Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"No Weapon Forged Against Me!!"

 " No weapon that is forged against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me,..Saith the Lord."    Isaiah, 54: 17

Many indeed are the weapons that have been forged against former President Trump, the diabolical Democrats, ever since he came down that escalator announcing his candidacy for President in 2015,..and the reason is clear,..The Democrats recognized in Trump an unbreakable will,..combined with a fierce love of America, and it's people. They know that Trump plays to win,..and that could put the Democrat Machine and its hold on American government on peril indeed.

Thus began an endless array of attacks by the Democrats ,...The Russian Collusion Hoax,..The Ukraine Collusion Hoax,..the Impeachment,..The indictments for non existing crimes,..and of course the Obama Fauci created Covid Shutdown,..that enabled the Democrats to steal a Presidential election, by fake mail in ballot harvesting,..

Any one of these attacks would have been enough to stop an ordinary Republican,..Yet Trump Endures. Is he Man,..or Devil?? The Democrats , no doubt,..have begun to ask this question,...What Hell Spawned Demon protects this man from Democrat Forged Destruction?? 

The Democrat Controlled Debates fared no better against Trump,....even though both were rigged by CNN and ABC to give Biden and Harris an unbeatable advantage in both encounters,..Trump still prevailed.  First,..easily destroying Biden in one of the greatest debate performances in history,..not just beating Biden,..but dismantling him ,..Mind,..Body,..and Soul, well,..leaving Biden a mere shell of a man. It was like an autopsy by a master surgeon , on a still living man.  Harris fared no better, .even though ABC made sure that their moderators both attacked Trunp relentlessly,..fact checking with absolute lies,..and then allowing Harris to evade every question of substance put to her,..

Trump, for his part,..turned in a performance for the ages,..answering every question asked of him,..confidently and effectively,...and then pivoting effortlessly, answer the questions Harris failed to answer as well,..while also simultaneously destroying both moderators,..allowing no lie spun by either of them to pass ,.without an immediate correction by him ,..

Not only was Trump's debate performances brilliant, ,.. ..they were almost unearthly,..inhuman,..beyond the capacity of any mortal man.  Who takes on two rigged debates ,..facing three opponents in the one debate at the same time,...and yet still emerges the clear winner in both?  The demon that protects Trump must be powerful indeed , .the Democrsts no doubt mused in the aftermath,..and it made them,..extremely  desperate.  And a desperate Democrat becomes a dangerous one indeed.  As history has shown, once the Democrats see that they cannot defeat you,..they will resort to,..stronger measures. 

If they fail to beat you,politically,.....they will destroy you, physical means,.if necessary.  Case in point,..both Trump assassination attempts happened immediately after the Biden and Harris debates,..and this comes as no surprise,..since both debates were clearly won by Trump,..his poll numbers rising markedly immediately after both of them,..while Biden and Harris polls moved not at all.

Desperate Democrats resort to desperate measures, indeed,..Their Marxist power structure is now in place,..and they are finally poised to take the final step to fully transform America into the Marxist Communist state they always envisioned it to be.  Indeed,..Harrus and her VP pick , Minnesota Governor Tim Walz,..are the virtual twins of Marxist Evil,...Walz allowing  Minneapolis to burn to the ground during his time as Minnesita Governor during the BLM riots,..while Harris made sure the BLM street terrorists remained free from prosecution, to continue the burning of the America that Harris and Walz hate.

Kamala Harris was raised as a Marxist by her Wealthy  Marxist Professor Father,... Walz is a puppet of Communist China,..a man who spent years promoting Chinese communist teachings and spending long periods of time actually living in China,..Walz lied about his military record in the National Guard as well,..and even went AWOL on the eve of his scheduled  deployment to Iraq,... 

Harris and Walz are the Twins of Anti American evil indeed,..and they seek to become the next President and Vice President of this Shining City on a Hill,...A Shining City,..under Marxist Siege indeed,.. 

Their only obstacle? Trump and his MAGA Republican Army. The Democrats sinister solution to this obstacle? A simple one , really. All they need do is have Secretary of Honeland Security Mayorkis order the Democrat compromised FBI, CIA, NSA,..and Secret Service,...To Stand Down,..and do the absolute minimum in their efforts to protect Donald J.Trump , VP pick,  J.D Vance,..and former Presidentisl candidate Robert Kennedy as well,..who is perceived as an equal threat to Democrat rule, ..for refusing to accept their Democrat Marxist agenda,..and simply refusing,.. to obey.  Kennedy has now wisely left the race, and endorsed President Trump,..for he now,..finally,..sees the truth,..

That Truth??  Simply this,.. A Trump Presidency and a MAGA Republican Majority,.. is the only way to save Anerica from Marxist Oblivion,..

To counter that impending oblivion??  Trump's victory in both debates , .. Vance's easy win over the befuddled Walz in his debate,.Trump's ever increasing poll numbers,..and his endless rallies that show no signs of stopping,..and continue to have record breaking numbers at every gathering,..His latest return to Butler Pennsylvania achieving 100 thousand plus attendees ,..with Trump giving his best debate perforce yet,..With  tribute to the fallen hero,  Cory Comperatore,..complete with live  opera music, and a live performance by Lee Greenwood as well. And Trump picked up his speech exactly where he left off before the assassination attempt,..with the words,.."Now, I was saying,.!." An incredible rally indeed. And the rallies continue,..with ever increasing numbers , more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that is the MAGA Movenent,..

All Biden, Harris, Walz, and the Democrat Machine have left to stop Trump, is the Democrat compromised Trump security, that could allow the assassins bullet,  to do what Democrat political maneuvers could not,..

But this has failed as well,..with Trump  miraculously escaping both assassination attempts now, a hairs breath,..a bullet grazing his ear, Butler , Pa,..and more recently a sniper spotted at the Trump International Golf Course, at the last moment,..thwarting the murderous intent,..and capturing the intended  shooter as well,..despite another woefully underprepared and understaffed security team at the Golf course ,..another miraculous escape from a grim fate indeed ,..

How did Trump cheat death again, despite the Democrat stacked odds against him?? 

What demon protects this man?

