Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Indestructable Army

Well,the seige is ended. The government shutdown is no more , and with a scant 11 hours to go, the default on the U.S. Debt was averted. Or, so the Democrats would have you believe. In reality, the debt would have been paid, regardless of ther shutdown , and regardless of the debt increase. It always is. Our constitution has provisions that guarantee this. There is no money shortage, as the Democrats would lead you to believe. The Federal Government takes in 8 billion dollars a day in tax revenue , so the not being able to pay our debt , is nothing more than a liberal myth. The Nation going broke? Another liberal myth, designed to justify endless tax increases.
But what is also a liberal myth being put forth , is that the Republicans lost the battle , in this two week shutdown standoff with Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth. True, John Boehner , Mitch McConnell,  Eric Cantor , and the Republican Senate, essentially, ...surrendered, despite the fact that they were winning. President Obama and the Democrat Party were exposing themselves , and their true nature , by targeting our military and our Heritage , with their petty shutdowns. And, with Obamacare self-destructing on-line before our very eyes , and veterans marching on the White House in protest, all that was needed was to continue the shutdown , and refuse to  raise the debt limit , and insist that the President cut a deal regarding Obamacare ;..defund, delay , exempt,..destroy, was the Cruz plan , or, at the very least, force the President to make this illegally altered law , apply to everyone , all citizens , including the Congress and Senate. But, once again, a divided Republican House and Senate, caved to a united Democrat House and Senate. There it is, pure and simple. We cannot win , in the arena of ideas, if we are divided amongst ourselves.
The Republicans talk of a Third Party. The Democrats have never needed a Third Party. Republicans will give in on demands , and make compromises .Democrats never compromise their vision , their agenda. The Republicans attack each other in print, on television, and on line. The Democrats never attack each other , and will defend , to the death, even their worst actors , their most incompetent.
The Republicans believe in low taxes , small government, and a strong military.But, they will compromise on on these issues, to avoid a government gridlock.The Democrats believe in high taxes, spending increases , entitlement increases , and military cutbacks., and , they will not compromise , they will not relent, on any of these issues. This is our problem. The Democrats recognize us as the enemy, pure and simple. An enemy that must be destroyed,period. The Republicans, on the other hand , recognize the Democrats as collegues, who just have different opinions , and differences can be resolved, by compromising on their values , in the name of unity , and simply to,"get things done. "What nonsense . Democrats are the enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Their policies have done nothing but bring destruction and doom , to this great Nation .When Democrats rule, there is poverty , economic collapse, endless wars, a weakened military, and ever increasing  terror attacks on our soil , as our enemies become emboldened.
However, when Republicans are in power, their constitutional principles of tax cuts,regulation cuts, entitlement cuts , and a strong military , have led to growth and prosperity for all Americans .The answer for Republican House and Senate is clear; compromise with Democrats,ever. No deals, ever. If you have principles, and you believe in these principles  , you stand by them , without a compromise , ever.
Democrats must be defeated, not greeted.
Democrats must be annihilated, not debated.
Democrats are the enemies of this country, and the principles it stands for. Their goal is a socialist , third world , poverty stricken Nation, with their party as the wealthy elite, ruling the peasents who work , not for themselves , but for them , ...for the government.
That is their goal. Our goal? It's simple. Our goal is to stop them by any means necessary. Whether it be by government shutdown, or filibuster, or defund , delay , exempt, destroy strategems , you do it , if you truly believe in the principles this nation was founded on.
They are the enemy. Therefore, all they do , is wrong.
Republicans won the 2010 Midterms, because they promised to destroy Obamacare , by any means necessary. Now, its time for them to honor that promise. To wait for the law to fail , would be a tragic mistake. Social Security , is a failed law. Medicare , is a failed law. Medicaid, is a failed law. Yet,they are still ineffect;...bankrupt, but still in effect, demanding more and more taxes , to fund their failure. They have not been repealed . We cannot wait for Obamacare to simply, collapse. It won't. It will simply exist, as one more burden to the American taxpayer ,and free market economy.
Attack, is the only answer. Republicans must stay on the offensive , and continue to attack this nightmare called Obamacare , relentlessly. For, if the positions were reversed, you can be sure that the Democrats would be relentless indeed, in trying to destroy our law, and they would not rest until it was no more. We must also have that resolve. For, we have the truth , and the constitution , on our side , and,if  we refuse to bend on these principles , we will win , always. Truth always does win , and conservatism is truth.
So, did the Republicans lose this one? Was, as the Democrats suggested, the Cruz-Lee, defund Obamacare strategem , just a waste of time? Is this a Republican defeat? No. This was no defeat. For, out of the ashes , of seeming failure, comes ultimate victory. For, with the standoff. an awakening , of sorts , has occurred . We now have a growing army  of conservative Republicans , in both the congress and the senate , now numbering thirty. And, all it took was one man , to take a stand , for what is right , and not back down . Sure, that one man may lose the battle , but, in the end, he will win the war. Courage is contagious. And, the courage to stand alone against impossible odds is always the most noble , the most inspiring of battles . General Washington and his small rag-tag army, were hopelessly outnumbered by the British .Defeat was inevitable. But , Washington refused to surrender , to admit defeat, no matter what, and, in the end, victory was his,..and America was born. The men of the Alamo also hopelessly outnumbered, took that same stand, and despite their defeat, in the end, Texas was an independent state , and the forces of Santa Anna ,...were .defeated.
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, also took that stand, and  stood alone, against the brutal Blitzkrieg of the Nazis , that left England , a smoking ruin of a country. But, in the end, the forces of Axis evil were indeed defeated.
And now,. conservative Republicans Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Michelle Bachmann, Louis Gohmert , Rand Paul, Marco Rubio , Trey Gowdy, , and others, stand alone , united, but alone , not only against Obama and the Democrats , but also against the Republican Party, as well. It was a hopeless fight , against impossible odds . They didn't have the votes to defund Obamacare. They could not win. No matter how long the shutdown went on , they were , in the end, doomed to fail. In the end, they were destined for defeat. But, out of the ashes of this defeat, there comes a victory. A victory, in the form of a growing  indestructable army of conservatives, not just in the House and Senate, but in the privare sector as well.
Obama has been exposed by Cruz and the Tea Party  caucus . And, We the People now see the truth. Can Obamacare be destroyed? of course. In the end, it will be. As will the Obama regime, for, once again, men of principle and honor have stood against imposible odds , for what they believe in, knowing full well , that in the end, they could not win. But, they stood and fought anyway.
And, as History has shown , this is the kind of fight that will always lead , in the end, to overwhelming victory
And, this will become apparent in the coming months , as Senator Ted Cruz, and  Senator Mike Lee, continue the fight , and Obamacare is slowly exposed for what it truly is .
The Republicans do not need a third  party. All they need , is a renewed Republican Party , and now, they have it, as the conservative movement has been adopted into Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party caucus , and their numbers are , indeeed growing, both in House and Senate.
The 2014 Midterms now belong to the Republican Party , and all it took was a hopeless fight ,by outnumbered men , Against impossible odds, to  achieve an implausible victory.
Fortunately , that is the kind of fight that conservative Americans,..always win .

The President gave a brief statement after the shutdown ended. He said that the American people need to stop listening to conservative talking heads and bloggers , and just let him do what he was elected to do. Sorry Mr. President, but that's just not gonna happen .  

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