Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Witches Cauldron

If the Three Witches of Macbeth , were to look into their cauldron , and predict the fate of Obamacare, and the Obama regime,...what would they see?Perhaps this;..........
Imagine, if you will, that the Obamacare website was working ,..and working well, ..from day one.Imagine that, everyone who wanted to could sign up , pick a plan, and compare prices.What would be the result? Disaster, that's what. Complete , and utter disaster , for the Obama administration, that is.If the website worked as promised , all Americans would be able to clearly see,..that they have been hoodwinked. With a functioning website , they would see that, their Health Care costs have now , at least , tripled in costs , and , of course, they would be able to see that they cannot even keep their own doctor.
All Americans , overnight, would know that they have been scammed , and that the President and his administration had lied to them . That would spell disaster for the Democrat party, in general, as we approach the 2014 Midterms . This is why the website doesn't work . Nor will it ever work, until after the 2014 Midterm elections ,. that is.In the meantime, we have a total of six Americans who were able to sign up opening day, and millions of Americans being told by their private health insurance company that they are being dropped,  because the Obama Administration , is forcing them to provide coverage that they simply cannot afford to provide.
The President has said, repeatedly, over the years, dating back to 2008, that, "If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare,...period."He was wrong.But, more than that, he was lying. He knew , from day one, that Private Insurance would be forced to drop  their customers . That's a proven fact, and if Obama and the left were to reach their ultimate goal of a single payer Health Care system , it's an essential fact, that the American people be dropped by their Health Insurers . It was part of the plan , as was the failed website. The website was designed to prevent the general public, from seeing the cost of Obamacare. It was designed to simply enable you to register on the site, that's all. For, once you're registered, they got you. Mission Accomplished. Obamacare , at that moment, now has all your personal info , and can now implement the essence of Obamacare , namely, the taxes and regulations , that will quite effectively, take more money from your pocket ,...guaranteed . That, ultimately, is all Obamacare really is. Government can't run Health Insurance , Health Care, or anything else , for that matter. History proves this . Everything Obama has touched has gone bankrupt . Green Energy, the Freddie and Fannie Housing fiasco, cash for clunkers, ..all private sector endeavors that Obama has imposed himself, and the Federal Government on, has ended in complete financial disaster. Now, it's Health Care,..which is , of course ,the Holy Grail of socialism to the left , since controlling the Healthcare of citizens guarantees control of all aspects of the free market. But, as history has shown, it cannot work , and has not worked anywhere in the world that its been tried. Even Romneycare , a state run universal Healthcare system, is now collapsing under an avalanche of higher taxes , and subpar medical availability and care .So too, is now Obamacare now collapsing , as the full effect of higher taxes , regulations , and premium costs, has been exposed as unaffordable for those Americans who somehow have been able to sign up.This is the nature of government . This is why it can never , and should never , interject itself in the free market. For, the government has no money, it does not create a product or service, and therefore , must depend on the money  of those who do provide a product or service , in order to implement their projects, and, just to survive, well. When you depend on the money of others to build your dream, your socialist utopia,..quality doesn't matter then, ..either of product, or service , because , you see, you cannot go out of business ,..because your business is not dependent on free market sucess. It is only dependent on the flow of taxpayer money to your business ,..and that,...will never run out.
The President has lied. About everything from closing Gitmo, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, ..the President has never told us the truth on anything ,..ever. Why then , would he tell the truth about Obamacare? It's a tax. That's all. That's all it ever was, and all it ever will be, and , all that Obama and the left, ever intended it to be. It's designed to destroy the free market and increase government control and power over that free market. Power and Control. That's Obamacare. That's its true purpose.
To defeat it, we must reject it. We must refuse ,..en masse, to participate in it. The website is just a tool to register you for new taxes , and all it gives you in return , a security risk to your private info. Why would anyone willingly sign up for this? Refuse, reject, and defy,..this President and his mandate ,..and the mandate will go away. It has no choice. We need to reject it, and then , win elections for the Republican Party ,..the Party of economic prosperity. That's it in a nutshell. No amount of sign carrying protests by the Tea Party will change anything ,...if it does not translate into Republican votes at the polls. Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans cut regulations.Only Republicans cut entitlements that bankrupt our nation. And, only Republicans have voted , unanimously, "no", Obamacare. Conservative, or Moderate , it matters little. All must be supported , by the American people, in every election , from now on. No third parties, no staying home, in arrogant moronic , indignation, because the candidate is not the perfect conservative. That's a loser strategy. That's how Republicans lose elections . Democrats need no Third Party. Democrats support all their candidates . Democrats are consistently getting out their vote.Why then , do Republicans fight amongst themselves , condemn conservatives , and Tea Party members , and stay home, 300 thousand strong, rather than cast a vote for the moderate Romney, who campaigned on stopping Obamacare, by granting Statewide waivers. Romney should be President. Right Now.And, he would be, if 300 thousand Republican voters , didn't stay home , instead of saving their country. No more.
You want to stop Obama?Stop the outrage , and accept the fact that,"We the people,"are responsible for all that's happened , and we need to do what is necessary to stop it. And, all that's necesssary  is for the Republican Party to start winning elections.We did it in '93, when the Republicans took control of the House and Senate for the first time in fifty years,....and it led to  a booming economy. We did it in 2010,..specifically to stop Obamacare. We can do it again . All it takes is for conservatives , Moderates , and Tea Party Members , to unite , like we did for Ted Cruz's defund Obamacare push. We must unite and resolve never to stay home , for any election, again. Never to vote third party again. And, never allow any Republican candidate, to lose,..ever again. Remember, Healthcare is not a right, ...but freedom is. And only freedom , can really exist. Obamacare cannot exist , because it was based on a myth , that people showing up at hospital emergency rooms, cannot afford to pay for their care . And , that single myth was how the left sold Obamacare to the public . We need government mandated insurance ,..because people can't afford to pay hospitals for their treatment. What utter nonsense. If you show up for treatment, can pay,and, the hospitals  need to make them pay.It's called a monthly payment plan.You pay for your treatment by cash installments ;..the way you would pay for anything else in the free market. These people have cars , big screen televisions, I Phones, and designer clothes and jewelry. They can pay for their hospital care, guaranteed. And, if they pay cash, it's 30% cheaper anyway. So much for that myth, and the myth that was spawned from it,..Obamacare;...a myth that now, fully exposed , has sealed the fate of the Democrat Party , and the Obama Administration.
Many years ago, conservative Republicans predicted the downfall of the Obama Administration, just as surely as the three witches predicted the downfall of Macbeth , and his kingdom. And, if those Witches existed today, poised over their bubbling cauldron of truth, doubt their names would be ,..Cruz,...Lee,......and Bachmann.

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