Question; when did the Obama plan to diminish America begin? Answer;..the last two years of the Bush Presidency. In 2006, at a time when,"Bush lied and boys died', was still the mantra of the left, and the idea that Saddam Hussein never had weapons of mass destruction was still accepted as reality,the Democrats took full advantage of low Presidential polls and a growing anti war sentiment in the nation, and wrested control of the House and Senate from the Republican Party. Thus began the diminishment of the Shining City on a Hill called America. And, thus began the AIG Bank bailouts, the GM bailouts, the "Cash for Clunkers "scam, the Solyndra scam, the TARP scam,and last but not least, the Stimulus scam ,supposedly designed to "rebuild our infrastructure "and prop up Public Union controlled corporations that were failing , including Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, General Electric , and every other corporation that supported the Democrat Party agenda and donated heavily to their election campaigns. Yes folks, Obama's destruction of America began a full two years before he was even President. Yet before the Democrats took control in 2006, there was prosperity. In fact, from 2001, to 2006, President George W. Bush had created the greatest period of job growth and prosperity in the history of our nation, while also fighting a successful war on terror which had dethroned Saddam Hussein, ousted the Taliban from Afghanistan, kept Al Queda on the run , and our nation's shores 100% free from any terror attacks.
The Bush Doctrine's pre-emptive strikes were working.
The Bush tax cuts were working.
The Bush regulation cuts were working .
And , President Bush had a congress and a senate that supported his agenda and implemented constitutionally sound policies that grew our economy and put the fear of God in our enemies.
Sure, Bush still spent too much.
Sure, Bush worked too much with the Democrats on destructive programs like Dodd -Frank, and, "No Child Left Behind".
Sure, he approved the Dubai Port travesty , that left America more vulnerable to domestic terror attacks,.but, .,.the basic conservative principles that Bush implemented were sound .Tax and Regulation cuts, entitlement cuts, a strong military, strong support for our 2nd Amendment rights and limited government, and a faith rooted in Judeo-Christian values.These were the principles that enabled President Bush to basically outrun his mistakes and turn in a now highly regarded performance as President of the United States. Yet, there remains the stain of his last two years , as the left is quick to point out. That's when the bottom dropped out and when the economy began to implode. Ah yes, but that was when the Democrats had seized control of the nation's fortunes,and began to implement their tax , regulate, and spend agenda.The results were clear.A dismal last two years for an otherwise successful Administration. But, it's a last two years that can be firmly blamed on Democrat policies that always lead to economic disaster, if they remain unchecked.
The simple truth is the so-called "disasterous Presidency " of George W.Bush actually only two disasterous years of Democrat rule , during the Presidency of Bush. Bush didn't collapse anything. The Democrat House and Senate did. Bush may be blamed for failing to use his veto pen to stop their agenda, but the Democrats had the power .The Democrats had the plan, and the President could only accept his role as lame duck bystander , and watch the carnage unfold.A carnage that would accelerate drastically when Obama was crowned the new King in 2008.Yet now, the positions were reversed. After 6 years of Obama and Democrat rule, the American people have said ,"enough', and achieved a landslide victory for the Republican Party in the 2014 Midterms.
Now, the Party that our Nation's greatness was founded on , was back in power. Now, like Bush in 2006, President Obama is the lame duck who can only sit back and watch as the newly crowned Republican House and Senate ,acts on their mandate to stop all things Obama while, at the same time, reversing and repairing the destruction that the Democrats have inflicted upon our battle scarred nation, for the last eight years.
Yes, the Republican Party has achieved ultimate victory , and like the Democrats in 2006, or even the Republicans during Clinton's reign,..can implement everything they want to, while stopping Obama's executive power grab cold, by simply cutting off all funding to his unconstitutional whims, Amnesty or otherwise.
