality show about a family of Christian fundamentalists that hunt, fish, and believe in free market capitalism ever aired on this network in the first place? Well, to mock them, of course. To ridicule them, to expose them , and their beliefs , for the train wreck farce that the left has always promoted them to be.
Like most reality shows, Duck Dynasty was conceived to be a horror show;..this one about a bunch of stereotypical right wingers , clinging to their bibles and guns , while running around the woods , hunting ducks. The show was designed to confirm the left's image of the moronic , right wing extremeist. Just a bunch of inbred , brainless hicks , growing weird ZZ Topp beards and making duck calls for a living. A&E expected their audience to laugh at them , and keep tuning in each week to keep laughing at them. Instead, wahat happened was their audience didn't laugh at them,...but with them. Their audience , actually identified with them , their Christian family values, and especially their fierce streak of independence , and their belief in the idea that free market capitalism truly does lift all boats , and is all you need to survive and prosper in this country.
The show became a hit , the biggest hit ever conceived in television history, and truly a feather in the cap of the A&E Network.But, there was one problem , and it has nothing to do with Phil Robertson's GQ Magazine interview, or Phil's comments about homesexuality. Phil was simply answering a question the only way a Christian could regarding this subject. This GQ interview was mearly the excuse that A&E was looking for , to end this show . Now , why would they do this? They have a hit . Why would they try to destroy a franchise that is making them billions of dollars ? Because they are part of the liberal left. They are idealogues , who are now appalled that a show about people that they revile, is so popular. Why then , do so many people like Duck Dynasty? To A&E, and the left, these people should be mocked and laughed at. That was the intention that the network had when they put the show on the air. Now, their show is a hit, and is actually promoting a positive image of conservative values . This cannot be tolerated. This has to be stopped. This Christian values based mega hit had to be reigned in. This family of duck hunters that prayed at the end of every episode had to be controlled . Their message had to be controlled. And this, A&E , set out to do. First, by trying to prevent the family from using the name of Jesus , during the shows prayer time , and then, ultimately, by attempting to eliminate the main problem , Phil Robertson, the head of the family,..the most outspoken, the one who kept using the name of Jesus in his prayers ,..he had to be eliminated from the show , if the message of the show was to be controlled , and brought into line to suit the left leaning A&E Network Heads. Jesus may offend Muslims, and muslims cannot be offended. After all , muslims are very much like the left . Both are intolerant of other ideas that do not reflect their own, and both believe in controlling the behavior and the freedom of people in general . The left controls people through government, and the muslims control through their god, Allah, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed. How ironic , that the muslims A&E is worried about offending, also, like Phil Robertson, oppose the gay lifestyle, with one small difference;....Muslims think that gay people should be put to death. Christians are taught to love all their fellow men , as they love themselves.
Jesus is the God of freedom ;..individual freedom , free will, free speech , and the right to work, worship , and live as you choose .These are the Judeo -Christian values that Jesus taught , the same values that Phil Robertson, his family, and millions of A&E viewers believe in.
This is why Duck Dynasty has to end . At least as far as A&E is concerned. It's not Phil's comments concerning homosexuals and African Americans that are the problem. Phil's outspoken belief in the Christian God , and his son, Jesus, the problem. Phil refused to take the name of Jesus from the shows prayers. So, ...Phil must be eliminated. This raises a bigger question; Christianity under attack from the left? Is Christmas under attack? Is there a real war on Christ and Christmas? Yes;..and it has always been the root of everything that the left does, or says.
Whether it's silencing Duck Dynasty, or silencing right wing conservative Republicans and their message, it all has its roots in the left's one, true mission;...eliminating any trace of our Christian Heritage. To the left , and the Obama Administration , there can only be one god, and that god is government . And, it can tolerate no rival that promotes the concept that man is free to do as he pleases. Man must be controlled . Man must be regulated .Man must be heavily taxed , and must obey the will ,..not of some fictional God,..but of the real God,...the only god , the god called government.
This is the purpose behind Obamacare This is the purpose behind the Global Warming , Green Energy Agenda. This is the purpose behind entitlements and stimulus payoffs. This is the purpose behind cuts to our military , and the weakening of our National Defense.This is the purpose behind heavy taxes and regulations on businesses , workers and corporations .
All must be brought in into line. All must learn to serve government , and to serve the Democrat Party Agenda. And, ultimately, that is the purpose behind the attack on Duck Dynasty. The show's message is one of independence , freedom, free speech, free will , and strong moral values. That message must be stopped. A&E , has indeed , stopped it , despite the show's sucess . They don't care. The left never varies, never waivers , from its main agenda , even if it costs them financially. Obamacare proves this. It's a complete financial trainwreck that cost millions of people their health insurance and replaced it with higher costs , nonexistent coverage, and a faulty , security risk of a website. All this will cost the Democrats the 2014 elections. The left still doesn't care , and will not repeal Obamacare , even to save themselves. They can't, despite Obama's constant illegal attempts to tweak the law .Nor will they save Phil Robertson and his Family . They can't.
The left, whether it 's A&E, or the Democrat Party under Obama, will always , relentlessly pursue their one true goal;..the diminishment of America, and all its traditions and values . The diminishment of all that's made America great. And that, most importantly, means the diminishment of,..and ultimately, the elimination of,...the scourge of Christianity. For, Christianity promotes freedom , and freedom is something that the Democrats in Washington , and the A&E Network, ...cannot allow.
Christianity must be destroyed.
Christmas, must be destroyed.
And Duck Dynasty, must be destroyed, for daring to believe and live according to the fading image the real America.
Many centuries ago, a Roman Emporer gave those known as Christians a choice,...renounce their faith, swear alleigance to Rome,..or be destroyed in the arena.
Today, in the New Rome, ..the Christian choices are simpler ;..swear alliegance to A&E , and the Democrat Party, or simply go to another network , ..and start voting Republican.
We the People are the last gladiators in the new Rome.Conservatism is our weapon. Let's go into that arena of ideas , in the 2014 Midterms , and emerge victorious over this new Emporer and his leftist agenda.
Like most reality shows, Duck Dynasty was conceived to be a horror show;..this one about a bunch of stereotypical right wingers , clinging to their bibles and guns , while running around the woods , hunting ducks. The show was designed to confirm the left's image of the moronic , right wing extremeist. Just a bunch of inbred , brainless hicks , growing weird ZZ Topp beards and making duck calls for a living. A&E expected their audience to laugh at them , and keep tuning in each week to keep laughing at them. Instead, wahat happened was their audience didn't laugh at them,...but with them. Their audience , actually identified with them , their Christian family values, and especially their fierce streak of independence , and their belief in the idea that free market capitalism truly does lift all boats , and is all you need to survive and prosper in this country.
The show became a hit , the biggest hit ever conceived in television history, and truly a feather in the cap of the A&E Network.But, there was one problem , and it has nothing to do with Phil Robertson's GQ Magazine interview, or Phil's comments about homesexuality. Phil was simply answering a question the only way a Christian could regarding this subject. This GQ interview was mearly the excuse that A&E was looking for , to end this show . Now , why would they do this? They have a hit . Why would they try to destroy a franchise that is making them billions of dollars ? Because they are part of the liberal left. They are idealogues , who are now appalled that a show about people that they revile, is so popular. Why then , do so many people like Duck Dynasty? To A&E, and the left, these people should be mocked and laughed at. That was the intention that the network had when they put the show on the air. Now, their show is a hit, and is actually promoting a positive image of conservative values . This cannot be tolerated. This has to be stopped. This Christian values based mega hit had to be reigned in. This family of duck hunters that prayed at the end of every episode had to be controlled . Their message had to be controlled. And this, A&E , set out to do. First, by trying to prevent the family from using the name of Jesus , during the shows prayer time , and then, ultimately, by attempting to eliminate the main problem , Phil Robertson, the head of the family,..the most outspoken, the one who kept using the name of Jesus in his prayers ,..he had to be eliminated from the show , if the message of the show was to be controlled , and brought into line to suit the left leaning A&E Network Heads. Jesus may offend Muslims, and muslims cannot be offended. After all , muslims are very much like the left . Both are intolerant of other ideas that do not reflect their own, and both believe in controlling the behavior and the freedom of people in general . The left controls people through government, and the muslims control through their god, Allah, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed. How ironic , that the muslims A&E is worried about offending, also, like Phil Robertson, oppose the gay lifestyle, with one small difference;....Muslims think that gay people should be put to death. Christians are taught to love all their fellow men , as they love themselves.
Jesus is the God of freedom ;..individual freedom , free will, free speech , and the right to work, worship , and live as you choose .These are the Judeo -Christian values that Jesus taught , the same values that Phil Robertson, his family, and millions of A&E viewers believe in.
This is why Duck Dynasty has to end . At least as far as A&E is concerned. It's not Phil's comments concerning homosexuals and African Americans that are the problem. Phil's outspoken belief in the Christian God , and his son, Jesus, the problem. Phil refused to take the name of Jesus from the shows prayers. So, ...Phil must be eliminated. This raises a bigger question; Christianity under attack from the left? Is Christmas under attack? Is there a real war on Christ and Christmas? Yes;..and it has always been the root of everything that the left does, or says.
Whether it's silencing Duck Dynasty, or silencing right wing conservative Republicans and their message, it all has its roots in the left's one, true mission;...eliminating any trace of our Christian Heritage. To the left , and the Obama Administration , there can only be one god, and that god is government . And, it can tolerate no rival that promotes the concept that man is free to do as he pleases. Man must be controlled . Man must be regulated .Man must be heavily taxed , and must obey the will ,..not of some fictional God,..but of the real God,...the only god , the god called government.
This is the purpose behind Obamacare This is the purpose behind the Global Warming , Green Energy Agenda. This is the purpose behind entitlements and stimulus payoffs. This is the purpose behind cuts to our military , and the weakening of our National Defense.This is the purpose behind heavy taxes and regulations on businesses , workers and corporations .
All must be brought in into line. All must learn to serve government , and to serve the Democrat Party Agenda. And, ultimately, that is the purpose behind the attack on Duck Dynasty. The show's message is one of independence , freedom, free speech, free will , and strong moral values. That message must be stopped. A&E , has indeed , stopped it , despite the show's sucess . They don't care. The left never varies, never waivers , from its main agenda , even if it costs them financially. Obamacare proves this. It's a complete financial trainwreck that cost millions of people their health insurance and replaced it with higher costs , nonexistent coverage, and a faulty , security risk of a website. All this will cost the Democrats the 2014 elections. The left still doesn't care , and will not repeal Obamacare , even to save themselves. They can't, despite Obama's constant illegal attempts to tweak the law .Nor will they save Phil Robertson and his Family . They can't.
The left, whether it 's A&E, or the Democrat Party under Obama, will always , relentlessly pursue their one true goal;..the diminishment of America, and all its traditions and values . The diminishment of all that's made America great. And that, most importantly, means the diminishment of,..and ultimately, the elimination of,...the scourge of Christianity. For, Christianity promotes freedom , and freedom is something that the Democrats in Washington , and the A&E Network, ...cannot allow.
Christianity must be destroyed.
Christmas, must be destroyed.
And Duck Dynasty, must be destroyed, for daring to believe and live according to the fading image the real America.
Many centuries ago, a Roman Emporer gave those known as Christians a choice,...renounce their faith, swear alleigance to Rome,..or be destroyed in the arena.
Today, in the New Rome, ..the Christian choices are simpler ;..swear alliegance to A&E , and the Democrat Party, or simply go to another network , ..and start voting Republican.
We the People are the last gladiators in the new Rome.Conservatism is our weapon. Let's go into that arena of ideas , in the 2014 Midterms , and emerge victorious over this new Emporer and his leftist agenda.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Zarathustra Prophecy
How is it possible that a dangerous schizophrenic was able to stand next to the President of the United States , as he gave a speech in South Africa honoring the late Nelson Mandela?How is it possible that the security detail assigned to the President simply stood down, and left him to the mercy of an incompetant or non-existent South African security team? Liberalism makes it possible . Marxism makes it possible . Communism makes it possible. Socialism makes it possible. And, in the heart of South Africa, a socialist state, once run by a communist leaning Nelson Mandela,President Obama was truly in a den of theives where all things bad, were indeed possible , as the world's most dangerous , despotic dictators gathered together to pay tribute to a man who, indeed , did start out like them , with similar Marxist beliefs ,but then changed , morphed through 23 years in prison for terrorism , into a peace loving , American capitaism loving , uniter , who seemingly forgave his enemies , forgot the past, and embraced the future , a future he helped mold into an Apartheid free South Africa. Not through the terror tactics that he once embraced , , but through courage, and love. Inspiring , but still , Mandela was a flawed man, who once degraded the United States as the cause of all the world's evils , while embracing despots like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, as freedom fighting liberators . Again, a flawed man , a communist at heart , but he became a great man during and after his prison sentence , because he had the courage to change and become a better man.
A pity that, the others gathered there , in that rain soaked stadium , will never know that kind of courage and will never alter their tyrannical ways . They will remain tyrants . They will remain despots . They will continue to imprison , starve, and murder their own people, while becoming rich off the sweat of their labor. Idealogues do not change ;..ever . Only the grave can end their reign of terror , as history has shown, and it's the United States Military that has usually contributed to that ending. But now, in that African stadium, the President of the United States has retreated to this land , to escape his growing problems at home . Obamacare is poised to destroy him , as it grows ever more apparent that the true purpose of the law was far from providing affordable health care. Its purpose is to turn America into South Africa, or Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other of the socialist nations that Obama feels are the equal of the U.S., if only we would take our empiracal foot off their throats . and let them prosper. He is wrong , of course. Even under the great Mandela , South Africa, for the most part, still languished in poverty , a poverty that makes the poor of America seem quite wealthy by comparison. Socialism does not work, not in South Africa, nor in any of the other socialist nations that were gathered to honor Mandela. Socialism fails on every level. It elevates the elite rulers , and leaves everyone else in poverty. Total government control of the free market , and the citizens who operate in it, will do that every time.
Nothing demonstrated the danger of socialism more than the President of the greatest nation on earth , the President of a free market, Capitalist Republic,self governed, the first , the only ,and the best , in history, standing on a stage while a madman was allowed to be inches from him , poised, like a guillotine, ready to strike , while his security team was non-existent. That is the result of the incompetance that socialism breeds . And, that is what's happening , even in America now, as the President tries to push his socialist mechanism called Obamacare down the throats of the American people. It doesn't work, on any level, except as a tax , that weakens America's free market, while growing government. That is what socialism does. And its this utopian dream that Obama is now trying to fulfill with his agenda.
Mandela changed , and saw the error of his ways. 23 years in prison sometimes will do that. President Obama will never change and will continue to pursue a South African , European style socialism in America, no matter how destructive it becomes. He doesn't see the irony of a poor , struggling nation that Mandela could not save , because , despite his anti apartheid stance, ...he still embraced socialism . Mandela may be idolized, but his people are, and will remain poverty stricken until free maqrket capitalism is embraced . Obama still doesn't see, in that gathering of criminals , theives, murderers , and tyrants , the irony that he is trying to become one of them , with his policies and agenda. Obama may shake the hand of Raul Castro, and other tyrants, take "selfies "like an inappropriate teenager, and bow before middle eastern terror supporters ,..but the real danger is not in these gestures , but in the fact that, deep down , the President sees nothing terribly wrong with these despots nothing that can't be fixed, through talks, debates, and negotiations with them.
President Obama is an Idealogue. That is why he must be stopped,,...before he joins that South African rogues gallery , in historic infamy. The way to stop him? Elections, of course. Republicans must start winning elections, period.Our chance is the 2014 Midterms. We can seize control of the Senate, maintain control of the House, and stop this madness. But, in the meantime, a new budget bill has been proposed , by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan that will, indeed cut taxes and possibly reduce the deficit, as a Republican based budget bill should, but it also extends unemployment entitlements and leaves the door open to potential tax increases in the future. What madness is this? Ryan knows better. Boehner knows better . You do not, under any circumstances, give Democrats the right to increase spending and taxes , ever, let alone in the same bill , which is essentially what the Ryan -Murray bill does. While the Nation is under seige, from the Obama Democrats, the job of the Republican Congress is to guard the purse strings to protect the American taxpayer from further assault on their hard earned wealth. House Speaker John Boehner and Congressman Paul Ryan feel the Tea Party is critical, too unrealistic , in their demands on them ."We have to start winning elections", they say. This is quite true, but , winning means nothing if you do not use that win, to push the Republican agenda down the throats of the Democrats. We won in 2010. We hold the House , thanks to the Tea Party , which Boehner and Ryan willingly acknowledge. Boehner and Ryan hold positions in the House , thanks to the Tea Party . The plan in 2010 was to stop Obamacare , and all new taxes, by any means necessary. Then, there was victory. The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. All they need do is say no to all things Obama , which means all tax increases , and all spending increases. This is how you win, even when you don't hold the Senate . You hold the line. You refuse to give in to an agenda that you know is destructive to our Nation's economy and security.This is the plan . It's what Senator Cruz tried to do , months ago. This new budget plan is a betrayal of this plan . All congress needs to do , is prevent any , I repeat, any , tax increases , and push for tax cuts , at the same time, regardless of how the Senate votes. That's it, period;... at least until we win big in the 2014 Midterms. The Midterms must belong to the Republicans , or its over for America, as we now know it.
