There is a plague among us.America has been invaded by a viral contagion that has been slowly but surely destroying us from within .The Obama Administration and the Democrat Party have ruled this Nation for the last eight years now , including the two last years of the Bush Presidency, and during that time period, an insidious plot has been hatched and put into effect,..a plot that would insure the Democrat Party would succeed in its long term plan to diminish America and force it to bend to their will,..the will of the ruling leftist elite.
The plot was diabolically simple , yet effective.Our borders would remain open , and all those living in our nation illegally, or crossing our borders everyday by the thousands , would be given amnesty , and be allowed to dwell in our land permanently, regardless of criminal record or lack of job skills. They would not need to learn English.They would not need to get a job.They would not need to have any marketable skills or make any effort to contribute to our society at all. No, all they would have to do , all that would be required of them, would be to show up at the election polls and pull a lever for the Democrat Party.In truth, it's the perfect plan. The borders remain unsecured, flights from Ebola stricken West Africa remain unrestricted, and eventually our nation becomes in effect, a third world nation, with the overwhelming majority of its citizens illegal, disease ridden criminals and potential terrorists, that will enthusiastically live off the government dole , and equally enthusiastically , show up at the election polls and vote for the Party that will insure their free ride on the backs of the American taxpayer will go on for eternity . The plan is fool proof. And the plan has indeed been the main goal, the main agenda , of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general , since the days of Woodrow Wilson.
What could go wrong? No matter how loudly the Republicans may scream about securing the border before any amnesty is granted, it simply cannot happen if the Democrats continue to win elections that secure their power base. And , apparently, they will continue to win as long as illegals continue to flood our shores on a daily basis. After all, who would an illegal who can't speak English , who has no job skills , who has a criminal record , who is potentially infected with a deadly disease ,going to vote for? Sarah Palin? Mitt Romney? Nope. It's a sure bet that all illegals will vote Democrat all the time. This is why the issue of voter I.D. is called racist . This is why Attorney General Eric Holder and the Democrat Party has fought so long and hard to insure that our election polls do not require any identification , photo I.D. or otherwise.
Strict photo I..D. laws imposed by the Republicans would prevent the Democrat Party from cheating ,..from committing voter fraud. It's as simple as that. For the Democrats know that, if they can't cheat , they can't win any election, ever. They never could . That is the reason Public Unions exist .Their job is to get out the vote for the Democrat Party , hook or by crook. Their job is to intimidate voters . Their job is to act as a money laundering system for the Democrat Party , and to use the taxpayer's hard earned cash to fund Democrat election campaigns. But, with Public Union membership dwindling in the face of an economy weakened by a leftist agenda, the Democrat Party , years ago, realized that another strategy must be hatched, if their Party was to survive long enough to implement their plans to destroy America, and remake it in their own socialist, utopian image.
To that purpose, open borders was born. To that purpose, , Amnesty for illegals was born. To that purpose, flights from Ebola stricken West Africa remain unrestricted , and ,according to leaked White House documents, the Obama Administration is now preparing to implement a new plan that would allow all West Africans stricken with the Ebola virus to be brought to America for treatment. This would insure another unending source of potential Democrat voters easy access to our nation under the guise of a health related , humanitarian emergency.
This is a no brainer. Ebola is a deadly disease that liquifies your organs , makes blood shoot from your eyes , and has a 70% chance of killing you, if you contract it. Its a potential plague, that has infected thousands of Liberians. To stop it you quarantine the sick and those exposed to the sick, and you restrict all travel to and from West Africa. That is what you do to stop any deadly disease from spreading .It's not up for debate .This is the proper scientific, medical procedure you follow, in dealing with Ebola. Yet, the CDC has recommended no quarantine and no flight restrictions . The reason? They are part of the Obama political machine , as are the doctors and nurses , such as Dr. Craig Spencer , and Nurse Kaci Hickox, that have been exposed to this disease , yet have arrogantly refused to obey the 21 day quarantine that would insure the safety of the American public.
CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said the quarantine was unnecessary,despite medical evidence to the contrary.Frieden is a puppet of the Obama regime and has been instructed to push this scenario , since it would promote the unrestricted flights that would allow more West African based Democrat voters in our nation permanently.
Nurse Kaci Hickox is another example of the left's intention to use Ebola as a Democrat weapon that will unleash an unbeatable army of Democrat voting plague zombies.That's why this arrogant, leftist Obama supporter has refused to obey any 21 day quarantine .That's why Obama gives a photo -op at the White House hugging a formerly infected nurse.That's why NBC's Medical expert ignored her own quarantine to get Chinese takeout.That's why Dr. Craig Spencer, stricken with Ebola , ignored his own symptoms and went bowling , and then to a restaurant.
All of these people are arrogant leftists that are following the Democrat Agenda that will assure the general public that Ebola is not a threat . That way the President's plan to bring West Africans here will not alarm anyone, all the while virtually assuring that the Democrats remain the ruling Party, for eternity.
All of it points to one thing;...the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party , after eight disasterous years of their rule over America,smell defeat now at the hands of the Republican Party.Therefore ,the invasion strategem must be accelerated .All illegal criminals must be released from our prisons, as they have been.Gitmo Bay war prisoners must be released , as they have been. Deported illegal criminals must be allowed back in our country,as they have been.And, a call must go out, to El Salvador , and other third world nations, that the U.S. is now accepting all, I repeat, all, who wish to come here , and will allow them to stay here permanently , they have been.
All this has been done to fulfill the plan, the goal,...of a permanent Democrat ruling Party that cannot be beaten , because the nation is now controlled by an invasion of third world plague zombies that will do the bidding of the Party that sustains them ,...the Democrat Party.
And, into this mix comes the new revelations from Maine ,Illinois, Maryland, and North Carolina, that early voting fraud is now going on with alarming regularity in these States. Illegals are voting by the hundreds already , and have also done so in the past, and votes cast for Republican candidates are mysteriously being changed to Democrat votes , by rigged voting machines. This comes as no surprise, since the Democrats have always cheated.The nuts and bolts reality is,..they cannot win, ever,unless they do cheat,..always. That is the reason for all that is transpiring now. .The open borders ,the release of illegal criminals, the release of Gitmo Bay prisoners , the refusal to restrict flights from Ebola stricken nations , the refusal by leftists to obey quarantines,the refusal to require I.D. at the voting polls.
And, probably most egregious of all, the suppression of the military vote by a systematically downsizing them, cutting their budget, and sending them to do battle with a deadly disease in a foreign land, instead of sending them to do battle with the enemies of freedom.The reason for the Democrat Party's attack on the military is clear;..the military votes Republican,therefore, it must be destroyed. And what destroys more effectively, than Ebola?The Quarantine is, strangely enough , being enforced on our soldiers by the Obama Administration , while at the same time, it puts pressure on local Maine officials , to lift the Quarantine on Nurse and Obama operative,..Kaci Hickox. The reason for this contradiction in policy is obvious;....soldiers that vote consistently Republican, must be kept out of the country, and under quarantine,until after the Midterm elections.
Far fetched?Sure. About as far fetched as the idea that our President and his Administration would leave our Embassy in Benghazi unsecured during the anniversary of 911,just to push a political agenda. The Democrat Party's entire future depends on winning the Midterms and retaining control of the Senate .They will do what they must to ensure that victory.They will lie, cheat, steal, and yes,..even import thousands of illegals while banishing thousands of our soldiers to a plague ridden nation to do battle with a contagion .
The invasion of the plague zombies , eight year plan,,.,is finally near completion, just in time for Halloween and the Midterm elections. Voter fraud is already , in many states,..the order of the day. This Zombie virus is spreading rapidly , and seeks to engulf us on election day. Can it be stopped? Yes. Because We the People have the vaccine .We the People have the cure. Republican Party victory in the Midterms is the vaccine,....and conservatism is the cure. We the People must, once and for all,... unite under the war banner of the Republican Party , and vote for every Republican running , though our lives depended on it. We are the Party that ended slavery, and created the vaccine for racism called the civil rights act.
