Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Greatest of All Time; George W. Bush

Displaying the reflexes of a panther; President Bush dodged not one ;but two shoes that were hurled at him by an angry Iraqi reporter , during  a recent visit to Baghdad. Bush's skillful dodging of the missiles and his casual humour after the incident gives one more reason to consider this man the greatest President of all time.
 His other assets are;
Greatest War President.We have been safe for eight years from an enemy that is determined to destroy us. That is no accident Bush Haters.
Greatest Tax Cuts.He pulled out all the stops to make sure his cuts were enacted and also extended.
Greatest appointments of conservative judges.Judges that will correctly interpret the Constitution.
Greatest aid to Africa and the fight against Aids and poverty; in fact,he may wind up getting a Nobel Peace Prize for his work.He certainly deserves it more than Al Gore did.
Greatest in living a scandal free life as President.Not even Reagan could compare, since Nancy was heavily into Astrology and was a bit of a control freak. And, last but not least ,most physically fit President in History. Sure ,Kennedy looked good,but was a physical wreck hooked pain killers and Obama smokes like a chiminey.
Yep, when you look at all the evidence ; including his ability to dodge objects hurled at him with casual grace and the agility of an teenager,Bush has to be the Greatest President of all time; except for George Washington ; maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas stinky. . . miss you.