Obama will not change. The Democrat Party , will not change. They will never waiver, or compromise in their plan to destroy this country with massive debt , taxes , and spending . President Obama simply does not comprehend the doom he is willingly bringing to this country. Nor does he care. He does it in the name of so called, "fairness". Big business must be brought down and forced to share the wealth , ...mostly with the Democrat Party in Washington, and with Public Union Leaders , who get out the Democrat vote,in exchange for some of that , "shared wealth". Obama seemed right at home in South Africa, surrounded by that rogues gallery of dictators and murderers. Far more at home than he seems to be here , in America . The power these dictators posses is something that Obama covets , and envies. Yet , for all the power and control,in the socialist utopia created by Mandela , and others like him, a fake sign language interpreter was allowed to endanger our commander in chief. With such power , must come blind arrogance as well.
In Fredrich Nietzsche's book , Thus Spake Zarathustra , the author puts forth the theory that is is the fool who always brings down the great men in history. Obama, on that stage in South Africa, unbeknownst to him , came perilously close to fulfilling the Prophecy of Zarathustra.
But, the fool can also bring down Nations as well ,and we , as a self governed , self ruled nation, must not allow our President's foolish behavior to bring down America, with his ever increasing tax and spend agenda. We must unite as a party, and use that unity to secure Republican Victory in 2014. And, in the meantime, we must use the one weapon we have to stop Obama cold. The power of the purse. Obama and the Democrats must be cut off by Congress completely, thereby stripping Obama and the Democrat Party, of their only weapon;...the tax payer's money. To do otherwise, continue to pass foolish bills like Ryan's , to insure that America , that Shining City on a Hill,..will one day soon, join that rogues gallery of socialist regimes, Marxist oblivion.
A pity that, the others gathered there , in that rain soaked stadium , will never know that kind of courage and will never alter their tyrannical ways . They will remain tyrants . They will remain despots . They will continue to imprison , starve, and murder their own people, while becoming rich off the sweat of their labor. Idealogues do not change ;..ever . Only the grave can end their reign of terror , as history has shown, and it's the United States Military that has usually contributed to that ending. But now, in that African stadium, the President of the United States has retreated to this land , to escape his growing problems at home . Obamacare is poised to destroy him , as it grows ever more apparent that the true purpose of the law was far from providing affordable health care. Its purpose is to turn America into South Africa, or Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other of the socialist nations that Obama feels are the equal of the U.S., if only we would take our empiracal foot off their throats . and let them prosper. He is wrong , of course. Even under the great Mandela , South Africa, for the most part, still languished in poverty , a poverty that makes the poor of America seem quite wealthy by comparison. Socialism does not work, not in South Africa, nor in any of the other socialist nations that were gathered to honor Mandela. Socialism fails on every level. It elevates the elite rulers , and leaves everyone else in poverty. Total government control of the free market , and the citizens who operate in it, will do that every time.
Nothing demonstrated the danger of socialism more than the President of the greatest nation on earth , the President of a free market, Capitalist Republic,self governed, the first , the only ,and the best , in history, standing on a stage while a madman was allowed to be inches from him , poised, like a guillotine, ready to strike , while his security team was non-existent. That is the result of the incompetance that socialism breeds . And, that is what's happening , even in America now, as the President tries to push his socialist mechanism called Obamacare down the throats of the American people. It doesn't work, on any level, except as a tax , that weakens America's free market, while growing government. That is what socialism does. And its this utopian dream that Obama is now trying to fulfill with his agenda.
Mandela changed , and saw the error of his ways. 23 years in prison sometimes will do that. President Obama will never change and will continue to pursue a South African , European style socialism in America, no matter how destructive it becomes. He doesn't see the irony of a poor , struggling nation that Mandela could not save , because , despite his anti apartheid stance, ...he still embraced socialism . Mandela may be idolized, but his people are, and will remain poverty stricken until free maqrket capitalism is embraced . Obama still doesn't see, in that gathering of criminals , theives, murderers , and tyrants , the irony that he is trying to become one of them , with his policies and agenda. Obama may shake the hand of Raul Castro, and other tyrants, take "selfies "like an inappropriate teenager, and bow before middle eastern terror supporters ,..but the real danger is not in these gestures , but in the fact that, deep down , the President sees nothing terribly wrong with these despots nothing that can't be fixed, through talks, debates, and negotiations with them.
President Obama is an Idealogue. That is why he must be stopped,,...before he joins that South African rogues gallery , in historic infamy. The way to stop him? Elections, of course. Republicans must start winning elections, period.Our chance is the 2014 Midterms. We can seize control of the Senate, maintain control of the House, and stop this madness. But, in the meantime, a new budget bill has been proposed , by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan that will, indeed cut taxes and possibly reduce the deficit, as a Republican based budget bill should, but it also extends unemployment entitlements and leaves the door open to potential tax increases in the future. What madness is this? Ryan knows better. Boehner knows better . You do not, under any circumstances, give Democrats the right to increase spending and taxes , ever, let alone in the same bill , which is essentially what the Ryan -Murray bill does. While the Nation is under seige, from the Obama Democrats, the job of the Republican Congress is to guard the purse strings to protect the American taxpayer from further assault on their hard earned wealth. House Speaker John Boehner and Congressman Paul Ryan feel the Tea Party is critical, too unrealistic , in their demands on them ."We have to start winning elections", they say. This is quite true, but , winning means nothing if you do not use that win, to push the Republican agenda down the throats of the Democrats. We won in 2010. We hold the House , thanks to the Tea Party , which Boehner and Ryan willingly acknowledge. Boehner and Ryan hold positions in the House , thanks to the Tea Party . The plan in 2010 was to stop Obamacare , and all new taxes, by any means necessary. Then, there was victory. The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. All they need do is say no to all things Obama , which means all tax increases , and all spending increases. This is how you win, even when you don't hold the Senate . You hold the line. You refuse to give in to an agenda that you know is destructive to our Nation's economy and security.This is the plan . It's what Senator Cruz tried to do , months ago. This new budget plan is a betrayal of this plan . All congress needs to do , is prevent any , I repeat, any , tax increases , and push for tax cuts , at the same time, regardless of how the Senate votes. That's it, period;... at least until we win big in the 2014 Midterms. The Midterms must belong to the Republicans , or its over for America, as we now know it.
Obama will not change. The Democrat Party , will not change. They will never waiver, or compromise in their plan to destroy this country with massive debt , taxes , and spending . President Obama simply does not comprehend the doom he is willingly bringing to this country. Nor does he care. He does it in the name of so called, "fairness". Big business must be brought down and forced to share the wealth , ...mostly with the Democrat Party in Washington, and with Public Union Leaders , who get out the Democrat vote,in exchange for some of that , "shared wealth". Obama seemed right at home in South Africa, surrounded by that rogues gallery of dictators and murderers. Far more at home than he seems to be here , in America . The power these dictators posses is something that Obama covets , and envies. Yet , for all the power and control,in the socialist utopia created by Mandela , and others like him, a fake sign language interpreter was allowed to endanger our commander in chief. With such power , must come blind arrogance as well.
In Fredrich Nietzsche's book , Thus Spake Zarathustra , the author puts forth the theory that is is the fool who always brings down the great men in history. Obama, on that stage in South Africa, unbeknownst to him , came perilously close to fulfilling the Prophecy of Zarathustra.
But, the fool can also bring down Nations as well ,and we , as a self governed , self ruled nation, must not allow our President's foolish behavior to bring down America, with his ever increasing tax and spend agenda. We must unite as a party, and use that unity to secure Republican Victory in 2014. And, in the meantime, we must use the one weapon we have to stop Obama cold. The power of the purse. Obama and the Democrats must be cut off by Congress completely, thereby stripping Obama and the Democrat Party, of their only weapon;...the tax payer's money. To do otherwise, continue to pass foolish bills like Ryan's , to insure that America , that Shining City on a Hill,..will one day soon, join that rogues gallery of socialist regimes, Marxist oblivion.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
This Battlefield Truth
Three more revelations regarding Obamacare have come to light .First, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has , apparently , not had a private , one on one meeting with the President in over three years. Incredible. This woman is in charge of Barack Hussein Obama's signature , administration defining law ;..the one that liberals have been waiting to implement since the "New Deal" days of socialist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ,and the President simply could not find the time to meet with the person running it. Second revelation? It's directly related to the first revelation . The website, now working marginally better than before, is registering more people . The problem is, the registration is not connected to any Health Insurance Agency. The American citizens that are now foolishly signing onto this major security risk, are discovering that it is simply not transferring their info to any health service . So, these people are still uninsured . But, good news. They are signed up for all the taxes , regulations, and fines that are the true purpose of this fraud of a law.
Third Revelation;..the law of averages, has finally caught up with the President. He has finally made an accurate statement. The President, appearing at a White House Youth Summit , designed to recharge millennial support, told his young audience that the Affordable Care Act, is working, and working well, despite the website malfunction , despite millions losing their private coverage, and despite the fact that even a sucessful signup doesn't mean you are actually insured with anyone. Obama simply refuses to acknowledge the reality of Obamacare that everyone else can clearly see with their own eyes. Of course , this is nothing new .For months now, the President and Secretary Sebelius, refused to admit there is a problem , of any kind, and consequently have left a slew of puzzled reporters and and angry conservative pundits in their wake. But now, standing before a gathering of his key audience , the key to Obamacare sucess really, ,,,the young and the healthy , the college student;... the President admitted the real reason why Obamacare will be a complete sucess and why the botched security risk website , massive premium costs , and complete destruction of the private insurance market ,..does not matter. Obamacare is a wealth re-distribution mechanism , primarily. And the President admitted this, finally, at the Youth Summit , in front of those who once were his biggest fans , by telling them that Obamacare's sucess , depends on them ,..and only them , ...the young and healthy;...doing their duty for the country , and signing up, regardless of the costs, the they can pay for the old, and sick.Gee. Really? I thought the purpose of Obamacare was to prevent the American citizens from having to fund other people's Health costs? Wasn't that the selling point? That,..and how inexpensive it would be,..of course.The President also reminded them that their participation was key to a plan that would be affecting one third of the economy. Affecting the economy? I thought it wasn't supposed to do this either. The President has exposed the true purpose of Obamacare from his own lips , before an audience of college students ;...the very ones his administration is counting on to pay for it . Apparently, desperate times call for desperate measures. The time for pretense is over. Backed against the wall, the President has decided to come clean with these , "young invincibles", who were once his key supporters . Once , that is. Now, they have turned on him , and rightly so. The cost of being insured under the Affordable Care Act , is simply not in a college student's budget, even with the faint promise of government subsidies to help them . The fine is simply cheaper, and so most will opt out to pay the fine . No politics , ..just simple , broke student, ..economics. This means that Obamacare must fail , since its survival was always , from day one of its inception , linked to the participation of the millennials , who will never burden the system , actually getting sick. No. They were supposed to simply cough up the money ;...not because they want insurance ,....but because Obama, and the Government,...tells them,....they must , because it's their civic duty , to pay for other people's health care. Now, the Obama theory has fallen apart. Apparently,the Obama youth that once believed the President to be so cool , so hip, are turning away from him ,...for the most practical of reasons. For , you see, Obama wants more than just their votes,...he wants their money as well,....and that's reason enough for cash strapped students , debt already,., turn against their former messiah who promised them,"Change", from the Cowboy politics of Bush ,..and just looked so cool,...... especially on a taxpayer funded t-shirt.Obama has now become , their eyes , nothing more than a typical politician,..a used car salesman,...who works for the government. They once followed him ,like he was the Pied Piper . Well, this Pied Piper wants their cash , and he is trying to work his former magic on them , in a last ditch effort, college campus campaign, get them to pony up ;......not to insure Healthcare for all;....but to insure wealth re-distribution for all. This attempt is failing,...just as the entire structure of Obamacare and Liberalism , general, failing. Not because of any conservative Tea Party ,. anti -socialism push ,...but for the simple reason that people ,..especially young people, do not want to pay for it. An I-Phone, or an X-Box, cheaper,...and vastly more fun too.
The youth that followed him so blindly before now see this Pied Piper of Politics in a more sinister light. Not as a prophet of Hope and Change , ....but as a predator, who has taken advantage of their gullability ,..and attempted to trap them into monetary servitude to a law that, the end,....does nothing except take money from those that earn it,...and give it to those who did not. This is supreme irony . These young millennials,.,..who Obama was counting on to fund this debacle,.,..will now be the ones who will,...most likely,...assure the collapse of the law , and perhaps , liberalism as well, simply saying ,"no', Obama ,....and his Obamacare .
Children have a short attention span. The Obama fad is over, and the next celebrity these millennials choose to worship, will , doubt,,...cost them less , and will probably look equally good,.......on a t-shirt.The final truth of Obamacare has been exposed by this one simple fact;........Obamacare is not linked to to any Health Insurance Companies. It was not intended to be. It regulates you.It taxes you. It fines you. But, doesn't insure you ,....for anything. It was a trick,...and now , even the young , distracted, uninformed Americans who were the key to Obama's two election victories ,,...know it. But, no matter. These millennials will pay their fines, let Obamacare collapse, and move on to more important things. . And , ultimately, Che Guevara looks equally good on a t-shirt, and his socialist promises of change and revolution will not cost them anything ,..except the price of the shirt , of course.
Centuries ago,a young shepard boy ,stood alone on a battlefield ,..unarmored, and unarmed,...except for a sling , ....and his faith. Yet,..with only these he brought down a giant,.....and an army as well.
Can the youth of today , armed only with the truth, any less?
Third Revelation;..the law of averages, has finally caught up with the President. He has finally made an accurate statement. The President, appearing at a White House Youth Summit , designed to recharge millennial support, told his young audience that the Affordable Care Act, is working, and working well, despite the website malfunction , despite millions losing their private coverage, and despite the fact that even a sucessful signup doesn't mean you are actually insured with anyone. Obama simply refuses to acknowledge the reality of Obamacare that everyone else can clearly see with their own eyes. Of course , this is nothing new .For months now, the President and Secretary Sebelius, refused to admit there is a problem , of any kind, and consequently have left a slew of puzzled reporters and and angry conservative pundits in their wake. But now, standing before a gathering of his key audience , the key to Obamacare sucess really, ,,,the young and the healthy , the college student;... the President admitted the real reason why Obamacare will be a complete sucess and why the botched security risk website , massive premium costs , and complete destruction of the private insurance market ,..does not matter. Obamacare is a wealth re-distribution mechanism , primarily. And the President admitted this, finally, at the Youth Summit , in front of those who once were his biggest fans , by telling them that Obamacare's sucess , depends on them ,..and only them , ...the young and healthy;...doing their duty for the country , and signing up, regardless of the costs, the they can pay for the old, and sick.Gee. Really? I thought the purpose of Obamacare was to prevent the American citizens from having to fund other people's Health costs? Wasn't that the selling point? That,..and how inexpensive it would be,..of course.The President also reminded them that their participation was key to a plan that would be affecting one third of the economy. Affecting the economy? I thought it wasn't supposed to do this either. The President has exposed the true purpose of Obamacare from his own lips , before an audience of college students ;...the very ones his administration is counting on to pay for it . Apparently, desperate times call for desperate measures. The time for pretense is over. Backed against the wall, the President has decided to come clean with these , "young invincibles", who were once his key supporters . Once , that is. Now, they have turned on him , and rightly so. The cost of being insured under the Affordable Care Act , is simply not in a college student's budget, even with the faint promise of government subsidies to help them . The fine is simply cheaper, and so most will opt out to pay the fine . No politics , ..just simple , broke student, ..economics. This means that Obamacare must fail , since its survival was always , from day one of its inception , linked to the participation of the millennials , who will never burden the system , actually getting sick. No. They were supposed to simply cough up the money ;...not because they want insurance ,....but because Obama, and the Government,...tells them,....they must , because it's their civic duty , to pay for other people's health care. Now, the Obama theory has fallen apart. Apparently,the Obama youth that once believed the President to be so cool , so hip, are turning away from him ,...for the most practical of reasons. For , you see, Obama wants more than just their votes,...he wants their money as well,....and that's reason enough for cash strapped students , debt already,., turn against their former messiah who promised them,"Change", from the Cowboy politics of Bush ,..and just looked so cool,...... especially on a taxpayer funded t-shirt.Obama has now become , their eyes , nothing more than a typical politician,..a used car salesman,...who works for the government. They once followed him ,like he was the Pied Piper . Well, this Pied Piper wants their cash , and he is trying to work his former magic on them , in a last ditch effort, college campus campaign, get them to pony up ;......not to insure Healthcare for all;....but to insure wealth re-distribution for all. This attempt is failing,...just as the entire structure of Obamacare and Liberalism , general, failing. Not because of any conservative Tea Party ,. anti -socialism push ,...but for the simple reason that people ,..especially young people, do not want to pay for it. An I-Phone, or an X-Box, cheaper,...and vastly more fun too.
The youth that followed him so blindly before now see this Pied Piper of Politics in a more sinister light. Not as a prophet of Hope and Change , ....but as a predator, who has taken advantage of their gullability ,..and attempted to trap them into monetary servitude to a law that, the end,....does nothing except take money from those that earn it,...and give it to those who did not. This is supreme irony . These young millennials,.,..who Obama was counting on to fund this debacle,.,..will now be the ones who will,...most likely,...assure the collapse of the law , and perhaps , liberalism as well, simply saying ,"no', Obama ,....and his Obamacare .
