Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Judas , Will You Betray Me, ....With A Kiss?"

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ;...with a kiss;....for thirty pieces of silver. What was the price for President Obama's betrayal of the Benghazi Embassy?Answer;...political points, for re-election. You see, there was only one positive acheivement that Obama could point to , during his four year failure as President , and that's a Bush -policy based military action against terrorists in the Middle East . He could not risk that being tarnished , on the anniversary of 9-11;....especially since he had stated, at the Democratic Convention , that, 'Bin Laden is Dead,and Al-Queda is "on the run".
That's why the Benghazi Guards were instructed to keep their weapons;...unloaded.
That's why repeated calls for more security;.. for months ; Ambassador Chris Stevens ;...were denied;...and ignored.
That's why calls for help  to the State Department by Navy Seal Tyrone Woods were denied;...and ignored;...despite the fact that a Delta Force was only a short distance away , in Italy,and they were ready to go.
And, that's why Ambassador Stevens and three brave special agents who ignored orders from the State Dept. to "Stand Down. ', during this attack;....are now dead.
Obama could not risk it, you see. He could not risk any military conflict on the anniversary of 9-11. It would be bad for the ol' Obama image, you see. The same 'image" that stood behind a podium at the Democratic convention in August ;...and declared , for all the world to hear;.,....."Bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive ;...and Al-Queda is on the run.
Al-Queda is not on the run . The attacks on numerous American Embassies around the world on 9-11 proves that. Al-Queda is stronger than ever ;...and growing .; thanks to the willingness , of this administration, to bow before the Tyrants of the world ;....Tyrants that keep Al-Queda well funded ;.....with our tax dollars.
The attack in Lybia was revenge for Bin Laden , It was planned , well in advance. As were all the attacks at the other embassies around the world.
These attacks were revenge for Bin Laden . The terrorists even admitted this was indeed the one, true, motive. No other.
So much for Al -Queda being on the run .
And , all the while, during this seven hour , all out; military style attack on Benghazi, a drone, hovered  ;....eerily, over the embassy , and watched the slaughter, impassively, without providing any assistance, whatsoever.
A question remains;....who was watching , at the other end , of that drone's camera lens?Who sat and watched Americans being attacked , on American soil, without responding in any way? There is only one answer;....The Commander in Chief;...Barack Hussein Obama,Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ,CIA Director  Leo Panetta , and, everyone in the Obama administration .
All;...I repeat, all, members of the Obama Administration were watching ;...and knew , from the beginning , of the attack, to the end;...who was responsible. They all knew the attack was being planned. They all knew when the attack was going to happen.
They all knew why it was going to happen .
And , it had nothing to do with some damn Youtube video ;...a video that was used , as a scapegoat, to keep the idea, the concept, of an Al-Queda attack on us, a far removed possibility, on the anniversary of 9-11 ;...especially as the President's re-election loomed near.
This is a criminal coverup.This administration has placed the lives and security of our fellow Americans , in jeopardy, just to assure ; . The President's Political victory. That's all that matters to Obama and the Democrats . Their campaign strategy proves it . They will lie , slander, cheat, whatever it takes, to secure an Obama second Term ; secure the continuation of the socialist policies that assure govt. control over the free market ;...permanently.
That's all that matters to these people. These liberals . These Democrats . Nothing else matters . Nothing else is important.
Nothing else is sacred.
Including the lives of our loved ones, who risk all , overseas , to defend our freedom .
It's over . The polls prove it.
This was the final straw;...the final nail ; the coffin of the Obama Administration .
Who won the third debate?  Who cares? We have Americans dead , and no one is telling us how it happened, or why. We want answers , dammit, because the families , of these heroes , deserve it , and they deserve it;...right now.
Governor Mitt Romney won the last debate , by reminding the President that you cannot have a strong foreign policy , and a strong military stance in the world, without a strong economy, at home.
If the economy is weak; too, will the security of your nation be weak. A Nation that is perceived as weak economically;...a Nation that is in debt to our enemies,;..... is a Nation that is perceived weak militarily; our enemies. So much for Foreign Policy , Mr . President.
Mitt Romney's best moment of the third debate came,. when he reminded the President that , despite what he might think, America has nothing to apologize for. 'We do not dictate to other countries, Mr.President ;.....we free them from dictators . "
It's understandable , that President Obama does not seem to grasp this concept.
After all , any man , who would betray an American Embassy ;...just to secure  re-election ;....does not really understand America;..or its values , or the freedom , that makes us the greatest nation on earth.
No, the contempt and cynicism Obama feels  for "American Exceptionalism , has been clearly exposed , once and for all; his betrayal of its values , and its embassy;....;....for his thirty pieces of silver .
However, like Judas before him, Obama will  find no comfort in this deal.
Like Judas, the guilt will haunt him through the remainder of his Presidency. And, in a few days , it will continue to haunt him ;  a private citizen .

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