Monday, March 26, 2012

The Carbon Maneuver

President Obama showed up at a section of the Keystone Pipeline , to announce that he was cutting through the 'red tape" in order to get that section of the pipeline that was already open; Why? He needs to be re-elected . He cannot be re-elected if he appears anti -oil drilling, in the midst of ever increasing gasoline prices. However, Predident Obama is anti oil ;...more importantly, he seems to be anti-carbon based anything , including the carbon dioxide that we , as humans exhale.And , I'm assuming, he 's anti-humans too, since we are , carbon based forms of life. But this is mere speculation on my part . The main thing to remember is Obama is against carbon based fuel;....especially, oil.
The Keystone pipeline will never be opened , as long as Obama is President. However, he must be perceived as pro-drilling , or, he knows he cannot win re-election. High gas prices have doomed other Presidents seeking re-election , and , Obama will be no exception . He will not open any federal lands to new drilling;...ever. The Presidents hatred for greedy oil corporations ; know, the ones who contributed cash to his 2008 campaign, will force him to doom his Presidency. Left wing Idealogues are like that ;..they live, or die, by their left -wing agenda.
OF course , they will say whatever they feel is necessary to win votes, but , they will never follow through with any of their"moderate" promises. The bottom line;...carbon based fuel cannot be controlled by the government , or at least , not as much as Obama, and the left , would like. Alternative energy , however, can. Unfortunately, there is no alternative energy source in existence. Oil is it . Carbon based energy is it.
And, this is how it should be. After all, we are carbon -based life forms.Our planet is carbon based. Our trees survive by taking in carbon dioxide ;...the carbon dioxide that we, exhale. And, in return , the trees exhale oxygen , which , we need to breathe. How then , can carbon dioxide be deadly? We need it.. Our planet needs it. The trees and plant life need it; survive . Global Warming?Is it caused by us? No, because it doesn't exist. The simple fact is , the largest concentration of carbon dioxide 'poisoning" is in areas of the earth where human do not live;...ares where there are , only trees and vegetation .
Carbon Dioxide cannot destroy the earth ;..because it is the earth. It's part of it , as much as our arms and legs are part of our bodies. How ironic, that the left continues to try to destroy the very substance that the earth , in fact , needs to survive.
The President's Carbon Maneuver to save himself is nothing more than one more example of the left's need to conceal their true purpose , their ultimate goal;...destroy man , in order to save their one , true god;..the PLANET. Unfortunately, the panet needs us. , as much as we , need it. The carbon dioxide we exhale is neede for plant life , and the plant life then gives us oxygen , which gives us our atmosphere, which, , of course , keeps the earth from being burned to a crisp by the sun's radiation .
But, if Obama and the left are really serious about stopping carbon emissions , I have a suggestion ;...they can hold their breath. At least , until , after the election in November.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Newtonian Strategem