Only we cut taxes and regulations
Only we cut entitlements.
Only we strengthen our military .
Only we support the 2nd Amendment.
Only we support our allies, and put fear in our enemies.
Only we, the Republican Party, can restore our nation and end this plague of Obama zombies masquerading this Halloween as American voters.
We the People , this midterm election,..must rip the Halloween mask from the Democrat Party , once and for all,..and expose the ugly monster that seeks nothing more than to destroy America , in order to secure its power.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Omega Destiny
The United States Military is so technically advanced , so superior, so powerful, that it could decimate the the entire surface of the earth twice over , in less than a day.No other nation on earth can match us.No enemy , whether despot , dictator , communist, Marxist, or terrorist, can stand against our might. All, are militarily inferior to us. And yet,the enemies of freedom seem to be growing ever bolder, their tentacles seemingly spreading to every corner of the globe.Their main target?America, and all her allies in the war on terror.So now, we have an infant killed in Israel by a Palestinian terrorist.We have an attack in Ottawa Canada upon their Parliament by a recent convert to Islam .The terrorist killed two unarmed ceremonial guards before being brought down by Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers , who retrieved a loaded gun from his office, dispatched the terror intruder, and then calmly went back to his normal duties.The man's a Canadian John Wayne. Earlier , another Canadian soldier was run down in the Ottawa streets by a hit and run driver.Coincidence?Hardly.Apparently, Canada is now paying the price for becoming America's new ally in the coalition to defeat ISIS. The free world, led by the United States, is now on notice .All are now fair game for this newly formed Terror State, and its growing army of of lone wolf terrorists. And, what of the noble Kurds and their valiant fight to hold Kobani and keep Baghdad from falling to the forces of ISIS?They, and they alone, have stood steadfast in their fight against terror.Only they are our true Arab allies in the coalition. Only they can be counted on to stand by the side of America in this fight against evil.Only they are the future of the middle east. They must not fall.They must not fail, if the middle east is to ever know peace and freedom. And all they ask, our help .They have held Kobani, but they are slowly but surely losing ground .ISIS is winning , and seems poised to overwhelm these freedom fighters , these defenders of Baghdad .They need our aid. So, where is America and the coalition forces in the fight against ISIS?Nowhere. America , under the leadership of President Obama , continues with limited bombing strikes, whose purpose is to destroy and decimate, without really damaging anything.An impossible task , and certainly no way to win a war. So too, with America's partners in this fight.All seem to be executing air attacks that are simply doing nothing to stop ISIS, or even slow them down. And now, to add insult to injury , the President has decided to step things up a bit., by finally air dropping the weapons and food the Kurds have been pleading for.That's all well and good, except that the weapons and food are now in the hands of ISIS.Our President is not only allowing this terror state to continue its march into Baghdad unmolested, but now ,... he's arming and feeding them too. Smooth move Barry. Well done.
No matter.I'm sure America's Arab based coalition partners such as the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, and Belgium, will step up to the plate, and do what America is failing to do . Not very likely. This Arab coalition is one of political expediency alone. It's all style, and no substance..These nations depend on American dollars to survive economically and thus have chosen to execute a pantomime effort to battle ISIS. They are in effect merely following America's lead, and will put forth no more effort to save Baghdad than Obama is doing.These Arab nations will not go to war against other Arabs as a partner of the infidel America. It will not happen, especially when they see that America itself, the leader of the free world, unwilling to really fight.
This is why Turkey stands by and watches as the Kurds prepare for bitter defeat against the terrorists.
America is the enemy.
America is the infidel .
America must be destroyed.
America is the ultimate target,..not ISIS.
Turkey sees weakness in the Great Satan ,in the ultimate infidel ,..America,and they will not come to its aid,..even to stop the evil of ISIS.
For a califate has been declared , and ISIS has vowed that America and all her allies will be invaded and brought to submission before the will of Allah, and will become Islamic States , under Sharia Law.And, they vow,the ISIS Flag will fly from the White House itself.
