The ancient greeks created the word, "hypocrite" , to describe the masked stage actors that would perform their ritualistic plays for the greek citizens amusement,..
And here now..centuries later, the Trumpian Age of Miracles, age under seige....the word accurately describes a new breed of masked performer called Democrat.....Malevolent actors who use their thespian skills to attack the Free Republic called America,...
A Republic they despise...a Republic they seek to destroy utterly, destroying its founding principles , by one,..bankrupting it by cutting off its energy supply,..and gaining individual wealth, selling our nations secrets and resources, enemy nations ,..for a profit ,..
And,..all the while,...the Obama-Fauci created biowar weapon that won Biden the Presidency through fake ballot fraud..kept this nations economy shut down..the citizens masked and muzzled,..and a vaccine mandate, the Democrats the excuse to weaken the Shining City even more, demanding all working Americans be injected with their experimental serum,..or face employment termination, all levels ..
The plan seemed unstoppable, costs rising by the day,..our military woke..weakened..and demoralized by the botched withdraw from Afghanistan that left 13 American soldiers dead,..thousands of American civilians and Alllies stranded...and the Taliban much stronger and wealthier,..with 80 billion dollars worth of Trumpian weaponry and equipment, their hands,..and the hands of China as well,..And..all the while,..Biden will be funding the Taliban with American tax payer dollars ,..just as he and the Democrats fund all of Americas enemies,..Just as Biden continues to keep American oil production shut down,..while continuing to buy Russian oil,..essentially funding Putins attack on Ukraine,..
Vladimir Putin has long dreamed of taking back Ukraine,..making it part of Russia once again,..recreating the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain,..And now,..the Biden-Democrat weakness has given hin his chance to seize the moment ,..just as Obama weakness gave him the chance,..when Putin took back part of the Ukraine known as the Crimea,..
Russia,..China,..North Korea,..Iran..the Axis of Evil that has long been funded by the Biden crime family and the Democrat Machine, see their chance to move on their long held plans, gain more territory , move the shadow of tyranny across ever increasing areas of the globe,..The world seems poised on the edge of oblivion,..
But,..there are other forces,..forces that oppose,.. ..forces that rise to the defense of the Shining City,..Savage,..Relentless,..MAGA Republican Forces,..still led by the true Commander in Chief,..Donald J.Trump,.. ..forces that make winning a way of life,....forces that are now winning elections everywhere,....forces that reject all things Democrat,..all virus nonsense ,..all mask and covid shutdown mandates,.....forces that are now assured overwhelming nuclear fusion level victory in the coming Midterms,..
Aye,..Forces,..that will soon drink the wine of Trumpian Victory,..from the Democrats crushed skulls,.....
And the Democrats see this coming as well,..They see their preordained fate reflected in in the plummeting Biden polls,..and the ever increasing energy and food prices , chain shutdowns,.. and bare store shelves,....
The Democrats see their Death ,..reflected in the eyes of the demon Trump,..who continues his rallies,..his media site now up and running,....his twitter account miraculously resurrected,..and the Republican Candidates he endorses,..all winning their elections in sweeping fashion,..
The MAGA message is clear,.. ..To save America,..every seat now held by a Democrat,..on a city ..state,..or federal level,..MUST become a Republican seat,..PERMANENTLY,....if the Shining City is to endure,..and return to former Trumpian Glory,..
Aye,..Trump summed up the Biden-Democrat debacle best , his most recent Rallies in Texas and North Carolina,..with two simple statements,...."This is a load of Bullshit!"..and,.."None of this,..would be happening,..if I was still President!"....
So Be It.
Aye,..the Democrats see their death coming indeed,..and, .out of desperation,..have abandoned the Covid scheme,..and introduced a new strategem,.. one emphasized at the farcical Biden State of the Union Address,....The Democrats have now lifted the mask mandates and business restrictions, .and Biden even adopted a pseudo Trumpuan theme for the Address,....Pro Police,..Pro Military,..Pro America,..seemingly,....But,..heavy taxes and regulations for the so called wealthy remain...the green agenda remains,..with its massive government spending plan,..the Biden shutdown of American oil and gas production remains,.. ..and,..most importantly,..the open border remains,..with illegal invaders being secretly flown all over the nation,.. in covert private planes,......which reveals all to those with eyes that can see,..
The Democrats have a nothing but contempt for America and it's people,..and nothing illustrates this clearer,..than the Russian oil that Biden and the Democrats continued to rely upon for American energy until recently,...and the fact that Biden refuses to shut down the Nordstream two pipelines of Russia, Trump had done,..The only sanction thst would stop Putin's assault on Ukraine and its valiant people,..the only sanction that would cripple the Russian economy. .and its war machine as well,..
The truth is clear,..
Despite Biden's supplying Stinger and Javelin missiles to Ukraine..and just recently stopping the import of Russian oil to the U.S.,...
The Democrats are Russia,..They are China,..They are North Korea,..They are Iran....They are the Taliban,....
For they fund all of these enemies of America,..with American tax dollars,..while punishing the American economy with ever increasing taxes , regulations, energy shutdowns,..and covid mandates, that serve no purpose , except to allow elections to be stolen by mail in ballot fraud,....
Aye,..the Democrat mask of hypocrisy may have temporarily fallen,..but this has simply exposed their malicious intent ever more clearly,..for even in fear of Midterm destruction,..the mask mandates remain on the American children..who they hate most of all,..for they symbolize MAGA Future,..and must be muzzled, controlled ,..and indoctrinated to the Democrat agenda,..permanently,....even while the open border continues to provide the Democrat Party with new Democrat voters who will do what freeborn Americans will not do,...OBEY,...without question,..Obey..and vote Democrat,..always,.. is too late for Democrat schemes and malevolent machinations now,....the hellspawn Trump and his MAGA Republican Army are now poised for inevitable overwhelming victory,....and Satan,..seeing his Democrat Machine broken and exposed by the Sorceror skills of Trump, calls the calls them home to the dark abyss, return them to their original task,..stoking his fiery furnaces,.....For All Eternity,.....
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