Here's all you need to know about the riots in Egypt. President Mubarak is not a president . He is a Dictator. The riots in the street are nothing new, to any country that operates under a dictatorship . Eventually, the people revolt , because it is our nature , as a species, to be free, and therefore , to have a government that is based on ....self- government, self-rule, , as our creator intended. Name any country on earth that doesn't operate as a Democratic Republic , and, I guarantee you, riots have happened , or will soon happen. It's no mystery. We have given billions of dollars to Egypt to feed their people, support their military , support their economy , and prop up their shell of a government. Why? Here's the dirty little secret about giving money to totalitarian regimes that shut down the internet , cell phones and all communication during riots ; the money does not go to the people , or the economy . It goes to the government and the military , and, that is all. That's why, in a land rich with oil, the people remain poor, no jobs, virtually living below the poverty level . And, until they operate on a system of government run by the people , like ours, they will remain that way . We threw billions of dollars at Haiti, and this effort , also produced no results. The reason is clear. Like Egypt, Haiti is run by a corrupt dictatorship, that takes the money for its own purposes , and leaves the people to fend for themselves. To resolve this, we must treat these people like the children in a sandbox that they are . Cut off all financial aid to them completely. Start drilling our own oil again ; and become the energy independent nation that we should be. We have more oil than the entire middle east, more oil than God , actually. Do this , and watch how fast Egypt turns around . They'll have to . Their people will rise up , for, if not, they will simply follow President Mubarak and his new puppet Vice - President down the path of doom and destruction ; the path of all Totalitarian regimes. But , we must not follow, and must cease to fund these most irresponsible, most corrupt, most immature , and most violent; Children of the Sand. |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The Children of the Sand
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Sputnik Glory
He spoke of; innovation, education, the free market, and ultimately our freedom of speech that allows our two party system to argue, debate, and sometimes rage against each other in heated political chaos; all in keeping with how our founders intended our system of self -government; self-rule, to work. He spoke of this as our Sputnik moment , the moment of great and glorious technological innovation that would raise us to even greater heights , and keep our country the leader of the free world, in all things. Yes, the President's State of the Union address spoke loudly and vigoriusly of the greatness of America.....all made possible by our governmemt . Yes, you see, when Barack Hussein Obama speaks of 'Investment in the Future" , of education, clean energy, mass transit, he is simply speaking of one thing only; raising taxes. For everyone. The Reagan -like tone of his speech was good, but intended mearly as campaign rhetoric designed to clear his path for a 2012 re-election . He has promised to cut gov't. spending; as he did before. He promised to veto all earmarks that cross his desk . He has said that before also. He has promised to reign in partisanship in Washington politics , and usher in a new era of co-operation between the two parties. Yes , he has stated that before , also. Ultimately, President Obama 's State of the Union Address was a promise of one thing ; taxes will be going up , and so will spending , if he has his way, that is. Yes, the "Sputnik Moment" he spoke of , is, in reality not a call for a free market , individual effort to greatness ; no, his call is the siren song of government control ; of all things private and public. His praise for communist China and Russia prove this. He admires what these countries have accomplished in technology, and education , but ignores the loss of individual freedom that their citizens suffer under. He spoke of their superior education, yet ignores the fact that these well educated citizens are living below the poverty level , because of their oppresive government controlled economies. that always , in the end, lead to economic collapse. Why else would China lead us in manufacturing, yet, produce inferior , poor quality products, sometimes even dangerous to our children? This is because they are forced to produce under these regimes, and forced to meet quotas to appease the gov't. , but quality matters not , since quality work is a product of free men , allowed to use their skills and craftmanship , which, of course, are products of a human being who is allowed to express himself freely. Can Obama move to the center? The answer is no. He is an idealogue. He will not change . He will not alter. He will not bend . Therefore, he will simply break. Break under the weight of a new Tea Party, We the People, driven Republican Congress. , that has shown , an early determination to indeed , do the job that they were elected to do . They will have to stay true to their task, crushing every vestige of Obamacare and slashing taxes and spending ; for , if they don't ; if they waiver in their resolve, Obama , will , indeed be there . Un-waivering. Un-altered. A true believer in his socialist utopian dream , ready to pounce on their weakness and try to regain the power that he has lost. The universe is ever changing, ever expanding. But, Obama is not. He will remain , the one constant in our ever- changing universe. And, as the universe continues to expand, so too will Obama continue to dream of an ever expanding government . For that, is truly, his "Sputnik Moment"; his "Sputnik Glory". |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Angel of Death
