President Trump was convicted on 34 counts for a non existent , Democrat manufactured crime. His immediate reaction when set free from the confines of the Merchan courtroom? He made plans to go to a UFC fight being held that night,.and he did go,..entering the Arena to thunderous applause,...
The message is clear,..Trump is declaring War ..The rallies quickly resumed,.The Trump poll numbers continued to increase,..the other three Democrat manufactured legal cases are crumbling into dust,...Meanwhile,..the Suprene court ruled that the President does have immunity in actions taken as part of his official duties,..which completely neutralizes the MarA Lago documents case ,..
Then comes the Trump Biden debate,..Trump surgically dismantled Biden in the greatest debate performance in history,..countering every Biden lie quickly with the savage truth,..then pivoting to answer the moderators questions completely,..
Trump fully exposed the addled Biden for all the world to see, was like an autopsy on a still living man,..The five key moments? One,..calling out the Biden mumbling gibberish as incomprehensible by simply saying,.." I dont know what he just said,..and I dont think he knows either",..Two,..Biden babbling about beating Medicare. Trump immediate response: "You did beat Medicare,..You beat it to death!" Three: Trump hit Joe with the deaths of three young girls killed by illegal aliens that are here because of his open border policies,..and Biden had no response,..He just stared into space ,..perhaps staring down into the abyss of his corrupt soul,...Four: Biden claims no soldiers died under his watch,..Trump reminds him of the 13 soldiers killed during the botched Afghan withdraw,..Five: Biden claims the Botder Patrol supports him,..Trump says this is a lie. The Border Patrol quickly puts out a statement, denying they have ever supported Biden or his failed border policies,..
So Be It.
The Debate was a masterful display of political strategem, the Master of the MAGA Arts,...The Sorcerors Touch of Trump,..completely dismantling whatever remained of Biden the President,..and Biden the Man as well, . Calls for Biden to step down are due to nothing more than Trump"s crushing victory in this debate. Why couldn't the Democrats see this disaster coming? Because they don't understand Trump,..and , more importantly, they dont understand the American people he represents and symbolizes,...Outspoken..aggressive,...confident,..reckless..yet noble and humorous as well,..Gun supporting,..freedom loving,..brash,..abrasive rebels,..
The American people are Trump,..and Trump is the physical and spiritual manifestation of the American people. The Democrats hate everything about the American attitude. As Marxists, they believe that people must be controlled,..not free. ,..They cant understand the concept of self rule, because they see themselves as the rulers over an inferior humanity.
That's why they are destined to lose in November. America is ours, and no self appointed tyrant will take it, or change it in any way. Trump is a felon, but the nation was founded by felons. Americans embrace felons as heroes, because America was founded on the Will of the People, who dared to disobey all authority, to disobey all attempts to control , rule us. We will not obey these Democrats, and they will fall in November by a MAGA Red landslide,..
And Biden will remain Trump's opponent. His ego is even greater than his dementia, or his capacity to lie,.. Biden and the Democrats will continue their Death March to November, where they will meet their preordained fate,..their grim destiny,.. A savage, merciless beating at the hands of the Master of the MAGA Arts,..A man who has never known defeat. A man who makes winning a way of life .
Biden and the Democrat Party are finished now,..but that is how it had to end, when you challenge a people who will never obey,..and their leader , who has a fierce love for this country he symbolizes, ..and he will destroy any, and all,..who dare stand against it,..
So Be It.
The Democrats declared war on Trump the minute he came down that escalator in 2015 to announce his run for the Presidency,..
Now begins a new war,...Now begins World War Trump, .and even the Gods of Olympus shall tremble in its wake,..
And, what of the assassination attempt at a Trump Rally in Butler Pa? Nothing more than the last gasp, the last desperate attempt to stop a man who is unstoppable,.. The Secret Service and FBI are compromised , no doubt, .and are, in fact, Democrat operatives who let that shooter get on that roof, and refused to give their strategically positioned snipers the order to take out the shooter out,..before he fired the shots that killed Firenan and Hero Corey Compatore, wounded two other rally attendees, and came within centimeters of killing President Trump himself, piercing instead his ear, the hand of the Almighty reaching down, and causing Trump to turn his head, just enough , to cause the bullet to fail on its deadly mission, end Trump and the MAGA movement once and for all..and protect Democrat power. The MAGA crowd did not move ,..did not flee,..but stood strong and fearless..unwilling to abandon their fallen leader. So much for stopping the unstoppable MAGA Army.
