Mitt Romney has met with his old friend , Israel Prime Minister Bebe Netanyahu to reaffirm America's commitment to support Israel as an ally and to assure the Prime Minister that America is prepared to back up any military action that his Nation may take on Iran. Romney also confirmed that Jerusalem , is indeed, the Capital of Israel;...despite the refusal by The Obama Administration is acknowledge this indisputable fact.Yes, Mitt Romney will restore our standing on the world stage, and put our enemies on notice;.........if he's elected President this November, that is. If not, we must expect more of the same from Obama regarding catering to our enemies and alienating our friends ;...friends that support us in our fight against terrorism , and enemies that will settle for nothing less;..........than the complete destruction of the State of Israel. In other words , Drone Strikes, Death cards, and vague , half-hearted, empty threats to our enemies do not a foreign policy make. Romney should win easily in November, for two simple reasons ; cuts and regulation cuts , for all Americans, and a strong commitment to supporting our military;...and our allies. Would Romney be a better President than Obama?Of course. As would any Republican . Bush was a far better President than Obama also. Bush gave us tax cuts ;...which means working Americans , under his Presidency; got to keep more of their own money;...and , as a result, the economy boomed under his reign . In fact , the tax cuts that Pres. Bush signed into law created 7 million jobs . Obama has done nothing but raise taxes , increase regulations on small businesses , and increase spending , which includes Obamacare, which is nothing more than another tax . Plus, he's now trying to repeal even the existing Bush tax cuts. Obama has failed overseas as well, his only major sucess has been killing Bin Laden , but, even that is more a Bush triumph ;...since it was his terror program , already in place, that brought the terror leader down . In fact, it was a certain Senator Obama , who was one of the more strident voices opposing this program ,completely. President Obama is a complete failure as President for one main reason;..he fails , like all of the socialist liberal left , to understand whose money it is . It's our money . We the People, are entitled to all of it. Unfortunately, Obama, believes the money we earn belongs ;,...first and foremost; the government. But, the President has made one miscalculation in that regard;...We the People;...are the government. You see, America is not a Democracy, contrary to popular belief. America is a Republic;....meaning it is a self governed, self ruled ;....Nation . Obama is nothing more than our employee. Only Bush cut taxes. Only Bush's terror program got Bin Laden . And;...only a Republican will win in November;...because only a Republican understands ;...that the money we earn ;...should be the money we keep. It's the free market that makes this Nation great ;..and OUR SECURITY , both home, and abroad;...depend on it . And, the Republican Party represents America, for one simple reason;....a reason that has eluded Democrats . Only Republicans cut taxes ;......ever. Never, in the History of this Nation ;...has a Democrat cut taxes ,on his own , without being forced to ; the Republican Party. Never. With one exception;........Jack Kennedy. Pres. Kennedy's strong stance on cutting taxes , and keeping them cut, for all Americans, plus a strong support for our military;...gave us a strong , growing economy, under his reign.Kennedy , by todays standards, would not be about to join the Democrat party ;...they wouldn't even let him in the back door. For, you see, like Bush , and now Romney ;.....Kennedy believed strongly in the conservative principle that made us great;....the principle that Liberal Democrats, like Obama;....will never grasp; let the people , who earn the money;.....keep the money ;....and prosperity will reign. |
Monday, July 30, 2012
"Weep Not For Me, O' Jerusalem"
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Shadow Dweller
The Colorado premiere of the Batman film , 'The Dark Knight Rises", was cut short with a burst of gunfire , and the tragic deaths of twelve moviegoers with seventy injured. Why? Why would someone commit such a horrendous crime;..another massacre , in the very State where the Columbine shooting took place? Why are these shootings occuring across this Nation with such frequency; our schools, churches, Army bases, and now, movie theatres? Why would anyone do this? Answer;....because they can. The shooter, in this horrendous incident, and the shooters of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Fort Hood;...all, have one thing in common;....they all knew , absolutely, that they would face no opposition.They all knew that they could kill, could take innocent lives, and no one would stop them. You see, killers like James Holmes are not unusual . They have always been with us, lurking in the shadows of our society, waiting for the opportunity, to