It Is No Demon.

For Trump is the Scourge of God,..the very weapon of the Almighty , on earth,..A weapon that has been put into motion to accomplish one mission, complete one noble task,..Make America Great Again,..while destroying the Democrat Party at the same time. Destroying them as a Party,., making every single seat they now hold,..a MAGA Republican seat,...permanently. This is the MAGA Armies fight as well.....We must have massive voter turnout, overcome the Democrat attempts to use the illegal immigrant and fake ballot votes to steal this election, as they did in 2020. The Democrats no longer have the Covid shutdown to aid them this time..and the RNC now has an Army of lawyers, ready to challenge and prosecute any attempts to by Democrats to take away the sacred vote of the American citizen ,. Massive MAGA turnout and early voting ,..will overcome all Democrat malfeasance, be sure,..and Massive turnout we shall have,..

For if we fail,..America cannot endure...The illegal invader will become the new Democrat voter unstoppable numbers ,...That is the only reason for the open border .The Denocrats need their votes to survive as a party. Simple as that. We allow them to take this election by illegal votes, as we did in 2020,..then America is the Democrat Party,..forever.

We will not fail,..however . Trump took a bullet for us .and then returned to that same finish his speech.  He has endured endless attacks and trials on out behalf,..All we need do , vote a massive Republucan wave ..that crushes all opposition,.

That is all we must do. To do less,..would say to Trump ,.."I want you to fight for me,..but I am not willing to fight for you! 

So Be It. Our mission is clear. We must Make America Grear Again, electing Trump..and by turning every Democrat held seat,..into a Republucan one ..forever. We must drink the wine of victory..from the Democrats crushed skulls,...and most importantly,..We Must Have No Fear,..

For no weapon forged against this man ,.. ,.or his MAGA Army ..shall prosper,..or alter the course ,..of the Coming MAGA Destiny!!  


Sunday, July 21, 2024

"World War Trump!!"

 President Trump was convicted on 34 counts for a non existent , Democrat manufactured crime. His immediate reaction when set free from the confines of the Merchan courtroom? He made plans to go to a UFC fight being held that night,.and he did go,..entering the Arena to thunderous applause,...

The message is clear,..Trump is declaring War  ..The rallies quickly resumed,.The Trump poll numbers continued to increase,..the other three Democrat manufactured legal cases are crumbling into dust,...Meanwhile,..the Suprene court ruled that the President does have immunity in actions taken as part of his official duties,..which completely neutralizes the MarA Lago documents case ,..

Then comes the Trump Biden debate,..Trump surgically dismantled Biden in the greatest debate performance in history,..countering every Biden lie quickly with the savage truth,..then pivoting to answer the moderators questions completely,..

Trump fully exposed the addled Biden for all the world to see, was like an autopsy on a still living man,..The five key moments?  One,..calling out the Biden mumbling gibberish as incomprehensible by simply saying,.." I dont know what he just said,..and I dont think he knows either",..Two,..Biden babbling about beating Medicare. Trump immediate response: "You did beat Medicare,..You beat it to death!" Three: Trump hit Joe with the deaths of three young girls killed by illegal aliens that are here because of his open border policies,..and Biden had no response,..He just stared into space ,..perhaps staring down into the abyss of his corrupt soul,...Four: Biden claims no soldiers died under his watch,..Trump reminds him of the 13 soldiers killed during the botched Afghan withdraw,..Five: Biden claims the Botder Patrol supports him,..Trump says this is a lie. The Border Patrol quickly puts out a statement, denying they have ever supported Biden or his failed border policies,.. 

So Be It.

The Debate was a masterful display of political strategem, the Master of the MAGA Arts,...The Sorcerors Touch of Trump,..completely dismantling whatever remained of Biden the President,..and Biden the Man as well, . Calls for Biden to step down are due to nothing more than Trump"s  crushing victory in this debate. Why couldn't the Democrats see this disaster coming? Because they don't understand Trump,..and , more importantly, they dont understand the American people he represents and symbolizes,...Outspoken..aggressive,...confident,..reckless..yet noble and humorous as well,..Gun supporting,..freedom loving,..brash,..abrasive rebels,..

The American people are Trump,..and Trump is the physical and spiritual manifestation of the American people. The Democrats hate everything about the American attitude. As Marxists, they believe that people must be controlled,..not free. ,..They cant understand the concept of self rule, because they see themselves as the rulers over an inferior humanity.

That's why they are destined to lose in November. America is ours, and no self appointed tyrant will take it, or change it in any way. Trump is a felon, but the nation was founded by felons. Americans embrace felons as heroes, because America was founded on the Will of the People, who dared to disobey all authority,  to disobey all attempts to control , rule us. We will not obey these Democrats, and they will fall in November by a MAGA Red landslide,..

And Biden will remain Trump's opponent. His ego is even greater than his dementia, or his capacity to lie,.. Biden and the Democrats will continue their Death March to November, where they will meet their preordained fate,..their grim destiny,.. A savage,  merciless beating at the hands of the Master of the MAGA Arts,..A man who has never known defeat. A man who makes winning a way of life .

Biden and the Democrat Party are finished now,..but that is how it had to end, when you challenge a people who will never obey,..and their leader , who has a fierce love for this country he symbolizes, ..and he will destroy any, and all,..who dare stand against it,..

So Be It.

The Democrats declared war on Trump the minute he came down that escalator in 2015 to announce his run for the Presidency,..

Now begins a new war,...Now begins World War Trump, .and even the Gods of Olympus shall tremble in its wake,.. 

And, what of the assassination attempt at a Trump Rally in Butler Pa?  Nothing more than the last gasp, the last desperate attempt to stop a man who is unstoppable,.. The Secret Service and FBI are compromised , no doubt, .and are, in fact, Democrat operatives who let that shooter get on that roof, and refused to give their strategically positioned snipers the order to take out the shooter out,..before he fired the shots that killed Firenan and Hero Corey Compatore, wounded two other rally attendees, and came within centimeters of killing President Trump himself, piercing instead his ear, the hand of the Almighty reaching down,  and causing Trump to turn his head, just enough , to cause the bullet to fail on its deadly mission, end Trump and the MAGA movement once and for all..and protect Democrat power. The MAGA crowd did not move ,..did not flee,..but stood strong and fearless..unwilling to abandon their fallen leader. So much for stopping the unstoppable MAGA Army.