Can Sarah Palin win the Presidency in 2012? She not only can; Sarah Palin will be the next President of the United States, and here is the cold , hard scientific proof that this will be a reality. First, she is backed by the Tea Party. This is no minor point. Remember , the Tea Party was the instrument that delivered the November 2nd victory to the Republican Party . To think otherwise is not in keeping with reality. Second, she is a conservative, and that makes her a truly rare gem in the world of politics. Conservatives , by nature, stick to the principles that our country was founded on, and they do not compromise those principles for political gain. They are a breed apart, a rare breed , that believes , like the Greek philosopher Plato, in truth above all other things. And, that truth is ; man was created to be free, self-governed,self-ruled; without any King , Queen, or Dictator, Iimposing their will upon us . The Conservative belief of self-government, self-rule, is the cornerstone of our political system , and it has made us the greatest nation on earth . Without conservatives like Palin ; America , as we know it , might never have existed . And now, we have President Obama; who disagrees with this entire concept. He thinks that the creation of a so-called "Jobs Comission', will somehow create jobs. . This , of course , is sheer socialist fantasy. Jobs are created by the free market. All a jobs comission does is create more tax burdens , for those that would use their money to hire workers , but instead , will have that money taken to pay the salaries of this new comission's appointees.A government run think tank to create jobs actually creates only one thing; taxes. Nothing more ; nothing less . One of the roots of Conservative belief is an instinctive knowledge that taxes must be kept low , which keeps the free market free, the economy strong, and revenue to the government high. Sarah Palin believes this, as do all conservatives . It is the truth, and this truth will win her the Presidency. The third , and most important reason why Palin will win in 2012, is fear. The left fears her, which , of course is the reason for the constant attacks upon her , including attempts to blame her for the Tucson tragedy, Let's face it ; if Sarah was in Rome when it burned , the left would say she gave Nero the match. In reality, the left has very good reason to fear Palin. A true , pure conservative in office would be disasterous for all their plans ; all their tax grabbing programs, and would mean the re-birth of the American Dream, which the liberal left instinctively ; hates. Conservatives , like Sarah Palin are considered evil by the left, because they believe in the greatness of America. The left believes America is a theif and criminal, that has stolen , cheated , and murdered its way to prosperity, and now needs to be brought down to size , diminished , and punished for its crimes , and Obama is the instrument to this end. Finally , the last best , and most important reason for a Palin victory in 2012 is the complete and utter meltdown this will trigger on the left. Yes , like lemmings to the sea, , they will follow each other over the cliff, of their making , committing political suicide in the wake of the landslide Palin victory. In truth, they will be so consumed with rage and hatred to do anything else, but continue their attacks which will not stop Palin , but will instead continue to expose the true nature of the lefts hate filled agenda. In the end, Palin can, must, and will be President , because , in essense ; she is the Angel of Death ; a flaming , conservative sword that will, once and for all, bring doom and destruction to the Democrat Party. |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Operation: Annihilate!!
President Obama's address at the rowdy Pep-Rally-Memorial in Tucsan, Arizona suggested that we stop the heated debate in our nation ; especially in Washington. He couldn't be more wrong. It's the cornerstone of our freedom and our 1st Amendment rights , that we can argue, fight, debate, and yes, sometimes get heated in the expression of our beliefs. Tht's what freedom is. We can express ourselves openly and yes, congress must continue to argue, and debate with no restriction ; or the First Amendment becomes hollow, and meaningless. We don't need to get along with Democrats. We need to defeat them. And, in turn , they will try to defeat us. This is how a Democratic Republic works. The debate, the battle, is necessary , and natural . The shameful attempt , by many in the left wing media, to blame Palin, Beck , Limbaugh , and others on the right for this tragedy in Arizona is just more political manuvering, to prevent Palin's winning the Presidency in 2012, and assuring an Obama 2nd term. That's all this is. That's all it ever was. The newly elected congress has a mission; and that mission is simple; Attack, Destruct, Destroy, and Annihilate , all of the Democrat agenda , all of therir programs , all of the legislation that they have forced down our throats for years now . We are at war, but it's a peaceful , political war , for the soul of the country. The debates and filibusters will go on , but for our Republic to remain free and exceptional, it must be on both sides , with no one passing laws that would restrict the other side from expressing their side of the debate. That's freedom. Sarah Palin is correct to respond to attacks against her . Right to use the term "Blood Libel" to describe the nature of the attacks. The Left must be confronted , and challenged strongly, and on every issue they bring up . But, they must not be silenced. No, they must be defeated , their agenda destroyed, but never silenced. The mission for our new congress is clear; The never-ending battle for the Nation's soul will go on , as it should. Now, let us begin the task that the Tea Party started , and put into motion , Operation; Annihilate!!, on the Liberal agenda. |