That is their dream.
That is our nightmare.
And, to that end, we now have another White House invader, who, like his predecessor , made it over the the White House fence only to be brought down by the secret service on the front lawn .This second attempt is no mere coincidence.Both incidents are most assuredly dry runs for a full blown terror attack on the White House.
As I said before,the enemy smells weakness, and will now strike at America, even unto the White House itself. In addition , ISIS has declared a world wide califate against all soldiers and police, and have called for their lone wolf followers to strike them down everywhere, , as a hatchet welding terrorist has done in a New York subway, wounding two police officers, critically .
And America, even with all her power, the leader of the free world, the number one superpower in the world,..can do nothing.
There is a reason for this.And, it's quite simple. Our Nation is now currently being run by the Democrat Party , and has been for eight years now, ..two of them under Bush.
The simple truth is , that when in power, the Democrats are a destructive force , that seeks to weaken our nation from within. They destroy our security , and leave us vulnerable to our enemies , home and abroad. They destroy everything that is linked to our security.
They collapse our economy with massive tax and regulation increases,leaving us financially in debt to our enemies, and energy dependent on them as well.
They restrict and regulate our 2nd Amendment rights , leaving our citizens vulnerable from domestic terrorists and criminals.
They leave our borders unsecured, and our flights unrestricted, thereby leaving America vulnerable to illegal criminals, plague -like diseases,and potential domestic terror attacks ,..all to assure an overwhelming Democrat voting base that will ,eventually,..create a permanent Democrat ruling Party in America.
And,most offensive,..they weaken our military,...the very military that protects us from our enemies.
They cut military pay.
They downsize our forces.
They cut funding for weapon programs and equipment.
They deliberately, and with malice of forethought,...weaken the greatest force for freedom in the world.
The reason? The military votes Republican, and therefore they must be weakened, downsized, and brought under government control , like the rest of the nation ,...again,..all in the name of securing permanent Democrat Power.
Even if it costs America,....everything.
It can be stopped, by Republicans winning elections, and assuming control of the fate of our nation.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans cut entitlements.
Only Republicans defend our right to keep and bear arms.
Only Republicans support our military , and make sure that it is feared by our enemies and respected by our allies.
ISIS is now targeting all American allies , on their homefront.
Israel, Canada,Australia,England, the Kurdish forces in Kobani,....all will fall to the forces of ISIS.
Unless,...America does the unexpected.,...and unleashes all hell upon the Islamic State, and forces their submission,..and their unconditional surrender.It can be done.It must be done.
During World War II,America faced an enemy that would not surrender , would not relent,would not stop until America was crushed. That enemy, like Al Queda, ISIS,...dared to attack America on her own soil. This enemy, like ISIS,....used suicide bombers in an effort to create terror , break our will, and weaken our fighting spirit. This enemy, like ISIS,tortured and murdered captured Americans and Allied forces.
This enemy,...was the nation of Japan.
And, in the last days of World War II, America made a fateful decision;...Risk many more years of war with a ruthless, evil ,relentless enemy and lose thousands more American soldiers lives,...or unleash earthbound hell upon their island Nation,...and end it all.
America chose to end this war,..this endless conflict,....and by so doing , saved many American,..and Japanese lives.
America chose to use its true power, stop the enemy ,..and force their unconditional surrender.
Two Atomic Bombs did this ,...and the world would never be the same.
The Unbeatable Empire ,determined to destroy America,..surrendered unconditionally. And, in the wake of the destruction we had wrought upon their land,.........
We gained an Ally in the never ending fight for Freedom,..and Liberty,...that supports us now,..unconditionally, the war on terror.
Japan is now a freedom loving, Democratic Nation ,..a technological marvel.And, the city of Hiroshima ,once incinerated by the power of the Atom, is a breathtakingly beautiful, prosperous Metropolis,..a specimen of freemarket wonder. And all it took was for America to use the true power it has to stop evil , one scorched earth moment ,....and force its surrender.
It worked once.
It can be done again.