This was the Democrats last chance to stop Trump...and it failed.  Desperate Democrats always resort to assassination as they see their power slipping away,..and this Trump rally in Butler Pa  was the golden opportunity to prevent Trump from becoming the official nominee at the Republican convention,..

The Plan Failed,..for Trump is the Scourge of God,..the All Father's hand on earth,..and no   weapon forged by mortal man can stand   against him,..His raised fist,..blood   streaming down his face ..his chants of   "Fight! Fight..Fight!".proof of his   indomitable spirit,..his unbreakable will,.. A   will reflected,  in his fearless MAGA Army as well,..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

The Trump response to the attack? In less than 24 hours , he was back on the golf   course, .even making a twenty foot putt wit h the remark,.." The difference between me   and the shooter?" "I Don't Miss!"  

Then came the the epic, 1 hour and 40 minute speech at the greatest RNC Convention ever assembled ,..Trump was reflective, He spoke of God's hand saving him,..saying that he was still among us,..only by the Grace of God,.. "I shouldn't be here",..Trump mused,.

Aye,..he shouldn't be,..

Unless,..its for a reason,..

And there is a reason,..a great reason,..the most important reason that history has ever known,.. Trump is alive because he is on a Heaven sent mission , not only to win the Presidency , and Make America Great Again,..But also , more importantly, he is on a mission to Destroy the Unholy Pestilence known as the Democrat Party. A pestilence that started by the slavery favoring loyalists who wanted America to return to British rule. A pestilence that has an agenda that is purely Anti American . An agenda that attacks and opposes every single Free Republic principle that our nation was founded on .  The Democrats are a party that has done nothing but damage this Free Republic created by our Founders , and now it is time to end this Party once and for all.

That is Trump's Noble Mission. The real mission. The mission that must take precedence over all others.  The Democrat Party must be destroyed if America is to endure , .and Trump will do it,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..with the MAGA Armys help. Every Democrat held seat, must be made a Republican held seat,..permanently.  Republican  voters must elect all those running for any Republican seat , massive numbers, all levels of government.  Its that simple. Do this, and the Democrat party is destroyed, and the Trump  Agenda will succeed again, very easily. A Republican House and Senate must be made a reality, and that is the MAGA Army's noble task,.. They must succeed in this if Trump is to succeed,..And succeed he will,..

For, .like all other Democrat attacks, the assassination attempt has not only failed, but it has strengthened Trump as well. Trump draws strength from the battlefield,..and from his MAGA Army, .. When Trump is at war,..that is when he is at his best. ...And the faltering , desperate, Biden inflicted Democrats now finally realize this,..far too late to do them any good.

They saw the RNC Convention. They saw the relatives of the 13 dead soldiers of the botched  Afghan withdraw, speaking powerfully of their grief and pain,..  They saw the victims of the open border speaking powerfully..speaking the truth,..  They saw a Union Leader turning on the Democrats by speaking at the RNC Convention , for the first time in history.   They saw Kid Rock,..Hulk Hogan, .UFC President Dana White,..Amber Rose,..Lee Greenwood. They saw their powerful performances and speeches,.. They saw the magnificent , uniting speech of VP pick J.D.Vance,...

They saw the Trump Family unite on stage,..They saw the joy and fun of the entire 4 day event,..and could only tremble at the thought of what is to come in November,..

Trump attended another UFC  fight and held another rally on Michigan as well..immediately after the Convention,.. The mans drive and determination remains, unabated..with hardly a pause for him to wipe the blood from his ear wound. Trump will not stop, will not relent, will not vary,.. will not waiver,..ever.

The Democrats know this now,..far too late to do them any good. The Democrats now know what is coming,  and whether Biden or Harris is the Trump opponent , it matters little. They cannot stop the inevitable,..

World War Trump is here,  Trump and Vance, and the entire MAGA Army will not stop,.will never rest,...until the Democrat Party and their evil Anti American Agenda are no more,....

So Be It.

Trumo, Vance, and the MAGA Republican Army will indeed drink the Wine of Victory, from the Democrats Crushed Skulls,..

And the Democrats can do little else,..but replace the addled Biden with Harris,..and then wait,..for their coming execution this November,..

Aye,..even the Devil himself must now fear for the safety of his Stygian Throne as well,..

For Trump has now conquered even death itself,..

What fear can he have of  Devils, or Democrats???

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Give Us,.. Barabbas??"

 If you"re still looking for proof that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged,..look no further than the four baseless indictments that President Trump continues to battle at this very moment.  Every single one of them started with the District Attorneys of each state involved visiting the White House. All four have been created and put into motion , the Biden Administration,..all four are devoid of any actual crime to be prosecuted,..and all four serve but one purpose,..To stop Trump from winning back the Presidency that was unjustly and fraudulently taken from him in 2020, .by the corrupt Democrat Machine.  This is just the latest strategem created by the Democrats to achieve but one goal,...the only goal that Democrats care about ,..To hold on to power permanently.  For with that power comes endless access to the money earned by the American people in this Free Market Republic,..

And with access to that money comes unlimited opportunities to make themselves rich off the sweat and hard work of Freeborn Americans.  Sounds far fetched? Look at the wealth of the Democrats currently in power,.. including Biden. How did they all become muti millionaires off a civil servants salary, such a short time ? The answer is obvious. The Democrat Party is nothing more than a rogues gallery of tax grabbing con artists who hate America as founded ,..and wish to transform it into a Marxist based nation,..while getting rich and powerful in the process by stealing the American people's money, through an endless series of socialist programs, the climate change con,..or the green energy hoax. .But, keep the con going,..they must keeo winning elections. They cannot risk the eight years of Obama destruction being reversed , by a series of Republican election wins. The plan to prevent this,..was the Obama and Fauci created Covid virus,..funded by taxpayer dollars. It ordered a Chinese lab in Wuhan to engineer a virus , that could be released into America , forcing a  nationwide shutdown,..which then would give the Democrats the excuse to implement the Mail In Ballots ,..which could make it virtually impossible for Democrats to ever lose an election again.

