Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Hammer Falls!

"The rights of man , come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God"
-President John F. Kennedy
President Obama refutes this concept. In fact, he now states that, thanks to the generosity of the "State";..the economy is now slowly improving ,  jobs are being created , or saved, and the rate of unemployment is dropping gradually. And, with the President's unveiling of his new budget plan, the economy will get even better. All it will take, according to the tenants of this plan , is another trillion dollar stimulus . In other words;...more tax increases, and more 'investment", ie,   reckless govt. spending.That's all it will take, says the President, and all will be well.
This, of course, is simply not true. Any of it. The economy is not improving , jobs are not being saved , and new jobs are not being created. They can't be. None of this , can be. It's scientifically impossible. Just as the Newtonian Law of Physics  cannot be denied, neither can the Conservative Laws of Economics be denied.  Just as a hammer , when dropped, on a planet with a positive gravity , must fall to the ground , so too, must the economy and free market fall , when money is taken from those that earn it, and given to those that don't. To be blunt, it is insane to think that you can grow an economy by raising taxes and increasing spending endlessly. It defies the laws of nature, science , and political common sense. And yet, the liberal left has continually pushed this agenda as the only way to economic prosperity. Prosperity?Sure, for the Government. This method grows government and shrinks the free market ;...which , of course , is the left's ultimate goal.
However, none of this matters now. Obama is deafeated ; his own hand. By defying the conservative laws that define a free society, he has brought himself down . His unwaivering belief in Marxist principles in the name of so-called , 'fairness", and his refusal to drop restrictions on offshore drilling ;..has assured ever increasing gas prices. Gas was 1.89 a gallon when Bush left office. Now, under Obama, gas is rapidly approaching 4.00 a gallon. Why was gas so low under Bush?It's simple really. President Bush , dropped all government restrictions on our own offshore drilling. He allowed us , as a Nation , to be energy independent. That's all there is to it. The more gas that's available domestically on the market, the lower prices will be. Drill here , Drill now; Governor Palin used to say. It's not speculators , or greedy oil execs;...its just basic reality .You drill your own oil, you have more supply to meet demand;...prices go down . It's all part of the basic conservative formula; let those that earn the money , keep the money ;...and prosperity will reign . If you defy this law, as sure as that hammer falls , so too will the economy fall, and , if the economy falls;...Obama must fall , crushed by the weight of higher taxes , higher gas prices , and ever increasing contempt for the free market .
The President has angered the Conservative gods  by defying their free market will;.and now;...he must now suffer their wrath.

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