America can no longer allow the evil of ISIS to go unchecked , while it spreads it poison across the face of the earth. They will not surrender. They will not submit.They will not stop until the allies of freedom are destroyed.
Therefore , we must unleash armageddon upon them. There is no more time for political strategems and pantomime tactics.America must, once again, make that fateful decision , to unleash its full power on the enemy, and end this madness , Our Air Power alone, has the power to end this, swiftly and decisively.
From destruction, always comes ,..creation. And like with Japan, it is no doubt possible that from the ashes of the fallen ISIS State , shall come,..perhaps,.....the birth of a new ally in the fight for freedom and liberty. All it takes is the will,..the resolve,...of America.
Unfortunately, that will,..that resolve,..cannot be found in President Obama , or the ruling Democrat Party. But,that will , that resolve, can be restored.America can once again, be the leader of the free world, the number one superpower, the last best hope for the world.
That will, that resolve ,..can only come from the Republican Party.They are the Party that strengthens our military , fights the terrorist threat aggressively ,..and supports our Allies,.....unconditionally.
On November 4th, they must be victorious, in the Midterm elections,..and reduce the destructive Democrat Party to,.... nothingness .
Only then, can America , and her military,..the finest military the world has ever seen, what must be done.
Creation from Destruction.
Alpha and Omega.
It's America's Destiny.
And, with Republican victory in the Midterms, and beyond, can be done,..and must be done,..if the free world, as we know it, is to survive.
No matter.I'm sure America's Arab based coalition partners such as the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, and Belgium, will step up to the plate, and do what America is failing to do . Not very likely. This Arab coalition is one of political expediency alone. It's all style, and no substance..These nations depend on American dollars to survive economically and thus have chosen to execute a pantomime effort to battle ISIS. They are in effect merely following America's lead, and will put forth no more effort to save Baghdad than Obama is doing.These Arab nations will not go to war against other Arabs as a partner of the infidel America. It will not happen, especially when they see that America itself, the leader of the free world, unwilling to really fight.
This is why Turkey stands by and watches as the Kurds prepare for bitter defeat against the terrorists.
America is the enemy.
America is the infidel .
America must be destroyed.
America is the ultimate target,..not ISIS.
Turkey sees weakness in the Great Satan ,in the ultimate infidel ,..America,and they will not come to its aid,..even to stop the evil of ISIS.
For a califate has been declared , and ISIS has vowed that America and all her allies will be invaded and brought to submission before the will of Allah, and will become Islamic States , under Sharia Law.And, they vow,the ISIS Flag will fly from the White House itself.
That is their dream.
That is our nightmare.
And, to that end, we now have another White House invader, who, like his predecessor , made it over the the White House fence only to be brought down by the secret service on the front lawn .This second attempt is no mere coincidence.Both incidents are most assuredly dry runs for a full blown terror attack on the White House.
As I said before,the enemy smells weakness, and will now strike at America, even unto the White House itself. In addition , ISIS has declared a world wide califate against all soldiers and police, and have called for their lone wolf followers to strike them down everywhere, , as a hatchet welding terrorist has done in a New York subway, wounding two police officers, critically .
And America, even with all her power, the leader of the free world, the number one superpower in the world,..can do nothing.
There is a reason for this.And, it's quite simple. Our Nation is now currently being run by the Democrat Party , and has been for eight years now, ..two of them under Bush.
The simple truth is , that when in power, the Democrats are a destructive force , that seeks to weaken our nation from within. They destroy our security , and leave us vulnerable to our enemies , home and abroad. They destroy everything that is linked to our security.
They collapse our economy with massive tax and regulation increases,leaving us financially in debt to our enemies, and energy dependent on them as well.
They restrict and regulate our 2nd Amendment rights , leaving our citizens vulnerable from domestic terrorists and criminals.
They leave our borders unsecured, and our flights unrestricted, thereby leaving America vulnerable to illegal criminals, plague -like diseases,and potential domestic terror attacks ,..all to assure an overwhelming Democrat voting base that will ,eventually,..create a permanent Democrat ruling Party in America.