Fake ballots were printed in China, favoring Biden,..and illegals and dead peoples names were added to other ballots as well, the Democrats an unbeatable way to take every election.  Trump won 75 million votes in 2020. It is mathematically impossible for that number to have been beaten,..given the fact that the final individual district vote tally for the election favored Trump easily.  How then,..did Biden win by 81 million votes?? Fake ballots ,..illegal immigrant ballots ..and BLM and ANTIFA street riots that made citizens fearful of going to the polls,..that's how.

The Open Border nightmare was deliberately set in motion by the Biden Administration for the sane reason too,..and this is the plan the Democrats have had, .since the mid sixties,..when they first realized that their voting base was dwindling away to nothing.  No matter.  They would create a new voting base, simply allowing anyone and everyone to cross our border ,..and then be registered as a Democrat Voter, simply getting their names on a drivers license , or a welfare application form.  After that, .their names become a Mail In Ballot Vote automatically.  They don't even have to show up at any election poll,..thanks to the Obama Fauci  Covid Virus shutdown hoax.  It worked perfectly, steal the Presidency from Trump ,..but cannot be utilized again,..since the American people will not tolerate another one.  And they can no longer shut down the election polls from poll watchers to help facilitate their cheating.  And the new RNC chairman team of Michael Whatley and Lara Trump will have poll checkers and lawyers standing by at all locations this catch any fraud, long before the election is certified...ans well as employing early voting and ballot harvesting as well..The Republicans  will use all the Democrat tricks , their advantage this time,..and bear them at their own game.

Sooo..a new Democrat plan to secure Bidens reelection must be found.

The Trump Indictments became that new plan.  If they cant steal the election by mail in ballot fraud,..then more drastic measures must be taken.  Trump must be stopped from actually running again.  And, this end, came the impeachnents,.. the indictments,..and finally , ..the Democrat Operative DA driven trials,..which serve the purpose of keeping Trump off the campaign trail, keeping him in court,..taking his money in court fines,..and even possibly jailing him, Judge Merchan has threatened to do repeatedly, for violating his illegal, unconstitutional  gag order. 

The Biden orchestrated plan is obvious.  Keep Trump in court ,..put him in jail,  if possible,..and most importantly,..tarnish the Trump Image in the eyes of the MAGA voting base, by exposing Trump as a multi layered criminal,..unworthy to hold the title,..Commander In Chief Of The Armed Forces,..Of The United States.

An ambitious plan, be sure,..but one that was doomed to failure the moment it was conceived,..for Trump remains The Master Of Three Dimensional Chess,..blessed with a Sorceror's Touch in political strategem.  He reads the Democrats thoughts.  He moves as they move,..countering every Democrat attack,..with a far more effective counter attack of his own.  Trump fights back hard,..against any and all Democrat plots,...none escape his wrath, and brutal counter attacks,..and that is the reason why he will ultimately win.  He Fights Back.  Hard....Always.  It's as simple as that.   That's all it takes to beat the Democrats , and his MAGA Republican Army has adopted his strategem perfectly,..and will follow wherever he leads.  Trump is trapped in New York,..forced to attend the Merchan hoax trial every day,..yet Trump has turned it to an easy advantage , interviews and speeches outside of court every day,..meeting with store owners, workers ,..fireman,..Union Leaders and Members, the streets of New York,..with the shouts of,.." We Love You , Trump !", ..echoing through the halls of CNN,..and MSBBC,..driving them to near fits of hysterical rage,....

Trump is facing possible  jail time,..yet his poll numbers keep increasing,..his lead over Biden growing in virtually every state.  Trump may be able to even take New York,..all thanks to Judge Merchan. And the Trump Rallies continue on,..every day off Trump gets,..with record setting turnouts as usual.  The man's energy is unlimited,..for it is the energy of the American People who fight for him that fuels him,...and makes him an unstoppable engine of MAGA Destruction.   Trump is doing his job, its up to We The People. We must vote early,..We must use the dtop boxes,..We must ballot harvest,..We must use the mail in ballots,..We must show up at the polls in record numbers,..and We must elect not only Trump,..but every single Republican on his ticket as well.

From this moment forward,..every Republican running for any seat , anywhere, .must be supported by a massive Republican turnout,.. Republican Super Majorities at all levels of government must be created , if Trump is to be effective in his next four years.  He must have an unbreakable Republican Army to back him, so that he can focus on his noble task,..Making America Great Always,..and Destroying the Democrat Party once and for all,..Destroy the Democrats who have tried so hard to destroy this country they despise,..and its greatest President,..

The Democrats must be destroyed,..before they destroy us...and plunge the world into a final war.  And Trump will do it. No doubt. 

In First Century Judea,..Roman Governor Pontius Pilate offered the people a choice during the Holy Days of Passover,..He would release one criminal from prison. One criminal to be chosen by the Judean citizens themselves,..

Pilate gave them a choice between two prisoners..One,..Jesus..a prophet from Galilee,..and Two ..Barabbas,..Leader of the Judean Zealots,..a freedom fighter,..who sought an end to Roman occupation.   The people chose Barabbas,..In truth,..they had no choice,..While Jesus  sought to free them from the prison of Original sin,..Barabbas sought to free them from the scourge of Roman rule,.. Barabbas fight was for the freedom..the very survival,..of the Judean people,..

To survive as a race,..they had to choose Barabbas,..It was the only choice possible for a nation on the verge of extinction at the hands of the Roman Legions.   Now, this century,. The Democrats no doubt consider Trump to be the new Barabbas,..a brazen criminal who threatens their New Rome,..their very concept of Democracy,..which is nothing more than total Government control of the people,..

Yet,..once again,..the people are choosing Barabbas , the form of Trump,..and for the same reasons.  They know that this Barabbas, ..this twice impeached, 4 time indicted , Democrat perceived criminal, reality,..the last, best hope for America and the free world.  And this Barabbas has an Army too, army that is growing in size and strength with each passing day, ...even as he continues to sit in a NY courtroom,..facing charges for a non existent crime....charges designed to do but one thing , ..stop his Presidential campaign,..which the Democrats know is headed to inevitable victory, November,..

