This Memorial Day, as President Obama skips Arlington for a rained out ceremony in Chicago,and Vice- President Biden gives a truly inspiring speech in his absence, a speech that was the President place to give, I find myself asking the question; "What is the true measure of a man?" What he will do for a friend , of course is certainly part of it. Jesus once told his Apostles that the greatest gift a man can give is to lay down his life for a friend. The men and women of our Armed forces , who we honor today, would do that for anyone; and that is their true measure. |
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Measure of a man
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Omniprescent Phantom
I'm afraid I must take exception with people who say President Obama has done nothing about the B.P. oil spill. Actually, he has done a lot, and has been there since"day one". For instance, when B.P. wanted to burn off the leaking oil, he was there ; to tell them they couldn't , the smoke might hurt the environment, you see. And when the Coast Guard wanted to use cleaning agents on the shoeline and marsh areas of the spill, Obama was there again; to tell them not to do it.Might cause further damage to the environment , you see. And, when Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindhal wanted to build mud levys to prevent the oil from reaching shore , and called for more patrol boats to help with construction; Obama was there again, to "take charge" and tell Bobby to hold off on the levys and extra boats; until he re-evaluates the situation and comes up with the best way to implement it. The mud levys might cause other problems , you see. Does all this mean that President Obama hates Big Oil , and wants their cleanup efforts to fail, just so he has an excuse to shut down all drilling? Of course not! After all, how could the President hate big oil, when B.P. , in particular was a large monetary contributor to the Obama Presidential campaign? If he hated them , he would have returned the money, wouldn't he? Well, wouldn't he?? Plus , he twice gave safety awards excellence awards to the Horizon oil rig that caused this problem , while President Bush twice cited the exact same rig for safety violations . I think this speaks for itself. It's obvious that its the"evil" Bush that hates big oil . Lokk how mean he was to them , twice!! And speaking of which, where has Bush been during all this calamity?Absent again , just like with Katrina. Ya know, I'm beginning to think that Bush and Cheney set this whole thing up , just to make Obama look bad! They probably scuba dived down to the rigs pipeline, and planted explosives , then escaping in Cheney's submarine!! You know , the submarine that Cheney keeps his wind machine on ; the one that caused hurricane Katrina!! No such shenanigans from President Obama . No sir, like an omniprescent phantom, he has been there from "day one", making sure that B.P., the Coastguard , and Governor Jindhal didn't do anything that might upset another big Obama contributor, The EPA. We can't have that , can we? After all , in addition to being a big moiney contributor to Obama's campaign, they are also tireless crusaders in the fight to save the environment from its biggest threat; the human race. And most assuredly, The Obama regime backs their agenda completely. But lets not be too harsh on our President. Remember, he 's been there from , "Day one". It's too bad the fallen soldiers at Arlington won't be able to say the same thing about Obama this Memorial Day. No, I guess they'll have to be satisfied that our omniprescent phantom of a President is , like our fallen heroes, at least there in spirit. |
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Their Past is Prelude
What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative? Reality. Cold hard reality. Conservatives live in that reality; liberals hide from it. Here are some facts from that reality, the reality we all live in, like it or not;
Oil is our main power source, and will be for all of our lifetimes. We will continue to drill, because we must. Our cars homes , businesses and military are powered by it.This will not change. Ever.
The war on terror was started by muslims that want to destroy us because we do not follow their religion. We are Christians, therefore, we are infidels that must die , according to the Koran.Plus, those that convert from Islam to another faith must also die, Pure and simple.
The Second Amendment and the Military keep us free. Nothing else. Without the individual right to keep and bear arms, and the Military killing those who hate our freedom, we would have no freedom. We must have deadly weapons and a willingness to destroy our enemies , or they will perceive us as weak and attack, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Tax cuts are the only way to improve the economy.It has worked every time it has been done, and tax cuts are only given by Republicans. No Democrat will ever give you a tax cut. Ever. President Clinton's regime was headed down the Obama path , until Republicans took over the House and Senate under Newt Gingrich,and passed massive tax cuts. Forget about cutting spending. It will never happen . Even under Reagan, spending was not cut, but, taxes were, to the bone. That's what works!! This is also why Democrats will never win another major election. Ever. This is not up for debate. Every administration that had a good economy had a Republican dominated House and Senate. Don't take my word for it . Google it.