And,most offensive,..they weaken our military,...the very military that protects us from our enemies.
They cut military pay.
They downsize our forces.
They cut funding for weapon programs and equipment.
They deliberately, and with malice of forethought,...weaken the greatest force for freedom in the world.
The reason? The military votes Republican, and therefore they must be weakened, downsized, and brought under government control , like the rest of the nation ,...again,..all in the name of securing permanent Democrat Power.
Even if it costs America,....everything.
It can be stopped, by Republicans winning elections, and assuming control of the fate of our nation.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans cut entitlements.
Only Republicans defend our right to keep and bear arms.
Only Republicans support our military , and make sure that it is feared by our enemies and respected by our allies.
ISIS is now targeting all American allies , on their homefront.
Israel, Canada,Australia,England, the Kurdish forces in Kobani,....all will fall to the forces of ISIS.
Unless,...America does the unexpected.,...and unleashes all hell upon the Islamic State, and forces their submission,..and their unconditional surrender.It can be done.It must be done.
During World War II,America faced an enemy that would not surrender , would not relent,would not stop until America was crushed. That enemy, like Al Queda, ISIS,...dared to attack America on her own soil. This enemy, like ISIS,....used suicide bombers in an effort to create terror , break our will, and weaken our fighting spirit. This enemy, like ISIS,tortured and murdered captured Americans and Allied forces.
This enemy,...was the nation of Japan.
And, in the last days of World War II, America made a fateful decision;...Risk many more years of war with a ruthless, evil ,relentless enemy and lose thousands more American soldiers lives,...or unleash earthbound hell upon their island Nation,...and end it all.
America chose to end this war,..this endless conflict,....and by so doing , saved many American,..and Japanese lives.
America chose to use its true power, stop the enemy ,..and force their unconditional surrender.
Two Atomic Bombs did this ,...and the world would never be the same.
The Unbeatable Empire ,determined to destroy America,..surrendered unconditionally. And, in the wake of the destruction we had wrought upon their land,.........
We gained an Ally in the never ending fight for Freedom,..and Liberty,...that supports us now,..unconditionally, the war on terror.
Japan is now a freedom loving, Democratic Nation ,..a technological marvel.And, the city of Hiroshima ,once incinerated by the power of the Atom, is a breathtakingly beautiful, prosperous Metropolis,..a specimen of freemarket wonder. And all it took was for America to use the true power it has to stop evil , one scorched earth moment ,....and force its surrender.
It worked once.
It can be done again.
America can no longer allow the evil of ISIS to go unchecked , while it spreads it poison across the face of the earth. They will not surrender. They will not submit.They will not stop until the allies of freedom are destroyed.
Therefore , we must unleash armageddon upon them. There is no more time for political strategems and pantomime tactics.America must, once again, make that fateful decision , to unleash its full power on the enemy, and end this madness , Our Air Power alone, has the power to end this, swiftly and decisively.
From destruction, always comes ,..creation. And like with Japan, it is no doubt possible that from the ashes of the fallen ISIS State , shall come,..perhaps,.....the birth of a new ally in the fight for freedom and liberty. All it takes is the will,..the resolve,...of America.
Unfortunately, that will,..that resolve,..cannot be found in President Obama , or the ruling Democrat Party. But,that will , that resolve, can be restored.America can once again, be the leader of the free world, the number one superpower, the last best hope for the world.
That will, that resolve ,..can only come from the Republican Party.They are the Party that strengthens our military , fights the terrorist threat aggressively ,..and supports our Allies,.....unconditionally.
On November 4th, they must be victorious, in the Midterm elections,..and reduce the destructive Democrat Party to,.... nothingness .
Only then, can America , and her military,..the finest military the world has ever seen, what must be done.
Creation from Destruction.
Alpha and Omega.
It's America's Destiny.