Children have a short attention span. The Obama fad is over, and the next celebrity these millennials choose to worship, will , doubt,,...cost them less , and will probably look equally good,.......on a t-shirt.The final truth of Obamacare has been exposed by this one simple fact;........Obamacare is not linked to to any Health Insurance Companies. It was not intended to be. It regulates you.It taxes you. It fines you. But, doesn't insure you ,....for anything. It was a trick,...and now , even the young , distracted, uninformed Americans who were the key to Obama's two election victories ,,...know it. But, no matter. These millennials will pay their fines, let Obamacare collapse, and move on to more important things. . And , ultimately, Che Guevara looks equally good on a t-shirt, and his socialist promises of change and revolution will not cost them anything ,..except the price of the shirt , of course.
Centuries ago,a young shepard boy ,stood alone on a battlefield ,..unarmored, and unarmed,...except for a sling , ....and his faith. Yet,..with only these he brought down a giant,.....and an army as well.
Can the youth of today , armed only with the truth, any less?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The Infidel Imperative
President Hassan Rouhani was heralded by the Obama Administration as a moderate, and a reformer, who would bring a new peace and stability to Iran and the terror infested Middle East. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Rouhani is no different than his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadenejad. At least, as far as his political goals are concerned. Both men are fervent believers in Jihad , both men are sponsors of Al Queda,both believe in the destruction of Israel as a State , and, most importantly, both men believe in the use of nuclear weapons to achieve that destruction. This is why any promise that Iran makes to halt the enrichment of uranium and the activation of new centrifuges in exchange for suspension of U.S. sanctions is utter nonsense. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan , all exist , for one purpose; follow Islam , and to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, who considered all non-believers in the will of Allah to be infidels,and therefore deserving of death.
Secretary of State John Kerry has become the new Neville Chamberlain , proudly declaring that he has reached an "agreement" with Rouhani , an agreement that allows the Iranians to keep their Uranium Stockpiles , allows them to keep enriching that Uranium , allows them to keep their existing centrifuges , and allows U.S. sanctions to lifted by 7% , or more , in exchange for a mere promise by Rouhani , to keep enrichment at a 5% level , for six months . After which , if the Iranians have kept their end of the bargain ,...all U.S. sanctions will be lifted completely. In other words , the Obama Kerry nuclear deal has allowed a terror sponsoring state to not only keep their capacity to create nuclear weapons, but it has also allowed them to start receiving U.S. dollars again ,all based on a faint promise , by President Rouhani , not to build nuclear weapons .Now that's what I call hard core, Reagan Bush , Cowboy style diplomacy . Brilliant ,,,,well done, gentlemen. Rouhani himself, has announced to his people that the deal with Obama-Kerry removes all sanctions , and restores the Iranian right to produce nuclear power ,...immediately . Apparently, Rouhani understands this agreement better than Obama and Kerry, who have somehow convinced themselves that this is a hard line deal , that has put Iran in its place , and averted nuclear disaster . And, best of all , they did it , not by Bush- like Cowboy threats ,but by calm , cool , collected , ....civilized ,....diplomacy. Enough with this diplomacy nonsense. Here's the cold , hard reality of this disasterous deal. By agreeing to lift sanctions and allow this terror sponsor to keep its nuclear program , Obama and Kerry have virtually assured eventual , all out Armageddon style war, between Iran and Israel. Iran will not keep any six month deal to reduce enrichment . Their goal is the destruction of Israel , and nothing will dissuade them from this mission . Infidels must be destroyed ;..and non-believers ,..are Infidels. Iran , led by their new President Rouhani, will pursue this goal, and will tell us anything we want to hear , to achieve that goal.For, the Prophet Muhammad permits lying to the infidel , if that lie aids them in this mission. Obama and Kerry's fatal flaw is the fact that they were born members of the liberal left , and are therefore deceptive by nature . They have to be.A liberal learns early on in his career that , in order to suceed politically, he must conceal what he truly is . Rouhani and radical Islam have, apparently , learned this lesson also . The only difference in their lies is the different gods that inspired them. Rouhani's god is an evil entity that demands subjugation ,...or death. Obama and Kerry's god is , simply,..government, which demands only one thing , and complete power , achieved by any deceptions necessary.Both have similar philosophies and , unfortunately,the left's version has blinded Obama to the reality of how he is being played by another deceiver .As is often the case , it's the con artist that is most vulnerable himself to being conned. Those of the liberal left feel that they can control people with their lies ,...and this is the fatal flaw of arrogance that makes the left abysmal at negotiations with our Nation's enemies.
Look, here's the bottom line ,..there is only one "deal" , that can be made with Iran, or any other terror sponsoring Nation. You cut off funding, all American dollars, that go to these nations,..immediately. The simple reality is that, without American taxpayer dollars to sustain them , and support their economies, none of them can survive. We are enabling terror, by sending money to these nations. Iran , Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,all of them,..hate us. We are the Great Satan , a nation of non-believer Infidels, that, like Israel, must be destroyed ,..according to the will of Allah. Nothing we say, or do, will ever alter that goal. Why then, does the United States continue to fund our own inevitable destruction ? Enough of nonsense. No more pacifist deals with evil . Cut these monsters off completely, increase military pressure , and force this evil to shrink back into the shadows, before its too late. For, the alternative will be far worse than even Obama's socialist Utopia. For, Obama's god would demand only subjugation of the conservative infidels. Rouhani's god would demand nothing less,..than death,..and no pretended nuclear agreement with the ,"Great Satan", would alter the course of this destiny.
Secretary of State John Kerry has become the new Neville Chamberlain , proudly declaring that he has reached an "agreement" with Rouhani , an agreement that allows the Iranians to keep their Uranium Stockpiles , allows them to keep enriching that Uranium , allows them to keep their existing centrifuges , and allows U.S. sanctions to lifted by 7% , or more , in exchange for a mere promise by Rouhani , to keep enrichment at a 5% level , for six months . After which , if the Iranians have kept their end of the bargain ,...all U.S. sanctions will be lifted completely. In other words , the Obama Kerry nuclear deal has allowed a terror sponsoring state to not only keep their capacity to create nuclear weapons, but it has also allowed them to start receiving U.S. dollars again ,all based on a faint promise , by President Rouhani , not to build nuclear weapons .Now that's what I call hard core, Reagan Bush , Cowboy style diplomacy . Brilliant ,,,,well done, gentlemen. Rouhani himself, has announced to his people that the deal with Obama-Kerry removes all sanctions , and restores the Iranian right to produce nuclear power ,...immediately . Apparently, Rouhani understands this agreement better than Obama and Kerry, who have somehow convinced themselves that this is a hard line deal , that has put Iran in its place , and averted nuclear disaster . And, best of all , they did it , not by Bush- like Cowboy threats ,but by calm , cool , collected , ....civilized ,....diplomacy. Enough with this diplomacy nonsense. Here's the cold , hard reality of this disasterous deal. By agreeing to lift sanctions and allow this terror sponsor to keep its nuclear program , Obama and Kerry have virtually assured eventual , all out Armageddon style war, between Iran and Israel. Iran will not keep any six month deal to reduce enrichment . Their goal is the destruction of Israel , and nothing will dissuade them from this mission . Infidels must be destroyed ;..and non-believers ,..are Infidels. Iran , led by their new President Rouhani, will pursue this goal, and will tell us anything we want to hear , to achieve that goal.For, the Prophet Muhammad permits lying to the infidel , if that lie aids them in this mission. Obama and Kerry's fatal flaw is the fact that they were born members of the liberal left , and are therefore deceptive by nature . They have to be.A liberal learns early on in his career that , in order to suceed politically, he must conceal what he truly is . Rouhani and radical Islam have, apparently , learned this lesson also . The only difference in their lies is the different gods that inspired them. Rouhani's god is an evil entity that demands subjugation ,...or death. Obama and Kerry's god is , simply,..government, which demands only one thing , and complete power , achieved by any deceptions necessary.Both have similar philosophies and , unfortunately,the left's version has blinded Obama to the reality of how he is being played by another deceiver .As is often the case , it's the con artist that is most vulnerable himself to being conned. Those of the liberal left feel that they can control people with their lies ,...and this is the fatal flaw of arrogance that makes the left abysmal at negotiations with our Nation's enemies.
Look, here's the bottom line ,..there is only one "deal" , that can be made with Iran, or any other terror sponsoring Nation. You cut off funding, all American dollars, that go to these nations,..immediately. The simple reality is that, without American taxpayer dollars to sustain them , and support their economies, none of them can survive. We are enabling terror, by sending money to these nations. Iran , Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,all of them,..hate us. We are the Great Satan , a nation of non-believer Infidels, that, like Israel, must be destroyed ,..according to the will of Allah. Nothing we say, or do, will ever alter that goal. Why then, does the United States continue to fund our own inevitable destruction ? Enough of nonsense. No more pacifist deals with evil . Cut these monsters off completely, increase military pressure , and force this evil to shrink back into the shadows, before its too late. For, the alternative will be far worse than even Obama's socialist Utopia. For, Obama's god would demand only subjugation of the conservative infidels. Rouhani's god would demand nothing less,..than death,..and no pretended nuclear agreement with the ,"Great Satan", would alter the course of this destiny.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Who Weeps For Narcissus?
Senator Harry Reid, and the Democrat controlled Senate ,have decided to pass the so-called,"Nuclear Option ", which would prevent the Republican Senate Minority to filibuster on any future Democrat Presidential nominations , Judicial nominations, or anything else , for that matter. Filibuster has been a House and Senate tradition ,going back to the very founding of our Nation and its laws. But. more than that, it's been a strong symbol of what we are as a Nation ;...not a Democracy where the majority rules, absolute, but a Republic where the individual counts more than the collective . That is the very essence of a system of self government , and the filibuster , although not in the Constitution, is a strong symbol of it. The reason Reid and the Democrats are enacting this illegal law is obvious . Fear Their government healthcare push, in the form of Obamacare, has now been exposed as , not only a tax fraud,but as unworkable, mechanically.The numbers simply do not add up. It is an illogical law , that depends on Americans being mindless robots that sign up en masse, and private insurance companies and Doctors embracing it, despite the fact that the law will hurt them financially. That won't work in America.Americans were born into freedom , for money generations now . Like a wild animal in the jungle, Americans can be caged, their freedom taken temporarily, but, ultimately, they can't be domesticated.Eventually, when the handler leaves the cage door open a crack, Americans will either attack, or make a run for freedom. England and France have always been socialist. Like cats and dogs they were bred for many generations , to be domesticated That's why they continue to tolerate , and even embrace, their financially broke socialist systems. Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid and the Democrat Party , are now beginning to perceive that everything they have dreamed of , since the days of FDR
and the ,"New Deal", has now been proven unworkable;..a mere economic lab experiment by a group of sheltered academics who have never functioned in the real world , the real free market economy , and therefore have no idea how it truly functions, nor do they really care. They only care about their way, their methods, being implemented , for the purpose of securing power for the left.. They have always had nothing but contempt for American free market principles that they perceive as unfair. Their way is the only way , ..the fair way. Their way is socialism . Their way is Marxism. Their way is communism . And, their way works , at least, for them. Those in the elite, those who make the rules . Those who view themselves as superior , and therefore born to rule over the inferior masses . That is the essence of the Democrat Party mentality , and the key to achieving what they want has always been a single payer healthcare system. The website was designed to fail, and designed to destroy private insurance ,by increasing premium rates and taxes and add fines to the mix , for those who don't comply. Ultimately , it was designed to strand people in no man's land , leave them uninsured and in crises , create total economic chaos, and therefore force the government to enact the single payer system , which , by the left's own admission, is the ultimate goal anyway. Now, the Democrat Party has begun to perceive that dream will never be realized. The American people will apparently not be domesticated and are seeking , ..not only to escape the cage , but also to attack the trainer who has kept them caged.
It's all over . The 2014 Midterms will belong to the Republican Party . And, they will rule , perhaps ad-infinitum , because of this debacle. Not only will the Democrat Party now lose their power, but it may be the end of liberalism itself, at least as an organized movement in our Nation. What then, is to be the final legacy for Obama and the Democrats?The President, when he was inaugerated, embraced Lincoln, as part of his legacy. But, as time passed, one could see this was done more as a publicity stunt, with no real substance to it. After all, Lincoln was a tax cutting , strong military, Republican that took us to war with the Democrat controlled States, that supported slavery. In fact, not one Democrat politician , in Washington, supported the end of slavery. And, except for the freed slaves aspect of the Lincoln Legacy, Obama really has no reason to admire , the rail splitter from Illinois. That's why he had no interest in attending the Gettyburg Address ceremony . He is, in fact, the first President to pull a no-show at this event. He simply doesn't care about a ceremony for this assassinated Republican . His only concern, right now, is for the crumbling facade of his own image. Which is why he did attend the ceremony at the Eternal Flame, in Arlington, that commemorated the anniversary of the death of President Kennedy,...the shining star of the Democrat Party. At least, that's the spin. The reality is that Kennedy was a tax cutting , strong military and National defense, commie hating Conservative , that created a booming economy , with tax cuts for all Americans. Some of Kennedy's speeches may have hinted at liberalism, but, the reality of his actual policies , and what he actually accomplished, speak volumes for what he really was. The Liberal spin of the JFK legacy carries over to his assassination as well. Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President, according to all credible evidence . Yet, the left blames a fictional right wing ,Texas based conspiracy. Why? Because Oswald was a Marxist. Oswald was a communist. Oswald was a Castro supporter, who eventually fled America to become a citizen of the Soviet Union. He also tried to become a citizen of Cuba. In other words, Oswald was a liberal leftist , with a big hate on for America,...just like the Democrat Party. Oswald, therefore , could not be the shooter. Kennedy must belong to the liberal left's legacy, for no other reasons than his charisma and Democrat pedigree. Therefore ,history had to be re-written , and they have , indeed tried. Now, Obama clings to that re-write ; all else slips away .But , it is to no avail. Kennedy belongs to the Conservatives. Reality has proven this. Clinton , the other left icon, also belongs to the right, on a technicality. Clinton's sucess as President, was simply due to the fact that the Republicans controlled both the Houise and Senate, for the bulk of his Presidency, and Republican policies gave Clinton a booming economy.
The question then remains;...What then , shall be the final legacy of the Democrat Party?Obama, and Obamacare, will have to suffice,..unfortunately. In the end, their final legacy must be one of ever increasing taxes , mounting debt , and deficit, a weakened military, and ultimately, the Affordable Care Act, ...Obamacare,..the supposed key to a socialist utopia that has has now been exposed as mere illusion.Yes, the Left must settle for this. While, Obama, at this point , seeks nothing more than to preserve his image, ...his popularity, with the American people. That's why he has chosen to campaign again,..for Obamacare. It's all he can do ,..simply sell himself again to the citizens he has willingly duped. Meanwhile , his own sinking Party , screams at him to save them, and their careers.
There is a Greek Legend that tells the story of the wood nymph , Echo, ..who fell in love with a mortal, named Narcissus who , one day , upon seeing his image in a reflecting pool, fell in love with himself, leaving Echo heartbroken and weeping. Obama , like Narcissus , can only continue to gaze at the reflection of his fading political image, while the panicking Democrat Party, Wood Nymph Echo, ...can only weep,...for their lost,...unrequited ,
and the ,"New Deal", has now been proven unworkable;..a mere economic lab experiment by a group of sheltered academics who have never functioned in the real world , the real free market economy , and therefore have no idea how it truly functions, nor do they really care. They only care about their way, their methods, being implemented , for the purpose of securing power for the left.. They have always had nothing but contempt for American free market principles that they perceive as unfair. Their way is the only way , ..the fair way. Their way is socialism . Their way is Marxism. Their way is communism . And, their way works , at least, for them. Those in the elite, those who make the rules . Those who view themselves as superior , and therefore born to rule over the inferior masses . That is the essence of the Democrat Party mentality , and the key to achieving what they want has always been a single payer healthcare system. The website was designed to fail, and designed to destroy private insurance ,by increasing premium rates and taxes and add fines to the mix , for those who don't comply. Ultimately , it was designed to strand people in no man's land , leave them uninsured and in crises , create total economic chaos, and therefore force the government to enact the single payer system , which , by the left's own admission, is the ultimate goal anyway. Now, the Democrat Party has begun to perceive that dream will never be realized. The American people will apparently not be domesticated and are seeking , ..not only to escape the cage , but also to attack the trainer who has kept them caged.