You are not entitled to Health insurance, and hospitals do not turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance. If someone says they do, they are liars. You are entitled to nothing other than what God gave you; namely, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Pursuit, that is, not government guaranteed happiness. If you feel you need more than that, you must move to a communist country that does not believe in freedom. You want Health Insurance? Buy it ,like you buy a loaf of bread , or a television.
It's our money. All of it . Not one cent the government spends belongs to them. The money you work for should be the money you keep. A tax system was created to support the military, Roads, and Postal system; all items related to our nations security, and that is all your taxes should be used for.
Tax dollars that are used as handouts to help people will not ever, ever, improve those people's lives. We spend billions every year on housing, schools, and to help the poor, and yet those people are still right where they have always been, and their housing projects are still grafitti ridden slums. The poverty is in the individual character, not in the money. Ther are plenty of people of modest means that have good families, a clean house, and good morals.And yes, they even take vacations, even though they are poor. Poverty is a mental problem, not a money problem. The so called "Ghetto" is in the people, not in the buildings. Why do ya think they take any new housing project, and quickly destroy it with grafitti? Because that's who they are , and they want their surroundings to reflect that attitude. Better yourself, because no amount of tax funded handouts will do it.
There is no Global Warming. The Planet we live on has natural heating and cooling cycles, which shift over time globally. Also, no oil spill can destroy the environment, nor can we , as a species destroy the planet. No , we can only destroy ourselves; but the planet will go on without us, guaranteed. The Oil spill in Anwar 20 years ago was predicted at the time to have permanently damaged the Alaskan environment.Yet today, there is no evidence that it ever occurred .Fact; Oil spills in the ocean cannot harm the environment in any permanent way. Oil leaks occur naturally on the ocean floor on a regular basis, and no substance can win over sea water. Even steel battleships eventually corrode away from cantact with the sea. The bottom line of reality is this; oil comes from the earth, and leaks from the earth, wether we drill for it or not. Since it comes from the earth , it is therefore part of the earth, and therefore cannot harm the earth. Sorry, EPA!!
The defeat of Arlen Spector in Philly is mearly a prelude of the fate that awaits all Democrats for their past deeds during the reign of Obama. Like Spector, all Republicans and Democrats that voted for the stimulus, Cap and Trade, and the Health Care bill against the will of the people will be voted out of office in November , or sooner, depending on election schedules. Only conservative candidates, or those who pretend to be conservative candidates will win future elections The recent victories of conservative candidates in Obama's home town in Hawaii, and the victory of Tea Party candidate Rand Paul, prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. The only Democrat victory this past week over a Republican was achieved by a candidate who claimed to be pro gun, pro life, and dead set against the Obama agenda , including Stimulus and Health Care. He could not have won , as a Democrat, without these berliefs, and he knows it
And finally , last, but not least on this list of cold hard facts of conservative reality is simply this; Sarah Palin will be the President of the United States in 2012 Liberals, welcome to hell.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Those Who Anger The Gods
So, the land that spawned Plato, Socrates, Euripedes, ; the greatest philosophers, scientists, architects, artisans, not to mention the Greek Gods themselves,; the civilization that once led the rest of the world in all things now has become a nation of whining, violent beggars , demanding their handouts even as their broken economy crumbles around them. The riots in the streets of Greece should serve as a reminder to all Americans as to the path we are now taking with our socialist bailouts and entitlements that are paid for by the few , for the many freeloaders that now clog our system. Should we bail out Greece? By all the Gods, No!! They must fail, as a lesson to the world of the consequences of cradle to grave utopias that cannot be sustained, and always lead to destruction. We must not bail out anyone who adheres to a tax and spend , big government system , because it's as useless as puttting a bandaid on an ax wound. It will not stop the bleeding. Greece needs to fall , and , in the tradition of their heroes, fall hard,with no American assistance. The Greek Gods themselves believed in overcoming obstacles, Hercules in particular , had twelve to overcome , before he could reach God status. Follow the tradition of your greatest heroes Greece, and overcome your problems yourselves, though, perhaps you don't deserve to survive, considering the arson and destuction you have wrought on your own land. Besides , we have our own problems to deal with. Our President, announcing to our enemies that we will not use nuclear weapons on them was like ringing the Taliban