This was the Democrats last chance to stop Trump...and it failed. Desperate Democrats always resort to assassination as they see their power slipping away,..and this Trump rally in Butler Pa was the golden opportunity to prevent Trump from becoming the official nominee at the Republican convention,..
The Plan Failed,..for Trump is the Scourge of God,..the All Father's hand on earth,..and no weapon forged by mortal man can stand against him,..His raised fist,..blood streaming down his face ..his chants of "Fight! Fight..Fight!".proof of his indomitable spirit,..his unbreakable will,.. A will reflected, in his fearless MAGA Army as well,..
The Trump response to the attack? In less than 24 hours , he was back on the golf course, .even making a twenty foot putt wit h the remark,.." The difference between me and the shooter?" "I Don't Miss!"
Then came the the epic, 1 hour and 40 minute speech at the greatest RNC Convention ever assembled ,..Trump was reflective, He spoke of God's hand saving him,..saying that he was still among us,..only by the Grace of God,.. "I shouldn't be here",..Trump mused,.
Aye,..he shouldn't be,..
Unless,..its for a reason,..
And there is a reason,..a great reason,..the most important reason that history has ever known,.. Trump is alive because he is on a Heaven sent mission , not only to win the Presidency , and Make America Great Again,..But also , more importantly, he is on a mission to Destroy the Unholy Pestilence known as the Democrat Party. A pestilence that started by the slavery favoring loyalists who wanted America to return to British rule. A pestilence that has an agenda that is purely Anti American . An agenda that attacks and opposes every single Free Republic principle that our nation was founded on . The Democrats are a party that has done nothing but damage this Free Republic created by our Founders , and now it is time to end this Party once and for all.
That is Trump's Noble Mission. The real mission. The mission that must take precedence over all others. The Democrat Party must be destroyed if America is to endure , .and Trump will do it,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..with the MAGA Armys help. Every Democrat held seat, must be made a Republican held seat,..permanently. Republican voters must elect all those running for any Republican seat , massive numbers, all levels of government. Its that simple. Do this, and the Democrat party is destroyed, and the Trump Agenda will succeed again, very easily. A Republican House and Senate must be made a reality, and that is the MAGA Army's noble task,.. They must succeed in this if Trump is to succeed,..And succeed he will,..
For, .like all other Democrat attacks, the assassination attempt has not only failed, but it has strengthened Trump as well. Trump draws strength from the battlefield,..and from his MAGA Army, .. When Trump is at war,..that is when he is at his best. ...And the faltering , desperate, Biden inflicted Democrats now finally realize this,..far too late to do them any good.
They saw the RNC Convention. They saw the relatives of the 13 dead soldiers of the botched Afghan withdraw, speaking powerfully of their grief and pain,.. They saw the victims of the open border speaking powerfully..speaking the truth,.. They saw a Union Leader turning on the Democrats by speaking at the RNC Convention , for the first time in history. They saw Kid Rock,..Hulk Hogan, .UFC President Dana White,..Amber Rose,..Lee Greenwood. They saw their powerful performances and speeches,.. They saw the magnificent , uniting speech of VP pick J.D.Vance,...
They saw the Trump Family unite on stage,..They saw the joy and fun of the entire 4 day event,..and could only tremble at the thought of what is to come in November,..
Trump attended another UFC fight and held another rally on Michigan as well..immediately after the Convention,.. The mans drive and determination remains, unabated..with hardly a pause for him to wipe the blood from his ear wound. Trump will not stop, will not relent, will not vary,.. will not waiver,..ever.
The Democrats know this now,..far too late to do them any good. The Democrats now know what is coming, and whether Biden or Harris is the Trump opponent , it matters little. They cannot stop the inevitable,..
World War Trump is here, Trump and Vance, and the entire MAGA Army will not stop,.will never rest,...until the Democrat Party and their evil Anti American Agenda are no more,....
So Be It.
Trumo, Vance, and the MAGA Republican Army will indeed drink the Wine of Victory, from the Democrats Crushed Skulls,..
And the Democrats can do little else,..but replace the addled Biden with Harris,..and then wait,..for their coming execution this November,..
Aye,..even the Devil himself must now fear for the safety of his Stygian Throne as well,..
For Trump has now conquered even death itself,..
What fear can he have of Devils, or Democrats???
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