It's all over . The 2014 Midterms will belong to the Republican Party . And, they will rule , perhaps ad-infinitum , because of this debacle. Not only will the Democrat Party now lose their power, but it may be the end of liberalism itself, at least as an organized movement in our Nation. What then, is to be the final legacy for Obama and the Democrats?The President, when he was inaugerated, embraced Lincoln, as part of his legacy. But, as time passed, one could see this was done more as a publicity stunt, with no real substance to it. After all, Lincoln was a tax cutting , strong military, Republican that took us to war with the Democrat controlled States, that supported slavery. In fact, not one Democrat politician , in Washington, supported the end of slavery. And, except for the freed slaves aspect of the Lincoln Legacy, Obama really has no reason to admire , the rail splitter from Illinois. That's why he had no interest in attending the Gettyburg Address ceremony . He is, in fact, the first President to pull a no-show at this event. He simply doesn't care about a ceremony for this assassinated Republican . His only concern, right now, is for the crumbling facade of his own image. Which is why he did attend the ceremony at the Eternal Flame, in Arlington, that commemorated the anniversary of the death of President Kennedy,...the shining star of the Democrat Party. At least, that's the spin. The reality is that Kennedy was a tax cutting , strong military and National defense, commie hating Conservative , that created a booming economy , with tax cuts for all Americans. Some of Kennedy's speeches may have hinted at liberalism, but, the reality of his actual policies , and what he actually accomplished, speak volumes for what he really was. The Liberal spin of the JFK legacy carries over to his assassination as well. Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President, according to all credible evidence . Yet, the left blames a fictional right wing ,Texas based conspiracy. Why? Because Oswald was a Marxist. Oswald was a communist. Oswald was a Castro supporter, who eventually fled America to become a citizen of the Soviet Union. He also tried to become a citizen of Cuba. In other words, Oswald was a liberal leftist , with a big hate on for America,...just like the Democrat Party. Oswald, therefore , could not be the shooter. Kennedy must belong to the liberal left's legacy, for no other reasons than his charisma and Democrat pedigree. Therefore ,history had to be re-written , and they have , indeed tried. Now, Obama clings to that re-write ; all else slips away .But , it is to no avail. Kennedy belongs to the Conservatives. Reality has proven this. Clinton , the other left icon, also belongs to the right, on a technicality. Clinton's sucess as President, was simply due to the fact that the Republicans controlled both the Houise and Senate, for the bulk of his Presidency, and Republican policies gave Clinton a booming economy.
The question then remains;...What then , shall be the final legacy of the Democrat Party?Obama, and Obamacare, will have to suffice,..unfortunately. In the end, their final legacy must be one of ever increasing taxes , mounting debt , and deficit, a weakened military, and ultimately, the Affordable Care Act, ...Obamacare,..the supposed key to a socialist utopia that has has now been exposed as mere illusion.Yes, the Left must settle for this. While, Obama, at this point , seeks nothing more than to preserve his image, ...his popularity, with the American people. That's why he has chosen to campaign again,..for Obamacare. It's all he can do ,..simply sell himself again to the citizens he has willingly duped. Meanwhile , his own sinking Party , screams at him to save them, and their careers.
There is a Greek Legend that tells the story of the wood nymph , Echo, ..who fell in love with a mortal, named Narcissus who , one day , upon seeing his image in a reflecting pool, fell in love with himself, leaving Echo heartbroken and weeping. Obama , like Narcissus , can only continue to gaze at the reflection of his fading political image, while the panicking Democrat Party, Wood Nymph Echo, ...can only weep,...for their lost,...unrequited ,
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Operation: Usurper!
Dr. Charles Krauthammer , Author and Fox News commentator, has stated that the collapse of Obamacare , may, in fact, be the collapse of liberalism as well. Not very likely. Liberalism is like a disease . It can be controlled , but never fully eliminated.But, it has been exposed by this law that was supposed to prove , once and for all,the superiority of socialism over capitalism . It has , in fact, proven quite the opposite . It has actually done nothing more than confirm the fact that, socialism, simply cannot survive , without capitalism's cash handouts.
Obamacare cannot be fixed . Obamacare must be destoyed . It's complete annihilation, is the only fix that can save our Nation from the complete economic collapse that will ultimately result from the implementation of this elaborate, socialism based tax scam . However, the President has proposed a so-called 'fix" in which , by executive order, he will allow the American citizens to regain their private health insurance plans,.....if they can , that is. The problem is these plans no longer exist. They have been eliminated by the government mandate , that makes their policies too expensive for their customers and unprofitable for them. Obamacare has done its job . It has, in effect, put private health insurance out of business . Forget the failed website .That is nothing more than a mere technicality , a deliberate snafu intended to prevent the citizens trying to sign up from seeing just how thoroughly screwed they are, until after the 2014 midterm Elections.The website does function just well enough to register the personal information of the gullible American citizens that are actually complying with this ridiculous mandate, and that's all Obama needs to implement the taxes and fines that are the heart of Obamacare. Supreme Court Justice Roberts declared Obamacare a tax and so it is , despite Democrats insisting , for months , that it was not. But , of course , this was before it was passed , illegally , by a special vote , created by Senator Harry Reid, that allowed the Democrats to forgo the need for 61 votes. Now with the law passed, there is no need for pretense by the Democrats. Now, they fully embrace the truth ;..Obamacare is a tax ;...nothing more , and nothing less.That's all it is, all it ever was, Just like Obama's Stimulus , Greeen Energy programs,Education programs, Infrastructure programs, Cash of Clunkers, GM Bailouts , Anti Gun Agenda, and Global Warming Initiative ;...all of it,....just one big ,Democrat Party Scheme , to get more money out of the wallets of those who earn it, , in order to give it to those who support their liberal , big government agenda , those who represent the Democrat Voting base,those who keep the Democrat Party in office.
President Obama had no authority to pass Obamacare , a law that forces Americans to purchase a product . That is not the job of the government, State, or Federal. The President also has no authority to fix this illegally passed law, by allowing the American citizens to try and regain their illegally lost Private Insurance plans. He is brazenly manipulating free market commerce.That is , in no way, shape or form, part of his specific duties as Commander in Chief The President is just making it up as he goes along . But , the fix has accomplished one thing , it has now effectively shifted the blame for the canceled insurance plague, from the Democrat Party , to the Insurance Companies themselves. Obama has granted a waiver to the citizens, for one year. They are allowed to try to regain those plans , but, of course, those plans no longer exist. So now, the bad guys are the evil insurance companies , not the President and his Administration.A clever ploy by the President, quite worthy of this trickster in chief ,But, none of his tricks matter now, Obamacare is exposed, unraveling, and the Democrat Party , in panic mode, is jumping ship , and looking to shift the blame and save their political careers.
In the meantime, a new law , proposed by the Republican congress , and supported by 39 Democrat defectors , called the Upton Bill, would counter the President's supposed fix , by allowing the Private Health Insurers to operate without the government mandated updates to their policies ;..they can stay as they were , before Obamacare , forever. This may pass in the congress , but certainly not in the Senate.There, the Democrat Party will reject it , for the most practical reason;...if Obamacare allows the private insurers to survive, by government mandate, then,...Obamacare cannot survive. Obamacare's funding depends on the total elimination of the Private health insurance industry. Otherwise ,it cannot exist . Unless Obamacare destroys the private markets , it will collapse.
No fix is possible, Except for the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee version , which destroys the law, by defunding it.At this point, what should the Republicans do? Nothing . Nothing is needed at this point. They need to stay out of the way of Obamacare's collapse, and simply propose the across state lines, portability plan, that allows the free market to solve the healthcare issue, the same way the free market solves all economic problems , as long as government stays out of the way. Republicans must not fall into the Democrat trap now , of putting their names on anything to do with this law, for that will surely give the Democrats the chance to , once again, blame all their failings , on the Republican Party;..the Party, of,"no'.If they stand back, and watch it collapse on its own, they will have positioned themselves perfectly, for victory in the 2014 Midterms. The Democrat Party, Liberalism, and the shining jewel of socialism,Obamacare, are crumbling right before our eyes . With the collapse of this one law , the law that the left has dreamed of, since the 1930's , the law that would enable socialism to take root in America,the proponents of socialism are finally being proven wrong ;..their philosophy has finally been debunked completely, simply unworkable , in the real world. Indeed, everything that the left has spent decades , trying to achieve , has now, with the fall of Obamacare , been proven a grand illusion , created in the minds of left wing academia, who , have simply, never lived in the real world, and have no concept of how it functions.
The Republican Party must let the left self destructon their own, and concentrate on winning elections , which, at this point , is the only logical way to crush all things Obama , once and for all. The question now is;...what shall be the campaign strategy for the Republicans?Answer;...they don't need one. All that is needed , by us, is to do the logical thing , at this point, and simply support the Republican Party , and all the Republican candidates that are running in 2014. No staying home on election night. No third party votes. No Tea Party inflexible arrogance. Democrats support all of their candidates, unwaiveringly. So must the Republicans . Forget looking for the perfect conservative, and remember , the Republican Party is the Party of the people, for it represents the principles our Nation is founded on, the principles of self government and free market capitalism . We the People rule, and the Republican Party represents this rule. The plan is simple;..we get out the vote in 2014;...and we win. It's that simple. We support all our candidates strongly, and we win . If we stay home , as 3 million Republican voters did with Romney, or vote third party, then;....we lose . Again . And always. 2010 proved what we could do, as a Party, if only we would. Let's do it again . Let's support the team , America's team , our party, The Republican Party. The Party of Winners.
Who shall usurp Obama in 2016?Will it be Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey? The Media will certainly choose him , as they did ,McCaim and Romney, for the media leans left , and knows that these moderates will insure a Democrat victory. But , that's only if 'We the People", let them . If Christie is nominated, who cares? We the People , have a job to do . We need to support the Republican candidates, in all elections, as if the life of the country, depended on it. Because , in many ways , it does. When the colonies broke from native England, Benjamin Franklin told his fellow Founders , "We must hang together , or, we shall surely , hang seperately. "Franklin's words have the ring of truth to them;... then, and most assuredly, now.We the People , must simply hang together , as the left crumbles .And, if we do , we win. We are the Usurpers of this tyranny. And , we can only be defeated; ourselves.
Obamacare cannot be fixed . Obamacare must be destoyed . It's complete annihilation, is the only fix that can save our Nation from the complete economic collapse that will ultimately result from the implementation of this elaborate, socialism based tax scam . However, the President has proposed a so-called 'fix" in which , by executive order, he will allow the American citizens to regain their private health insurance plans,.....if they can , that is. The problem is these plans no longer exist. They have been eliminated by the government mandate , that makes their policies too expensive for their customers and unprofitable for them. Obamacare has done its job . It has, in effect, put private health insurance out of business . Forget the failed website .That is nothing more than a mere technicality , a deliberate snafu intended to prevent the citizens trying to sign up from seeing just how thoroughly screwed they are, until after the 2014 midterm Elections.The website does function just well enough to register the personal information of the gullible American citizens that are actually complying with this ridiculous mandate, and that's all Obama needs to implement the taxes and fines that are the heart of Obamacare. Supreme Court Justice Roberts declared Obamacare a tax and so it is , despite Democrats insisting , for months , that it was not. But , of course , this was before it was passed , illegally , by a special vote , created by Senator Harry Reid, that allowed the Democrats to forgo the need for 61 votes. Now with the law passed, there is no need for pretense by the Democrats. Now, they fully embrace the truth ;..Obamacare is a tax ;...nothing more , and nothing less.That's all it is, all it ever was, Just like Obama's Stimulus , Greeen Energy programs,Education programs, Infrastructure programs, Cash of Clunkers, GM Bailouts , Anti Gun Agenda, and Global Warming Initiative ;...all of it,....just one big ,Democrat Party Scheme , to get more money out of the wallets of those who earn it, , in order to give it to those who support their liberal , big government agenda , those who represent the Democrat Voting base,those who keep the Democrat Party in office.
President Obama had no authority to pass Obamacare , a law that forces Americans to purchase a product . That is not the job of the government, State, or Federal. The President also has no authority to fix this illegally passed law, by allowing the American citizens to try and regain their illegally lost Private Insurance plans. He is brazenly manipulating free market commerce.That is , in no way, shape or form, part of his specific duties as Commander in Chief The President is just making it up as he goes along . But , the fix has accomplished one thing , it has now effectively shifted the blame for the canceled insurance plague, from the Democrat Party , to the Insurance Companies themselves. Obama has granted a waiver to the citizens, for one year. They are allowed to try to regain those plans , but, of course, those plans no longer exist. So now, the bad guys are the evil insurance companies , not the President and his Administration.A clever ploy by the President, quite worthy of this trickster in chief ,But, none of his tricks matter now, Obamacare is exposed, unraveling, and the Democrat Party , in panic mode, is jumping ship , and looking to shift the blame and save their political careers.
In the meantime, a new law , proposed by the Republican congress , and supported by 39 Democrat defectors , called the Upton Bill, would counter the President's supposed fix , by allowing the Private Health Insurers to operate without the government mandated updates to their policies ;..they can stay as they were , before Obamacare , forever. This may pass in the congress , but certainly not in the Senate.There, the Democrat Party will reject it , for the most practical reason;...if Obamacare allows the private insurers to survive, by government mandate, then,...Obamacare cannot survive. Obamacare's funding depends on the total elimination of the Private health insurance industry. Otherwise ,it cannot exist . Unless Obamacare destroys the private markets , it will collapse.
No fix is possible, Except for the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee version , which destroys the law, by defunding it.At this point, what should the Republicans do? Nothing . Nothing is needed at this point. They need to stay out of the way of Obamacare's collapse, and simply propose the across state lines, portability plan, that allows the free market to solve the healthcare issue, the same way the free market solves all economic problems , as long as government stays out of the way. Republicans must not fall into the Democrat trap now , of putting their names on anything to do with this law, for that will surely give the Democrats the chance to , once again, blame all their failings , on the Republican Party;..the Party, of,"no'.If they stand back, and watch it collapse on its own, they will have positioned themselves perfectly, for victory in the 2014 Midterms. The Democrat Party, Liberalism, and the shining jewel of socialism,Obamacare, are crumbling right before our eyes . With the collapse of this one law , the law that the left has dreamed of, since the 1930's , the law that would enable socialism to take root in America,the proponents of socialism are finally being proven wrong ;..their philosophy has finally been debunked completely, simply unworkable , in the real world. Indeed, everything that the left has spent decades , trying to achieve , has now, with the fall of Obamacare , been proven a grand illusion , created in the minds of left wing academia, who , have simply, never lived in the real world, and have no concept of how it functions.
The Republican Party must let the left self destructon their own, and concentrate on winning elections , which, at this point , is the only logical way to crush all things Obama , once and for all. The question now is;...what shall be the campaign strategy for the Republicans?Answer;...they don't need one. All that is needed , by us, is to do the logical thing , at this point, and simply support the Republican Party , and all the Republican candidates that are running in 2014. No staying home on election night. No third party votes. No Tea Party inflexible arrogance. Democrats support all of their candidates, unwaiveringly. So must the Republicans . Forget looking for the perfect conservative, and remember , the Republican Party is the Party of the people, for it represents the principles our Nation is founded on, the principles of self government and free market capitalism . We the People rule, and the Republican Party represents this rule. The plan is simple;..we get out the vote in 2014;...and we win. It's that simple. We support all our candidates strongly, and we win . If we stay home , as 3 million Republican voters did with Romney, or vote third party, then;....we lose . Again . And always. 2010 proved what we could do, as a Party, if only we would. Let's do it again . Let's support the team , America's team , our party, The Republican Party. The Party of Winners.
Who shall usurp Obama in 2016?Will it be Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey? The Media will certainly choose him , as they did ,McCaim and Romney, for the media leans left , and knows that these moderates will insure a Democrat victory. But , that's only if 'We the People", let them . If Christie is nominated, who cares? We the People , have a job to do . We need to support the Republican candidates, in all elections, as if the life of the country, depended on it. Because , in many ways , it does. When the colonies broke from native England, Benjamin Franklin told his fellow Founders , "We must hang together , or, we shall surely , hang seperately. "Franklin's words have the ring of truth to them;... then, and most assuredly, now.We the People , must simply hang together , as the left crumbles .And, if we do , we win. We are the Usurpers of this tyranny. And , we can only be defeated; ourselves.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Deceptions of the Trickster
The President, is now under fire from his own Party, as Democrat Congressman and Senators now fear losing their jobs , due to their support of Obamacare. This is why the President , in a recent interview , was forced to give a left handed apology to those who lost their private Health Insurance , due to his policies. However, this half-hearted apology , based on an Administration and a Party in panic, will not change the course of destiny, that is now leading them to political doom.
Obamacare , the President's crowning achievement , is now collapsing under the weight of a failed website riddled with security issues, and a string of empty promises and deceptions that were designed to conceal the true nature of this law. Obamacare has failed, utterly and completely, but,...this was inevitable, since it was based on the flawed premise that Healthcare is a right. Healthcare is not a right, but a commodity, that can be purchased on the free market , the same way you would purchase a loaf of bread , or a big screen T.V. You have no right to Healthcare , and the Government has no constitutional right to force the American citizens to purchase anything. The only thing that all Americans have a right to , is freedom. With freedom ,all other things are possible , including the right to purchase Health Insurance , the right way, ...on the Free Market. We have 1, 750 existing Health Insurance Companies in this country. If we are allowed to choose from among these companies , across State Lines , free market competition will be the result,and all Health Insurance problems will be solved.
Also, the idea that the Democrats put forth, that we need Government Health Insurance , because taxpayers are forced to pay for Emergency Room patients , is ridiculous. Put these people on a payment plan .Make them pay for their treatment , in installments , the way you would pay for a car. If these people can afford Big Screen T.V.'s , Cars, I-Phones , X-Boxes ,and all kinds of bling,...they can afford to pay for their own Healthcare. But, if you still feel that you have a right to Free Healthcare, Free Housing , Free Education ,....then,....your solution is simple. Move to Russia , Venezuela, Cuba, or some other Socialist State. There, you can have everything you want, ...except your freedom.And,.... everyone is equal,...equally poor , that is.
