Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"No Weapon Forged Against Me!!"

 " No weapon that is forged against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me,..Saith the Lord."    Isaiah, 54: 17

Many indeed are the weapons that have been forged against former President Trump, the diabolical Democrats, ever since he came down that escalator announcing his candidacy for President in 2015,..and the reason is clear,..The Democrats recognized in Trump an unbreakable will,..combined with a fierce love of America, and it's people. They know that Trump plays to win,..and that could put the Democrat Machine and its hold on American government on peril indeed.

Thus began an endless array of attacks by the Democrats ,...The Russian Collusion Hoax,..The Ukraine Collusion Hoax,..the Impeachment,..The indictments for non existing crimes,..and of course the Obama Fauci created Covid Shutdown,..that enabled the Democrats to steal a Presidential election, by fake mail in ballot harvesting,..

Any one of these attacks would have been enough to stop an ordinary Republican,..Yet Trump Endures. Is he Man,..or Devil?? The Democrats , no doubt,..have begun to ask this question,...What Hell Spawned Demon protects this man from Democrat Forged Destruction?? 

The Democrat Controlled Debates fared no better against Trump,....even though both were rigged by CNN and ABC to give Biden and Harris an unbeatable advantage in both encounters,..Trump still prevailed.  First,..easily destroying Biden in one of the greatest debate performances in history,..not just beating Biden,..but dismantling him ,..Mind,..Body,..and Soul, well,..leaving Biden a mere shell of a man. It was like an autopsy by a master surgeon , on a still living man.  Harris fared no better, .even though ABC made sure that their moderators both attacked Trunp relentlessly,..fact checking with absolute lies,..and then allowing Harris to evade every question of substance put to her,..

Trump, for his part,..turned in a performance for the ages,..answering every question asked of him,..confidently and effectively,...and then pivoting effortlessly, answer the questions Harris failed to answer as well,..while also simultaneously destroying both moderators,..allowing no lie spun by either of them to pass ,.without an immediate correction by him ,..

Not only was Trump's debate performances brilliant, ,.. ..they were almost unearthly,..inhuman,..beyond the capacity of any mortal man.  Who takes on two rigged debates ,..facing three opponents in the one debate at the same time,...and yet still emerges the clear winner in both?  The demon that protects Trump must be powerful indeed , .the Democrsts no doubt mused in the aftermath,..and it made them,..extremely  desperate.  And a desperate Democrat becomes a dangerous one indeed.  As history has shown, once the Democrats see that they cannot defeat you,..they will resort to,..stronger measures. 

If they fail to beat you,politically,.....they will destroy you, physical means,.if necessary.  Case in point,..both Trump assassination attempts happened immediately after the Biden and Harris debates,..and this comes as no surprise,..since both debates were clearly won by Trump,..his poll numbers rising markedly immediately after both of them,..while Biden and Harris polls moved not at all.

Desperate Democrats resort to desperate measures, indeed,..Their Marxist power structure is now in place,..and they are finally poised to take the final step to fully transform America into the Marxist Communist state they always envisioned it to be.  Indeed,..Harrus and her VP pick , Minnesota Governor Tim Walz,..are the virtual twins of Marxist Evil,...Walz allowing  Minneapolis to burn to the ground during his time as Minnesita Governor during the BLM riots,..while Harris made sure the BLM street terrorists remained free from prosecution, to continue the burning of the America that Harris and Walz hate.

Kamala Harris was raised as a Marxist by her Wealthy  Marxist Professor Father,... Walz is a puppet of Communist China,..a man who spent years promoting Chinese communist teachings and spending long periods of time actually living in China,..Walz lied about his military record in the National Guard as well,..and even went AWOL on the eve of his scheduled  deployment to Iraq,... 

Harris and Walz are the Twins of Anti American evil indeed,..and they seek to become the next President and Vice President of this Shining City on a Hill,...A Shining City,..under Marxist Siege indeed,.. 

