This Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to those who truly deserve it most. First, President Bush, who kept us safe for eight years from terror attacks.We all owe him a debt that can never be repaid. I n the face of cowardly jackals that called him a liar and a murderer that masterminded 911 he remained steadfast and resolute; and did his job as commander in chief. Forget the nonsense by the looney left that asked where the WMD,s were , or said that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for these attacks. He had them and we are still finding them.Yellow cake uranium was just found a few weeks ago; in addition to all the other weapons we found that Saddam used against his own people.800 thousand people slaughtered by this madman and his evil sons and there are still jackasses who think we should not have taken him out. He had the weapons. We gave him a lot of them, sop we know he had them. So, his evil ass is gone and Iraqis now have a democratic parliament and free elections.Stick that where the sun don't shine you miserable cowardly liberals.Saddam was a long time sponser of terror by funding them with his own cash and providing them with training facilities and hospital care. If you are still one of those people that don't get that then you should pull your head out of your liberal un American ass and face reality.The war in Iraq is won. Our brave troops that are , by the way, volunteers, did a magnificent job , and they are the ones beside our commander in chief that I thank for protecting us and our families, so that we can all enjoy another Thanksgiving in a free nation.Frredom isn't free , and we owe the president and our brave soldiers a debt that can never be repaid . So sit down, shut up , eat your turkey, and stop bashing the man from Texas who endured your pathetic nonsense for eight years because he loves this country and our freedom we enjoy More than you who mocked him, That's for sure.Ask the troops if the war is just, their opinion counts more than yours, since they know what the hell they are talking about. |
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks To The Man From Texas
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Never go against the family , Barack
Some say that Barack Obama is the new Kennedy. Some say he's the new Lincoln. Some even say that he's the living embodiment of Franklin Roosevelt. But, I think these comparisons are way off base. Actually , Obama is more like Michael Corleone from the Godfather movies. Like Michael Corleone, Barack Obama may find that it is much easier to play "armchair quarterback" , than to actually be the one in charge , who must make life or death decisions against those who are dedicated to destroy him and his "family" of fellow Americans. The Bush Doctrine is very similar to the Corleone doctrine ,both basically emphasizing pre-emptive strikes against enemies before they grow into more serious threats.And Obama , like Corleone,believes himself to be above the brutal methods of his family , and feels that he can do it better ; with reason and diplomacy ,rather than violence and killing. However, that was before he met with President Bush , and before his top secret security briefings revealed to him the truth behind the war against terror ,and the Iraq conflict. Now he knows the truth. The same truth that Bush knew, that Clinton knew,and now he can no longer have the luxury of sitting back and bragging about being against the Iraq war and saying that the intelligence was 'manipulated". Now, as President, he will be forced to do the one thing that has eluded his entire political career up to now. He will be forced to make decisions. Many of them of a life or death matter . No more Bush lied and boys died, no more accusing soldiers of air raiding villages and killing civilians. Now, due to his security briefings ,and meetings with the President,he knows the truth , and it may force him to become the living embodiment of Bush's third term. In the movie , The Godfather , Michael becomes an even more brutal killer than his father or brother; realizing that meetings and diplomacy with the enemy were the tactics that led to the death of both of them. He finds that his version of The Bush Doctrine serves him very well indeed. Obama now faces a Presidency that must deal with a war on two fronts with no easy way out.He must continue the war and fight to win, since defeat would cripple his effectiveness as commander in chief and damage his image as President both at home and abroad. Economically , he will be a disaster of heavy taxes on the very industries that create jobs . He will eventually be forced to abandon most of his promised programs and have to cut taxes for all Americans or be damned as the new Jimmy Carter ; a lame duck President both at home and abroad. Like Michael Corleone, Barack may be forced to govern according to the established methods of the previous administration ; or face utter failure , and because of the terror threat, potential destruction. |
Friday, November 14, 2008
Obama and the myth of Camelot
It's no secret that the motivation of the press and media in their protection of Barack Obama during his run for President was a romantic notion that this man would somehow restore the good old days of the Kennedy administration . In fact, they pretty much regard him as the second coming of JFK. Unfortunately , this is a magnificent example of romantic myth overcoming grim reality. First, the Veitnam war was , in fact, escalated by the Kennedy administration.Before Kennedy, the United States was in Nam only in an advisor capacity, and during Kennedy's time as President, there was no outcry by the other Obama clone, Bobby Kennedy , regarding the war, until he himself was running for President. Strange how he would then say that freedom is only important when it's for our own people and when it doesn't cost "billions" of dollars. The other myth is even harder to understand.JFK and RFK did nothing to further the cause of civil rights.That was accomplished by Lyndon Johnson,who's name should be synonomous with the entire civil rights era.He did it all, really and he should be the one that Barack Obama should admire and emulate. There was one person who worked on the campaign of JFK who knew full well about the complete lack of concern by the Kennedy's for civil rights. That person was Sammy Davis Jr., singer and entertainer, who , after a tireless effort to help get out the vote for Jack,was told in no uncertain terms by Bobby that his presence at campaign rallies was unwelcome and might hurt Jack's chances to get elected. Wow!, no wonder Obama admires these brothers so much. No wonder the liberal media regards Barack as the next JFK. Jack and Bobby. What uniters. What champions for the dream of Martin Luther King. What nonsense.Hey Obama supporters, stop believing the "myth" of Camelot and face reality. Obama is no Kennedy, and with JFK's stance on strong military,low taxes, support of Viet Nam war ,and no regard for civil rights , he shouldn't want to be. |
Sunday, November 9, 2008
P.T. Barnum's Disciple of Change
Congratulations Mr. Obama, tonight with your half hour infomercial you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your word is worthless. Remember your promise on campaign finance reform?I assume you don't because if you did you would not have run this stiff , phony, half hour indoctrination film that made Kim Jong Ill's propaganda films look warm and down to earth. I like the fact that you were depicted in an Oval Office Setting looking very Presidential. Don't count on this becoming reality, Obama fans. Always remember the words of Obama's mentor , P. T.Barnum ; You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the voters, er ah, I mean people, all of the time. But I must admit I really liked the film , but I was kinda hoping that they would show his other one. You know , the one that the L.A. Times has that shows Barack toasting and praising his other radical friend Rashid Khalidi , you know , the palistinian terrorist supporter and anti semite that thinks Israel is a terrorist state |
Friday, November 7, 2008
Barack Obama ; Bush's Third Term?
Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama on a hard fought, hard bought victory. I think has purchased a fine young puppet, er, ah, I mean President. I felt the most touching , most heartwarming moment of victory night was when Obama's wife and children were escorted off stage , so that Barack could bask in the adulation of his disciples without the annoying distraction of family or Vice- Presidents to steal his spotlight. Another warm hearted moment was hard working Acorn volunteers,showing up to get paid for their tireless efforts to get the "Messiah" elected , only to be told that the "check is in the mail". Yeah, sure it is . But , you should'nt be surprised Obamaites.Barack Obama breaks promises like it was a bodily function.Get used to it , and don't expect any money from this man,expect to have it taken from you .That's what he means by"Hard work and sacrifice".And don't expect Barack to sacrifice himself. No , Based on his work record up to this moment , I would say that Barack has adopted Curly from the Three Stooges attitude regarding the job;"I became President so I could retire" , NYUK, NYUK NYUK !! But, on a positive note, Brack has already met with Pres. Bush , ans has been briefed on top secret security issues involving the war.What this means is Obama's day's as a Bush bashing radical are over. He now knows security issues that the President is supposed to know, and he is now realizing that all the talk of "pulling out of Iraq " is nonsense , and he will have no choice but to defend this country and it's interests , because that , as he has now discovered, is what the commander in chief of the armed forces does. Forget Bush lied and boys died. Forget blood for oil. Forget 9-11 was an inside job. As President,he now knows the truth. He will either accept it and rise, or fall from grace very quickly and be damned by history.The choice is his ,and his future and his country's future and freedom are at stake. Hopefully he will forget the "CHANGE" nonsense , and act like the commander in chief of the armed forces he was elected to be , and keep his hands out of our wallets. |
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama 's Fatal Flaw, McCain's greatest strength
On the eve of election day, the biggest issue has still not been addressed .This election is an issue of good versus evil. I don't mean that Obama is evil . He is just a politician who believes in the radical socialist ideas of the aging ex- hippie professors preachers and homegrown terrorists that he has surrouded himself with . I guess he thinks they're cool , or something. The main reason , beyond any other, that Obama should not be president; now , or ever, is his most fatal flaw , his inability to recognize evil.That's it. Pure and simple.If you cannot recognize , or acknowledge the existence of evil , how can you possibly defeat it?Barack Obama's pattern during his years as an upcoming politician has been to surround himself with people that could help him politically, even if those people were questionable in character or possesed criminal backgrounds.Two issues prove my point. One , he sat in the church of a race baiting hater of America for twenty years, and did not seem bothered by the Rev. Wright's hate filled rhetoric.Number Two, when the state of Georgia was attacked by Russia Obama's response was to scold both sides equally. He seemed not to understand the difference between the two,despite the fact that Georgia was a democratic state , fighting to remain free . That is a fight that a future president should always support, but unfortunately, Obama failed this crucial test , and failed to show the resolve the President of the United States needs in situations of this nature. Forget healthcare, forget education forget taxes. The President first and foremost must defend this country from its enemies , foreign and domestic. That is it. Pure and simple. At the saddleback forum, Obama, s response to the way to deal with evil was to confront it , but to be careful not to commit evil in the process of fighting it. That statement, beyond all else that has been said by him,proves that deep down, like most liberals, he really doesn't see a difference between good and evil , he just feels that they have opposing viewpoints , nothing more.Obama as president would prefer to psycho- analyse an evil dictator, try to understand his viewpoint . This is nonsense. You don't explain evil , you destroy it , pure and simple. John McCain and Sarah Palin understand this , most Americans understand this , and that is why the Presidency and Vice Presidency will belong to McCain Palin. |
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