Why then, has House Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority Leader McConnell seemingly reversed themselves , and now seem more concerned with preventing a so-called government shutdown, than stopping Obama? Because they still fail to understand why they were elected . They fail to understand why their Party just won the biggest sweep for the Republicans since the days of Herbert Hoover.They were elected by We the People , the true government , the true rulers of this land, to stop Obama and the Democrats ,and that is all. Nothing more,..nothing less.And, if stopping them results in another government shutdown, so be it. Nothing happened the last time it shut down,and nothing will happen this time either. In fact, the only effect the shutdown seemed to have was to cause massive Republican victory. Ronald Wilson Reagan shut down the government over a dozen times in battles with House Speaker Tip O'Neill and the Democrat controlled Senate. So did Bush,..repeatedly. The result? Both men won landslide second term elections .Why? Because they both did what they were elected by the people, to do. You uphold the constitution. You stop the destructive agenda of the left. If a shutdown results,..then you have done your job, for this nation must obey the will of the people , or it must be destroyed. We the People are at the point of no return. Either we stop Obama now, or face permanent destruction .We must be willing to shut down every government on earth to accomplish this grim task. If Boehner and McConnell are looking for something to be afraid of,..
Fear Obama , now poised to enact executive Amnesty , which will permanently destroy our nations security , and virtually seal the fate of an already disintegrating America.
Fear Obama and Holder , now heavily involved in both the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases in a desperate attempt to promote a hate filled, racist agenda that they believe will secure Democrat victory in 2016.
Fear the Reverend Al Sharpton, a race hustler ans hate monger par excellence , who makes millions promoting hatred , violence,and the myth of racism, while visiting the White House over 800 times in the role of "Advisor" to the President of the United States, while still owing the government millions in unpaid taxes.
Fear the War on Police that President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon , and New York Mayor Bill DeBlaisio have declared, that will lead to more nationwide anarchy and destruction at the hands of freedom's enemies, and ultimately, the targeting of our Police Officers by criminal thugs whose potential as a future Democrat voter is more valuable to the left,..than the lives of those who live by the motto,"To Protect and Serve".
Fear the Democrat Party's downsizing of our military,by defunding and layoffs, that have weakened our nation's security, and emboldened our enemies around the world.
These are the things that Mr.Boehner and Mr. McConnell should fear.
These are the things that should drive them to use their power,.and act,..before its too late.
But now, We the People, must ask ourselves a question;.."Was it a mistake to secure massive Republican victory in the Midterms?
Not at all.
Despite the weakening resolve of Boehner and McConnell, the Republican Congress's voting record is still a formidable one.This so called,"Do Nothing" Congress has passed over 300 bills that would reverse the destructive course our nation is on, if the Democrat controlled Senate had simply approved them.Despite debate over the Amnesty issue, the Republican congress has indeed , done its job.
House Speaker Boehner did shut down the government over the Debt limit debate, and he did attempt to defund Obamacare over 80 times. The record speaks for itself. The Republicans have indeed done their job,..but they must not weaken on Amnesty.Seventeen States have already filed for waivers to the President's illegal actions on this issue, demonstrating , once again, who really holds the power in America. There it is. The will of the people in action. The will that must now be exerted over the Republican Party to make them complete their job,by representing that will.
The History of the Republican Party represents the true nature of America at its best .
America may be the last , best hope for the world, and the Shining City on a Hill, but its the Republican Party that is the engine that drives the Hope,..and powers the City.
Only the Republican Party supports the Constitution , self government, the free market, and a strong military. And, regardless of individual weakness in some of its leaders, past or current, it must remain the only Party that controls the present, and the future of our nation, if the fear, violence and hatred of the Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Nixon, and DeBlasio racist agenda is to be defeated, once and for all, before it engulfs the nation.
A nation, without borders.
A nation, without police.
A nation, without hope.
A nation, not of men , but of angry , tantrum throwing children, who use the myth of racism as a crutch, to justify their looting , vandalism and violence , and who, like children, depend on the Democrat Party's tax funded , nanny state handouts, for their survival .
A long time ago, the Republican Party created the means for a nation to heal its racial wounds. It freed the slaves , created and passed the Civil Rights Act,and elected the first African American, Asian , and woman Congressmen and Senators.
The Republican Party is,....was,......and will always be,...the first ,..last,...and only Party that recognized and understood that,.. despite the ravings of hate filled opportunists like Obama , Holder, Sharpton, Nixon, and DeBlasio ,there is only one race,..and that's the human race.
The Time has come.
Time for the Republican Party to show America what it can do.
They have the plan.
They have the power.
They have the will of the people.
Time to show the world what the real America looks like, when its unleashed by the Party that created it.