strike.Evil is always waiting for good to show apathy , indifference, fear;...and weakness. We have created a culture of victims , We have made the basic, simple concept of defending yourself against evil, of arming yourself, an unthinkable, extremist viewpoint, reserved only for so-called,"gun nuts".and inbred rednecks. We have made the concept of killing someone who is threatening your life, or the lives of your family, a potential crime, in and of itself. This must end. This is not about the NRA, or the 2nd Amendment, or gun rights.This is about our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our children. It's about keeping them safe, from the forces of evil. It's about the simple concept of taking the life of someone who is about to take yours. You can argue the politics of gun control, but remember this;...If there was an armed citizen ;...or citizens , in that theater, they would have stopped this madman. That's a fact. And , most importantly, the children, that didn't get to go home last night;...might still be alive, and the madman , who will now be analyzed, and evaluated, to find the reasons for his actions.. ...would now be dead. We don't need to know why he did it. We need to stop him, and others like him, before they kill the innocent again.I know why. ;......Because he could. We need to stand united as a people and let these madmen, who lurk in the shadows,waiting to strike;...know, that we the people are now awake, and ready to do what's necessary; protect our friends, family, and children . We don't need the isolated vigilante tactics of a Batman . Batman is , esentially alone, fighting against the evil of a city gone mad , with the ordinary citizens part of the problem , too indifferent and apathetic , to recogize him as a force of good. No, what we need are the tactics of another superhero movie;,,,the Avengers ;....we need to band together ,like the Avengers , to present a united force against the evil that threatens our world . Different people from all walks of life,...united for a common cause ; protect and defend our fellow man ;...our brothers , and sisters. No political motive, just standing united, as one, in the common sense goal of letting evil know ;..this was the last time. Let this be the last tragic massacre. Next time, let's stand united , like the Avengers, and let evil know we're done being helpless victims. It's time to Avenge our children . and take back our country from evil.Why? Because;.....we can. And; the Democrats , and the liberal media ;...particularly , ABC News, who tried to link this shooting to the Tea Party , well, no matter how bad you want it to be true, wishing, and slander, just won;t make it so. It's a time for grieving, and ;....for prayers , but not a time to use a tragedy to play politics,in order to further an anti-Republican agenda.In the end, there is only one person to blame for this tragic event;.....and that's James Holmes. |
Sunday, July 15, 2012
"To Walk Amongst Enemies"
President Obama continues to attack Romney's time at Bain Capital . In fact, this has become the center of his campaign strategy . This makes no sense. It doesn't matter if Romney outsourced jobs, or if he left Bain or not. It doesn't matter if he has off-shore bank accounts or not. None of this matters . What does matter is the fact that all, I repeat, all, of Romney's business activities were carried out in the private sector. All were simply the actions of a very savvy, engaged , business entrepeneur using free market capitalism to make a profit. No tax payer dollars were used to fund Romney's activities. He received no bailouts or stimulus to prop up his business ventures. He ran the Olympics using private funds, to make a free market profit. And, when the free market makes a profit;..when Romney makes a profit , jobs are created ; a by-product of this profit. That is the solid, fundamental, indisputable , reality, regarding free market capitalism. Not one dime was taken from a hardworking Americans pocket to pay for Romnney ventures. Therefore, Romney's business decisions are none of President Obama's business. Even the fact that Obama's attack ads are a complete fabrication , doesn't matter. What matters is the President is up against a wall;...strategically. He has nothing to run on , since all his accomplishments are negative , and have drowned our economy , , in an ocean of debt , regulations on businesses , and new taxes , which will include the proposed repeal of the Clinton-Gingrich welfare reform act. All the President has, all he can do, is attack the one thing he has always attacked , the one thing he hates , more than anything else;...namely....a free market businessman . An individual, , who creates a company , to produce a product or service ;...not to serve the community, not to employ people, not to provide more tax revenue for Obama and the Democrats, but simply, to make a profit, to make money, to become sucessful off the sweat of his own brow. And, to keep making money, for himself, and his family. Not for the community , or the government;...but for himself. This is Obama's true enemy. His true nemesis. For, the President understands that , as men like Romney grow in sucess , ;....government , ...shrinks. And, as it does , it erodes the power that is Obama's .The power over the free market. The power that grows government ,even as it destroys the economy. The power that , if left unchecked, would leave Obama a King ;...ruling over a crumbled , ruin of a Kingdom.Mitt Romney will win in November, simply because he understands that a sucessful Nation is founded on one solid principle;...individual greed. Greed , to make money in a competitive free market, and then , to use that money ; make even more money. Sound Greedy?This greed creates jobs ;..the only thing, that creates jobs. This, then, creates a good economy. This simple truth, was the message Mitt Romney put forth at the NAACP convention the other day. He was , initially, booed for it, since the truth can be a painful thing , if you're not used to hearing it . Yep, it can be painful, but , like any good disinfectant, it helps you heal, as well. Governor Romney put forth the simple message of conservative capitalism ;..the message that says ;..the money you earn , with your sweat , hard work , and dedication , is the money you should keep.This is the founding principle of a sucessful Nation. The undisputable reason why we are the most sucessful Nation on earth. This was what Romney spoke of ,at the NAACP gathering .You work for it, you earn it, you get to keep it, it's yours. And , Governor Romney will repeal any law, including Obamacare , that would interfere with this basic principle that we were founded on. No political pandering that day for Romney, no, just the brutal economic truth,that led to a loud chorus of boos , from those who were used to political pandering from candidates seeking their favor, and who had no comprehension of the truth , since , they had never heard it before , from the Democrats they support almost exclusively. However, truth has a way of wearing you down , it has a good solid , ring to it , sounds good to the ear , and , to the soul. This is why Governor Mitt Romney , a Republican candidate for President of the United States, speaking before a room full of Democrat Obsma supporters; the end of the day;....received a Standing Ovation. Yes, at a gathering of natural political enemies, the truth of basic, conservative, principles , is the weapon that enabled Romney to walk amongst enemies that day , and its the weapon that will, ultimately, win him the Presidency. |
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Legacy of Evil
Penn State board members Spanier, Schultz, Curley, and Paterno, covered up the crimes of a child predator, for decades , apparently, just to preserve the"Legacy".What Legacy?Penn State is nothing more than a college with a winning football program . Big Deal. A school is just a building , and a football team is just a group of athletes that play a childrens game for recognition ,which may lead to a pro career and big bucks. So, what "Legacy" were these criminal enablers protecting? The Legacy of money, that's all. Penn State University is a publicly funded school;..meaning our tax dollars keep that , "Legacy" running, and the "Legacy" protectors well paid. A school image? A school Legacy? What nonsense. Joe Paterno and the rest of the Penn . board members were protecting only one thing;...the money flow. They feared a scandal like child rape could get the school de-funded and cost them massive amounts of cash in lawsuit payments. PSU's , "Four Horsemen " , had chosed a special god to serve;....namely,the wealth that they had achieved off of the taxpayers backs , wealth that made them feel , they could achieve anything. Anything, except perhaps, courage, honor, decency, and morality. Paterno and his fellow board members efforts to cover up the crimes of assistant coach Jerry Sandusky were , ultimately , not in vain . Their goal is accomplished . The "Legacy" , is secured. A Legacy of Evil. |
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Avengers Initiative
Why is the movie , "The Avengers " the top box office draw of all time? There have been other superhero movies, that did well, but why was this one so sucessful?Answer;...this one had a worthy opponent , a worthy cause, for the heroes to unite against. In the film , the character Loki seeks to dominate the earth , enslave mankind, and appoint himself ruler of the inferior mortals that dwell on earth. Loki feels that mankind needs a ruler to direct their lives , being far too inferior a species to look after itself. Mankind needs someone , to rule over them ; control them. Sound familiar? Enter;... The Avengers. Powerful individuals , to be sure, but tragically flawed human beings , as well. All become reluctant heroes , only because fate , and circumstances, have forced the role upon them. All of them , struggle with their own personal demons, and even fight among themselves, often refusing to cooperate with each other. They