Friday, March 23, 2012

The Newtonian Strategem

As the Primary race goes on, Newt Gingrich has revealed his strategy; stay in the race all the way, regardless of how many states or delegates he wins, and, in the process, deny Mitt Romney the delegate count necessary to receive the nomination , and then , take his fight to the convention itself, where , he feels, confident his clear cut conservative plan and experience as Speaker, will win him the nomination . He's serious. You see, Newt knows . He knows that Romney , in many ways; Obama.
Romney was pro-abortion .
Romney was pro-cap and trade
Romney was pro-stimulus.
Romney was , and is; increases.
Romney believes in Global Warming; and the taking of our tax dollars to stop it.
And, most importantly, Romney is pro-Government run , Government mandated ;...Healthcare.
The liberal left have put forth the notion that;...they want Santorum to win the nomination . , because they fear Romney . They feel that Santorum's religious extremeism , will alienate the independents, and this will lead to an easy victory for Obama.
What nonsense. This is nothing more than a red herring. This is the strategy of the left ; make Republican voters think they are running scared from Romney , when , in reality , they really feel Romney would be easy pickins for Obama who, need only bring up the issue of the Massachusetts , government run , Health Care mandate. The very Mandate that, President Obama, based his Obamacare system on .
The left fears Santorum . The left fears Gingrich. Especially Gingrich, since they know his record of Washington based accomplishments as Speaker, , as opposed to the empty platitudes of Obama , would easily make short work of the President; their very first debate.
Plus, Newt has the plan ;..the plan for energy .Newt understands that, government controlled land needs to be opened to drilling , right now , to get gas prices down to the 2.50 a gallon that Newt envisions. The simple reality that Newt understands is this; increased supply of our own oil , on our own land, , will meet and exceed demand , and , of course, bring prices down . That's it. That's all there is to it. . Supply and demand . . If supply exceeds demand , prices are low. If supply is low , and comes mostly from our Saudi enemies;...gas prices will be high. For Eternity.
Newt, over the last few weeks, has focused , like a laser on this issue, and for good reason .It's the key to the election , the key , really, to everything. You see , Newt understands two things ;, Oil is the only practical, reliable, source of energy, we have. The only one that counts , the one that fuels everything , from our cars and homes, to our military tanks and planes. But , more than that, oil is the very lifeblood of the planet, and is , in fact, extremely necessary for our daily lives, and , human survival , in general.
Our homes , cars , computers , toys, clothes, and yes , even our television's ;...are made of oil. Electronic components , that make our moden life possible, are made of oil.
There is no alternative source of renewable energy . Even the electric car that Obama spent millions of our tax dollars on ,must , in fact , be powered by an oil based energy source.
How then , can Obama be so stubbornly opposed to us using it?This is the key to the election ; gas prices rise , so too'will the price of everything else, ....especially food.
In the end, it will not be Obamacare , but alternative energy policies that will; doom  the President. Newt, more than Santorum , or Romney , knows this, and has a solid , workable , guaranteed plan to bring gas prices down , and ultimately make us energy independent, and stronger overall ; a nation
Newt will continue his fight. Newt will continue to push his energy plan. Newt will deny Romney the necessary delegates, and Newt , will take his fight and energy plan , to the floor of the Republican Convention , and will, possibly stop Romney and win the nomination .
Sarah Palin would have won ;...had she decided to run . Newt is running , and , unlike Palin, Newt; ....not....going...........anywhere.

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