Sunday, January 9, 2022

"Master Of The MAGA Arts!!"

 Republicans are now winning elections everywhere..even in cities and states long established as Democrat controlled ,.for decades..proving that although the Miracle of the Christmas season has come and gone..the Trumpian Age of Miracles is still it spells inevitable doom for the Diabical Democrats,..long before the Republican landslide that will define the Midterms,..

There is a simple truth that the American people are waking up to.....a truth that will always be revealed,..once you give Democrats what they always sought...Total Power....Total Control...of all three branches of the Federal Government...Once they have this..the true malevolent nature of the creature called Democrat, is exposed ,for all the world to see,..

They hate all things that define America,..and seek nothing more than its complete destruction , through heavy taxes and regulations ,..which are then implemented to make the Democrats wealthy,..nothing more ,..No global warming bill, or social relief program created by the Democrats ever accomplished anything,..all they do is weaken the economy , and move the Democrats one step closer to the Marxist  socialist utopia that they wish to turn America into,...

The Biden Administration's total contempt for America and our Armed undeniable ..They seek to pull everything our Founders created down..and then rule over its ashes...That is always the goal of the self created tyrant..Mankind beneath the boot heel of their rule,..for they believe themselves to be superior to their fellow man, birthright heritage,  .

But,..thanks to President Trump and his MAGA Republican army's relentless pressure and counter attacks,...the Democrat Machine is crumbling rapidly,..Indeed,..they cannot comprehend what is happening to them,.and have no viable strategem to counter basic MAGA Republican truth, that has unmasked them fully, last,..

In addition to sweeping Republican victories,..all across the nation...there is another portend of things to come,.. with the verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse and Jussie Smollet trials now in.. .

Kyle Rityenhouse is not guilty..because We The People have the God given right to defend ourselves, our family,..and our property,..with the weapon of our choice,..

That, the Natural Law, that defines the freedom that makes America unique in all the world,.....That makes the American people unique,....We rule ourselves,..because we have the will..and the means , defend that rule, from those who would challenge it,..

You cannot be free,..unless you can defend that freedom ,..its as simple as that,..

And the Jussie Smollet verdict?? He was found guilty of fabricating his race crime,..simply to obtain an increase in in salary as an actor, .His guilty verdict once more confirms the truth about the Democrats race baiting strategem,....Its a trick, illusion,..designed to make money,..

Democrats get rich promoting America as a racist Hell Hole,..but the truth is ,..America was never racist,..In the Declaration of Independence , the mechanism to end slavery was already put in motion,..only Democrat controlled colonies prevented it from becoming a reality ,right from America's inception,..

The basic truth,..??  America's racism has only existed in the minds,...hearts,..and souls,..of the lowborn creature called Democrat,..and they remain the only source of racism in this great nation,..

Enough if this madness,..Democrats Must Be Destroyed,..Now,..

To this end,..the MAGA Mission remains clear.. Turn every seat currently held by a Democrat ,..into a Republican seat,..permanently,..on a city,..state,.. and federal level,..

We must take from the Democrats,.. the only thing they value,..Power,..and the ability to win elections, the source of that power, .

Once done,..once Republican  Super Majorities are established,..everywhere,..  as History has proven,.. all things become possible...

It's the Republican Agenda that created America ,..that Made It Great ,..while the Democrat Agenda  has done nothing except damage that greatness, .

Therefore,..the Democrats must be reduced to a powerless minority Party ,..permanently,....if America is to survive,.

President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have placed 370 plus conservative federal judges all across this nation ,..and they are currently neutralizing the Biden Democrat Agenda,..everywhere....even in Democrat stronghold districts,....buying us precious time to destroy them, the election polls ,..before they destroy us,..

The Trump rallies will continue, an effective weapon to rally the MAGA Army..expose Democrat malfeasance..and promote Republican candidates for election, all levels of government,...

We The People..Must ElectAll Of  These Republicans,....if our Free to endure,..

The Three Dimensional Chess Master now moves his final piece into play on his chessboard,....while the Democrats barely comprehend  their inevitable fate,.....

A fate preordained,....

A fate which must befall,....

When you dare challenge the Master of the MAGA Arts, battle for the soul of the Shining City ,..

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