are, however, united by a common cause ; save mankind from an evil that would take away that which its values most;.its most precious gift;....freedom .The Avengers are very different, uniquely gifted , yet flawed individuals , who put aside their personal differences for the common cause; save Earth. to save Mankind. to save Freedom. Sound Familiar? Can Barack Hussein Obama beat Mitt Romney in November? Yes , he can;....if we let him. Fortunately, we have a secret weapon , a real life Avengers ;...made up of people from all walks of life , with little in common with each other , except for one thing ;.....their love of our Constitution ;....and our Freedom. They are called , The Tea Party. Their united effort enabled Republicans to take back the House in 2011, in an amazing sweep of election victories that year, on both federal , and state levels. This time;...the stakes are even higher. Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama as President will destroy this country. This cannot happen . And, it will not happen , on our watch;....the Tea Party 's watch. Could Obama really win? It's possible. But , we have , as a people, awakened now, to the challenge ahead , and formed a formidable weapon indeed. Our own Avenger Initiative. There's a reason the liberal left hates the Tea Party . They know how effective it has been , at getting out the vote, winning elections. Just ordinary citizens , united for a common cause ;...the most important battle of our lifetimes. Can we win? Yes, because our cause is just, our intentions , pure. We fight for our freedom , our liberty , our Constitution , and , most importantly;...our children's futures. All they fight for , all they want from victory , like Loki; power. Power over us, and the money we earn , with our sweat. Fortunately, Avengers don't quit, and neither will Governor Romney ;...and the Tea Party. Avengers Assemble ;...for victory in November , 2012!!!! |
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Pawns of the Game
The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate our independence, with parades , fireworks , and barbecues.It is also the time to thank the men and women of our Armed Forces that made our freedom possible. This fourth , there is one particular individual who we should honor , by bringing closure to his family .; ATF Agent , named Brian Terry. Forget the contempt vote against Eric Holder. The Democrats will appoint their own special prosecutors who will delay proceedings, in an effort to protect Holder , and the President , as well, who , most assuredly, had knowledge of this whole operation known as Fast and Furious. But, right now, that also doesn't matter. What matters is bringing closure to a family who lost their son . A family that wants to know why. A family that wants answers. A family that deserves answers . So, Holder is in contempt? Yep, but not just Holder, the entire Democrat party is in contempt. All those Democrat Representatives, who walked out on the contempt hearing , holding hands like it was some sort of noble civil rights movement, showed nothing but disdain and lack of respect for a man who fell in the line of duty , and his family. Enough of this nonsense. Obama and Holder , and all those associated with the administration, will fall ;.... in November. But, right now, I can thinkof no better way to celebrate the fourth of July, than by demanding the release of the documents that explain why this administration forced Gun Dealers to sell guns to drug cartel members , and then failed to keep track of those guns. ;...the same guns that were used to kill Mexican citizens;...the guns that were used to kill Agent Brian Terry . Terry's family has a right to know what the hell happened . Congressman Darryl Issa must find a way to make this happen . One of those who defend our freedom , our security , as a Nation,;...has fallen . The Terry Family and the American citizens deserve to know why, and, more than that , we demand it. I know the why. It was all done to bring down the NRA , and shut down gun dealers;...ultimately , to ban guns altogether , but the citizens , and the Terry family;...have every right to see the proof.Now , Congress , led by Rep. Darryl Issa , must force the Justice department to release the documents , release the proof, pertaining to this case , and bring an end to this ugly chapter in our History, when men and women who risk their lives to secure our borders ,secure our Nation , are used as pawns , mere chesspieces, in a perverted game designed to bring down the foundation of our freedom ;...the Second Amendment, to the Constitution of the United States. The peace of our Nation , and the peace of the Terry family;...depend on it . Attorney General Eric Holder said the other day, that he will ."stick to his guns", in the wake of the contempt ruling from Congress.Well, Mr. Holder, So will we;...and in the end , we'll get those documents.;..and justice will be served ;..... For the Terry Family. |
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