The bottom line is this; can have all the free entitlements in the world, but it means nothing, if you don't have your freedom. Obamacare has now been exposed as a fraud , designed to take your private Health Insurance , and your freedom, away, while at the same time, it has forced the President into campaign mode , once again, as he desperately tries to promote and defend, what has become , indefensible. Indeed , as the President, once more enters campaign mode, to sell Obamacare to the American People, he has begun to seem more like a Cheap , Fairground Trickster,than the Commander in Chief , of the Armed Forces. Well, the Trickster in Chief has not really apologized, but he has promised to fix the problems with Obamacare , that , according to him, he barely knows anything about. He said the same thing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, and IRS scandals, all of which he claimed to know nothing about , and all of which, he claimed, that he would fix. The President will fix nothing ,..because all that has been done , has been by design , to weaken America, and strengthen government ;... And, all is going according to his plan. And, if this brings discomfort to the American people ;...the President will , no doubt,apologize, and weep about it, at some later date.
Obamacare , the President's crowning achievement , is now collapsing under the weight of a failed website riddled with security issues, and a string of empty promises and deceptions that were designed to conceal the true nature of this law. Obamacare has failed, utterly and completely, but,...this was inevitable, since it was based on the flawed premise that Healthcare is a right. Healthcare is not a right, but a commodity, that can be purchased on the free market , the same way you would purchase a loaf of bread , or a big screen T.V. You have no right to Healthcare , and the Government has no constitutional right to force the American citizens to purchase anything. The only thing that all Americans have a right to , is freedom. With freedom ,all other things are possible , including the right to purchase Health Insurance , the right way, ...on the Free Market. We have 1, 750 existing Health Insurance Companies in this country. If we are allowed to choose from among these companies , across State Lines , free market competition will be the result,and all Health Insurance problems will be solved.
Also, the idea that the Democrats put forth, that we need Government Health Insurance , because taxpayers are forced to pay for Emergency Room patients , is ridiculous. Put these people on a payment plan .Make them pay for their treatment , in installments , the way you would pay for a car. If these people can afford Big Screen T.V.'s , Cars, I-Phones , X-Boxes ,and all kinds of bling,...they can afford to pay for their own Healthcare. But, if you still feel that you have a right to Free Healthcare, Free Housing , Free Education ,....then,....your solution is simple. Move to Russia , Venezuela, Cuba, or some other Socialist State. There, you can have everything you want, ...except your freedom.And,.... everyone is equal,...equally poor , that is.
The bottom line is this; can have all the free entitlements in the world, but it means nothing, if you don't have your freedom. Obamacare has now been exposed as a fraud , designed to take your private Health Insurance , and your freedom, away, while at the same time, it has forced the President into campaign mode , once again, as he desperately tries to promote and defend, what has become , indefensible. Indeed , as the President, once more enters campaign mode, to sell Obamacare to the American People, he has begun to seem more like a Cheap , Fairground Trickster,than the Commander in Chief , of the Armed Forces. Well, the Trickster in Chief has not really apologized, but he has promised to fix the problems with Obamacare , that , according to him, he barely knows anything about. He said the same thing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, and IRS scandals, all of which he claimed to know nothing about , and all of which, he claimed, that he would fix. The President will fix nothing ,..because all that has been done , has been by design , to weaken America, and strengthen government ;... And, all is going according to his plan. And, if this brings discomfort to the American people ;...the President will , no doubt,apologize, and weep about it, at some later date.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Witches Cauldron
If the Three Witches of Macbeth , were to look into their cauldron , and predict the fate of Obamacare, and the Obama regime,...what would they see?Perhaps this;..........
Imagine, if you will, that the Obamacare website was working ,..and working well, ..from day one.Imagine that, everyone who wanted to could sign up , pick a plan, and compare prices.What would be the result? Disaster, that's what. Complete , and utter disaster , for the Obama administration, that is.If the website worked as promised , all Americans would be able to clearly see,..that they have been hoodwinked. With a functioning website , they would see that, their Health Care costs have now , at least , tripled in costs , and , of course, they would be able to see that they cannot even keep their own doctor.
All Americans , overnight, would know that they have been scammed , and that the President and his administration had lied to them . That would spell disaster for the Democrat party, in general, as we approach the 2014 Midterms . This is why the website doesn't work . Nor will it ever work, until after the 2014 Midterm elections ,. that is.In the meantime, we have a total of six Americans who were able to sign up opening day, and millions of Americans being told by their private health insurance company that they are being dropped, because the Obama Administration , is forcing them to provide coverage that they simply cannot afford to provide.
The President has said, repeatedly, over the years, dating back to 2008, that, "If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare,...period."He was wrong.But, more than that, he was lying. He knew , from day one, that Private Insurance would be forced to drop their customers . That's a proven fact, and if Obama and the left were to reach their ultimate goal of a single payer Health Care system , it's an essential fact, that the American people be dropped by their Health Insurers . It was part of the plan , as was the failed website. The website was designed to prevent the general public, from seeing the cost of Obamacare. It was designed to simply enable you to register on the site, that's all. For, once you're registered, they got you. Mission Accomplished. Obamacare , at that moment, now has all your personal info , and can now implement the essence of Obamacare , namely, the taxes and regulations , that will quite effectively, take more money from your pocket ,...guaranteed . That, ultimately, is all Obamacare really is. Government can't run Health Insurance , Health Care, or anything else , for that matter. History proves this . Everything Obama has touched has gone bankrupt . Green Energy, the Freddie and Fannie Housing fiasco, cash for clunkers, ..all private sector endeavors that Obama has imposed himself, and the Federal Government on, has ended in complete financial disaster. Now, it's Health Care,..which is , of course ,the Holy Grail of socialism to the left , since controlling the Healthcare of citizens guarantees control of all aspects of the free market. But, as history has shown, it cannot work , and has not worked anywhere in the world that its been tried. Even Romneycare , a state run universal Healthcare system, is now collapsing under an avalanche of higher taxes , and subpar medical availability and care .So too, is now Obamacare now collapsing , as the full effect of higher taxes , regulations , and premium costs, has been exposed as unaffordable for those Americans who somehow have been able to sign up.This is the nature of government . This is why it can never , and should never , interject itself in the free market. For, the government has no money, it does not create a product or service, and therefore , must depend on the money of those who do provide a product or service , in order to implement their projects, and, just to survive, well. When you depend on the money of others to build your dream, your socialist utopia,..quality doesn't matter then, ..either of product, or service , because , you see, you cannot go out of business ,..because your business is not dependent on free market sucess. It is only dependent on the flow of taxpayer money to your business ,..and that,...will never run out.
The President has lied. About everything from closing Gitmo, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, ..the President has never told us the truth on anything ,..ever. Why then , would he tell the truth about Obamacare? It's a tax. That's all. That's all it ever was, and all it ever will be, and , all that Obama and the left, ever intended it to be. It's designed to destroy the free market and increase government control and power over that free market. Power and Control. That's Obamacare. That's its true purpose.
To defeat it, we must reject it. We must refuse ,..en masse, to participate in it. The website is just a tool to register you for new taxes , and all it gives you in return , a security risk to your private info. Why would anyone willingly sign up for this? Refuse, reject, and defy,..this President and his mandate ,..and the mandate will go away. It has no choice. We need to reject it, and then , win elections for the Republican Party ,..the Party of economic prosperity. That's it in a nutshell. No amount of sign carrying protests by the Tea Party will change anything ,...if it does not translate into Republican votes at the polls. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut regulations.Only Republicans cut entitlements that bankrupt our nation. And, only Republicans have voted , unanimously, "no", Obamacare. Conservative, or Moderate , it matters little. All must be supported , by the American people, in every election , from now on. No third parties, no staying home, in arrogant moronic , indignation, because the candidate is not the perfect conservative. That's a loser strategy. That's how Republicans lose elections . Democrats need no Third Party. Democrats support all their candidates . Democrats are consistently getting out their vote.Why then , do Republicans fight amongst themselves , condemn conservatives , and Tea Party members , and stay home, 300 thousand strong, rather than cast a vote for the moderate Romney, who campaigned on stopping Obamacare, by granting Statewide waivers. Romney should be President. Right Now.And, he would be, if 300 thousand Republican voters , didn't stay home , instead of saving their country. No more.
You want to stop Obama?Stop the outrage , and accept the fact that,"We the people,"are responsible for all that's happened , and we need to do what is necessary to stop it. And, all that's necesssary is for the Republican Party to start winning elections.We did it in '93, when the Republicans took control of the House and Senate for the first time in fifty years,....and it led to a booming economy. We did it in 2010,..specifically to stop Obamacare. We can do it again . All it takes is for conservatives , Moderates , and Tea Party Members , to unite , like we did for Ted Cruz's defund Obamacare push. We must unite and resolve never to stay home , for any election, again. Never to vote third party again. And, never allow any Republican candidate, to lose,..ever again. Remember, Healthcare is not a right, ...but freedom is. And only freedom , can really exist. Obamacare cannot exist , because it was based on a myth , that people showing up at hospital emergency rooms, cannot afford to pay for their care . And , that single myth was how the left sold Obamacare to the public . We need government mandated insurance ,..because people can't afford to pay hospitals for their treatment. What utter nonsense. If you show up for treatment, can pay,and, the hospitals need to make them pay.It's called a monthly payment plan.You pay for your treatment by cash installments ;..the way you would pay for anything else in the free market. These people have cars , big screen televisions, I Phones, and designer clothes and jewelry. They can pay for their hospital care, guaranteed. And, if they pay cash, it's 30% cheaper anyway. So much for that myth, and the myth that was spawned from it,..Obamacare;...a myth that now, fully exposed , has sealed the fate of the Democrat Party , and the Obama Administration.
Many years ago, conservative Republicans predicted the downfall of the Obama Administration, just as surely as the three witches predicted the downfall of Macbeth , and his kingdom. And, if those Witches existed today, poised over their bubbling cauldron of truth, doubt their names would be ,..Cruz,...Lee,......and Bachmann.
Imagine, if you will, that the Obamacare website was working ,..and working well, ..from day one.Imagine that, everyone who wanted to could sign up , pick a plan, and compare prices.What would be the result? Disaster, that's what. Complete , and utter disaster , for the Obama administration, that is.If the website worked as promised , all Americans would be able to clearly see,..that they have been hoodwinked. With a functioning website , they would see that, their Health Care costs have now , at least , tripled in costs , and , of course, they would be able to see that they cannot even keep their own doctor.
All Americans , overnight, would know that they have been scammed , and that the President and his administration had lied to them . That would spell disaster for the Democrat party, in general, as we approach the 2014 Midterms . This is why the website doesn't work . Nor will it ever work, until after the 2014 Midterm elections ,. that is.In the meantime, we have a total of six Americans who were able to sign up opening day, and millions of Americans being told by their private health insurance company that they are being dropped, because the Obama Administration , is forcing them to provide coverage that they simply cannot afford to provide.
The President has said, repeatedly, over the years, dating back to 2008, that, "If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare,...period."He was wrong.But, more than that, he was lying. He knew , from day one, that Private Insurance would be forced to drop their customers . That's a proven fact, and if Obama and the left were to reach their ultimate goal of a single payer Health Care system , it's an essential fact, that the American people be dropped by their Health Insurers . It was part of the plan , as was the failed website. The website was designed to prevent the general public, from seeing the cost of Obamacare. It was designed to simply enable you to register on the site, that's all. For, once you're registered, they got you. Mission Accomplished. Obamacare , at that moment, now has all your personal info , and can now implement the essence of Obamacare , namely, the taxes and regulations , that will quite effectively, take more money from your pocket ,...guaranteed . That, ultimately, is all Obamacare really is. Government can't run Health Insurance , Health Care, or anything else , for that matter. History proves this . Everything Obama has touched has gone bankrupt . Green Energy, the Freddie and Fannie Housing fiasco, cash for clunkers, ..all private sector endeavors that Obama has imposed himself, and the Federal Government on, has ended in complete financial disaster. Now, it's Health Care,..which is , of course ,the Holy Grail of socialism to the left , since controlling the Healthcare of citizens guarantees control of all aspects of the free market. But, as history has shown, it cannot work , and has not worked anywhere in the world that its been tried. Even Romneycare , a state run universal Healthcare system, is now collapsing under an avalanche of higher taxes , and subpar medical availability and care .So too, is now Obamacare now collapsing , as the full effect of higher taxes , regulations , and premium costs, has been exposed as unaffordable for those Americans who somehow have been able to sign up.This is the nature of government . This is why it can never , and should never , interject itself in the free market. For, the government has no money, it does not create a product or service, and therefore , must depend on the money of those who do provide a product or service , in order to implement their projects, and, just to survive, well. When you depend on the money of others to build your dream, your socialist utopia,..quality doesn't matter then, ..either of product, or service , because , you see, you cannot go out of business ,..because your business is not dependent on free market sucess. It is only dependent on the flow of taxpayer money to your business ,..and that,...will never run out.
The President has lied. About everything from closing Gitmo, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, ..the President has never told us the truth on anything ,..ever. Why then , would he tell the truth about Obamacare? It's a tax. That's all. That's all it ever was, and all it ever will be, and , all that Obama and the left, ever intended it to be. It's designed to destroy the free market and increase government control and power over that free market. Power and Control. That's Obamacare. That's its true purpose.
To defeat it, we must reject it. We must refuse ,..en masse, to participate in it. The website is just a tool to register you for new taxes , and all it gives you in return , a security risk to your private info. Why would anyone willingly sign up for this? Refuse, reject, and defy,..this President and his mandate ,..and the mandate will go away. It has no choice. We need to reject it, and then , win elections for the Republican Party ,..the Party of economic prosperity. That's it in a nutshell. No amount of sign carrying protests by the Tea Party will change anything ,...if it does not translate into Republican votes at the polls. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut regulations.Only Republicans cut entitlements that bankrupt our nation. And, only Republicans have voted , unanimously, "no", Obamacare. Conservative, or Moderate , it matters little. All must be supported , by the American people, in every election , from now on. No third parties, no staying home, in arrogant moronic , indignation, because the candidate is not the perfect conservative. That's a loser strategy. That's how Republicans lose elections . Democrats need no Third Party. Democrats support all their candidates . Democrats are consistently getting out their vote.Why then , do Republicans fight amongst themselves , condemn conservatives , and Tea Party members , and stay home, 300 thousand strong, rather than cast a vote for the moderate Romney, who campaigned on stopping Obamacare, by granting Statewide waivers. Romney should be President. Right Now.And, he would be, if 300 thousand Republican voters , didn't stay home , instead of saving their country. No more.
You want to stop Obama?Stop the outrage , and accept the fact that,"We the people,"are responsible for all that's happened , and we need to do what is necessary to stop it. And, all that's necesssary is for the Republican Party to start winning elections.We did it in '93, when the Republicans took control of the House and Senate for the first time in fifty years,....and it led to a booming economy. We did it in 2010,..specifically to stop Obamacare. We can do it again . All it takes is for conservatives , Moderates , and Tea Party Members , to unite , like we did for Ted Cruz's defund Obamacare push. We must unite and resolve never to stay home , for any election, again. Never to vote third party again. And, never allow any Republican candidate, to lose,..ever again. Remember, Healthcare is not a right, ...but freedom is. And only freedom , can really exist. Obamacare cannot exist , because it was based on a myth , that people showing up at hospital emergency rooms, cannot afford to pay for their care . And , that single myth was how the left sold Obamacare to the public . We need government mandated insurance ,..because people can't afford to pay hospitals for their treatment. What utter nonsense. If you show up for treatment, can pay,and, the hospitals need to make them pay.It's called a monthly payment plan.You pay for your treatment by cash installments ;..the way you would pay for anything else in the free market. These people have cars , big screen televisions, I Phones, and designer clothes and jewelry. They can pay for their hospital care, guaranteed. And, if they pay cash, it's 30% cheaper anyway. So much for that myth, and the myth that was spawned from it,..Obamacare;...a myth that now, fully exposed , has sealed the fate of the Democrat Party , and the Obama Administration.
Many years ago, conservative Republicans predicted the downfall of the Obama Administration, just as surely as the three witches predicted the downfall of Macbeth , and his kingdom. And, if those Witches existed today, poised over their bubbling cauldron of truth, doubt their names would be ,..Cruz,...Lee,......and Bachmann.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
A Girl Called Aletheia
Once upon a time, there was a village where everything was obtained through the government . Housing, education, employment , even leisure recreation, were all carefully planned , by the village leaders , for the people they ruled. And, the people , for the most part, were content. Everyone was equal. Everyone received the same pay, the same attention, the same accolades , the same medical care , the same education, the same housing, ...from cradle to grave. There was no need for ambition , greed , or personal goals , since all citizens remained equal in every way. Except, of course, for the elite who ruled over them . But, nevertheless, all were content with their lot in life . In truth , they knew no other way. All were content,....except one , that is. One man in the village who, one day, began to contemplate a different life, a different way , from life as it existed in the village. He voiced his thoughts on this matter to his family, one evening, and his wife reminded him of a story she had heard when she was but a child ;..a story of a Shining City on a Hill, which had been called the greatest city ever created. "What had happened to the city?"asked the man , "What became of it?"."No one knows",answered his wife, "but, it is said,though the city is gone, the hill still exists on a mountaintop outside the village, and on this mountaintop , there is a cave, and within this cave there dwells a girl called Aletheia , who , is the only one who knows the secret of the City on the Hill. And so, in the morning, the man , after saying goodbye to his wife and children, set forth to the mountain to discover the secret that this girl called Aletheia held.
