Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Angelic Assassin

In the Jungle, there is one simple rule;...kill or be killed.
A predator will single out the weakest animal in the herd, and go for the kill. On debate night, Mitt Romney was that predator, who sensed weakness in his opponent, and, very quickly, went in for the kill, by finally revealing his five point plan to improve the economy, and, more importantly, revealing something very interesting about the President.
In the first few minutes of the debate , Mitt Romney exposed Obama's greatest weakness , his fatal flaw, his inability to comprehend how cutting tax rates for all Americans , can create jobs, grow the economy, and cut the deficit. The President still stubbornly belives that only by taxing the wealth earners more, can you increase revenue to the government, and create jobs at the same time. This makes no sense, either mathmatically, or logically. You drain the source of the economy ; grow the economy? How can this possibly work?Answer; can't. And, as the history of this Nation has shown , when it's tried, economic failure is always the result.
Romney understands the truth. To grow the economy, you let those that earn the money, keep the money. This allows businesses to grow and prosper . This creates jobs , which creates new taxpayers , which creates increased revenue to the government , which helps to lower the deficit. The simple, basic principles of free market capitalism ;...the system that made us the greatest Nation on earth . Obama said that cutting tax rates has been tried before, and it has never worked. The history of our Nation proves otherwise . The economy is always better , whewn tax cutting Republicans are in charge of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate . That's not political spin , that's historical fact. Obama, after four , long , painful years , as President, still doesn't get this, and Romney exposed this fact on a stage perfectly suited to the task. He couldn't have asked for a better venue . No teleprompter for the President to rely on , no strict time limits on statements and responses , and, limited interference by debate moderator Jim Lehrer . Further proof of Obama's inability to grasp  economic reality was the President's complaint that Mitt Romney 's policies will cut funds for needed entitlements, such as Medicare , and education .Romney pointed out that most entitlements could be more effectively run , if shifted to a state level , or , even better, the private sector. Romney also reminded the President of the 90 billion tax dollars wasted frivilously , on Green energy technology ,that's not cost effective and simply does not work . As Governor Romney pointed out , the President picked 'losers' to waste taxpayers money on , and yet, he still demands more of that money from those tax payers .
This all boils down to a lack of respect , for the American dollar, and , for those that work hard ; earn it . Especially the wealthy , who Obama regards as greedy and unscrupulous. . Perfect example?President Obama's comments to Governor Romney regarding the so-called , 'tax breaks" , for overseas business investors . Romney never heard of these  breaks . Romney is an overseas investor. . Obama is a former community organizer . , who never ran a business , or even worked in the private sector. Romney exposed the tax break Obama spoke of as completely false; simply being an experienced businessman.who knows what breaks can be obtained, and which ones are the fantasy of the Obama Administration .
Further proof of Obama's contempt for big business is the almost complete shutdown of oil drilling on U.S. soil . Obama pointed out that, under his administration , oil production has increased . Yes , that's true, but, its in spite of the President, not because of him . Oil production increased , all right , but , but only on private land , ; that the P

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