Nothing demonstrated this better then the Trump Rally held in Wildwood NJ  just days ago, .that boasted a turnout of over 100 thousand people,..A new record,..not only for a Trump rally,..  but for any political gathering,..The MAGA Army is growing larger and stronger every day,..and may well turn every state in America MAGA RED this November. The Wildwood War Banner displayed in the crowd?? TOO BIG,..TO RIG,.

So Be It.

Trump will win,..because he must win,..if America ,..Israel,..and the entire free world,.. is to endure ,...

And endure it will,..for Trump is a force of nature,..that cannot be stopped,..and will never vary,..never waiver,..never rest,.and will not relent,...until America is Made Great Always,..and the Biden-Democrat scourge is destroyed,...This time,..Permanently.

So Be It.

God may have mercy on Biden and the Democrats,...

But Trump Will Not.

Give us Barabbas?? 


Give Us,..Trump!! 

Monday, March 25, 2024

"Operation : "Berserker!!"

 The Biden State of the Union Address to the Nation was nothing more than a typical Democrat  campaign speech, insane array of  Democrat talking points, designed to deceive the Biden voting base,..and convince them to once more cast their vote for him,..if , for no other reason,.than to stop Trump and the MAGA Agenda from once more threatening Democracy itself,..

But what does Biden and the Democrats  mean by Democracy? They mean Democrat control ..Total Democrat control of all aspects of our country,..control of elections..and control of the American citizens , and their tax dollars,...They want total access to every dollar that is earned in the free market, all Marxists do,..and all that stands in the way of this socialist utopia is a man called Trump..and his MAGA Republican Army.

Biden,..suddenly and mysteriously energized by some unknown substance,..attacked Trump and the Republicans repeatedly during his State of Confusion Address,..and also put forth the standard Democrat lies,..The economy is booming under Biden,..with record number of jobs created ,..and crime rates down nationwide,..

A complete fantasy.

He also, as usual..demanded more money from the taxpayers for the global warming hoax,. infrastructure,..public schools,..the Ukraine money laundering scam,..and the Marxist equity agenda. And, of  course,.he .continued his attack on our Second Amendnent Rights,..calling once again for the banning of the non existent "assault weapons:..and demanding nationwide gun registration,..His speech was a raving Tour De Force in Marxist Ideology,...nothing more..nothing less,.. 

What he failed to even mention, however,..was the border crises,..and that was to be expected,..since it has been deliberately created by Biden and the Democrats. Its sole purpose is to  create a new Democrat voting base,..from illegal third world invaders , unbreakable voting base ..that will always reliably vote Democrat,..since they are dependent on the Democrat Party for the free checks and housing they receive,..all courtesy of the hard working American taxpayers. Biden has even been exposed as actually flying illegals into our country at taxpayers expense,..and then dispersing them across the country,..with no regard for the American citizens safety.  No..the Democrats have made it quite clear,..they are willing to let Americans die at the hands of illegal invaders , long as it insures they are able to rig election results forever,..

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene decided to call out Biden on the Border issue..and expose his indifference to American citizens who are dying at the hands of these invaders .She demanded that he mention the name of college student Laken Riley during his speech,..a student who had been beaten to death on campus by an illegal who had multiple arrests already on his record,..yet..still remained free,..Free to kill the American citizens that this fake President and his worthless Party have nothing but contempt for,..

Biden reluctantly did mention her name,..deliberately mispronouncing it , and then making light of the fact that she was killed by an pointing out that many are killed by legal citizens too..Pathetic..And then he later compounded this apologizing during an interview, for calling the killer an illegal,..

Biden was also called out by the father of an American soldier who was killed during the botched Afghanistan withdraw,..Biden refused to acknowledge the man..and even had him arrested for the disruption,..

And then..came the ultimate insult to the American people, Biden ,..once again..called for increased taxes on corporations..demanding that they pay their "fair share". Ultimately..that's all this farce of a speech by this addled fool was about,..It was just another opportunity to demand more tax dollars from the hard working American ccitizens..

When will this madness end?

Actually ,..very soon indeed, the Trumpian Age of Miracles is still upon us..and the Trump War Machine ..continues to make WINNING ..a way of life , indeed. .

Trump not only countered every second of the Biden speech with his remarks, on Truth Social..but he has also been consistently destroying all Democrat attacks for many months now,..slowly but surely exposing the corrupt nature of those who have leveled four indictments against him ,..revealing not only the emptiness of the charges..but also the true intent of those bringing them,.

This is election interference..nothing more ..and nothing less,..Just a continuation of the election interference that robbed him of his rightful victory in 2020,.. Indeed,..if you want proof that the 2020 election was rigged by Democrats using the covid mail in ballot is the proof. They are trying to do it again,..just by different methods.

They are the true nature of the empty charges are tevealed..and Trump moves ever closer to an inevitable Suprene Court exoneration of all charges...

And Trump grows ever stronger while in the fray of battle, as well,..his poll numbers increasing daily,..his rallies continuing unabated ,..and with ever increasing frequency and crowd sizes,..He has also  won virtually every state in his Primary so far..losing only Vermont and Washington DC to the desperate RINO Haley,..

And..all the while..Trump keeps up a constant verbal attack on Biden..demanding he debate him..and attacking him on virtually every misstatement he makes ..every gaffe..every stumble,..Trump is taking no prisoners. He will Make America Great Again,..and he will do it by destroying Biden and the Democrats in a crushing Red landslide in November,..

And..until then,..he will relentlessly attack Biden and the Democrats,..with the savage fury of a thousand MAGA Devils,..and so will his MAGA Republican  base..which has united behind one singular mission,..

Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..

So Be It,..

In Medieval Times..there was a Nordic tribe that existed called The Berserkers..who were  known for their savage , unrestrained  ferocity in battle,..their fearless nature,..and  their unbreakable loyalty to the Norse God,  Odin,.. 