And, with Republican victory in the Midterms, and beyond, can be done,..and must be done,..if the free world, as we know it, is to survive.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Apocalypse Weapon
Senator John McCain says ISIS is winning .He is correct. ISIS is winning . The United States military and its fictional Arab coalition are losing. Turkey will not aid aid the Kurds in their fight to hold Kobani. .They will not allow us to use their facilities. They, along with Egypt and other members of this faux coalition will not truly engage the terrorists , in any meaningful way. They will not, in the end, go to war with fellow Arabs as an ally of the American infidels, especially American Infidels who are not truly interested in really winning. They just won't, and neither will our other so-called allies. ISIS wins, we lose. Actually , we have already lost. And , not just in our fight against ISIS, we have also lost ;
Our economy.
Our Healthcare.
Our Security.
Our Military Strength.
The Respect of our Allies
The ability to put the fear of God in our enemies.
We have lost everything.
But, it can all be reversed.
In two weeks , we have a chance to reverse all that has happened these last eight years. All it will take is for the Republican Party to hold control of the Congress, and win control of the Senate in the Midterms .All that has happened, all that is destroying our nation from within and without, has been caused by the fact that the Democrat Party has controlled the fate , the direction of our nation , for eight years now.
Tax and Spending increases.
Cuts to our military.
The Withdraw of our troops, from Iraq, the Middle East , and the world,in general.
Refusal to support our Allies , like Israel, and catering to our enemies.
And , most offensive, the elimination of our nation's borders and allowing illegal entitlement bums , plagues of disease, and yes, terrorists ,to attack us on our own soil , to destroy us from within.
This must cease.The Obama Administration and the Democrat Party , are the real disease , the true contagion , the true plague that has infested our soil and is spreading its rot far faster than Ebola ever could.Democrats are the contagion .Liberalism is the disease, and the cure is Conservatism. The cure is Republican victory in the Midterms. The simple truth is , "We the People" can never again allow the Democrats to control any aspect of our nation. We can never allow their Party to have control of Washington, or our individual States. If we want to survive as a free Republic, that is. The deadly plague of Ebola is now being used as a weapon by the Democrat Party.Political ads are already in place , blaming Republican budget cuts for its spread in America. And, at the same time, the border will remain unsecured, and flights from West Africa to America will remain unrestricted , all to support the long term goal of creating an unbeatable army of illegal entitlement bums that will vote Democrat for eternity , and keep their Party in power forevermore. And, if the cost is an America infested with unknown diseases,illegal immigrant crime, and domestic terrorism ,so be it. Like with the Benghazi deception , the Democrat Party is more than willing to risk American lives in order to hold on to their power .CDC Director Dr. Tom Friedan is the new , arrogant , self-absorbed , self-righteous , liberal puppet of the Democrat Party , and he has been instructed to assure the American people that open borders ,unrestricted flights from West Africa, lackadaisical hospital prep,and our President deploying our troops to Liberia, to do battle with a virus , instead of letting them fight terrorism in the Middle East,and guard our nations borders, is the way to stop this disease.Nonsense. To the Democrats, this is the way to stop the spread of a different disease,a different threat, because open borders and unrestricted flights means more Democrat voters and that will indeed, stop the true disease , the true plague, that Dr. Friedan and his Party are fighting, ..the disease called the Republican Party. And now, the President has appointed a new Ebola Czar,a political puppet , by the name of Ron Klain, former Advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, Democrat Lobbyist, implementer of the stimulous scam , and the man who orchestrated the attempt to block our military's votes in the Bush Gore Presidential campaign, and the "recount" that tried to rob Bush of his just won Presidency. Klain is a Democrat Party idealogue and loyalist. He has zero medical credentials. He is as are all Obama appointees,unqualified for his position. Klain's real; mission is clear;...Find a way to blame the Republicans for the Ebola outbreak, and make it stick , in time for the Midterms,.....make Ebola the Apocalypse Weapon that will finally bring down the Republicans permanently.
We the People must wake up , and take control of our nation back. We are running out of time.We no longer have the luxury of in- party fighting
The Republican Party is the only Party that cuts taxes , cuts entitlements , cuts spending , strengthens our military , secures our borders , puts the fear of God in our enemies, and supports our Allies.
Republicans freed the slaves.
