Monday, June 28, 2010

The Second Coming

President Obama said he would get us out of Iraq; and yet we are still there.
He said he would close Gitmo, and yet he hasn't.
He said he would take the fight to Afghanistan, and capture Bin Laden, yet the mission there is unclear, and Bin Laden still at large. Why?
To win a war, you must become war.You must fight to win, and that means destroying the enemy, scorched earth policy, forcing the surrender.
General McChrystal understands this and also knows that the Commander in Chief was unwilling to give him the troops he needed , unwilling to take the fight to the enemy, unwilling to win. The result? The complete meltdown of General McChrystal ; a man who voted for Obama , banned Fox News from his barracks, and helped cover up the friendly fire death of Pat Tillman. This is a man who , in addition to being a military leader, is also a devout liberal, and a firm believer in the "Hope and Change" of Barack Obama.
Faced with the disappointing reality of the Obama Presidency, he chose to snipe at the administration through Rolling Stone Magazine. Why? Why not confront  Obama directly, as other Generals have done with other Presidents.  The reason is misgfuided loyalty. McChrystal is loyal to President Obama. He should be loyal to the American people, since that's who he's fighting for.  Generals Patton and McArthur were also dismissed by the President for insubordination. , but both men confronted their Presidents directly with their disagreements, and forced the hand of their commander in chief. Both Patton and Mc Arthur understood what was best for the security of the American people, the ones they swore allegiance to. But McChrystal, having misplaced allegiance to a man, instead of a country, could only snipe indirectly , comitting a blatant breach of military protocol.
Under General Patraeus , the architect of the surge in Iraq, this will not happen . He will do what is necessary to win and obey orders from the commander in chief. Until those orders begin to cost him victory and the lives of his soldiers , that is. Patraeus understands war, and understands the nature of his President . Obama also understands that he now has no choice . Failing at home in every domestic policy he has instituted, he now must place his legacy on the war front, if he is to be sucessful. He must give General Patraeus free reign to do his job.He must give Patraeus what he wants, and when he wants it, and then simply get out of his way . Because, one way of another, General Patraeus will have his way, and an assured victory to boot.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Last Nero and the New Rome

To those that say President Obama has failed to take charge during the oil crises ; I say , nonsense! He's using the spill to push Cap and Trade again, as was always the plan, from"Day One" of the accident.
He won't allow burning.
He won't allow sand traps or leveys.
He won't allow chemical cleanup.
He won't allow foreign help.
The reason is loyalty to the E.P.A. , and the unions who control Obama like a puppet on a string. The President will punish B.P. with fines and drilling restrictions , and will punish us with Cap and Trade, which in effect, is just another tax on private businesses and the working man. President Bush removed the Jones Act during Katrina to allow foreign aid. Obama will not do this because of his allegiance to the unions that bought and paid for his Presidency.
Was Bush the better crises President? You Betcha! He was a leader who made decisions and took action. Obama is a wealth re-distributing community organizer whose main goal as President is to take money from those that earn it, and give it to those that don't. President Obama increasingly resembles Emperor Nero , watching Rome burn around him , without a care . Nero had his fiddle; Obama has his golf clubs, And like Nero, Obama will play on, as the economic security of our nation, burns around him.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Wrath of the Great God Gaia

Since the dawn of time, humans have been hard wired to worship God , or gods. I can think of no better proof that there is a God. Even liberal atheists worship God, whether they want to admit it or not. Their god is Gaia, the earth god, mother earth , if you will . This is why we now have a Washington style , Spanish Inquisition of Tony Hayward and B.P.occuring at this moment. The liberal god has been offended . B.P. has comitted sacrilege against Gaia, and must now pay. And pay, and pay. The Liberal Dems seem to forget that it was President Obama ; their President, that gave the Deepwater Horizon rig safety awards , while President Bush cited them frequently for safety violations . If it is proven that B.,P, has been negligent and is at fault in the Hrizon Explosion that killed 11 employees, then they should face fines and prosecution and possibly even jail time . But, this is for the courts to decide , not the federal government. They have no business in a privately run companies affairs. More government regulation? No, the answer is always competition and choice in the free market. The more drilling we do, the more companies that are allowed to drill , the more competition there is in the oil business , the more they will be forced to regulate themselves better, if they want to stay in business, and avoid jail time and fines, that is.
Blame B.P. if you will . But why demonize oil? Oil runs our lives . Our homes , cars , computers toys , ans even clothing and food products are made from oil. There is no other viable technology to replace it. How do I know? Money. If other options existed , we would be using them , guaranteed , cause there would be lots of monet to be made from it , for a lot of "greedy corporate types" , right liberals? I love oil. It runs my car , and heats my home, and does it quite effectively. And liberals should love oil too. Since they worship Gaia , they should look at oil as a gift to man from mother earth . A gift we should use , since we will never run out . How do I know? Because oil is created by internal pressure in the earth , not from dead dinosaur bones. The Deepwater Horizon well is still pumping away, over 50 days later, and showes no sign of slowing down, nor will it.
Don't blame Obama for the spill? Nonsense. He is to blame. He gave safety awards to a shoddy run rig with obvious safety violations . He would not permit the burning off of the oil as it leaked , from,"day one" . This is a critical mistake. Burning off the oil is the standard procedure that all oil companies use for these emergencies . Why? Because it works. Oil was made to burn. . That's how we use it for energy. There fore that is the logical way to get rid of it also. He also refused to allow sand barriers , chemical cleanup , and skimmers volunteered by the Dutch. Why?  The Jones act. He refused to lift this law to allow assistance from other nations. His loyalty to unions and the E.P.A. also prevented cleanup by our own resourses. This disaster is viewed by the President as just an opportunity to push Cap and Trade again, and to extort money from B.P. , money that should go directly to the people harmed by this disaster , not to the government.
The difference between President Bush and Obama is obvious. Bush takes action , Obama talks action.  Bush recinded the Jones Act to allow foreign help with Katrina. Bush also cited the Deepwater Horizon repeatedly for safety violations. Who wins in the Better President contest? President Bush hands down. And , if liberals are looking for the one who comitted sacrilege against their god, Gaia, it's clearly Obama, with his failure to save the environment from further damage by the spill, when he clearly could have. Perhaps it's time for liberals to admit thast Bush was the better President, and leader, and accept the fact that the earth and its resources were put here for us to use by the real God , the only God. You know, the one that President Bush worships.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Way that is no Way