They were considered to be almost invincible in battle,..even though they wore no armor,..and attacked with reckless abandon,..

The MAGA Army must now become that Berserker Army,..and attack the Democrat Party with the savage fury of the Berserkers,,..and pave the way for President Trump in November,..They must insure that Trump has an unbreakable Republican Majority in both Houses,.. that will enable him to work his will..and reverse the Democrat destruction in record time,..

He did it before,..he will do it again.  And this time , he will do it within a few months,..IF..the MAGA Republican voting base gives him what he needs,..


This is the task tben,..for the New Berserker Army..the MAGA Army of voters ,..We must show up..En Masse,..for all elections,..and use all the Democrat weapons too..including early voting,.mail in ballots,..drop boxes,..all of it,...

We must use the same weapons the Democrats use,..and turn them to our advantage,..To win this war,..we must become war,..

We Must Beat Them At Their Own Game,..

And take full advantage of the greatest weapon we have,..Sheer Overwhelming Numbers,..We Outnumber them drastically,.

Always have.

Always will,..

 ,.We must overwhelm all Democrat opposition with sheer numbers, all levels of government..and make sure Republicans are every seat that is now held by a Democrat. We must break the hold Democrats have on our political system , seat at a time. This must be done..if America is to survive,..There is no reason to vote Democrat  There never was. They oppose everything that makes America the Shining City our Founders envisioned,..their policies have damaged this country ,..always have..and always will,..The Democrat Party is Anti American..and it always has been,..They hate this country as founded ..and they especially hate the American people ..who reflect  the hated Founders vision of freedom..and self government.

And that is why they hate Trump.  He is the physical embodiment ,..of the American image itself,.. ...The playboy industrialist..the American Ideal.  Free spirited,.brash..bold..outspoken..unafraid,..a man who answers to no master,..a man possessed of an unbreakable will..and a fierce love for this country and its people,.. 

They hate him..because he stands in their way..of getting to us,..

And..he always will,..

They hate him,..because he is us.  Trump is the living symbol of America itself,.All the things that America once was,..and could be again,..He is all the things that the Democrat Machine has dedicated themselves to destroying,..all embodied in one , savage , man devil ,..they call..Trump,..

To destroy us..they know,..they must destroy him first.  There is no other mission that matters as much, the Diabolical Democrats,..

They will Fail,..

For They Are Opposed By A Force Of Nature,..

That Makes Winning,..A Way Of Life,..

 And,..He Is Not Alone,..

The MAGA. Army must match the Trumpian will ..and turn this country Scarlet Red for all elections ..with a Savage MAGA  Berserker Fury ....

Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..

This must be our War Cry..if America is to endure ..and the Savage,..Noble Mission of Trump is to be accomplished,..

Winning must not only be our way of life..but it also must be our very nature,..for there is no option ,....

We Win,..And The Democrats Lose,,..

We Will Drink The Wine Of MAGA Victory,..From Their Crushed Skulls,..

And The World, Will Be The Better For It,..


That must be the MAGA Legacy.

Now..And Forever.

Monday, February 5, 2024


 The German Philosopher Frederich Nietzsche once wrote,..:That which does not kill us,..makes us stronger",.. An interesting concept to be sure,..and no mortal man better confirms the validity of that concept,..than the former President of the United States,..Donald J.Trump ,..

Since the day he came down that escalator to announce his first run for the Presidency,..he has been under constant attacks from the Democrat left,..for they knew instinctively,  that this man had the potential to destroy all things Democrat,, Destroy everything begun by Obama, destroy the Democrat dream of an America remade, the Marxist image that they embrace,..

They knew all too well the relentless nature of businessman Trump,..his refusal to back down from any attacks ,..The Democrats knew,..that the one thing that defined Trump beyond all else,..was his love of turmoil,.. mayhem,..and his love of battle,..They knew that Trump in combat,..was when he was most alive,..the battlefield gave him strength,..and made him virtually invincible in all conflicts,..against any opponents,

Their fears are well founded,..for even now, the former President is under heavy Democrat siege,..Trump continues to demonstrate his unbeatable nature,..winning the Iowa caucus by record numbers,..forcing a shocked DeSantis to drop out ,..and immediately start endorsing his relentless opponent,..leaving only Democrat funded RINO Nikki Haley,..who came in third in Iowa,.and lost badly in Democrat leaning New Hampshire as well,...

Haley knows full well she stands no chance in upcoming Nevada,..or even in her home state of South Carolina,..and is clearly staying in the primary fight for no other reason than to take votes away from Trump, sabotage his campaign,..Logical from her point of view,..since she is essentially a Democrat funded RINO..who pushed higher taxes as Governor,..and opposed the Trump border wall as U.N. Ambassador as well...

Trump understands what she is doing,..which explains why he chose to savagely attack her during his victory speech in New Hampshire,..Trump's message was clear,..He will tolerate no more "bullshit" , as he put it,..All those who fund Haley and oppose the MAGA movement,..whether Republican or Democrat,..are targets that he seeks to destroy,..and destroy them he will,..

For,..not only will Trump restore all the principles he put in place during his Presidency,..but he will also target all those radical Democrats within Washington and beyond,..and terminate their positions,..replacing them with Republican conservatives only. Trump will drain the swamp , with extreme prejudice this time. No one will be spared. Long standing Democrat operatives in the FBI..CIA,..NSA..IRS,..ALL..will be eliminated and replaced,..probably on day one,..

Biden says that another Trump Presidency would, "Destroy Democracy",..

What he means is that another Trump Presidency would "Destroy The Democrat Party",.and, in this,..he is quite correct,....

Trump knows he only has four years to accomplish what he must ,..he can waste no time. He must go total MAGA Savage,...punishing all those Democrats who sought his destruction..and consequently,..the destruction of America as well. He will be a dictator on day one,..just as he promised,..unleashing all hell on the Democrat Machine,..while restoring Trumpian level American greatness as well.

The Border will be sealed,..Energy independence will be restored,..the January 6 protestors will be freed,..and the Trump tax and regulation cuts that gave America the greatest economy in history,..will be renewed,....America,..will be the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan envisioned once more,..

