Friday, October 4, 2013

Operation: Obliterate!!

Fear. Pure, unadulterated,fear.That is what could be seen in the eyes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, ..on the day that the Federal Government shut down began. And, it's no surprise. After all, government is the special god, that these career politicians have chosen to serve. And now, this god is under attack;..their god is being blasphemed by Senator Ted Cruz and the Republican Party. The shutdown had to happen. The Republican Congress's efforts to defund Obamacare was stopped by the Democrat controlled Senate. Then a call to delay the bill was refused by the Senate. Then , a call to exempt all Americans from this law was also refused by the Senate, despite the fact that big business cronies , congress,the senate,and the President himself,had all  been given exemptions.Then , in a final gambit, a master strategic move, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, proposed another deal, one that fully exposed the arrogant elitist hypocracy of this law, and those that created it. The Republicans simply proposed that Obamacare be applied to all the people , no exceptions, no waivers , no delays, ..for anyone, including the President himself. This proposal,...was also refused. And then ,...the Democrat panic began to set in.The Debt Ceiling deadline approached and no deal to increase the debt limit had been reached ,..since the Democrat Senate refused any deal. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's offer was simple ;...nothing. Pass a clean , continuous resolution , with no attempts to interfere with Obamacare in any way, whatsoever. In other words , stop trying to defy the will of Obama.
But, thanks to Texas Senator Ted Cruz and a handful of Conservative Republicans, ..the fight will go on , there will be no surrender, until this law is destroyed. Now, with the shutdown in full effect , a miracle has come to pass;...the Democrats are beginning to crack. With this one simple, shutdown of the Democrat god, ..the Republicans , once on the ropes ,are now winning easily , and the Democrats are beginning to unravel. And , more importantly, they are beginning to expose their true nature , as arrogant elitists, unconcerned about the health or well-being of its citizens. Senator Reid proved this, when he refused to pass a Republican bill that would fund a children's cancer program . 'Why would I want do do that?", queried Reid, with a look of disdain for the CNN reporter who dared ask him about funding the bill.Death Panel behavior? You bet, just as Director of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelious had turned down an earlier request that a 10 year old girl be placed on a lung transplant list , so too , would all future requests for special medical services be turned down , if deemed too expensive. That., is the terrifying reality of government controlled healthcare .We must face the simple reality that these people are only concerned with their agenda, namely, the re-distribution of capitalist, free market wealth, for the dual purpose of growing government power and diminishing America. The proof is self evident. And  the  President and Senator Reid  , in an almost hysterical panic, after only three days of a government shutdown , ordered armed guards posted , and barricades erected ,at a  Washington WWII Memorial , and even on the beach of the Normandy Invasion . Why? These are open air , public venues . There are never any guards there normally. Why prevent the veterans who fought to preserve our freedom from visiting these memorials that are a tribute to their courage? And, why shut down other public venues , that are not government funded, simply because they sit on government land? Because;...this is the punishment. The punishment for refusing to back down. The punishment for refusing to give in. The punishment for daring to interfere with Obama and his socialist agenda. And, that punishment is simply this; attack those that the Republican Party have always supported unwaiveringly;...... The American Military .The military that the Democrat Party , has always had nothing but contempt for. The military that the Democrat Party , has always viewed as an expensive nuisance, that diverts tax funds that could be better used to fund Democrat elections and entitlement programs .
Now, Obama and Reid's contempt for that military , and the men and women who serve in it, has been fully revealed ; it became their primary target in their effort to gain revenge on the Republicans who dared defy them . Fortunately, a reprieve was offered, in the form of a small band of conservative patriots ;..Republicans,...that showed up at the WWII Memorial, and led the vets in tearing down the barriers , that were keeping them from their heritage. The Republicans came to the rescue of the vets , and, make no mistake, it was a direct order from President Obama that instructed guards to keep the vets away, from this memorial that belongs to them , and We the People, ...not Obama, Pelosi,...and Reid.
Petty and mean spirited? You bet. This is the true face of the Democrat Party. And, the Republicans are trying to stop them from completing their takeover of the free market. , stopping Obamacare. And, the Democrats are , indeed , losing control, their thin, veneer of civility has been stripped away. Obama will not negotiate . But then, Obama and the Democrat Party never have negotiated or compromised on anything ,....ever.No, it's always been the Republicans that have given in and compromised. But, that is all over now. Now, the pain is just beginning. The shutdown will continue . The shutdown will not end,...ever, unless...Obama gives in to Republican demands ,..and defunds Obamacare. The Republicans cannot surrender. They cannot waiver. We are winning , easily. Victory is here, For, Obama has exposed his greatest weakness ;...a belief in a false god;..the god of government. In fact, it's the only thing that Obama and the left do believe in . Government is their god,...and it has now been obliterated , by the Republican Party , with one simple action ;..refusing to increase the debt limit . The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. Nothing can change that. They control the money . Nothing gets funded without their approval,..including the Nation in general. The congress has shut down the Obama machine ,..the machine that siphons money from those that earn it , and gives it to those that don't. In one , smooth stroke, the Republicans have, in effect, shut down the entire Obama Administration 's purpose for existing , which is the draining of the free market of all its cash , in order to grow government. Fear and Panic , on the part of the Democrats, is the result. They still refuse to fund certain things , necesssary things,..piecemeal. This is done all the time, during shutdowns. It's common procedure . No, they want all,..or nothing. So,...they get nothing. The fear and panic will soon grow into full blown hysteria , for one simple reason;...they know that, the longer government is shut down,..the stronger the American people become . And,...the stronger our resolve, end this tyranny,..and end this Tyrant's Obamacare.
We the People run this country.
Not Obama
Not Reid.
Not Pelosi.
We the People do.
And the Democrats damn well know it.
And, they also know that the longer the shut down continues , ..the more their false power and control slips away ,..and returns to the hands of the citizens .
Senator Harry Reid called Ted Cruz and the Tea Party conservatives, "anarchists", and terrorists. To idealogues like him , I'm sure it does seem that way. For, you see, the Democrats have forgotten the truth,..the reason why America is great.
We are great because we have a system of self-government . A government that is run, not by a King, Queen , Monarch, Tyrant , or Dictator, but by the citizens themselves. That is unique in all the world. And, unique in history. It has never been done before, or since. And, it has made us the greatest nation on earth. This is what Obama and Reid , and all the Democrats, who seek power and control over the citizens , and their money, have forgotten .
We are the power.
The only power there is.
The only power there ever was.
The only power there will ever be.
We are the power.
And, no matter how many monuments to our freedom ;...the freedom given to us by God , not government,...they choose to shut down , they cannot , the end,
For, we have shut them down completely , with the tool that remains in our hands,..the Republican Congress.
Without our money ,...they have no illusion of power.
They are now,..shut down completely.
And, they will remain shut down , until they submit to the will of We the People ,..and end this scourge of Obamacare , which is, with all its failed software , and all its technical glitches , in the end,...nothing more than a trick ,..a conceal a tax, the largest tax ever imposed upon a free people.
And, as long as the Republican Congress continues to stand strong,..Obama will be forced to submit , our will. The President and the Democrat Party , for all its socialist ambitions , must come to realize , one, simple thing,...We the People are the rulers of this country,...we alone.
And, this country will be run ,..according to our will,...or,....we....will.....Destroy it.
And, with it, all the mad dreams and ambitions of Obama,..Reid, Pelosi,...and the Democrat Party.       

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