Surely, he thought , there must be something more to life than simply being taken care of by the government. What more there could be, he wasn't sure , but , he felt that there must be , there has to be, ..something else. If this Shining City held the answer that would bring him and his friends happiness, he would know the secret , the secret that this Aletheia held.
For weeks, the man climbed the mountain , until , finally, at the end of his strength ,..he collapsed, from hunger, thirst, and exposure, on the side of the mountain. He woke, hours later, to find himself in a cave with a young girl ,dressed in a flowing white robe , staring at him . "You have journeyed far from your village , she said."Why have you risked death to climb this mountain?""I would risk anything to discover the secret of this so-called Shining City on a Hill, that the legends speak of ,"the man replied. "It was said girl, that , ,long ago,this city was the greatest civilization that ever existed. Even greater than the village. It is also said that life there was different , and , more importantly,..the people were different. Yet, I do not understand how". "Like the village , the City's citizens needs were all taken care of. They wanted for nothing , and all were happy, peaceful, and content, like those who dwelled in the village. Yet, it was said, that this city , ,..was different from all others , and that difference is what made it great, "The girl smiled at him , and said,"So, you have come to learn the secret of the Shining City, that I , alone, posess, so that you too, can know the happiness that the people who lived there had.""Come with me"., the girl said, , and led the man down into the depths of the cave ,until they came to a wall, shrouded behind a thin , gossamer , curtain. "Behind this curtain, stands the last remnant of the City, and within it is the answer that you seek,..the answer that will give you all that you need in life , be happy. ".
The man approached the curtain nervously, and, his hand trembling, carefully pulled it back, revealing a large stone of polished marble, ..a monolith, whose smooth , gleaming surface, cast the man's startled reflection , like a mirror. "Here is your answer ", said the girl, "Are you now satisfied?""What do you mean?", shouted the man. "I see nothing but a polished rock of marble, with what loooks like the names of men engraved upon it". "And, upon this rock, "the girl said, 'Is the answer to your question ". 'But', answered the man, 'There is nothing on it, but carved names , and my own reflected image"."How can this be the answer to all that I seek in life, the answer to life itself?"shouted the man. The Girl smiled again , and turned to walk away from the man. "Wait Aletheia!", begged the man , "I still do not understand !"'What is the answer?"The girl did not answer at first, but , instead kept walking towards the mouth of the cave. Then , she turned ,and said ,"The answer,that you seek, is the image that you see reflected on that polished rock. It is your image.All that you seek , can only be obtained , you,...yourself,....through your own efforts ,...or else, is meaningless. "This is the secret that the ancients from the Shining City understood. They knew that their creator had given them the greatest gift of all, the gift of freedom, and free will, and the ability to work, worship, and govern themselves , as they please, without the need for a King, Queen , Dictator, or Tyrant, to rule over them . The Shining City dwellers knew that they were created free , and that was all they needed , to govern their own lives , achieve, their own achievements, and to create their own happiness.""The answer", the girl said, turning away again , 'Lies within you , were made in the great creator's image, ....and no where else."The girl now turned away , and walked out of the cave , leaving the man , staring, perplexed by her message. 'But wait!", the man yelled after her fading image, 'What of the names that are engraved on this polished marble?What do they mean?"Who were they?"The girl turned again , toward the man , and replied, "The names?Those are the names of the dwellers of the city , who paid the price, for the freedom they enjoyed". 'A price , Aletheia?"asked the man , "But , I thought this freedom was a gift from their God. What price did they have to pay for this freedom?" The girl turned to walk away again , and then , paused and over her shoulder , without turning this time, replied, "The price they paid,...was the price all men must be willing to pay, if they wish to be free". 'The price,..was their lives". The man , finally understanding, turned to touch the monument before him , and then , filled with new energy, and resolve , began his long journey , back to his village.
"And that, children , is how Aletheia , the Greek goddess of truth and freedom, saved the village, from the scourge of Obamacare". "Good night Children ,..... and liberal Democrats ,..everywhere".
This is a story that Texas Senator Ted Cruz, might , one day tell his children at bedtime , during his next filibuster , before the Senate.He might tell this story to them , so that they understand the meaning and importance of freedom , and the price we must be willing to pay for it. Obamacare is just a tool , that the Democrats will now use to create this village , where the citizens have everything they need , except freedom , and all are equal;..equally poor , that is. We the People , must continue in the fight to destroy Obamacare , so that , in the future, the girl called Aletheia ,. does not become the sole guardian of our legacy of freedom. Obama will not be impeached. Pelosi will not be fired. Reid will not be fired. Sebelius, will not be fired. No, it's now all up to us. The 2014 Midterms represent our last chance to stop all of them . Let's win this one for the Republican Party , and our children , before our freedom really does become ,...just a children's fairytale.
Surely, he thought , there must be something more to life than simply being taken care of by the government. What more there could be, he wasn't sure , but , he felt that there must be , there has to be, ..something else. If this Shining City held the answer that would bring him and his friends happiness, he would know the secret , the secret that this Aletheia held.
For weeks, the man climbed the mountain , until , finally, at the end of his strength ,..he collapsed, from hunger, thirst, and exposure, on the side of the mountain. He woke, hours later, to find himself in a cave with a young girl ,dressed in a flowing white robe , staring at him . "You have journeyed far from your village , she said."Why have you risked death to climb this mountain?""I would risk anything to discover the secret of this so-called Shining City on a Hill, that the legends speak of ,"the man replied. "It was said girl, that , ,long ago,this city was the greatest civilization that ever existed. Even greater than the village. It is also said that life there was different , and , more importantly,..the people were different. Yet, I do not understand how". "Like the village , the City's citizens needs were all taken care of. They wanted for nothing , and all were happy, peaceful, and content, like those who dwelled in the village. Yet, it was said, that this city , ,..was different from all others , and that difference is what made it great, "The girl smiled at him , and said,"So, you have come to learn the secret of the Shining City, that I , alone, posess, so that you too, can know the happiness that the people who lived there had.""Come with me"., the girl said, , and led the man down into the depths of the cave ,until they came to a wall, shrouded behind a thin , gossamer , curtain. "Behind this curtain, stands the last remnant of the City, and within it is the answer that you seek,..the answer that will give you all that you need in life , be happy. ".
The man approached the curtain nervously, and, his hand trembling, carefully pulled it back, revealing a large stone of polished marble, ..a monolith, whose smooth , gleaming surface, cast the man's startled reflection , like a mirror. "Here is your answer ", said the girl, "Are you now satisfied?""What do you mean?", shouted the man. "I see nothing but a polished rock of marble, with what loooks like the names of men engraved upon it". "And, upon this rock, "the girl said, 'Is the answer to your question ". 'But', answered the man, 'There is nothing on it, but carved names , and my own reflected image"."How can this be the answer to all that I seek in life, the answer to life itself?"shouted the man. The Girl smiled again , and turned to walk away from the man. "Wait Aletheia!", begged the man , "I still do not understand !"'What is the answer?"The girl did not answer at first, but , instead kept walking towards the mouth of the cave. Then , she turned ,and said ,"The answer,that you seek, is the image that you see reflected on that polished rock. It is your image.All that you seek , can only be obtained , you,...yourself,....through your own efforts ,...or else, is meaningless. "This is the secret that the ancients from the Shining City understood. They knew that their creator had given them the greatest gift of all, the gift of freedom, and free will, and the ability to work, worship, and govern themselves , as they please, without the need for a King, Queen , Dictator, or Tyrant, to rule over them . The Shining City dwellers knew that they were created free , and that was all they needed , to govern their own lives , achieve, their own achievements, and to create their own happiness.""The answer", the girl said, turning away again , 'Lies within you , were made in the great creator's image, ....and no where else."The girl now turned away , and walked out of the cave , leaving the man , staring, perplexed by her message. 'But wait!", the man yelled after her fading image, 'What of the names that are engraved on this polished marble?What do they mean?"Who were they?"The girl turned again , toward the man , and replied, "The names?Those are the names of the dwellers of the city , who paid the price, for the freedom they enjoyed". 'A price , Aletheia?"asked the man , "But , I thought this freedom was a gift from their God. What price did they have to pay for this freedom?" The girl turned to walk away again , and then , paused and over her shoulder , without turning this time, replied, "The price they paid,...was the price all men must be willing to pay, if they wish to be free". 'The price,..was their lives". The man , finally understanding, turned to touch the monument before him , and then , filled with new energy, and resolve , began his long journey , back to his village.
"And that, children , is how Aletheia , the Greek goddess of truth and freedom, saved the village, from the scourge of Obamacare". "Good night Children ,..... and liberal Democrats ,..everywhere".
This is a story that Texas Senator Ted Cruz, might , one day tell his children at bedtime , during his next filibuster , before the Senate.He might tell this story to them , so that they understand the meaning and importance of freedom , and the price we must be willing to pay for it. Obamacare is just a tool , that the Democrats will now use to create this village , where the citizens have everything they need , except freedom , and all are equal;..equally poor , that is. We the People , must continue in the fight to destroy Obamacare , so that , in the future, the girl called Aletheia ,. does not become the sole guardian of our legacy of freedom. Obama will not be impeached. Pelosi will not be fired. Reid will not be fired. Sebelius, will not be fired. No, it's now all up to us. The 2014 Midterms represent our last chance to stop all of them . Let's win this one for the Republican Party , and our children , before our freedom really does become ,...just a children's fairytale.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The Indestructable Army
Well,the seige is ended. The government shutdown is no more , and with a scant 11 hours to go, the default on the U.S. Debt was averted. Or, so the Democrats would have you believe. In reality, the debt would have been paid, regardless of ther shutdown , and regardless of the debt increase. It always is. Our constitution has provisions that guarantee this. There is no money shortage, as the Democrats would lead you to believe. The Federal Government takes in 8 billion dollars a day in tax revenue , so the not being able to pay our debt , is nothing more than a liberal myth. The Nation going broke? Another liberal myth, designed to justify endless tax increases.
But what is also a liberal myth being put forth , is that the Republicans lost the battle , in this two week shutdown standoff with Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth. True, John Boehner , Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor , and the Republican Senate, essentially, ...surrendered, despite the fact that they were winning. President Obama and the Democrat Party were exposing themselves , and their true nature , by targeting our military and our Heritage , with their petty shutdowns. And, with Obamacare self-destructing on-line before our very eyes , and veterans marching on the White House in protest, all that was needed was to continue the shutdown , and refuse to raise the debt limit , and insist that the President cut a deal regarding Obamacare ;..defund, delay , exempt,..destroy, was the Cruz plan , or, at the very least, force the President to make this illegally altered law , apply to everyone , all citizens , including the Congress and Senate. But, once again, a divided Republican House and Senate, caved to a united Democrat House and Senate. There it is, pure and simple. We cannot win , in the arena of ideas, if we are divided amongst ourselves.
The Republicans talk of a Third Party. The Democrats have never needed a Third Party. Republicans will give in on demands , and make compromises .Democrats never compromise their vision , their agenda. The Republicans attack each other in print, on television, and on line. The Democrats never attack each other , and will defend , to the death, even their worst actors , their most incompetent.
The Republicans believe in low taxes , small government, and a strong military.But, they will compromise on on these issues, to avoid a government gridlock.The Democrats believe in high taxes, spending increases , entitlement increases , and military cutbacks., and , they will not compromise , they will not relent, on any of these issues. This is our problem. The Democrats recognize us as the enemy, pure and simple. An enemy that must be destroyed,period. The Republicans, on the other hand , recognize the Democrats as collegues, who just have different opinions , and differences can be resolved, by compromising on their values , in the name of unity , and simply to,"get things done. "What nonsense . Democrats are the enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Their policies have done nothing but bring destruction and doom , to this great Nation .When Democrats rule, there is poverty , economic collapse, endless wars, a weakened military, and ever increasing terror attacks on our soil , as our enemies become emboldened.
However, when Republicans are in power, their constitutional principles of tax cuts,regulation cuts, entitlement cuts , and a strong military , have led to growth and prosperity for all Americans .The answer for Republican House and Senate is clear; compromise with Democrats,ever. No deals, ever. If you have principles, and you believe in these principles , you stand by them , without a compromise , ever.
Democrats must be defeated, not greeted.
Democrats must be annihilated, not debated.
Democrats are the enemies of this country, and the principles it stands for. Their goal is a socialist , third world , poverty stricken Nation, with their party as the wealthy elite, ruling the peasents who work , not for themselves , but for them , ...for the government.
That is their goal. Our goal? It's simple. Our goal is to stop them by any means necessary. Whether it be by government shutdown, or filibuster, or defund , delay , exempt, destroy strategems , you do it , if you truly believe in the principles this nation was founded on.
They are the enemy. Therefore, all they do , is wrong.
Republicans won the 2010 Midterms, because they promised to destroy Obamacare , by any means necessary. Now, its time for them to honor that promise. To wait for the law to fail , would be a tragic mistake. Social Security , is a failed law. Medicare , is a failed law. Medicaid, is a failed law. Yet,they are still ineffect;...bankrupt, but still in effect, demanding more and more taxes , to fund their failure. They have not been repealed . We cannot wait for Obamacare to simply, collapse. It won't. It will simply exist, as one more burden to the American taxpayer ,and free market economy.
Attack, is the only answer. Republicans must stay on the offensive , and continue to attack this nightmare called Obamacare , relentlessly. For, if the positions were reversed, you can be sure that the Democrats would be relentless indeed, in trying to destroy our law, and they would not rest until it was no more. We must also have that resolve. For, we have the truth , and the constitution , on our side , and,if we refuse to bend on these principles , we will win , always. Truth always does win , and conservatism is truth.
So, did the Republicans lose this one? Was, as the Democrats suggested, the Cruz-Lee, defund Obamacare strategem , just a waste of time? Is this a Republican defeat? No. This was no defeat. For, out of the ashes , of seeming failure, comes ultimate victory. For, with the standoff. an awakening , of sorts , has occurred . We now have a growing army of conservative Republicans , in both the congress and the senate , now numbering thirty. And, all it took was one man , to take a stand , for what is right , and not back down . Sure, that one man may lose the battle , but, in the end, he will win the war. Courage is contagious. And, the courage to stand alone against impossible odds is always the most noble , the most inspiring of battles . General Washington and his small rag-tag army, were hopelessly outnumbered by the British .Defeat was inevitable. But , Washington refused to surrender , to admit defeat, no matter what, and, in the end, victory was his,..and America was born. The men of the Alamo also hopelessly outnumbered, took that same stand, and despite their defeat, in the end, Texas was an independent state , and the forces of Santa Anna ,...were .defeated.
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, also took that stand, and stood alone, against the brutal Blitzkrieg of the Nazis , that left England , a smoking ruin of a country. But, in the end, the forces of Axis evil were indeed defeated.
And now,. conservative Republicans Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Michelle Bachmann, Louis Gohmert , Rand Paul, Marco Rubio , Trey Gowdy, , and others, stand alone , united, but alone , not only against Obama and the Democrats , but also against the Republican Party, as well. It was a hopeless fight , against impossible odds . They didn't have the votes to defund Obamacare. They could not win. No matter how long the shutdown went on , they were , in the end, doomed to fail. In the end, they were destined for defeat. But, out of the ashes of this defeat, there comes a victory. A victory, in the form of a growing indestructable army of conservatives, not just in the House and Senate, but in the privare sector as well.
Obama has been exposed by Cruz and the Tea Party caucus . And, We the People now see the truth. Can Obamacare be destroyed? of course. In the end, it will be. As will the Obama regime, for, once again, men of principle and honor have stood against imposible odds , for what they believe in, knowing full well , that in the end, they could not win. But, they stood and fought anyway.
And, as History has shown , this is the kind of fight that will always lead , in the end, to overwhelming victory
And, this will become apparent in the coming months , as Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Lee, continue the fight , and Obamacare is slowly exposed for what it truly is .
The Republicans do not need a third party. All they need , is a renewed Republican Party , and now, they have it, as the conservative movement has been adopted into Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party caucus , and their numbers are , indeeed growing, both in House and Senate.
The 2014 Midterms now belong to the Republican Party , and all it took was a hopeless fight ,by outnumbered men , Against impossible odds, to achieve an implausible victory.
Fortunately , that is the kind of fight that conservative Americans,..always win .
The President gave a brief statement after the shutdown ended. He said that the American people need to stop listening to conservative talking heads and bloggers , and just let him do what he was elected to do. Sorry Mr. President, but that's just not gonna happen .