As the Primary race goes on, Newt Gingrich has revealed his strategy; stay in the race all the way, regardless of how many states or delegates he wins, and, in the process, deny Mitt Romney the delegate count necessary to receive the nomination , and then , take his fight to the convention itself, where , he feels, confident his clear cut conservative plan and experience as Speaker, will win him the nomination . He's serious. You see, Newt knows . He knows that Romney , in many ways; Obama.
Romney was pro-abortion .
Romney was pro-cap and trade
Romney was pro-stimulus.
Romney was , and is; increases.
Romney believes in Global Warming; and the taking of our tax dollars to stop it.
And, most importantly, Romney is pro-Government run , Government mandated ;...Healthcare.
The liberal left have put forth the notion that;...they want Santorum to win the nomination . , because they fear Romney . They feel that Santorum's religious extremeism , will alienate the independents, and this will lead to an easy victory for Obama.
What nonsense. This is nothing more than a red herring. This is the strategy of the left ; make Republican voters think they are running scared from Romney , when , in reality , they really feel Romney would be easy pickins for Obama who, need only bring up the issue of the Massachusetts , government run , Health Care mandate. The very Mandate that, President Obama, based his Obamacare system on .
The left fears Santorum . The left fears Gingrich. Especially Gingrich, since they know his record of Washington based accomplishments as Speaker, , as opposed to the empty platitudes of Obama , would easily make short work of the President; their very first debate.
Plus, Newt has the plan ;..the plan for energy .Newt understands that, government controlled land needs to be opened to drilling , right now , to get gas prices down to the 2.50 a gallon that Newt envisions. The simple reality that Newt understands is this; increased supply of our own oil , on our own land, , will meet and exceed demand , and , of course, bring prices down . That's it. That's all there is to it. . Supply and demand . . If supply exceeds demand , prices are low. If supply is low , and comes mostly from our Saudi enemies;...gas prices will be high. For Eternity.
Newt, over the last few weeks, has focused , like a laser on this issue, and for good reason .It's the key to the election , the key , really, to everything. You see , Newt understands two things ;, Oil is the only practical, reliable, source of energy, we have. The only one that counts , the one that fuels everything , from our cars and homes, to our military tanks and planes. But , more than that, oil is the very lifeblood of the planet, and is , in fact, extremely necessary for our daily lives, and , human survival , in general.
Our homes , cars , computers , toys, clothes, and yes , even our television's ;...are made of oil. Electronic components , that make our moden life possible, are made of oil.
There is no alternative source of renewable energy . Even the electric car that Obama spent millions of our tax dollars on ,must , in fact , be powered by an oil based energy source.
How then , can Obama be so stubbornly opposed to us using it?This is the key to the election ; gas prices rise , so too'will the price of everything else, ....especially food.
In the end, it will not be Obamacare , but alternative energy policies that will; doom  the President. Newt, more than Santorum , or Romney , knows this, and has a solid , workable , guaranteed plan to bring gas prices down , and ultimately make us energy independent, and stronger overall ; a nation
Newt will continue his fight. Newt will continue to push his energy plan. Newt will deny Romney the necessary delegates, and Newt , will take his fight and energy plan , to the floor of the Republican Convention , and will, possibly stop Romney and win the nomination .
Sarah Palin would have won ;...had she decided to run . Newt is running , and , unlike Palin, Newt; ....not....going...........anywhere.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

With Liberty and Justice;......for Rush?

On the issue of Rush Limbaugh ,Sandra Fluke, and Government funded contraception, here are a few cold, hard, facts;...
Fact; Sandra Fluke is a long standing left wing political activist, who was recruited by Nancy Pelosi to testify before Congress regarding the contraception issue.
Fact; Free contraception is already available, to anyone who wants it, in every State in our Union .
Fact;  Those that say they cannot afford contraception are, in fact, liars , since the pill costs only about 9 dollars a month .
Fact;  This entire issue is not about contraception , just as the entire issue of Government run healthcare is not about healthcare. It's about government control; over our lives ,which , of course , means control over our money ;...the Obama administration's ultimate goal.
And, finally,
Big Fact;  Rush Limbaugh has nothing, I repeat, nothing to apologize for.Rush was just doing his job, commenting on the absurdity of Sandra Fluke , testifying before Congress, that she desperately needs taxpayers to pay for her sex life, because she can't afford a 9.00 a month contraception pill  from Walgreens. Rush is, of course, a master of satire, and used an absurd , hypothetical scenario , to illustrate , once again, the absurdity of the liberal left, and their agenda .
Final Fact;  If anyone deserves an apology, it's Rush Limbaugh ;...whose only crime is being a leading voice for conservatism;...a voice that speaks the truth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To March into Hell!

It's been said that a man finds true happiness when he discovers that one thing in life that he loves doing , and is good at. Andrew Breitbart started life as a partying Hollywood Liberal, but ended as a Conservative warrior. He found that one thing he truly loved doing;...namely, annoying liberals. And, the conservative cause is the better for it. His weapons against the left were simple, their own words and actions. Undercover stings and hidden cameras  exposed Acorn , and brought down congressman Anthony Weiner. At CPAC this year, Andrew announced info he had on President Obama that he would release in early March ; that would expose Obama's true agenda. Then , he died, fueling speculation from conspiracy theorists everywhere . But, even in death, this conservative warrior once again tweaked the left . The vile, compassionless comments posted by liberal pundits regarding his death have proven once again the true, hate filled nature of the left at heart. Bravo Andrew, you exposed them again , right up until the end. Did Andrew Breitbart, founder of, die doing what he loved?You better believe it. And, like the song goes;..he was , 'willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause".

