In the wake of Hurricane Sandy's devastation. a question remains;....Where is the Money?President Obama took trillions im tax dollars for the purpose of creating new , clean energy sources, new infrastructure , new jobs , ;...a cleaner , more efficient , new world. Where is it? Where is the Utopia that big government was supposed to create with our money? The President promised clean energy ;.....instead , we got solyndra , and hybrid cars that no one wants to buy ; that still, require fossil fuels , to operate. The President promised new infrastucture;..yet we have outdated power grids that fail in emergencies , and leave people , with no power , for many days and nights. we were promised clean coal operations;..yet, we have a President who uses excessive taxes and regulations , to put the coal industry ;..out of business. The President claims that there is more domestic drilling of oil, under his administration ;..than any time in history;...yet , all drilling on public lands has been shut down , and all offshore drilling ;...has been suspended. We now depend , on our enemies;..for oil;..our main power source. The citizens of New Jersey and New York ;..who now stand in endless lines ;..waiting for gasoline , to power generators , and run their cars;...have been hood winked ; a President and his Administration , that told them , eight years ago, that we need to ween ourselves off fossil fuels , and"invest " in fictional green energy alternatives . He told them that we didn't need to be dependent on fossil fuels ;....the only power source there is. Now; the wake of Sandy;...these citizens are seeing the truth. The President has said he will cut the red tape to speed up help , and get things done. Really? Why not do this all the time? If government simply got out of the way;...wouldn't everything run more efficiently?The President, by making this declaration about "eliminating red tape" , has inadvertently admitted ;..that government is not the solution to problems ;...government is the problem. Government is ineffecient. Government is the true destroyer;..not Sandy. No, Sandy is just the force of nature that has damaged lives and property;..yes, but it has also brought final clarity to the farce that is the Obama administration . Oil is energy . Oil is power . We cannot run our lives, as we know them ;..without oil. Deal with it. We , as a Nation , have more oil than any Nation on earth .We have enough to solve any crises, any calamity ;...but , we don't. Because;...the President , has stopped drilling, and, by doing so, has weakened our Nation ;..endangered our citizens, and left us vulnerable;...and at the mercy ;..of our enemies, who, ironically, we depend on , for our oil supply. And, as people in New Jersey ,and New York continue to suffer , Obama's union thugs prevent volunteer electrical workers from pitching in ,and helping those in need , during this tragedy. So much for the idea that unions are the backbone of our work force. What a laugh . Unions are gutless creeps. Backbone of our workforce? They have no backbone. Yep, non union electricians are forbidden from helping their fellow man , because of union greed . And, as this grim tableu unfolds before our eyes, All the while , in Washington; ....the Puppet people march. A death march. As the New Rome burns, they march . As Obama photo-ops in Jersey with Christi;..before jetting off to Vegas;...they march. As our enemies grow stronger;...and we grow weaker;......they march. The puppet people, those mindless , zombie -like, Obama drones , , march, for more taxpayer dollars , to fund sesame place;..a multi-million dollar franchise , that hardly needs tax payer money to support itself. Yes folks. While our fellow Americans suffer, these nit wits are angry about losing entitlement money;....for a silly puppet show. What shameful. pathetic , mindless, idiots. Let the morons march. They are done . It's all over for them , and their fraud of a President. On November 6th, ......this Death March ends;......and the new march ...begins. The march back to reality and freedom . The freedom , to keep the money you earn;......because ;'s yours. The freedom , to vote for a man who understands this type of freedom . The man , known as Mitt Romney . The man who will be ;...President. But, what if Obama;..somehow;...wins? He can't. He has nothing to win . He has already, in essense forfeited his Presidency;.. by failing to protect the Benghazi embassy. You see, the President has still refused to answer questions about the terror attack in Libya;.... He knows what happened. He knows why four Americans are dead . He knows why help was refused during a terror attack was occuring on American soil ;...embassy soil. Make no mistake ;..embassy soil , is American soil. He knows why nearby strike forces were told to stand down , and let our citizens be slaughtered; Al Queda terrorists , seeking revenge , for the killing of Bin Laden ;...on the anniversary ;...of 9-11. The President ;...knows. Because;....he ordered it. President Obama ordered the stand down;...and no one else. He is done , as President. All his efforts in deception ;...have been for naught. And , as the hours tick away , growing ever closer to the end of the Obama regime;...the Puppet people will, no doubt , march on ;...for a cause , they cannot even hope ; comprehend ; see;...puppets never do. |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
March of the Puppet People
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You are on the wrong side of history. Go watch the Lorax- you need that moral BADLY you myopic, self-defeating capitalist.
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