But what is also a liberal myth being put forth , is that the Republicans lost the battle , in this two week shutdown standoff with Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth. True, John Boehner , Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor , and the Republican Senate, essentially, ...surrendered, despite the fact that they were winning. President Obama and the Democrat Party were exposing themselves , and their true nature , by targeting our military and our Heritage , with their petty shutdowns. And, with Obamacare self-destructing on-line before our very eyes , and veterans marching on the White House in protest, all that was needed was to continue the shutdown , and refuse to raise the debt limit , and insist that the President cut a deal regarding Obamacare ;..defund, delay , exempt,..destroy, was the Cruz plan , or, at the very least, force the President to make this illegally altered law , apply to everyone , all citizens , including the Congress and Senate. But, once again, a divided Republican House and Senate, caved to a united Democrat House and Senate. There it is, pure and simple. We cannot win , in the arena of ideas, if we are divided amongst ourselves.
The Republicans talk of a Third Party. The Democrats have never needed a Third Party. Republicans will give in on demands , and make compromises .Democrats never compromise their vision , their agenda. The Republicans attack each other in print, on television, and on line. The Democrats never attack each other , and will defend , to the death, even their worst actors , their most incompetent.
The Republicans believe in low taxes , small government, and a strong military.But, they will compromise on on these issues, to avoid a government gridlock.The Democrats believe in high taxes, spending increases , entitlement increases , and military cutbacks., and , they will not compromise , they will not relent, on any of these issues. This is our problem. The Democrats recognize us as the enemy, pure and simple. An enemy that must be destroyed,period. The Republicans, on the other hand , recognize the Democrats as collegues, who just have different opinions , and differences can be resolved, by compromising on their values , in the name of unity , and simply to,"get things done. "What nonsense . Democrats are the enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Their policies have done nothing but bring destruction and doom , to this great Nation .When Democrats rule, there is poverty , economic collapse, endless wars, a weakened military, and ever increasing terror attacks on our soil , as our enemies become emboldened.
However, when Republicans are in power, their constitutional principles of tax cuts,regulation cuts, entitlement cuts , and a strong military , have led to growth and prosperity for all Americans .The answer for Republican House and Senate is clear; compromise with Democrats,ever. No deals, ever. If you have principles, and you believe in these principles , you stand by them , without a compromise , ever.
Democrats must be defeated, not greeted.
Democrats must be annihilated, not debated.
Democrats are the enemies of this country, and the principles it stands for. Their goal is a socialist , third world , poverty stricken Nation, with their party as the wealthy elite, ruling the peasents who work , not for themselves , but for them , ...for the government.
That is their goal. Our goal? It's simple. Our goal is to stop them by any means necessary. Whether it be by government shutdown, or filibuster, or defund , delay , exempt, destroy strategems , you do it , if you truly believe in the principles this nation was founded on.
They are the enemy. Therefore, all they do , is wrong.
Republicans won the 2010 Midterms, because they promised to destroy Obamacare , by any means necessary. Now, its time for them to honor that promise. To wait for the law to fail , would be a tragic mistake. Social Security , is a failed law. Medicare , is a failed law. Medicaid, is a failed law. Yet,they are still ineffect;...bankrupt, but still in effect, demanding more and more taxes , to fund their failure. They have not been repealed . We cannot wait for Obamacare to simply, collapse. It won't. It will simply exist, as one more burden to the American taxpayer ,and free market economy.
Attack, is the only answer. Republicans must stay on the offensive , and continue to attack this nightmare called Obamacare , relentlessly. For, if the positions were reversed, you can be sure that the Democrats would be relentless indeed, in trying to destroy our law, and they would not rest until it was no more. We must also have that resolve. For, we have the truth , and the constitution , on our side , and,if we refuse to bend on these principles , we will win , always. Truth always does win , and conservatism is truth.
So, did the Republicans lose this one? Was, as the Democrats suggested, the Cruz-Lee, defund Obamacare strategem , just a waste of time? Is this a Republican defeat? No. This was no defeat. For, out of the ashes , of seeming failure, comes ultimate victory. For, with the standoff. an awakening , of sorts , has occurred . We now have a growing army of conservative Republicans , in both the congress and the senate , now numbering thirty. And, all it took was one man , to take a stand , for what is right , and not back down . Sure, that one man may lose the battle , but, in the end, he will win the war. Courage is contagious. And, the courage to stand alone against impossible odds is always the most noble , the most inspiring of battles . General Washington and his small rag-tag army, were hopelessly outnumbered by the British .Defeat was inevitable. But , Washington refused to surrender , to admit defeat, no matter what, and, in the end, victory was his,..and America was born. The men of the Alamo also hopelessly outnumbered, took that same stand, and despite their defeat, in the end, Texas was an independent state , and the forces of Santa Anna ,...were .defeated.
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, also took that stand, and stood alone, against the brutal Blitzkrieg of the Nazis , that left England , a smoking ruin of a country. But, in the end, the forces of Axis evil were indeed defeated.
And now,. conservative Republicans Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Michelle Bachmann, Louis Gohmert , Rand Paul, Marco Rubio , Trey Gowdy, , and others, stand alone , united, but alone , not only against Obama and the Democrats , but also against the Republican Party, as well. It was a hopeless fight , against impossible odds . They didn't have the votes to defund Obamacare. They could not win. No matter how long the shutdown went on , they were , in the end, doomed to fail. In the end, they were destined for defeat. But, out of the ashes of this defeat, there comes a victory. A victory, in the form of a growing indestructable army of conservatives, not just in the House and Senate, but in the privare sector as well.
Obama has been exposed by Cruz and the Tea Party caucus . And, We the People now see the truth. Can Obamacare be destroyed? of course. In the end, it will be. As will the Obama regime, for, once again, men of principle and honor have stood against imposible odds , for what they believe in, knowing full well , that in the end, they could not win. But, they stood and fought anyway.
And, as History has shown , this is the kind of fight that will always lead , in the end, to overwhelming victory
And, this will become apparent in the coming months , as Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Lee, continue the fight , and Obamacare is slowly exposed for what it truly is .
The Republicans do not need a third party. All they need , is a renewed Republican Party , and now, they have it, as the conservative movement has been adopted into Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party caucus , and their numbers are , indeeed growing, both in House and Senate.
The 2014 Midterms now belong to the Republican Party , and all it took was a hopeless fight ,by outnumbered men , Against impossible odds, to achieve an implausible victory.
Fortunately , that is the kind of fight that conservative Americans,..always win .
The President gave a brief statement after the shutdown ended. He said that the American people need to stop listening to conservative talking heads and bloggers , and just let him do what he was elected to do. Sorry Mr. President, but that's just not gonna happen .
Saturday, October 12, 2013
"Behold, A God Gone Mad!"
Caligula, beloved son of the popular Roman General Germanicus, returned from his exile to the island of Capri ,where he stayed with the Emperor Tiberius, to a hero's welcome. The much hated Tiberius , now gravely ill, was all but forgotten by the Roman people. Germanicus , beloved General , and father to Caligula, had fallen in battle , and now the Roman people called for his son, be their next Emperor. Young , charismatic, with a bright, outgoing, positive personality, he seemed the perfect choice save the Roman Empire , and lift it out of darkness imposed by the iron handed , cruel Tiberius. But , there was a darker side to young Gaius, who bore the nickname Caligula. Yes , the man who would save Rome, had a dark side , that would be brought to the surface in the wake of his life threatening illness. And, the years after his recovery, would become ever darker , , and more twisted than the year before. His atrocities,..many, his perversions, always shocking. Rome was being ruled by a madman, who apparently had even out stripped Tiberius for cruelty and sadistic unpredictability, which was often unleashed on his Senators and Generals. Yet, for much of his reign , the Roman people themselves, still viewed him favorably. They did not see much of the murderous madness that was being unleashed upon the Roman ruling class. No, all they saw was the generous entitlements unleashed upon them , all at the expense of the upper class , for which Emperor Caligula had nothing but contempt.But for the citizens of Rome , there was nothing but Bread and Circuses, as Caligula fed the mindless masses what they wanted ;..endless entertainment spectacles , sporting events in the Colosseum ,and an endless bounty of feasts and banquets , all at the expense of the Emperors much hated Senators and ruling class. However , despite his eccentricities , and flashes of madness, Caligula survived , for as long as he did, for one reason;..the military, his army, and more specifically ,..his Praetorian guard , which served as the personal bodyguard to the Emperor, guarding him against enemies , both foreign , and domestic. The Army's support and loyalty, to the Emperor, even this one, was unwaivering , and served to keep tyrants in power, perhaps longer than they should have been.After a time, Caligula grew even more bold and unstable , believing he could , in effect get away with anything. Anything? Well, with perhaps, one exception;..calling a gathering of his Senators and Generals, Emperor Caligula declared himself a god, and his favorite horse ,...a Senator, even going so far as to remove the heads from the statues of the gods , and have them replaced,..with his image. Also his horse was to be given the full benefits and privileges of other Senators.Both Senatorial elite and Military elite were equally offended,..and angered. Add to this a military campaign to the sea, to do battle with the sea god Neptune,....and a breaking point had been reached. The Roman people's boy tyrant had finally gone too far.
Incest, murders , and other perversions apparently, could be tolerated, but declaring oneself a god, and your horse a Senator , was a mockery of both the Military and Senate alike. No more would be tolerated. Emperor Caligula, while attending one of his arena spectacles, was dispatched with extreme predjudice, his own Praetorian guard.An Emperor , as a god, and a horse , as a senator,..was the final perversion that had pushed the Roman people too far. Caligula had dared mock the status and position of those who kept him in power.
And now,........centuries later,in the New Rome,..America, ..there hath come a new Emperor, a new Boy Tyrant;... a new hero, who swept into office , hailed as a conquering hero , who would heal our ravished planet, calm our rising oceans , and bring peace , love, and unity , to all nations around the globe, and end the wars and rancor that were created by the insensitive cowboy agression of the George Bush regime, a regime that made the nations of the world hate us , because of our unwarranted military attacks and invasions upon their soil.
Hope and Change was the slogan this new Emperor rode right into White House . A bright new day for America was his promise, for he had all the solutions. Instead, what transpired during the five years of this man's reign was racial division , massive tax , regulation , entitlement , and spending increases, a weakening of our military , and an appeasement strategem of weakness , in dealing with our enemies, both at home, and abroad. In his five years in office , this Caligula 's atrocities have also been many and varied , but his crowning achievement ,his masterpiece of madness, was undoubtedly a massive bundle of nonsensicle Healthcare fraud, and far reaching taxes and regulations called, with dripping irony and mockery, the Affordable Health Care Act;..and later , more aptly named,..simply,..Obamacare.
To this Caligula , Obamacare was all things, all the things he had dreamed of,. and all the things that his Marxist father had dreamed of. Obamacare would solve all things, all problems. Once implemented, under the facade of universal medical coverage, it would simply bankrupt, and ultimately, destroy our this nation ,..this United States, that had oppressed and looted, and subjugated other nations in order to achieve its greatness . Once in full effect, no part of the free market would be safe from the power of this Caligula's government All things would be taxed and regulated , according to his will, and the will of the Federal Goverment. America, would finally be punished for its sins. America would finally be diminished in the eyes of the world , and, America ,..would finally be equal with other Nations , and the dreams of this Emperors Father would finally be realized. The Nations of the world would now be able to rise up, and grow , that Obamacare had destroyed the Great Satan ,...the Great oppressor;...America.
And, this Emperor 's Senators were still staunchly behind him and would ensure that this law would indeed be passed. But, there was the congress, under the control of the Emperor's enemies , who now rose up , under the leadership of rebel conspirators , such as Senators Cruz, Lee, Rubio , and Paul. They said,"no more".Obamacare must be destroyed; defunding, delaying, exemption, or made optional , rather than mandatory. Whatever the deal reached, , the bottom line was the fact that Congress would not increase the debt limit without a deal to stop Obamacare . There would be a government shutdown . Congress holds the purse strings . There would be no more money ,..for anything , if Obamacare was not dealt with. No more spending, no more new legislation, imposed by the Emperor, to bring new and improved taxes to the American people. The congress held fast, stood strong, and refused to give in to the demands of the Emperor.It was then , that ,the Emperor and his minions ;.....all went mad!
The Emperor's rage and fury over this bold defiance of his imperial power. So then, the Emperor unleashed all hell upon his subjects. All things would be closed ;..monuments, memorials, , homes , landmarks ;..all symbols of America ;..all symbols of America's Heritage would be punished. and, in addition, the American people would be punished too, for the defiance of the Republicans. The shutdowns would continue . The punishment of the hated America and it's Institutions would continue ,..all under the Emperors orders , as even Guards , Police, and State Park officials , were instructed to punish the American people , by denying them access to their heritage ; all things America.
Still, like with Caligula before him, ..the atrocities seemed to be to some degree , and blamed on the Emperor's enemies, to a greater, or lesser , degree, depending on which poll you consult. Then,...came that moment, that final straw, when this new Caligula commited the final outrage , in fact his most outrageous moment. Our fallen troops , troops that were under the direct command of this new Emperor, were denied their death benefit payments;..payments that went to support his fallen soldier's families. The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces would now be so petty , in the grip of an infantile madness, ; now refuse to pay benefits to the families of the soldiers who had fought and died for him , and the American people. And, now, that the outrage over this latest shutdown had reached a boiling point, the Emperor had a change of heart, similar to when the Republican Congress passed a bill to make sure America's living troops and veterans, got paid. The President and Senator Harry Reid dared not deny this so-called 'piecemeal" spending bill . But then, the Emperor , once again, in the grip of socialist madness, hardened his heart and , refused to pay the families of his fallen soldiers. Forget Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, ..he takes his orders , on these matters , from the commander in chief.
The Republicans, who dared defy him, must be punished;.... punished for not increasing the debt limit , without Obamacare deals, punished for daring to try to destroy his masterpiece of destruction called Obamacare.
This Emperor,..called Obama, after five long years of madness and atrocities against citizens , House, and Senate alike, now had finally reached his Senate horse moment, , centuries after the fall of his predecessor in tyranny, Caligula. He had dared deny the troops who kept him in power . He had dared mock their service to him, and to our country, by denying their families, their rightful compensation.
And, all the while , the Emperors Golf Course remains open, and an illegal immigrant rally is organized , by the White House,and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a mere stone's throw from the WWII memorial, the very memorial that was shut down , to legal,law abiding citizens, who sacrificed for this country, instead of whining and demanding entitlements , that they, as illegal slackers , do not deserve.
Yes , the Emperor and his minions would go on with their, "Punish America", agenda , as indeed the Shut down would go on, since the Republican Congress will not budge before this tyrant's threats. But now, none of this matters . This new Caligula, has committed his final outrage , he has , in effect, declared himself a God ,..and his horse ,...a Senator, his actions against his troops. And, for this sin, and the sin of a fake Health care system designed , to tax America .....out of existence. He has finally gone too far,. and now, no doubt, the outrage over this offense against out troops by this new Caligula, Barack Hussein Obama, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States , will be far reaching ,...both to the American public , and the House and Senate as well.
For, a President of the United States , or a Roman Emperor , who declares himself a god, will not be tolerated;...not during the days of the Roman Empire, or during the days of the Obama Regime. The 2014 Midterm elections will demonstrate this, as a our self styled god , gone mad , is finally stripped of his power, by a Republican Cngress , and Senate , who have grown weary of his mockery.
Incest, murders , and other perversions apparently, could be tolerated, but declaring oneself a god, and your horse a Senator , was a mockery of both the Military and Senate alike. No more would be tolerated. Emperor Caligula, while attending one of his arena spectacles, was dispatched with extreme predjudice, his own Praetorian guard.An Emperor , as a god, and a horse , as a senator,..was the final perversion that had pushed the Roman people too far. Caligula had dared mock the status and position of those who kept him in power.
And now,........centuries later,in the New Rome,..America, ..there hath come a new Emperor, a new Boy Tyrant;... a new hero, who swept into office , hailed as a conquering hero , who would heal our ravished planet, calm our rising oceans , and bring peace , love, and unity , to all nations around the globe, and end the wars and rancor that were created by the insensitive cowboy agression of the George Bush regime, a regime that made the nations of the world hate us , because of our unwarranted military attacks and invasions upon their soil.
Hope and Change was the slogan this new Emperor rode right into White House . A bright new day for America was his promise, for he had all the solutions. Instead, what transpired during the five years of this man's reign was racial division , massive tax , regulation , entitlement , and spending increases, a weakening of our military , and an appeasement strategem of weakness , in dealing with our enemies, both at home, and abroad. In his five years in office , this Caligula 's atrocities have also been many and varied , but his crowning achievement ,his masterpiece of madness, was undoubtedly a massive bundle of nonsensicle Healthcare fraud, and far reaching taxes and regulations called, with dripping irony and mockery, the Affordable Health Care Act;..and later , more aptly named,..simply,..Obamacare.
To this Caligula , Obamacare was all things, all the things he had dreamed of,. and all the things that his Marxist father had dreamed of. Obamacare would solve all things, all problems. Once implemented, under the facade of universal medical coverage, it would simply bankrupt, and ultimately, destroy our this nation ,..this United States, that had oppressed and looted, and subjugated other nations in order to achieve its greatness . Once in full effect, no part of the free market would be safe from the power of this Caligula's government All things would be taxed and regulated , according to his will, and the will of the Federal Goverment. America, would finally be punished for its sins. America would finally be diminished in the eyes of the world , and, America ,..would finally be equal with other Nations , and the dreams of this Emperors Father would finally be realized. The Nations of the world would now be able to rise up, and grow , that Obamacare had destroyed the Great Satan ,...the Great oppressor;...America.
