Sunday, March 11, 2012

With Liberty and Justice;......for Rush?

On the issue of Rush Limbaugh ,Sandra Fluke, and Government funded contraception, here are a few cold, hard, facts;...
Fact; Sandra Fluke is a long standing left wing political activist, who was recruited by Nancy Pelosi to testify before Congress regarding the contraception issue.
Fact; Free contraception is already available, to anyone who wants it, in every State in our Union .
Fact;  Those that say they cannot afford contraception are, in fact, liars , since the pill costs only about 9 dollars a month .
Fact;  This entire issue is not about contraception , just as the entire issue of Government run healthcare is not about healthcare. It's about government control; over our lives ,which , of course , means control over our money ;...the Obama administration's ultimate goal.
And, finally,
Big Fact;  Rush Limbaugh has nothing, I repeat, nothing to apologize for.Rush was just doing his job, commenting on the absurdity of Sandra Fluke , testifying before Congress, that she desperately needs taxpayers to pay for her sex life, because she can't afford a 9.00 a month contraception pill  from Walgreens. Rush is, of course, a master of satire, and used an absurd , hypothetical scenario , to illustrate , once again, the absurdity of the liberal left, and their agenda .
Final Fact;  If anyone deserves an apology, it's Rush Limbaugh ;...whose only crime is being a leading voice for conservatism;...a voice that speaks the truth.

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