President Obama showed up at a section of the Keystone Pipeline , to announce that he was cutting through the 'red tape" in order to get that section of the pipeline that was already open; Why? He needs to be re-elected . He cannot be re-elected if he appears anti -oil drilling, in the midst of ever increasing gasoline prices. However, Predident Obama is anti oil ;...more importantly, he seems to be anti-carbon based anything , including the carbon dioxide that we , as humans exhale.And , I'm assuming, he 's anti-humans too, since we are , carbon based forms of life. But this is mere speculation on my part . The main thing to remember is Obama is against carbon based fuel;....especially, oil. The Keystone pipeline will never be opened , as long as Obama is President. However, he must be perceived as pro-drilling , or, he knows he cannot win re-election. High gas prices have doomed other Presidents seeking re-election , and , Obama will be no exception . He will not open any federal lands to new drilling;...ever. The Presidents hatred for greedy oil corporations ; know, the ones who contributed cash to his 2008 campaign, will force him to doom his Presidency. Left wing Idealogues are like that ;..they live, or die, by their left -wing agenda. OF course , they will say whatever they feel is necessary to win votes, but , they will never follow through with any of their"moderate" promises. The bottom line;...carbon based fuel cannot be controlled by the government , or at least , not as much as Obama, and the left , would like. Alternative energy , however, can. Unfortunately, there is no alternative energy source in existence. Oil is it . Carbon based energy is it. And, this is how it should be. After all, we are carbon -based life forms.Our planet is carbon based. Our trees survive by taking in carbon dioxide ;...the carbon dioxide that we, exhale. And, in return , the trees exhale oxygen , which , we need to breathe. How then , can carbon dioxide be deadly? We need it.. Our planet needs it. The trees and plant life need it; survive . Global Warming?Is it caused by us? No, because it doesn't exist. The simple fact is , the largest concentration of carbon dioxide 'poisoning" is in areas of the earth where human do not live;...ares where there are , only trees and vegetation . Carbon Dioxide cannot destroy the earth ;..because it is the earth. It's part of it , as much as our arms and legs are part of our bodies. How ironic, that the left continues to try to destroy the very substance that the earth , in fact , needs to survive. The President's Carbon Maneuver to save himself is nothing more than one more example of the left's need to conceal their true purpose , their ultimate goal;...destroy man , in order to save their one , true god;..the PLANET. Unfortunately, the panet needs us. , as much as we , need it. The carbon dioxide we exhale is neede for plant life , and the plant life then gives us oxygen , which gives us our atmosphere, which, , of course , keeps the earth from being burned to a crisp by the sun's radiation . But, if Obama and the left are really serious about stopping carbon emissions , I have a suggestion ;...they can hold their breath. At least , until , after the election in November. |
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Carbon Maneuver
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