There is nothing wrong with our country. Nothing. You are the problem, you are the one who doesn't like America , which of course, is why Castro seems to like you so much. Did you notice the smiles on trhe faces of Ahmadenejad, Chavez, and Ghaddafi? They were laughing at you. They will not be "partners" in stopping terrorism around the world.They are terrorism. They are oppression. They are misery.They are evil ; and now they know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are weak. You'll sit down and chat with these lunatics , but turn down Gordon Brown 5 times for a sitdown. Five Times!England is our ally Mr. President! Well , "We the People" do like America as it is, so you better recognize this while you still have a Presidency to salvage. "Hero Up" before it's too late . This country cannot survive another Jimmy Carter! |
Friday, September 25, 2009
Legion of Doom Part 2
The Legion of Doom
So we have a President who is trying to prosecute the CIA for protecting our country,cancel missle shields designed to protect our allies , and claims that the exposing of Acorn corruption is not a big deal and that he didn't even know how much money they were receiving .They were recieving billions of tax payer dollars Mr. President! Now , the "groveler in chief" stands at the U.N in the midst of our enemies and once more throws Israel under the bus and says that ,"America can no longer go it alone , and can't force democracy on anyone. Well,to borrow one of your campaign lines ,"Yes We Can",Mr. President! That's what makes us exceptional, our ability to do what's right , regardless of what totalitarian regimes around the world think of us. We don't care Mr. President, what these countries think. They are either with us, who believe in freedom,or they are against us. That's the way it is. So stop apologizing for America before our enemies all the time,and stand up for our allies. Stand up for the military who is destroying terrorists and "Hero Up" for our country before it's too late. |
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Burden Of Power
As a free nation, we have a responsibility to protect and defend that freedom from enemies both foreign and domestic.This is the President of the United States main job.He is Commander in Chief of the Armed forces ,not commander of health care or Captain of Acorn.This responsibility also includes other nations that want to live free and need protection from Dictators that would deny them that freedom. Freedom is for all men.It was given to us by our creator.Just as we don't need a birth certificate to prove that we are alive , nor do we need the Constitution to tell us that we are free.Our Founding Fathers just wrote down on paper what they already knew. That all men are created equal, and are entitled to Life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness .Anything that infringes on that freedom must be stopped,whether it threatens us or our allies around the world. The decision to abandon the missle shield around Poland and the Czech republic on the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Poland is a slap in the face to these allies,a breaking of a promise from the Bush administration and an act of appeasement to our longtime enemy, the Soviet Union and the former KGB agent that currently runs what's left of it. How can he do this?First he criticizes Israel for "Land Grabbing" from the Palestinians , now he chooses to appease the Russians over allies that we promised protection from long range missle attack with this shield. The President seems to prefer the company of our countries enemies over our allies and seems to believe the best way to deal with them is to avoid doing anything that displeases them.That is not the job he signed on for.His job is to protect this country by destroying our enemies and the enemies of Democracy everwhere.President Obama should take a tip from Andrew O'Keefe and Hanna Giles, the two Young Lions of Liberty that had the guts to finally expose the corruption of Acorn.They understand what the President does not grasp.That you can't reason or appease evil,you can only confront it with the one thing it respects. strength. With great power comes great responsibility".These words were penned by Stan Lee in the first issue of Spiderman way back in 1961, but they still ring true today.President Obama needs to take the words from that first issue of Spiderman to heart and "Hero Up" before it's too late. |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Joe Wilson's revelation
Should Joe Wilson apologize before Congress for his outburst during President Obama's speech? Of course not.Joe Wilson was correct.Obama was lying.Two times an amendment to the Healthcare bill was proposed that would prevent illegals from being covered and both times the proposal was rejected by House Democrats. Joe Wilson was one Republican who fought hard for this to be added , and his rage during Obama's speech is, therefore, understandable. The march on Washington has made it glaringly evident that the American people do not want this Obamacare bill which has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with securing the power and voting base of the Democratic Party.After all , who is more likely to keep voting Democrat than millions of illegals who understand where their bread is buttered. However,I hope Obama and the Democrats keep pushing for this socialist smorgasboard. I would like nothing better than to see the Republicans sweep back into power in 2010. The liberal Democrats spent eight years calling President Bush a "Liar" during his speeches, and now its our turn,and after the 2010 elections, it's going to be a "very bumpy ride" for President Obama indeed. |
The Northern Star of Freedom
