Friday, July 20, 2012

The Shadow Dweller

The Colorado premiere of the Batman film , 'The Dark Knight Rises", was cut short with a burst of gunfire , and the tragic deaths of twelve moviegoers with seventy injured. Why? Why would someone commit such a horrendous crime;..another massacre , in the very State where the Columbine shooting took place? Why are these shootings occuring across this Nation with such frequency; our schools, churches, Army bases, and now, movie theatres? Why would anyone do this? Answer;....because they can. The shooter, in this horrendous incident, and the shooters of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Fort Hood;...all, have one thing in common;....they all knew , absolutely, that they would face no opposition.They all knew that they could kill, could take innocent lives, and no one would stop them.
You see, killers like James Holmes are not unusual . They have always been with us, lurking in the shadows of our society, waiting for the opportunity, to strike.Evil is always waiting for good to show apathy , indifference, fear;...and weakness. We have created a culture of victims , We have made the basic, simple concept of defending yourself against evil, of arming yourself, an unthinkable, extremist viewpoint, reserved only for so-called,"gun nuts".and  inbred rednecks. We have made the concept of killing someone who is threatening your life, or the lives of your family, a potential crime, in and of itself.
This must end. This is not about the NRA, or the 2nd Amendment, or gun rights.This is about our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our children. It's about keeping them safe, from the forces of evil. It's about the simple concept of taking the life of someone who is about to take yours.
You can argue the politics of gun control, but remember this;...If there was an armed citizen ;...or citizens , in that theater, they would have stopped this madman. That's
 a fact. And , most importantly, the children, that didn't get to go home last night;...might still be alive, and the madman , who will now be analyzed, and evaluated, to find the reasons for his actions.. ...would now be dead.
We don't need to know why he did it. We need to stop him, and others like him, before they kill the innocent again.I know why. ;......Because he could.
We need to stand united as a people and let these madmen, who lurk in the shadows,waiting to strike;...know, that we the people are now awake, and ready to do what's necessary; protect our friends, family, and children .
We don't need the isolated vigilante tactics of a Batman . Batman is , esentially alone, fighting against the evil of a city gone mad , with the ordinary citizens part of the problem , too indifferent and apathetic , to recogize him as a force of good. No, what we need are the tactics of another superhero movie;,,,the Avengers ;....we need to band together ,like the Avengers , to present a united force against the evil that threatens our world . Different people from all walks of life,...united for a common cause ; protect and defend our fellow man ;...our brothers , and sisters. No political motive, just standing united, as one, in the common sense goal of letting evil know ;..this was the last time. Let this be the last tragic massacre. Next time, let's stand united , like the Avengers, and let evil know we're done being helpless victims.
It's time to Avenge our children . and take back our country from evil.Why? Because;.....we can.
And; the Democrats , and the liberal media ;...particularly , ABC News, who tried to link this shooting to the Tea Party , well, no matter how bad you want it to be true, wishing, and slander, just won;t make it so. It's a time for grieving, and ;....for prayers , but not a time to use a tragedy to play politics,in order to further an anti-Republican agenda.In the end, there is only one person to blame for this tragic event;.....and that's James Holmes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great read, Stuart! I don't know if you remember me from grade school. It's good to see you're still around.