In the 1960's , a Martial Arts Instructor by the name of Bruce Lee ; frustrated by the inefficiency of existing fighting systems , came up with the concept of Jeet Kune Do, meaning "Way of the Intercepting fist".The basic principle of this philosophy is that all rigid fighting styles do not work in reality, because they cannot adapt to changing situations or the unexpected. He stripped them to their essence, discarding what would not function in reality. Flow and adapt, "Be like water my friend" , was his mantra. He meant this philosophy to apply to all aspects of life, even politics, which certainly needs to discard what does not work , and leave only the functional.
For instance; There is no Health Care reform bill.; only tax money that is taken from those that earn it by force, and given to those that don't.
There are no political parties; only those who believe in freedom, and those that don't.
There is no economy , no debt; only those that wish to buy and sell products freely, and those that wish to restrict this by taking their money in the form of taxes.
Ther is no oil crises in the Gulf. Oil is part of the earth and the ocean . It cannot be stopped , only re-directed to another path . Obama and the E.P.A. have blocked that path. If the oil flows strongly, drill another well , and the pressure will reduce and the flow will naturally slow. There is no permanent damage to nature from the oil; only change ; which is part of nature, and nature will eventually cleanse itself  and restore what was damaged , as it always has in the past, and will do long after man is gone from the earth , even as oil leaks will continue to happen naturally, in the ocean and on land, as they always have.
Ther are no different religions; a religion is a belief system that stresses spirituality and the peace , love, and brotherhood of man. Those that believe their God tells them to kill are practicing hate, and hate is against the spirit , and therefore it cannot be a religion.
There is no hatred of Christians and Jews; only the freedom they represent. and there is a fear of Muslims and a need by the left to appease them so that they won't be killed. Remember , Muslims target all non-believers , or infidels , mainly Christians and Jews. The left has always shown hatred and contempt for both religions simply to appease the terrorists , so that they also won't be killed. This is also why the left hates George Bush. Those that fear the bully will often try to befriend the bully.
There is no racism; only hate. If all humans skin was the same color, those that hate would simply find another reason to do so. Hate always finds a way , and race is just the mask that hides its true nature.
And finally, There is no real change in our country, since 'we the people" run the country. The gov't that tries to restrict that freedom will eventually be gone, as long as there are free elections. Americans are born into freedom. That's why in November those that restrict that freedom will be voted out. They have to be . This is not politics; This is simply nature, which always discards those things that impede it. That's the basic principle of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Simplicity. And there is nothing  simpler, more basic, than freedom. We must follow the simplicity of nature, and be like the ocean, as it cleanses itself of its own oil. We must be like the ocean; and form to the shape of the shore.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Boys from Bebe

Ah , for the life of a pirate! That's the life for me! The open sea, fresh salt air, sunshine, adventure ; boarding terrorists barges bringing weapons into Gaza! Heartiest congratulations to Bebe and his boys for their magnificent , swashbuckling raid on a terrorist infested flotilla that was clearly looking for trouble, and as is often the case, they found it. Bebe's hearty mates were all over that barge, swinging in like a bunch of swashbuckling ,Kosher , Jack Sparrows! I haven't seen such flair and derring-do since Errol Flynn in Captain Blood! Maybe next time Bebe's boys could wear sashes and sabres, just to give it that  "Pirates of the Caribbean" feel.
Take note President Obama! This is how you handle a crises ; head on! Notice the second barge that tried to get through surrendered with nary a cutlass  wound. They know better now. Better stand behind Israel President Obama. They are our allies in Democracy, they are surrounded by terrorists on all sides ; and they are like pit-bulls. They will never back down or surrender. They need to know we will always be there ; not that they need our help, but just in case they need backup. Perhaps a little swashbuckling flair would be appropriate to show our support. The next lame press conference you hold, Mr. Obama, show up with an eye-patch and parrot on your shoulder, maybe even a hook and peg-leg, just to let Bebe's boys know that, when it comes to protecting democracy in the middle east, our motto should be;"All for one , and one for all!" between the U.S. and Israel.
Or, as my favorite sea chanty says; " What do ya do with a terror sailor, What do ya do with a terror sailor, earli in the morning?" "Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, Ya board 'em and ya stop 'em like a Kosher Jack Sparrow, earli in the mornin'."
Always remember, if all nations are free Democracies there will be no more war. Ever. That is why we must back Israel and all other Democratic Republics. How do you end all war? End all Dictatorships everywhere on earth. Then, there will be no more war. Free men do not make war against each other. That is why the U.S. and Israel must destroy the evil of tyranny and terrorism aggressively , and wherever we find it. The United States and Israel must remain always the right and the left hand of the same body. And, when "Bebe's Boys" next set sail , they must know that , in spirit , at least, we sail with them. Ahoy , me Hearties!