Trump will destroy all things Democrat ,..because he now knows,...after Russian and Ukrainian collusion hoaxes..and four indictments for non existent crimes,..They are out to destroy him. He must destroy them first ..for if he falls,..can America long endure at the hands of Biden and a Democrat Majority??

Trump knows,..the open border serves the same purpose as all other Democrat policies,..The Democrat agenda is designed to damage America,..and ensure Democrat power and control over its citizens,..permanently. The endless wave of illegal invaders are to be the new Democrat voting base,..insuring Democrat victory in any and all elections. There is no other reason why the Democrats want that border open. That is the reason,..period.  The Covid virus and shutdown were created for the same purpose , insure Democrat victory over Trump and the Republicans in 2020,..and beyond, creating the excuse for the mail in ballot,..which makes it possible for Democrats to easily cheat in all elections,..

Trump knows this. He knows now that everything the Democrats do serves only one of two purposes, insure Democrst victory in all elections,...And two..To insure Democrat access to the American taxpayers hard earned money,..which they use only to make themselves rich through money laundering Democrat programs ,.. to fund Democrat election campaigns,..and to fund Americas enemies , such as Iran,  China ,..and the U.N..who all have ties to funding terrorism. Thats right folks. America under the control of Biden and the Democrats is funding the terror forces that committed mass slaughter in Israel,..and killed American soldiers in Jordan,....and hundreds in other terror states as well,..with only a weak  military response from Biden so far,..that has only emboldened Iran and the Iran funded  Houti terrorists in Yemen,..

Yes,..Trump knows all this,..and he will stop it,..just as he did defunding all of Americas enemies,...and putting them on notice,...Harm any American soldier or civilian,..and you will be wiped off the face of the earth ,..quickly and easily, the greatest fighting force ever assembled by mortal man,..

Trump knows the deadly threat another four years of Biden and Democrat control will bring,..and he knows he can stop it,.. cold.

How can he be sure?  Simple. Because he did it before.

And,..he also knows he will not be fighting alone,..

Republicans have awakened now,..and are standing stronger than ever against the Biden agenda,..with all Republican controlled states now standing with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in opposing the Federal catch and release program..and opposing the removal of border protecting razor wire as well,..Republican states have the sovereign authority to protect their borders from invaders,..and they will do it now. And the Republican controlled congress is now standing strong against another Democrat amnesty border bill that is laden with pork,..and does absolutely nothing to seal the border,.

House Speaker Johnson says the bill is "dead on arrival " well it should be.

Is courage contagious? It must be,..for the Republican machine is now standing strong against all things Democrat,..just like their party leader,..Donald J. Trump. 

"That which does not kill us,..makes us stronger",..

Aye, does indeed , apparently,..and one thing more ,..

"That which does not kill us,..makes us,....MAGA!!!

Monday, January 1, 2024

"The Spirit Of Christmas Past!!"

 With Christmas now over,..the New Year upon us,..and the Biden-Democrat created nightmare of 2023 now a part of history,...there is now time for reflection..on what the season has meant to us personally,....and, more importantly,..what was missing from it,..

Why does Christmas, longer feel like Christmas,..for many  Americans? The Democrat stolen election no doubt is part of it . as we watched in shocked disbelief,..while the Trump America vanished before our eyes under a tsunami wave of Biden -Democrat Marxist destruction,...

But for me personally,..a big part of it was also the loss three years ago of conservative icon,..Rush Limbaugh ,.. in February of 2021,..

The loss was felt by all of us,..almost  immediately..and especially by me on Christmas day itself, of that year, I realized there would be no more Rush Christmas Show , more Rush playing Manheim Steamroller Christmas music, more of Rush's good wishes and prayers for a Merry Christmas ..and a Better New Year,... This Christmas tradition,..was truly gone forever,..

Then,..of course ..when the shock wore off,.and the months passed,..the full implication of Rush's passing hit me,...

We no longer had access to one of the finest conservative minds in existence,..No longer could we benefit from his accurate analysis of all things political,..No longer would we be able look to Rush for his interpretation of the latest Democrat outrage,..and that is what stings the most,..No one understood the Democrat mind better than Rush,..He was like a sorcerer,..reading the Democrats thoughts,..anticipating their every move,..long  before they made it,...As Rush often said,.."I live inside the Democrats heads,..totally rent free!"

No one understood the nature of the Democrat,..better than Rush,...although Mark Levin and Donald Trump do share this God Given ability, doubt,..

And after every Christmas broadcast,..we couldnt wait for the New Year,..and Rush's new interpretations of the battles to come ,..

A loss. such as this, bound to have an effect on ones Christmas Spirit,..and it certainly did in my case,..The Manheim Steamroller Christmas show always finished out the year,..with the ever positive Rush reminding us , that matter what,..we , as a free republic,.. shall endure,..

Yet,..there were moments when even Rush's steadfast resolve wavered slightly,..especially after his cancer diagnosis became reality,..and Rush, doubt,..began to feel his own mortality,..began to realize,..he was running out of time,..Rush let his feelings be heard one day, he began to wonder if his work on his show had really made an impact ,..Had he really moved conservatism forward? Had he really converted enough minds to his noble cause,..for it to matter,..and translate into overwhelming Republican Victories at the election polls? 

Had his many years of good work,..really mattered? 

But these moments of doubt were fleeting in the Rush psyche,..and rarely surfaced,..for , deep down..I'm sure he knew the truth,..and knew that his show had not only mattered,..but had created countless new generations of conservatives,..of all ages,..His children's books were incredibly popular,..and the children reading them..even to this day,..will be the future generations that will carry his torch,..and keep Anerica Great,..Always,..

Yes..despite momentary doubts caused mostly by his illness and fatigue,..Rush knew the truth,..He Had Mattered,..and will continue to matter,.as his legacy of conservative brilliance will live on,..

His voice, words,..wit,...and wisdom will always be with us,..and that Spirit he brought to Christmas Past, doubt,..return, Trumpian MAGA Republican Victory brings an end to Biden- Democrat destruction, this New Year 2024,..