And, this Emperor 's Senators were still staunchly behind him and would ensure that this law would indeed be passed. But, there was the congress, under the control of the Emperor's enemies , who now rose up , under the leadership of rebel conspirators , such as Senators Cruz, Lee, Rubio , and Paul. They said,"no more".Obamacare must be destroyed; defunding, delaying, exemption, or made optional , rather than mandatory. Whatever the deal reached, , the bottom line was the fact that Congress would not increase the debt limit without a deal to stop Obamacare . There would be a government shutdown . Congress holds the purse strings . There would be no more money ,..for anything , if Obamacare was not dealt with. No more spending, no more new legislation, imposed by the Emperor, to bring new and improved taxes to the American people. The congress held fast, stood strong, and refused to give in to the demands of the Emperor.It was then , that ,the Emperor and his minions ;.....all went mad!
The Emperor's rage and fury over this bold defiance of his imperial power. So then, the Emperor unleashed all hell upon his subjects. All things would be closed ;..monuments, memorials, , homes , landmarks ;..all symbols of America ;..all symbols of America's Heritage would be punished. and, in addition, the American people would be punished too, for the defiance of the Republicans. The shutdowns would continue . The punishment of the hated America and it's Institutions would continue ,..all under the Emperors orders , as even Guards , Police, and State Park officials , were instructed to punish the American people , by denying them access to their heritage ; all things America.
Still, like with Caligula before him, ..the atrocities seemed to be to some degree , and blamed on the Emperor's enemies, to a greater, or lesser , degree, depending on which poll you consult. Then,...came that moment, that final straw, when this new Caligula commited the final outrage , in fact his most outrageous moment. Our fallen troops , troops that were under the direct command of this new Emperor, were denied their death benefit payments;..payments that went to support his fallen soldier's families. The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces would now be so petty , in the grip of an infantile madness, ; now refuse to pay benefits to the families of the soldiers who had fought and died for him , and the American people. And, now, that the outrage over this latest shutdown had reached a boiling point, the Emperor had a change of heart, similar to when the Republican Congress passed a bill to make sure America's living troops and veterans, got paid. The President and Senator Harry Reid dared not deny this so-called 'piecemeal" spending bill . But then, the Emperor , once again, in the grip of socialist madness, hardened his heart and , refused to pay the families of his fallen soldiers. Forget Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, ..he takes his orders , on these matters , from the commander in chief.
The Republicans, who dared defy him, must be punished;.... punished for not increasing the debt limit , without Obamacare deals, punished for daring to try to destroy his masterpiece of destruction called Obamacare.
This Emperor,..called Obama, after five long years of madness and atrocities against citizens , House, and Senate alike, now had finally reached his Senate horse moment, , centuries after the fall of his predecessor in tyranny, Caligula. He had dared deny the troops who kept him in power . He had dared mock their service to him, and to our country, by denying their families, their rightful compensation.
And, all the while , the Emperors Golf Course remains open, and an illegal immigrant rally is organized , by the White House,and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a mere stone's throw from the WWII memorial, the very memorial that was shut down , to legal,law abiding citizens, who sacrificed for this country, instead of whining and demanding entitlements , that they, as illegal slackers , do not deserve.
Yes , the Emperor and his minions would go on with their, "Punish America", agenda , as indeed the Shut down would go on, since the Republican Congress will not budge before this tyrant's threats. But now, none of this matters . This new Caligula, has committed his final outrage , he has , in effect, declared himself a God ,..and his horse ,...a Senator, his actions against his troops. And, for this sin, and the sin of a fake Health care system designed , to tax America .....out of existence. He has finally gone too far,. and now, no doubt, the outrage over this offense against out troops by this new Caligula, Barack Hussein Obama, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States , will be far reaching ,...both to the American public , and the House and Senate as well.
For, a President of the United States , or a Roman Emperor , who declares himself a god, will not be tolerated;...not during the days of the Roman Empire, or during the days of the Obama Regime. The 2014 Midterm elections will demonstrate this, as a our self styled god , gone mad , is finally stripped of his power, by a Republican Cngress , and Senate , who have grown weary of his mockery.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Operation: Obliterate!!
Fear. Pure, unadulterated,fear.That is what could be seen in the eyes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, ..on the day that the Federal Government shut down began. And, it's no surprise. After all, government is the special god, that these career politicians have chosen to serve. And now, this god is under attack;..their god is being blasphemed by Senator Ted Cruz and the Republican Party. The shutdown had to happen. The Republican Congress's efforts to defund Obamacare was stopped by the Democrat controlled Senate. Then a call to delay the bill was refused by the Senate. Then , a call to exempt all Americans from this law was also refused by the Senate, despite the fact that big business cronies , congress,the senate,and the President himself,had all been given exemptions.Then , in a final gambit, a master strategic move, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, proposed another deal, one that fully exposed the arrogant elitist hypocracy of this law, and those that created it. The Republicans simply proposed that Obamacare be applied to all the people , no exceptions, no waivers , no delays, ..for anyone, including the President himself. This proposal,...was also refused. And then ,...the Democrat panic began to set in.The Debt Ceiling deadline approached and no deal to increase the debt limit had been reached ,..since the Democrat Senate refused any deal. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's offer was simple ;...nothing. Pass a clean , continuous resolution , with no attempts to interfere with Obamacare in any way, whatsoever. In other words , stop trying to defy the will of Obama.
But, thanks to Texas Senator Ted Cruz and a handful of Conservative Republicans, ..the fight will go on , there will be no surrender, until this law is destroyed. Now, with the shutdown in full effect , a miracle has come to pass;...the Democrats are beginning to crack. With this one simple, shutdown of the Democrat god, ..the Republicans , once on the ropes ,are now winning easily , and the Democrats are beginning to unravel. And , more importantly, they are beginning to expose their true nature , as arrogant elitists, unconcerned about the health or well-being of its citizens. Senator Reid proved this, when he refused to pass a Republican bill that would fund a children's cancer program . 'Why would I want do do that?", queried Reid, with a look of disdain for the CNN reporter who dared ask him about funding the bill.Death Panel behavior? You bet, just as Director of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelious had turned down an earlier request that a 10 year old girl be placed on a lung transplant list , so too , would all future requests for special medical services be turned down , if deemed too expensive. That., is the terrifying reality of government controlled healthcare .We must face the simple reality that these people are only concerned with their agenda, namely, the re-distribution of capitalist, free market wealth, for the dual purpose of growing government power and diminishing America. The proof is self evident. And the President and Senator Reid , in an almost hysterical panic, after only three days of a government shutdown , ordered armed guards posted , and barricades erected ,at a Washington WWII Memorial , and even on the beach of the Normandy Invasion . Why? These are open air , public venues . There are never any guards there normally. Why prevent the veterans who fought to preserve our freedom from visiting these memorials that are a tribute to their courage? And, why shut down other public venues , that are not government funded, simply because they sit on government land? Because;...this is the punishment. The punishment for refusing to back down. The punishment for refusing to give in. The punishment for daring to interfere with Obama and his socialist agenda. And, that punishment is simply this; attack those that the Republican Party have always supported unwaiveringly;...... The American Military .The military that the Democrat Party , has always had nothing but contempt for. The military that the Democrat Party , has always viewed as an expensive nuisance, that diverts tax funds that could be better used to fund Democrat elections and entitlement programs .
Now, Obama and Reid's contempt for that military , and the men and women who serve in it, has been fully revealed ; it became their primary target in their effort to gain revenge on the Republicans who dared defy them . Fortunately, a reprieve was offered, in the form of a small band of conservative patriots ;..Republicans,...that showed up at the WWII Memorial, and led the vets in tearing down the barriers , that were keeping them from their heritage. The Republicans came to the rescue of the vets , and, make no mistake, it was a direct order from President Obama that instructed guards to keep the vets away, from this memorial that belongs to them , and We the People, ...not Obama, Pelosi,...and Reid.
Petty and mean spirited? You bet. This is the true face of the Democrat Party. And, the Republicans are trying to stop them from completing their takeover of the free market. , stopping Obamacare. And, the Democrats are , indeed , losing control, their thin, veneer of civility has been stripped away. Obama will not negotiate . But then, Obama and the Democrat Party never have negotiated or compromised on anything ,....ever.No, it's always been the Republicans that have given in and compromised. But, that is all over now. Now, the pain is just beginning. The shutdown will continue . The shutdown will not end,...ever, unless...Obama gives in to Republican demands ,..and defunds Obamacare. The Republicans cannot surrender. They cannot waiver. We are winning , easily. Victory is here, For, Obama has exposed his greatest weakness ;...a belief in a false god;..the god of government. In fact, it's the only thing that Obama and the left do believe in . Government is their god,...and it has now been obliterated , by the Republican Party , with one simple action ;..refusing to increase the debt limit . The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. Nothing can change that. They control the money . Nothing gets funded without their approval,..including the Nation in general. The congress has shut down the Obama machine ,..the machine that siphons money from those that earn it , and gives it to those that don't. In one , smooth stroke, the Republicans have, in effect, shut down the entire Obama Administration 's purpose for existing , which is the draining of the free market of all its cash , in order to grow government. Fear and Panic , on the part of the Democrats, is the result. They still refuse to fund certain things , necesssary things,..piecemeal. This is done all the time, during shutdowns. It's common procedure . No, they want all,..or nothing. So,...they get nothing. The fear and panic will soon grow into full blown hysteria , for one simple reason;...they know that, the longer government is shut down,..the stronger the American people become . And,...the stronger our resolve, end this tyranny,..and end this Tyrant's Obamacare.
We the People run this country.
Not Obama
Not Reid.
Not Pelosi.
We the People do.
And the Democrats damn well know it.
And, they also know that the longer the shut down continues , ..the more their false power and control slips away ,..and returns to the hands of the citizens .
Senator Harry Reid called Ted Cruz and the Tea Party conservatives, "anarchists", and terrorists. To idealogues like him , I'm sure it does seem that way. For, you see, the Democrats have forgotten the truth,..the reason why America is great.
We are great because we have a system of self-government . A government that is run, not by a King, Queen , Monarch, Tyrant , or Dictator, but by the citizens themselves. That is unique in all the world. And, unique in history. It has never been done before, or since. And, it has made us the greatest nation on earth. This is what Obama and Reid , and all the Democrats, who seek power and control over the citizens , and their money, have forgotten .
We are the power.
The only power there is.
The only power there ever was.
The only power there will ever be.
We are the power.
And, no matter how many monuments to our freedom ;...the freedom given to us by God , not government,...they choose to shut down , they cannot , the end,
For, we have shut them down completely , with the tool that remains in our hands,..the Republican Congress.
Without our money ,...they have no illusion of power.
They are now,..shut down completely.
And, they will remain shut down , until they submit to the will of We the People ,..and end this scourge of Obamacare , which is, with all its failed software , and all its technical glitches , in the end,...nothing more than a trick ,..a conceal a tax, the largest tax ever imposed upon a free people.
And, as long as the Republican Congress continues to stand strong,..Obama will be forced to submit , our will. The President and the Democrat Party , for all its socialist ambitions , must come to realize , one, simple thing,...We the People are the rulers of this country,...we alone.
And, this country will be run ,..according to our will,...or,....we....will.....Destroy it.
And, with it, all the mad dreams and ambitions of Obama,..Reid, Pelosi,...and the Democrat Party.
But, thanks to Texas Senator Ted Cruz and a handful of Conservative Republicans, ..the fight will go on , there will be no surrender, until this law is destroyed. Now, with the shutdown in full effect , a miracle has come to pass;...the Democrats are beginning to crack. With this one simple, shutdown of the Democrat god, ..the Republicans , once on the ropes ,are now winning easily , and the Democrats are beginning to unravel. And , more importantly, they are beginning to expose their true nature , as arrogant elitists, unconcerned about the health or well-being of its citizens. Senator Reid proved this, when he refused to pass a Republican bill that would fund a children's cancer program . 'Why would I want do do that?", queried Reid, with a look of disdain for the CNN reporter who dared ask him about funding the bill.Death Panel behavior? You bet, just as Director of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelious had turned down an earlier request that a 10 year old girl be placed on a lung transplant list , so too , would all future requests for special medical services be turned down , if deemed too expensive. That., is the terrifying reality of government controlled healthcare .We must face the simple reality that these people are only concerned with their agenda, namely, the re-distribution of capitalist, free market wealth, for the dual purpose of growing government power and diminishing America. The proof is self evident. And the President and Senator Reid , in an almost hysterical panic, after only three days of a government shutdown , ordered armed guards posted , and barricades erected ,at a Washington WWII Memorial , and even on the beach of the Normandy Invasion . Why? These are open air , public venues . There are never any guards there normally. Why prevent the veterans who fought to preserve our freedom from visiting these memorials that are a tribute to their courage? And, why shut down other public venues , that are not government funded, simply because they sit on government land? Because;...this is the punishment. The punishment for refusing to back down. The punishment for refusing to give in. The punishment for daring to interfere with Obama and his socialist agenda. And, that punishment is simply this; attack those that the Republican Party have always supported unwaiveringly;...... The American Military .The military that the Democrat Party , has always had nothing but contempt for. The military that the Democrat Party , has always viewed as an expensive nuisance, that diverts tax funds that could be better used to fund Democrat elections and entitlement programs .
Now, Obama and Reid's contempt for that military , and the men and women who serve in it, has been fully revealed ; it became their primary target in their effort to gain revenge on the Republicans who dared defy them . Fortunately, a reprieve was offered, in the form of a small band of conservative patriots ;..Republicans,...that showed up at the WWII Memorial, and led the vets in tearing down the barriers , that were keeping them from their heritage. The Republicans came to the rescue of the vets , and, make no mistake, it was a direct order from President Obama that instructed guards to keep the vets away, from this memorial that belongs to them , and We the People, ...not Obama, Pelosi,...and Reid.
Petty and mean spirited? You bet. This is the true face of the Democrat Party. And, the Republicans are trying to stop them from completing their takeover of the free market. , stopping Obamacare. And, the Democrats are , indeed , losing control, their thin, veneer of civility has been stripped away. Obama will not negotiate . But then, Obama and the Democrat Party never have negotiated or compromised on anything ,....ever.No, it's always been the Republicans that have given in and compromised. But, that is all over now. Now, the pain is just beginning. The shutdown will continue . The shutdown will not end,...ever, unless...Obama gives in to Republican demands ,..and defunds Obamacare. The Republicans cannot surrender. They cannot waiver. We are winning , easily. Victory is here, For, Obama has exposed his greatest weakness ;...a belief in a false god;..the god of government. In fact, it's the only thing that Obama and the left do believe in . Government is their god,...and it has now been obliterated , by the Republican Party , with one simple action ;..refusing to increase the debt limit . The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. Nothing can change that. They control the money . Nothing gets funded without their approval,..including the Nation in general. The congress has shut down the Obama machine ,..the machine that siphons money from those that earn it , and gives it to those that don't. In one , smooth stroke, the Republicans have, in effect, shut down the entire Obama Administration 's purpose for existing , which is the draining of the free market of all its cash , in order to grow government. Fear and Panic , on the part of the Democrats, is the result. They still refuse to fund certain things , necesssary things,..piecemeal. This is done all the time, during shutdowns. It's common procedure . No, they want all,..or nothing. So,...they get nothing. The fear and panic will soon grow into full blown hysteria , for one simple reason;...they know that, the longer government is shut down,..the stronger the American people become . And,...the stronger our resolve, end this tyranny,..and end this Tyrant's Obamacare.
We the People run this country.
Not Obama
Not Reid.
Not Pelosi.
We the People do.
And the Democrats damn well know it.
And, they also know that the longer the shut down continues , ..the more their false power and control slips away ,..and returns to the hands of the citizens .
Senator Harry Reid called Ted Cruz and the Tea Party conservatives, "anarchists", and terrorists. To idealogues like him , I'm sure it does seem that way. For, you see, the Democrats have forgotten the truth,..the reason why America is great.
We are great because we have a system of self-government . A government that is run, not by a King, Queen , Monarch, Tyrant , or Dictator, but by the citizens themselves. That is unique in all the world. And, unique in history. It has never been done before, or since. And, it has made us the greatest nation on earth. This is what Obama and Reid , and all the Democrats, who seek power and control over the citizens , and their money, have forgotten .
We are the power.
The only power there is.
The only power there ever was.
The only power there will ever be.
We are the power.
And, no matter how many monuments to our freedom ;...the freedom given to us by God , not government,...they choose to shut down , they cannot , the end,
For, we have shut them down completely , with the tool that remains in our hands,..the Republican Congress.
Without our money ,...they have no illusion of power.
They are now,..shut down completely.
And, they will remain shut down , until they submit to the will of We the People ,..and end this scourge of Obamacare , which is, with all its failed software , and all its technical glitches , in the end,...nothing more than a trick ,..a conceal a tax, the largest tax ever imposed upon a free people.
And, as long as the Republican Congress continues to stand strong,..Obama will be forced to submit , our will. The President and the Democrat Party , for all its socialist ambitions , must come to realize , one, simple thing,...We the People are the rulers of this country,...we alone.
And, this country will be run ,..according to our will,...or,....we....will.....Destroy it.
And, with it, all the mad dreams and ambitions of Obama,..Reid, Pelosi,...and the Democrat Party.
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