Our military has the power to obliterate any nation on earth within minutes;...but we don't. We could take the oil we need from Iraq by force;...but, we don't. We could rule the world with an iron fist;...but, instead;....choose to serve. Peace , love, compassion , to love your fellow man as you love yourself .These are the principles that , "We the People" live by;.. the principles our nation was founded on;...the principles of a Carpenter from Nazareth. We, as a Nation , celebrate Christmas to remember the man who taught us the greatest lesson of all ;...to love your fellow man , as you love yourself. This message is the Rock; upon which our great Nation was built . The Rock of Christianity . The Rock of Freedom. But, one question still lingers;...Was this child , born in a manger in the town of Bethlehem over 2000 years ago ;....the Son of God? Jesus himself gave the best response to this question in the Gospel of John;..'If I am not doing the work of my Father;..do not believe in me, but , if I am doing his work , and you still do not believe ;...believe in the work I do'. This Christmas , let's all believe in that work ;...and, as a Nation , continue it. |
Saturday, December 24, 2011
To Rule;....or to Serve?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Line is Drawn ; part two.
In the last debate , before the Iowa caucus , Paul's true colors finally emerged . He is not just weak on foriegn policy, and Anti -Israel; but actually believes that our enemies should be allowed nuclear weapons . He also has stated , that its our agressive military strikes that caused 9-11. In other words , according to Congressman Paul, the War on Terror is our fault, the United States fault. He is not alone in this belief. Al-Queda and the Taliban agree with him . But,. make no mistake, whoever is ultimately chosen to run against the President, We the People;...must unwaiveringly support him , or her, and vote. Yep, as dangerous as the prospect of a Paul presidency is; a far greater danger looms for the country in the form of the Tea Party itself. Tea Party leaders have suggested that , unless a conservative that meets their specifications is chosen as the Republican candidate ; they will, as a party, stay home on election night . This , is a shameful disgrace. , and would spell the end of our country by assuring an Obama vctory. Remember , that's how Obama became President to begin with ;...voters , who foolishly saw no difference in the two candidates , stayed home , instead of doing their duty to save the country from socialism . Let's be clear;...Tea Party or so-called , "Independents";...those that choose to stay home on election night are , like Congressman Paul , collaborators with our enemies and, like the terrorists , themselves , have actually , through sheer stupidity and ignorance sought to destroy America as we know it. Stay home and be a traitor. , or stand with freedom . Do your duty and support the mission ;...the only mission ;..to Detroy the Obama Presidency , and save our children's future . Or , stay home forever. Never vote , for you will have proven yourselves too stupid, ignorant , and lazy, to live in freedom anyway . The battlefield has been chosen . The line has been drawn in the sand . Pick a side Tea Party , or back down , and be damned forever. |
The Line is Drawn
Kim Jong Il is dead, and his son is now poised to take over as Dictator of Noth Korea. Iran continues to push forward on their nuclear program and is now on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon that will surely br used against Israel. The war in Iraq has been artificially ended by President Obama , in a last ditch effort to create something positive on his resume as his re-election bid looms near. But, with our troops fully withdrawn , will Iraq be capable of sustaining its fragile democracy and prevent an Iranian takeover? The next commander in chief of our armed forces will be facing these , and other mideast challenges as the war on terror presses on .Who best then , to lead?In truth , all of the candidates would be far better as president than our current commander -in-chief. On both foreign and domestic issues, they all have proven records of conservative values and legislation. Even Romney , who most closely resembles at times , that poltical species known as a Rino, and who has been on both sides of every political issue ;..including global warming , and abortion ; would still be readfy , willing, and able to end Obamacare , cut taxes, and strengthen our military. Newt is, of course, the most likely candidate to win it all, since he alone has done what all the others are mearly talking about doing ;namely, turn the country from debt to deficit , unemployment , and despair, to free market prosperty and growth, Obama is the maimn goal, the only target . He must be defeated . That is the plan . That is the purpose . That is the only mission , all that matters , and all of these Republican candidates can do the job.All that is, save one. Texas Congressman Ron Paul , who , at first glance, is a strong , by the book , hard core , fiscal conservative, with strong faith in our founding fathers vision of self-government. However, upon closer scrutiny, we see the truth . This man, who has tried repeatedly , over the years to become commander in chief , is , in fact, an anti-military , appeaser whose beliefs regarding our guilt in 9-11 and willingness to collaborate with our enemies by allowing them nuclear weapons makes Obama look like Bush by comparison. In the last debate before the I |
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
A Village called Reality
I live in a special village called Reality . In this village, all things are as they are . What is ;...is. What was ;...was. What will be;....will be. No spin , no political manuvering, just reality. Hrsh, stark, black and white . This is the village of conservatism . In this village, Barack Obama is a socialist, because his political record and redistribution of wealth policies say so. That is reality. The economy is shot , because Obama has taken money from those that earn it, and gave it to those that don't. That is reality. Tax cuts for all those that earn money in the free market ;..is the only thing that will correct this problem . That is reality. A Democrat will never give you a tax cut and will never cut govt. spending , unless it's in the military budget. That is reality . The Occupy protestors want only one thing;...money, free money , taken from those that earn it, and given to them , by the government. That is reality. Any of the Republican candidates , except Ron Paul;, would make better Presidents than Obama , but Newt Gingrich is the logical choice , because he, as Speaker under Clinton, took an economy worse than Obama's and turned it around with tax cuts for everyone. Period. That