Sunday, July 15, 2012

"To Walk Amongst Enemies"

President Obama continues to attack Romney's time at Bain Capital . In fact, this has become the center of his campaign strategy . This makes no sense. It doesn't matter if Romney outsourced jobs, or if he left Bain or not. It doesn't matter if he has off-shore bank accounts or not. None of this matters . What does matter is the fact that all, I repeat, all, of Romney's business activities were carried out in the private sector. All were simply the actions of a very savvy, engaged , business entrepeneur using free market capitalism to make a profit. No tax payer dollars were used to fund Romney's activities. He received no bailouts or stimulus to prop up his business ventures. He ran the Olympics using private funds, to make a free market profit. And, when the free market makes a profit;..when Romney makes a profit , jobs are created ; a by-product of this profit. That is the solid, fundamental, indisputable , reality, regarding free market capitalism. Not one dime was taken from a hardworking Americans pocket to pay for Romnney  ventures.
Therefore, Romney's business decisions are none of President Obama's business. Even the fact that Obama's attack ads are a complete fabrication , doesn't matter. What matters is the President is up against a wall;...strategically. He has nothing to run on , since all his accomplishments are negative , and have drowned our economy , , in an ocean of debt , regulations on businesses , and new taxes , which will include the proposed repeal of the Clinton-Gingrich  welfare reform act.
All the President has, all he can do, is attack the one thing he has always attacked , the one thing he hates , more than anything else;...namely....a free market businessman . An individual,  , who creates a company , to produce a product or service ;...not to serve the community, not to employ people, not to provide more tax revenue for Obama and the Democrats, but simply, to make a profit, to make money, to become sucessful off the sweat of his own brow. And, to keep making money, for himself, and his family. Not for the community , or the government;...but for himself.
This is Obama's true enemy. His true nemesis. For, the President understands that , as men like Romney grow in sucess , ;....government , ...shrinks. And, as it does , it erodes the power that is Obama's .The power over the free market. The power that grows government ,even as it destroys the economy. The power that , if left unchecked, would leave Obama a King ;...ruling over a crumbled , ruin of a Kingdom.Mitt Romney will win in November, simply because he understands that a sucessful Nation is founded on one solid principle;...individual greed. Greed , to make money in a competitive free market, and then , to use that money ; make even more money. Sound Greedy?This greed creates jobs ;..the only thing, that creates jobs. This, then,  creates a good economy.
This simple truth, was the message Mitt Romney put forth at the NAACP convention the other day. He was , initially, booed for it, since the truth can be a painful thing , if you're not used to hearing it . Yep, it can be painful, but , like any good disinfectant, it helps you heal,  as well. Governor Romney put forth the simple message of conservative capitalism ;..the message that says ;..the money you earn , with your sweat , hard work , and dedication , is the money you should keep.This is the founding principle of a sucessful Nation. The undisputable reason why we are the most sucessful Nation on earth. This was what Romney spoke of ,at the NAACP gathering .You work for it, you earn it, you get to keep it, it's yours. And , Governor Romney will repeal any law, including Obamacare , that would interfere with this basic principle that we were founded on. No political pandering that day for Romney, no, just the brutal economic truth,that led to a loud chorus of boos , from those who were used to political pandering from candidates seeking their favor, and who had no comprehension of the truth , since , they had never heard it before , from the Democrats they support almost exclusively. However, truth has a way of wearing you down , it has a good solid , ring to it , sounds good to the ear , and , to the soul.
This is why Governor Mitt Romney , a Republican candidate for President of the United States, speaking before a room full of Democrat Obsma supporters; the end of the day;....received a Standing Ovation.
Yes,  at a gathering of natural political enemies, the truth of basic, conservative, principles , is the weapon that enabled Romney to walk amongst enemies that day , and its the weapon that will, ultimately, win him the Presidency.

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