...;To March into Hell!

It's been said that a man finds true happiness when he finds that one thing in life that he was born to do , and , that he loves doing. Andrew Breitbart was that man . He started out life as a Hollywood Liberal who enjoyed his share of drinking , drugs and partying. But , in mid-life, a conservative miracle occured . Andrew discovered his true calling;...the one thing he loved to do, namely;...annoying liberals. He was good at it too, fighting the good fight for the conservative cause , never relenting, showing no fear, as he waged a one man war against the left. As the song goes;...Andrew Breitbart would literally, "march into hell for a heavenly cause ".
The main strategy of his organization was simple, but effective. Rather than simply attacking liberals with the conservative weapons in his arsenal , he allowed liberals to attack themselves. Breitbart used undercover agents and hidden cameras to expose the truth about the left. Namely, that everything they say is a lie. His hidden camera stings and relentless research brought down Acorn and Congressman Athony Weiner ;...simply by allowing the world to see and hear the actual actions and words of these people when they thought the cameras were not on them .
In other words , Andrew Breitbart discovered the true secret to destroying the left; give them enough rope;...and then , you let them hang themselves . Andrew Breitbart will be sorely missed. He was a true conservative  warrior who proved that, indeed , one man can make a difference . And, most importantly, he inspired others who may not have been willing to step into the arena of ideas, to find their inner courage , and fight to take back our country. His work will go on .Right until the end , Andrew was tilting at the liberal windmills . He announced at CPAC that he had explosive info on Obama that he would release in early March . Then , he died, fueling the imagination of conspiracy theorists everywhere.
The Obama info will still be releaed  , no doubt.Andrew Breitbart can rest in peace, knowing that , even in death, he has tweaked the liberal left .. For, his passing has fueled such vile , compassionless , inhuman , offensive comments from leftists everywhere , forcing them to , once again , expose themselves for what they really are ;namely, hate filled , mean spirited ;...socialists.Did Andrew Breitbart die doing what he loved?You better believe it! ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 

Friday, March 2, 2012

;...To Defy the False God!

President Obama has stated that the ever increasing gas prices are the result of , "growing tensions" in the middle east. This, of course , is simply not true. Gas prices are high because we, as a Nation , are simply not energy independent. We depend on totalitarian regimes , nations run by despots , nations whose people live in fear and opression ;...for our oil.
This, and only this, is reason for high gas prices. President Bush opened Anwar, and lifted restrictions on offshore drilling .Gas was 1.89 a gallon during his Presidency.
President Obama closed Anwar, and restricted offshore drilling . Gas is approaching 5.00 a gallon;..after only three and a half years in office . The President says it's a complicated problem , and that we can't expect to, "drill our way out of it".The President, as usual, is wrong. He also says that the recent Koran burnings in Afghanistan by our military have increased anti-American sentiments in the middle east, and that rising oil prices are are ,"punishment", for this act .Well, whether  this is true or not, it matters little They hate us. It's as simple as that.They will always hate us. They will always seek to destroy us;..whether we burn Korans or not. This isn't about defiling their Holy book, This is simply about what we are .
We are infidels.
We are non-believers in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed .
We are the ; "Great Satan ".
We are not followers of Islam .
We are;....Christians.
Any one of these descriptions , under Islamic Law, by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , ; a death sentence .
All non-believers are infidels and , therefore, must die.
There it is, pure and simple.And, these are the people we depend on for our oil? That is sheer madness. Of course gas prices are up. They will continue to go up. The President does not want oil. He wants high gas prices, which , he feels , will force you to consider non-existant alternative energy sources. This is the President's agenda. This , however , will cost him his Presidency. No President has ever been re-elected when gas prices are high. Ever.
President Obama has sewn the seeds of his own defeat , simply by believing that America must be punished for her success , by being reduced to dependency on other Nations ;...for energy. Nations that believe , not in freedom , but in a false god that tells his followers to kill those that will not bow before him .