"Today, freedom was attacked by a faceless coward". The words of President Bush on a day of tragedy for the Nation were to be followed by eight years of killing the enemy that hates us so badly , just because we are free. The President told us he would do this. As he stood on that smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero,he announced to the crowd, "I hear you, and soon, the world will hear all of us". They did hear us. Thanks to President Bush , our Brave Troops, THe Brave Citizens who stood strong, and especially the passengers of Flight 93 whose courage can only be called Super -Human. Thanks to all of you,but especially President Bush,who stood unwavering and steadfast in the face of eight years of attacks by his enemies,both at home and overseas. "I am as constant as the Northern Star", the words of Julius Caesar to Brutus before his enemies daggers brought about his tragic demise. President Bush had also endured many daggers over eight years from his enemies, but try though they did, they could not bring down this Caesar. The price of freedom is constant vigilance. We must follow President Bush's example and never forget this again. So, to all the liberals and 9-11 conspiracy theorists and other cowards who tried to blame America and this President for this attack,I have a question;Why do you fear these Muslim Terrorists? Freedom has a price, and blaming Bush and Cheney will not spare you from the terrorists wrath, no; it just makes you easier targets to them.After all , it's always easier to kill a sheep than a Lion. |
Freedom's spoiled children
How did we reach this point? We have a President who pushes for third world,wait in line government controlled health care,who appoints Czar's that have communist backgrounds and believe in forced abortions, and , in the case of "Green Czar" Van Jones , sign petitions to investigate the Bush administration for orchestrating 9-11. I guess if the people who voted for Obama had been watching something other than American Idol", or "Dancing with the Stars", they would have been informed enough to see who Barack Obama is and would have voted for McCain. It's ironic that many of the protestors of Obamacare are Democrats that voted enthusiastically for him. Next time, my fellow Americans, think before you vote. Do some research,find out who it is that might be commander in chief before you pull that lever. Obama's socialist Marxist ties and leanings are clear to see , way back to his college days. Whether hanging out with terrorist Bill Ayers, or race baiter Reverand Wright, this man has let it be known from day one of his desire to 'change" our America into a government controlled Marxist Utopia that Obama feels is superior to freedom. Well, he is wrong.On everything he believes. And the American people,who may have been duped by this man are now rising up and saying "no" to the government sticking it's nose into something that , number one, is no one's business but their own and their doctors, and number two, does not ,according to the Constitution , fall under the items that the government should be involved in. If President Obama continues to push for this "Anti- American" program it will be the end of his Presidency.You see, Americans are spoiled. They don't like anyone telling them what they have to do, or what they can't do. They are just too used to Freedom. Even if they choose not to have any Health Insurance, that is their choice. You can't impose some government penalty because of their personal choice. What country has Obama and his merry band of Czars been living in? Sell it to some other country Mr. President, because the American people don't want it. They prefer Freedom, and do not want to suck like a helpless baby at the government's teat. |
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Swimmer's Legacy
Ah' Senator Edward Kennedy. He Worked tirelessly for 47 years to help the poor, the sick, the unemployed,and yes, those without Health Insurance. Yes, Ted never relented in his quest to make sure that every American has adequate Health Insurance.I say "Insurance" because everyone already has "Healthcare" in this country, so I assume he was talking about Health Insurance.It has always been his dream to accomplish this.All on the taxpayers dime. This is a man from a wealthy family, and whose personal wealth at the time of his death is staggering , to say the least. Yet, he still felt the best way to champion his various causes was to force as much tax dollars out of the pockets of Americans who work,and give that money to those who don't. Why didn't he use his vast wealth toward these ends, instead of using other people's money? How much of his fortune was donated to the poor and uninsured in our country? Did taxpayers foot the bill for his funeral too, or was that donated by the Jack Daniels Cmpany? Yes, Ted wanted to help so many people in need, everyone except Mary Jo Kopeckne ,that is. She was abandoned for eight hours in Ted's waterlogged car before he even bothered to tell anyone she was there.Maybe if she needed Health Insurance , Ted would have been more concerned with her welfare.Even William Shatner called 911 when he found his wife at the bottom of his swimming pool. However, on a positive note,Ted Kennedy was a tireless worker in the Senate.His name is on more pieces of legislation than any Senator in American History.Too bad most of it was designed to undermine our country and the constitution. Whether trying to get guns banned,or illegal immigrants citizen status,or third world socialized medicine in our country, he was indeed a tireless worker. He fought for abortion rights,and cheated on his wife openly,yet remained a Roman Catholic. He called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussien and warned of his weapons of mass destruction,yet later called President Bush a liar when we declared waer on Iraq and the weapons were not found. He supported Barack Obama for President and assured Obama's nomination with his endorsement , despite the evidence of Obama's Marxist ties that linked him to communists and dangerous radicals that hate this country and seek it's downfall. The result is a growing deficit, gov't takeover of private businesses and a gov't run medical system being proposed that is straight out of communism 101.Yeah, thanks for your endorsement Ted. When Obama's not pushing radical programs, he's hiring actual communists to work for him, right Mr.Van Jones, Mr. Green Czar? And the cherry on this commie sundae is the recent decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute CIA agents for 'illegal" activities while interrogating terrorists and preventing attacks on our soil for eight years. Didn't President Obama say he wanted to 'move on" and said he would not pursue this " MoveOn.Org', get George Bush" agenda? One more broken promise I guess, just like no middle class tax increase. Senator Kennedy once told his son,who had lost his leg to cancer,that there was nothing in life that he couldn't do. Good words. And True words. It's just a shame that Ted Kennedy never had the same faith in the American people to also overcome their own obstacles and pursue their dreams.without a government handout,coutesy of the American Taxpayer. |
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