A Year of,..rebith,.. a year of Trumpian Retribution for past Democrat crimes,..

A Year when America shall be restored to her former glory,..

A Year of Republican Victory,..and permanent Democrat defeat,..

Rush always used his humor to calm worried listeners,..who looked to him for assurance during the worst periods of Democrat destruction ,..Rush would simply say,.."Folks..Do Not Panic!" "There is no need to panic!" "I, will tell you when it's time, panic!" He would use the catchphrase the Democrat destruction continued,..unabated,..with no end in sight,..

Naturally, Rush sensed his time was running out,..he felt compelled to follow up on that catchphrase,...

"Folks,..I've always told you in the past,..that I will tell you when it's time to panic,..I will let you know,..when it's time,.." 

"But folks,..the truth is,..there will never be a time to panic,..because We Will Never Stop Fighting Back!" 

And Rush was right. There will never be a time to  panic..because , the American people will never surrender,..never stop fighting back ,..never admit defeat,..Never allow this Shining City On A Hill , fall to Democrat forces,..

And that is the legacy of Rush Limbaugh ,...

A legacy that will never die,..

His Spirit of Christmas Past ,..Shall endure!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Operation : MAGA Storm!!""

 With America and the world now firmly in the grip of a Biden-Democrat created madness,..there is one hold on sanity that remains,..One hold that keeps the world from plunging fully into Final World War,..and that is the Republican controlled House of Representatives,..that can stand as a counter offensive to everything Democrat,..the only viable way this nation now has , to negate the Democrat's destructive agenda.   It is vital that Republicans retain this hold on power in the congress,..until the inevitable re-election of President Trump,..and the election of a Republican majority in both houses that his re-election ticket will no doubt bring,..

This Trumpian rebirth is a year away,...and, until then,..the Republican controlled Congress must hold the Biden-Democrat machine in check,..or there will be no America left, for Trump to restore to its former greatness,..Republicans must stand United in the House against all things Democrat,..That is the vital mission at hand,..yet despite the obvious importance of this GOP mission,..the Republican House has chosen this time in history to remove one congressional representative,..New York's George Santos,.. .on charges that he falsified his professional and personal resume,..and misappropriated campaign funds for personal use. 

Now,..Santos is a deceptive rogue no doubt,..but he has not been convicted of any of the charges leveled against him,..and therefore only his constituents have the right to remove him from his seat in congress,.in the next election cycle,..And, from a political strategem point of view,..this move is foolish, for the Republicans have now reduced their 3 seat advantage in the House to 2,..and with former Speaker McCarthy's recent announcement of resignation at the end of the year,..that will leave the Republican majority at a mere one seat advantage, this critical time in history,..

Enough of this nonsense.  Republicans must unite,..and stop attacking their own Party,..or face responsibility for the final fall of America,..,..The Democrat Party is the enemy,..period. No one else.  The Democrat agenda destroys America. The Republican agenda restores it. It's as simple as that. And, despite Santos questionable resume and behaviour ,..his voting record in the House has been 100%  in favor of positive Republican legislation,.. and he hasnt missed any votes,..his attendance has been perfect,..and that is what counts most.  Republican representatives are votes,..that is their primary function,..They are votes that help Republicans pass legislation that moves the country forward,..and that is all,.. The more Republican votes we have,..the more Republican agenda gets passed,,..and that is the key to restoring America ,..simple as that,..

There was no reason to oust Speaker McCarthy,..he was accomplishing the same things that the new speaker Mike Johnson is accomplishing with the limited majority, difference. Now,..a bitter McCarthy is resigning,.and the reliable Santos vote is gone as well,..and his seat will,.no doubt, filled in his corrupt New York district, a Democrat. The  New York Democrats..and Governor Kathy Houcul,..will make sure of that. Those 8 Republicans in the Freedom Caucus who caused this strategic blunder need to ask themselves a question,...Are their actions in the name of, "conservative purity"..helping the Republican Party,..or helping the Democrats?  The answer is obvious,..and demonstrates the uselessness of conservatism as a concept,..If you are not beating Democrats in elections with conservatism,..then you are not doing what the Republican voters expect you to do,..

Definition of a conservative?? Someone who doesn't mind losing to Democrats, long as they maintain their smug sense of conservative purity,..Enough of this nonsense.  Republicans must unite now,..or face the reality that they have sabotaged President Trump's re-election,..long before it becomes reality,.....For though Trump remains way ahead in all polls,..even in matchups with Biden,..a Trump Presidency without a strong Republican House and Senate majority  to back him,..would be doomed to failure,..and leave Trump forced to endure more investigative committees,..for four more years,..seeking to destroy him and remove him from office ,.Democrat history..repeating itself indeed,..

This Must Not Happen.

Therefore, is up to We the People, prevent this unthinkable disaster,  by turning out in a massive Red Wave,..and electing not only Trump,..but every single Republican on Trump's ticket as well,..We must vote early,..ballot harvest,..use ballot drop boxes,..use every trick that the Democrats use,..

There is no time for conservative purity,..We are at war.  And to win a war, must become war,..You must have a strong and United Army,...An Army of MAGA Republicans that will not stop the Democrats with conservative purity,..but with sheer numbers ,..a Republican Agenda that moves the country forward,...and a President who will not rest,..will not relent,..will not stop,..until he has reversed the destruction Biden and the Democrats have unleashed,...Restored America to her greatness,..and reduced the Democrat Party to a powerless,..minority party,......permanently.

So Be It.

Trump is not a perfect man,..but he is a perfect,.. unstoppable force of nature,...

We must make the Republican Party a perfect,..unstoppable force of nature as well,...Not by electing perfect candidates,..but by electing sheer , overwhelming numbers,  that negate all RINOS ,..destroy all Democrat Agendas,..and  make American Rebirth,..a Trumpian reality,  as inevitable as the rising of the sun,..

There are no perfect Republicans,..nor will there ever be,...

But, Republican Super Majorities, in both Houses,..will create the perfect MAGA Storm,..that will give President Trump the unstoppable weapon that will indeed  Make America Great Again,.. and crush the diabolical Democrats,..once and for all,....