Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Children of the Sand

Here's all you need to know about the riots in Egypt. President Mubarak is not a president . He is a Dictator. The riots in the street are nothing new, to any country that operates under a dictatorship . Eventually, the people revolt , because it is our nature , as a species, to be free, and therefore , to have a government that is based on ....self- government, self-rule, , as our creator intended. Name any country on earth that  doesn't operate as a Democratic Republic , and, I guarantee you, riots have happened , or will soon happen.
It's no mystery. We have given billions of dollars to Egypt to feed their people, support their military , support their economy , and prop up their shell of a government. Why? Here's the dirty little secret about giving money to totalitarian regimes that shut down the internet , cell phones  and all communication  during riots ; the money does not go to the people , or the economy . It goes to the government  and the military , and, that is all. That's why, in a land rich with oil, the people remain poor, no jobs, virtually living below the poverty level . And, until they operate on a system of government run by the people , like ours, they will remain that way .
We threw billions of dollars at Haiti, and this effort , also produced no results. The reason is clear. Like Egypt, Haiti is run by a corrupt dictatorship, that takes the money for its own purposes , and leaves the people to fend for themselves.
To resolve this, we must treat these people like the children in a sandbox  that they are . Cut off all financial aid to them completely. Start drilling our own oil again ; and become the energy independent nation that we should be. We have more oil than the entire middle east, more oil than God , actually. Do this , and watch how fast Egypt turns around . They'll have to . Their people will rise up , for, if not, they will simply follow President Mubarak and his new puppet Vice - President down the path of doom and destruction ; the path of all Totalitarian regimes. But , we must not follow, and must cease to fund these most irresponsible, most corrupt, most immature , and most violent; Children of the Sand.

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