is reality. There is no appeasement of Islam extremeists. Their religion is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , who says that all non-believers in Islam are infidels, and therefore , must be killed. That is reality. If Iran gets a nuclear bomb , they will use it on Israel, because they are infidels , like us , who deserve death.That is reality. The ultimate goal of the terrorists is a world under Muslim rule . Nothing else will be tolerated . That is reality. Newt Gingrich knows this;..and wants John Bolton as Secretary of State.That is reality. The main difference between Republican and Democrat is the fact that Republicans cut taxes and recognize the war on terror as a fight against Muslim extremeists;...no one else. And they understand, that they must be destroyed. No other option is possible. That, is reality. The President doesn't see this , nor does he see the fact that we are a self-governed nation , and that the govt. must be the people, not Washington. And, that is the reality , that will end his Presidency. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing more . Nothing less . It is the most celebrated holiday world wide, because the message of Christ is the greatest message ever to be given to man , and is the very foundation of our freedom , and our country. That is reality. The Liberal left hates Christianity because it takes power away from those in government , and puts it where it belongs ; in the hands 0f the people who run this country , and in the hands of the God that created them ,rather than the false god in washington , that taxes them . That is the ultimate reality. |
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Changeling
Mitt Romney is favored to win the Republican Presidential nomination . Says who?The Polls?The frontrunner has switched back and forth almost weekly , depending on which candidate has put his foot in his mouth at the latest debate. So, why is Mitt Romney still considered the frontrunner , the one favored to go up against Barack Obama in 2012? Mitt is no conservative . He's barely a Republican , although he is very strong on the military , and war on terror issues. However , he did have Obamacare in Massachusetts , and has also been on both sides of any political issue you can bring up at a debate. He was for abortion ;...before he was against it . He was for govt. controlled healthcare;..before he was against it . He was for gun restrictions and bans;...before he was against them. He believed in global warming ; .. and , unfortunately, he still does . Am I referring to Presidential candidate John Kerry? Nope, just Governor Mitt Romney , the man favored to win the Republican nomination. Conservative voters are the ones who won the November elections last year.The question to ponder is;..what conservatives are picking this man as their candidate ? Answer;... none of them. The concept of Mitt Romney as the favorite has originated from only one source;...the Liberal Media. They picked him , many months ago, and have put the word out to the press and the media in general that he is somehow , our pick. The reason is clear. Of all the candidates with a viable chance to win ;.. Romney is the one Obama would like to face in debates , and it's obvious why. He is Obama , in many ways . Not now , of course , but at one time he has agreed with many of the positions that the President holds . Obama will exploit this in the debates , and force Romney to admit that he, at one time, agreed with the President on many issues , especially the elephant in the punch bowl;...Obama Care. Obama should feel confident in this strategy . It already worked once . ;against Senator John Mc Cain . Mc Cain also, was no conservative and often worked closely with liberal democrats on many issues, McCain -Feingold being one of these atrocities. John McCain also was picked by the liberal media , as our candidate , and we , like suckers , fell for it. You see, the strategy is simple . In debates , the lack of difference with Obama's policies will become clear , and , as a result , many voters will make a fatal decision ;...not to vote for Obama , and to simply stay home , and not vote at all. This is how McCain lost to Obama .Indecisive , weak kneed fools who call themselves , 'Independents";. stayed home , in disgust , despite the fact that the socialist record of Obama clearly showed what a danger this man would be to our country as commander in chief of the armed forces. They, lazily , saw no difference in the candidates;...despite the fact that there was, and the fate of the Nation hung in the balance. Now, the Obama machine sees another opportunity to repeat history , and Mitt Romney is their "Mc Cain "this time around. They will continue to try to slyly push him through and promote him heavily , in print, television , and radio. We, as conservatives , must recognize what nonsense this is. Newt is a good pick and the current frontrunner. Bachmann is too. So is Perry. These are all conservatives , with proven records of conservative ideas and action . One of them must be our pick . In fact, any of the candidates would be better than Obama , but, they must win first. We cannot risk a repeat of Obama -McCain . A conservative must be the pick if we are to save this country from another four years, that we, as a country, surely cannot survive. A second coming of Obama means one thing;...taxes and spending will go up. Drastically , and steadily. In fact, the only spending cut that will ever occur under Obama , or any democrat for that matter, is to cut to Military spending. That's all a liberal Democrat ever wants to cut. Which is ironic , since the military is the one thing that we cannot ever , under any circumstances, cut. Our freedom depends on the strength of our military, our ability as a fighting force, to obliterate any country that goes up against us; quickly and easily. This is important, and is the root of what is known as the Reagan Doctrine;...Peace through strength .The simple reality that President Reagan understood was that freedom is an illusion , a fantasy , that will quickly vanish in the midst ;...without the military might to destroy those who don't like our freedom..and want to take it from us. The one thing that the so -called "Super Commitee" members seemingly do not understand is simply this;...all entitlements can be cut and cut drastically ;...but the military cannot;...since the nation that believes so strongly in peace and freedom must also believe in our overwhelmingly powerful military force ;...that makes our freedom possible. This is why we cannot risk the Presidency on Mitt Romney , for he has displayed the qualities of a changling;...a creature from Greek Mythology that appears to be something;....that it is not. |
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