dinner bell . What's for dinner? The United States of America , of course, and the most recent near bombing in Times Square was just the beginning . Y'see, it's all where the fear falls. The terrorists now know they have no reason to fear this President. He is the "Paper Tiger" that Osama Bin Laden called us. Bush was different. The terrorists hated him, but they also understood that if they attacked us on our own soil, scorched earth policy would be the result.They understand this , and respected it for eight years. This, however, is a different time, , and we have no spare resources to waste on spoiled Greeks that , in this case, cannot afford to"bear gifts". Let's face it Greece; your violent riots and arson ridden brawls have angered the Gods that spawned you, and to ask them for help may result in an angry Zeus , hurling thunderbolts ,and releasing the Kraken to deal with your spoiled , ungrateful people. |
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Identity Syndrome
I am a Republican. My Party's symbol is the elephant,and like the old saying goes, an elephant never forgets. He never forgets the eight years of Bush bashing; calling a tax cutting , terrorist killing President everything from a liar, a killer who orchestrated 9-11, to a Nazi . No , this elephant will never forget . That's why the current predicament that President Obama's regime finds itself in, a predicament that I, a Republican, predicted, brings a warm smile to my face. Y'see , the ugly truth is that the Democrats will never win another major election. Never. Ever. A bold statement? Sure, but one that Obama himself now realizes is true.That's why a no-brainer issue like illegal immigration has been made a "Civil Rights" issue by Obama. He knows now that without the votes of these border jumping , drug importing criminals, he cannot win re-election.No democrat can. Why do you think you are permitted to vote without showing I.D.? Identification is required from us all day long. The Library, The Department Store , when we write a check, The Bank, and yet , the most important function we perform as Americans does not require that we identify who we are. Why? Because without the votes of ignorant, violent, drug dealing criminal invaders the Democrats cannot win anything ever again. One year of Obama rule has fully exposed who these people are who are now in charge of our country. They are Tax Grabbers. That is all. And they will tell any lie to get more tax dollars out of your paycheck, by hook or by crook. Money that they need for programs? Nonsense. Most of the stimulus money has not even been spent, and it will stay that way. That money is to be used to keep Democrats in power, and that is all. Look at the evidence. Greenpeace is a lie. The EPA is a lie. Global warming is a lie. , now exposed by hacked E-Mails and scientific evidence. Clean Energy programs are a lie. After billions spent on them, still , none exist, and none ever will. Even the recent oil spill by B.P. is a trumped up lie. Remember the Exxon- Valdez Alaskan spill years ago? The so-called experts said the environment was permanently damaged , and species of animals gone forever. . Now, only 20 years later, the environment in that area of Alaska has fully recovered, and all the animals are back , safe and sound. Everything they say is a lie , designed to separate you from your money , to be used to save their jobs. Period. And, the current lie , Immigration Rerform, has gone on so long now that it has now cost the lives of two Arizona Ranchers at the hands of drug cartels on the border. Governor Jan Brewer recognized the fact that nothing will ever be done to enfortce federal immigration laws , so she grabbed the bull by the horns , and took matters into her own hands. Let me make this clear; If you are here illegally, you must go back to your own country. Now. You have no civil rights , because you are not, "civil". Your rock throwing at Arizona Police proves that . You are ciminals, violating our laws . We did not steal the border states from you. They are ours. We own them. Present your I.D. when the policeman you hit with a rock asks for it,or be flushed back to the bowels of that septic tank of a country you come from. The free ride is over. You crapped up your country, and made it unlivable. Do not think you can come here and use our country as your toilet also. And trust me, Americans will take these jobs that you are currently doing in a New York minute. There is no bigger, more annoying myth than the idea that Americans will not do these jobs. What nonsense. Americans will gradly take those jobs , and they will demand a proper working wage , not the slave trade pay theae shameless companies currently pay illegals. That, my friends , is called explotation, and is nothing more than modern day slavery. Wise up Republicans. We will take the country back easily, and all it requires is one simple law to be put into effect; a law that will assure Republican victory forever., and also send illegals back across the border faster than Speedy Gonzales. That law is simply this; Make it mandatory for all citizens ,for all elections, to present identification at voting polls. Do this, and you will end the reign of the Obama regime , and also end the influx of criminal ignoramuses into our country. After all, Why would any Democrat care about an illegals civil rights if they can't get their votes? |
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