Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Angel of Death

Can Sarah Palin win the Presidency in 2012? She not only can; Sarah Palin will be the next President of the United States, and here is the cold , hard scientific proof that this will be a reality. First, she is backed by the Tea Party. This is no minor point. Remember , the Tea Party was the instrument that delivered the November 2nd victory to the Republican Party . To think otherwise is not in keeping with reality.
Second, she is a conservative, and that makes her a truly rare gem in the world of politics. Conservatives , by nature, stick to the principles that our country was founded on, and they do not compromise those principles for political gain. They are a breed apart, a rare breed , that believes , like the Greek philosopher Plato, in truth above all other things. And, that truth is ; man was created to be free, self-governed,self-ruled; without any King , Queen, or Dictator, Iimposing their will upon us . The Conservative belief of self-government, self-rule, is the cornerstone of our political system , and it has made us the greatest nation on earth . Without conservatives like Palin ; America , as we know it , might never have existed . And now, we have President Obama; who disagrees with this entire concept. He thinks that the creation of a so-called "Jobs Comission', will somehow create jobs. . This , of course , is sheer socialist fantasy. Jobs are created by the free market. All a jobs comission does is create more tax burdens , for those that would use their money to hire workers , but instead , will have that money taken to pay the salaries of this new comission's appointees.A government run think tank to create jobs actually creates only one thing; taxes. Nothing more ; nothing less . One of the roots of Conservative belief is an instinctive knowledge that taxes must be kept low , which keeps the free market free, the economy strong, and revenue to the government high. Sarah Palin believes this, as do all conservatives . It is the truth, and this truth will win her the Presidency.
The third , and most important reason why Palin will win in 2012, is fear. The left fears her, which , of course is the reason for the constant attacks upon her , including attempts to blame her for the Tucson tragedy, Let's face it ; if Sarah was in Rome when it burned , the left would say she gave Nero the match. In reality, the left has very good reason to fear Palin. A true , pure conservative in office would be disasterous for all their plans ; all their tax grabbing programs, and would mean the re-birth of the American Dream, which the liberal left instinctively ; hates. Conservatives , like Sarah Palin are considered evil by the left, because they believe in the greatness of America. The left believes America is a theif and criminal, that has stolen , cheated , and murdered its way to prosperity, and now needs to be brought down to size , diminished , and punished for its crimes , and Obama is the instrument to this end.
Finally , the last best , and most important reason for a Palin victory in 2012 is the complete and utter meltdown this will trigger on the left. Yes , like lemmings to the sea, , they will follow each other over the cliff, of their making , committing political suicide in the wake of the landslide Palin victory. In truth, they will be so consumed with rage and hatred to do anything else, but continue their attacks which will not stop Palin , but will instead continue to expose the true nature of the lefts hate filled agenda. In the end, Palin can, must, and will be President , because , in essense ; she is the Angel of Death ; a flaming , conservative sword that will, once and for all, bring doom and destruction to the Democrat Party.

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