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Doom in the Desert
Congresswoman Gabby Giffords lies in a coma , and otheres are either dead or injured , because of a glaring lack of security at a public event involving a public official, working for us , the American people. While hearts are broken , and our prayers are with the victims and their families, a question remains that must be answered; How could this scum fire over 20 rounds of ammo , with no return fire , from anyone , taking him out? Six people are dead, including a nine year old girl , and this dirtbag now sits in a jail cell , with not even a scratch on his worthless hide, still refusing to cooperate with authorities. It's wake up time people. It's reality time. We need to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights , and defend ourselves and the public officials that lay their lives on the line; working for us. Evil will always be there , lurking, waiting, for a chance to strike. Like the JFK shooting, like Virginia Tech, like Columbine, this shooter knew what those shooters did; that there would be no opposition to his attack. He knew the Congresswoman's security was weak. He knew he could pull it off. The National Rifle Asssociation is under constant attack from the left, and that includes death threats. Yet, there are no attacks , no shootings , no bombings , at NRA related events. Why?It's as simple as this; The left may hate the NRA, but it's also afraid of them ; because they are all armed, and ready for them. We the People , need to follow their lead. We need to put in practice our 2nd Amendment rights, and defend ourselves , our families , our property, and yes , those that dedicate their lives to public service , from evil. And , those politicians who will use this tragedy as an opportunity to attack Sarah Palin and advance a political agenda; I ask them to remember one thing; there is a little, nine year old girl , who was at the Giffords event, trying to learn about politics, about helping people . She is now dead. I wish she was still alive , and the shooter was dead, killed by a citizen , who believes in the 2nd Amendment. . |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Death Ray
In the 19th Century, inventor extraordinaire Nikola Tesla was reported to have created a Death Ray, commisioned by the military, and capable of destroying anything in its path. The reports were somewhat exaggerated. In the 21st Century, an American President named Barack Obama was reported to have created a Death Panel, a group of doctors and bureaucrats that would decide , on an individual basis, who would live , to enjoy Government controlled Healthcare , and who would be deemed unworthy, and asked to step aside and die. Unlike Tesla's Death Ray, these reports were not exaggerated. The Death Panel does exist. First, in the voluminous pages of the Health Care Bill itself, which consevative Republicans like Sarah Palin exposed as potential genocide . Obama was forced to remove it from the bill. Now , however, it has resurfaced in thr rules and regulations of Medicare, and it proposes to pay Doctors to bully patients into accepting death , rather than further costly , medical treatment. Costly to who? The government , that's who . You see, Obamacare cannot exist without a Death Panel. Without a law that enables them to pick and choose who gets treatment and who doesn't , it cannot be paid for, and cannot be sustained. It's our money that will fund this debacle , and the liberal Democrats would much rather use that cash for monkey-cocaine testing than medical treatment for old, sick, and unnecessary citizens. The Death Panel is the reason for Obamacare , and if instituted, it will finally give the liberal left what it has always wanted ; the legal right to eliminate elderly , unproductive, and very expensive citizens. Democrats know the horror of what they are proposing. Why else would their e-mails regarding this issue be urging party stealth and silence regarding this Medicare scam? The root of Socialized Obamacare is genocide, pure and simple. And now, the newly elected Republican Congress has one mission , and one mission alone, Cut taxes for all Americans , and destroy Obamacare , completely. For, unlike Tesla's invention, Obama's "Deathray" is indeed very real , and quite deadly. |
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Man-God Complex
My favorite memory of 2010? Surprisingly enough , it came in the form of a movie called Kickass. Kinda like a tennage Tarantino tribute, it nevertheless had a message buried in its costumed superhero violence that I thought was important and unique for the genre. "Why has no one , ever tried to be a superhero?", Kickass asks, as he endeavors to try thr profession on for size. He quickly finds out why. Being a superhero , in real life, is a zero sum game. No money , a lot of bruises, and, because of the mask and costume, not even any real fame or glory. Why then, become one?There is no real reason , except , perhaps one. Do you , in your heart , believe that , indeed , one man can make a difference? Kickass believes so, and sets out to prove it. "Just walk away man", "No. never". "You wanna die , for some piece of bleep , that you don't even know?"."Three guys layin into one, while everybody watches, Yeah, i'd rather die , so bring it on!!" That's the message. Therein lies the essence of the concept of the so-called superhero. The willingness to lay down your life for someone you don't even know . How many of us , in real life, would do that? Actually, there's quite a few. They work for the U.S. Military, and yes , they would lay down their lives to protect anyone, whether they knew them or not. Superheroes aren't real? Don't you believe it. They're real , and , right now, they are in Afghanistan. |
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