Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Avengers Initiative

Why is  the movie , "The Avengers " the top box office draw of all time? There have been other superhero movies, that did well, but why was this one so sucessful?Answer;...this one had a worthy opponent , a worthy cause, for the heroes to unite against.
In the film , the character Loki seeks to dominate the earth , enslave mankind, and appoint himself  ruler of the inferior mortals that dwell on earth. Loki feels that mankind needs a ruler to direct their lives , being far too inferior a species to look after itself. Mankind needs someone , to rule over them ; control them. Sound familiar?
Enter;... The Avengers. Powerful individuals , to be sure, but tragically flawed human beings , as well. All become reluctant heroes , only because fate , and circumstances, have forced the role upon them. All of them , struggle with their own personal demons, and even fight among themselves, often refusing to cooperate with each other. They are, however, united by a common cause ; save mankind from an evil that would take away that which its values most;.its most precious gift;....freedom .The Avengers are very different, uniquely gifted , yet flawed individuals , who put aside their personal differences for the common cause; save Earth.
to save Mankind.
to save Freedom.
Sound Familiar?
Can Barack Hussein Obama beat Mitt Romney in November? Yes , he can;....if we let him. Fortunately, we have a secret weapon , a real life Avengers ;...made up of people from all walks of life , with little in common  with each other , except for one thing ;.....their love of our Constitution ;....and our Freedom. They are called , The Tea Party. Their united effort enabled Republicans to take back the House in 2011, in an amazing sweep of election victories that year, on both federal , and state levels.
This time;...the stakes are even higher. Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama as President will  destroy this country. This cannot happen . And, it will not happen , on our watch;....the Tea Party 's watch. Could Obama really win? It's possible. But , we have , as a people, awakened now, to the challenge ahead , and formed a formidable weapon indeed. Our own Avenger Initiative. There's a reason the liberal left hates the Tea Party . They know how effective it has been , at getting out the vote, winning elections. Just ordinary citizens , united for a common cause ;...the most important battle of our lifetimes. Can we win? Yes, because our cause is just, our intentions , pure. We fight for our freedom , our liberty , our Constitution , and , most importantly;...our children's futures. All they fight for , all they want from victory , like Loki; power. Power over us, and the money we earn , with our sweat.
Fortunately, Avengers don't quit, and neither will Governor Romney ;...and the Tea Party. Avengers Assemble ;...for victory in November , 2012!!!!

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