Their only obstacle? Trump and his MAGA Republican Army. The Democrats sinister solution to this obstacle? A simple one , really. All they need do is have Secretary of Honeland Security Mayorkis order the Democrat compromised FBI, CIA, NSA,..and Secret Service,...To Stand Down,..and do the absolute minimum in their efforts to protect Donald J.Trump , VP pick,  J.D Vance,..and former Presidentisl candidate Robert Kennedy as well,..who is perceived as an equal threat to Democrat rule, ..for refusing to accept their Democrat Marxist agenda,..and simply refusing,.. to obey.  Kennedy has now wisely left the race, and endorsed President Trump,..for he now,..finally,..sees the truth,..

That Truth??  Simply this,.. A Trump Presidency and a MAGA Republican Majority,.. is the only way to save Anerica from Marxist Oblivion,..

To counter that impending oblivion??  Trump's victory in both debates , .. Vance's easy win over the befuddled Walz in his debate,.Trump's ever increasing poll numbers,..and his endless rallies that show no signs of stopping,..and continue to have record breaking numbers at every gathering,..His latest return to Butler Pennsylvania achieving 100 thousand plus attendees ,..with Trump giving his best debate perforce yet,..With  tribute to the fallen hero,  Cory Comperatore,..complete with live  opera music, and a live performance by Lee Greenwood as well. And Trump picked up his speech exactly where he left off before the assassination attempt,..with the words,.."Now, I was saying,.!." An incredible rally indeed. And the rallies continue,..with ever increasing numbers , more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that is the MAGA Movenent,..

All Biden, Harris, Walz, and the Democrat Machine have left to stop Trump, is the Democrat compromised Trump security, that could allow the assassins bullet,  to do what Democrat political maneuvers could not,..

But this has failed as well,..with Trump  miraculously escaping both assassination attempts now, a hairs breath,..a bullet grazing his ear, Butler , Pa,..and more recently a sniper spotted at the Trump International Golf Course, at the last moment,..thwarting the murderous intent,..and capturing the intended  shooter as well,..despite another woefully underprepared and understaffed security team at the Golf course ,..another miraculous escape from a grim fate indeed ,..

How did Trump cheat death again, despite the Democrat stacked odds against him?? 

What demon protects this man?

It Is No Demon.

For Trump is the Scourge of God,..the very weapon of the Almighty , on earth,..A weapon that has been put into motion to accomplish one mission, complete one noble task,..Make America Great Again,..while destroying the Democrat Party at the same time. Destroying them as a Party,., making every single seat they now hold,..a MAGA Republican seat,...permanently. This is the MAGA Armies fight as well.....We must have massive voter turnout, overcome the Democrat attempts to use the illegal immigrant and fake ballot votes to steal this election, as they did in 2020. The Democrats no longer have the Covid shutdown to aid them this time..and the RNC now has an Army of lawyers, ready to challenge and prosecute any attempts to by Democrats to take away the sacred vote of the American citizen ,. Massive MAGA turnout and early voting ,..will overcome all Democrat malfeasance, be sure,..and Massive turnout we shall have,..

For if we fail,..America cannot endure...The illegal invader will become the new Democrat voter unstoppable numbers ,...That is the only reason for the open border .The Denocrats need their votes to survive as a party. Simple as that. We allow them to take this election by illegal votes, as we did in 2020,..then America is the Democrat Party,..forever.

We will not fail,..however . Trump took a bullet for us .and then returned to that same finish his speech.  He has endured endless attacks and trials on out behalf,..All we need do , vote a massive Republucan wave ..that crushes all opposition,.

That is all we must do. To do less,..would say to Trump ,.."I want you to fight for me,..but I am not willing to fight for you! 

So Be It. Our mission is clear. We must Make America Grear Again, electing Trump..and by turning every Democrat held seat,..into a Republucan one ..forever. We must drink the wine of victory..from the Democrats crushed skulls,...and most importantly,..We Must Have No Fear,..

For no weapon forged against this man ,.. ,.or his MAGA Army ..shall prosper,..or alter the course ,..of the Coming MAGA Destiny!!  


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