Friday, January 28, 2011

The Sputnik Glory

He spoke of; innovation, education, the free market, and ultimately our freedom of speech that allows our two party system to argue, debate, and sometimes rage against each other in heated political chaos; all in keeping with how our founders intended our system of self -government; self-rule, to work. He spoke of this as our Sputnik moment , the moment of great and glorious technological innovation that would raise us to even greater heights , and keep our country the leader of the free world, in all things. Yes, the President's State of the Union address spoke loudly and vigoriusly of the greatness of America.....all made possible by our governmemt .
Yes, you see, when Barack Hussein Obama speaks of 'Investment in the Future" , of education, clean energy, mass transit, he is simply speaking of one thing only; raising taxes. For everyone. The Reagan -like tone of his speech was good, but intended mearly as  campaign rhetoric designed to clear his path for a 2012 re-election . He has promised to cut gov't. spending; as he did before. He promised to veto all earmarks that cross his desk . He has said that before also. He has promised to reign in partisanship in Washington  politics , and usher in a new era of co-operation between the two parties. Yes , he has stated that before , also.
Ultimately, President Obama 's State of the Union Address was a promise of one thing ; taxes will be going up , and so will spending , if he has his way, that is. Yes, the "Sputnik  Moment" he spoke of , is, in reality not a call for a free market , individual effort to greatness ; no, his call is the siren song of government control ; of all things private and public.
His praise for communist China and Russia prove this. He admires what these countries have accomplished in technology, and education , but ignores the loss of individual freedom that their citizens suffer under. He spoke of their superior education, yet ignores the fact that these well educated citizens are living below the poverty level , because of their oppresive government controlled economies. that always , in the end, lead to economic collapse. Why else would China lead us in manufacturing, yet, produce inferior , poor quality products, sometimes even dangerous to our children? This is because they are forced to produce under these regimes, and forced to meet quotas to appease the gov't. , but quality matters not , since quality work is a product of free men , allowed to use their skills and craftmanship , which, of course, are products of a human being who is allowed to express himself freely.
Can Obama move to the center? The answer is no. He is an idealogue. He will not change . He will not alter. He will not bend . Therefore, he will simply break. Break under the weight of a new Tea Party, We the People, driven Republican Congress. , that has shown , an early determination to indeed , do the job that they were elected to do . They will have to stay true to their task, crushing every vestige of Obamacare and slashing taxes and spending ; for , if they don't ; if they waiver in their resolve, Obama , will , indeed be there . Un-waivering. Un-altered. A true believer in his socialist utopian dream , ready to pounce on their weakness and try to regain the power that he has lost.
The universe is ever changing, ever expanding. But, Obama is not. He will remain , the one constant in our ever- changing  universe. And, as the universe continues to expand, so too will Obama continue to dream of an ever expanding government . For that, is truly, his "Sputnik Moment"; his "Sputnik Glory".

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