Republicans created the Civil Rights Act.
Republicans support our individual right to keep and bear arms.
Republicans support the America that our founders envisioned .
So, enough with this bickering within our Party .Time for conservative , moderate, weak ,and strong, to unite in this time of war. We have a battle to win . We have a contagion to destroy. We have a disease to cure . Ebola is a light pleasantry compared to the disease of Liberalism , the disease called the Democrat Party.
This November 4th , in the Midterm elections this disease must be isolated , quarantined ,and crushed permanently .This disease must be wiped out , if America is to survive. Senator McCain was indeed correct. We are losing, and ISIS and the Democrats are winning.
Vote Republican in November , my fellow Americans, or admit defeat and accept your grim fate.
All this virus called the Democrat Party cares about is winning elections, no matter how many American lives are lost to terrorism or the Ebola plague. To the Left, to the Democrat Party,...winning isn't just everything,'s the only thing.
So, why don't We the People,.....take that victory,......take everything they value,... away from them?
You want the border sealed? You want ISIS defeated? You want a prosperous America , that is Ebola free? Then you better damn well vote Republican .
United, We the People, We,...the Republic, are unbeatable.
Let's win this one.
Let's achieve massive, overwhelming, landslide, Republican Victory, just for the sheer joy of winning .
For the sheer joy of defeating a plague,..far worse than Ebola.
Our economy.
Our Healthcare.
Our Security.
Our Military Strength.
The Respect of our Allies
The ability to put the fear of God in our enemies.
We have lost everything.
But, it can all be reversed.
In two weeks , we have a chance to reverse all that has happened these last eight years. All it will take is for the Republican Party to hold control of the Congress, and win control of the Senate in the Midterms .All that has happened, all that is destroying our nation from within and without, has been caused by the fact that the Democrat Party has controlled the fate , the direction of our nation , for eight years now.
Tax and Spending increases.
Cuts to our military.
The Withdraw of our troops, from Iraq, the Middle East , and the world,in general.
Refusal to support our Allies , like Israel, and catering to our enemies.
And , most offensive, the elimination of our nation's borders and allowing illegal entitlement bums , plagues of disease, and yes, terrorists ,to attack us on our own soil , to destroy us from within.
This must cease.The Obama Administration and the Democrat Party , are the real disease , the true contagion , the true plague that has infested our soil and is spreading its rot far faster than Ebola ever could.Democrats are the contagion .Liberalism is the disease, and the cure is Conservatism. The cure is Republican victory in the Midterms. The simple truth is , "We the People" can never again allow the Democrats to control any aspect of our nation. We can never allow their Party to have control of Washington, or our individual States. If we want to survive as a free Republic, that is. The deadly plague of Ebola is now being used as a weapon by the Democrat Party.Political ads are already in place , blaming Republican budget cuts for its spread in America. And, at the same time, the border will remain unsecured, and flights from West Africa to America will remain unrestricted , all to support the long term goal of creating an unbeatable army of illegal entitlement bums that will vote Democrat for eternity , and keep their Party in power forevermore. And, if the cost is an America infested with unknown diseases,illegal immigrant crime, and domestic terrorism ,so be it. Like with the Benghazi deception , the Democrat Party is more than willing to risk American lives in order to hold on to their power .CDC Director Dr. Tom Friedan is the new , arrogant , self-absorbed , self-righteous , liberal puppet of the Democrat Party , and he has been instructed to assure the American people that open borders ,unrestricted flights from West Africa, lackadaisical hospital prep,and our President deploying our troops to Liberia, to do battle with a virus , instead of letting them fight terrorism in the Middle East,and guard our nations borders, is the way to stop this disease.Nonsense. To the Democrats, this is the way to stop the spread of a different disease,a different threat, because open borders and unrestricted flights means more Democrat voters and that will indeed, stop the true disease , the true plague, that Dr. Friedan and his Party are fighting, ..the disease called the Republican Party. And now, the President has appointed a new Ebola Czar,a political puppet , by the name of Ron Klain, former Advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, Democrat Lobbyist, implementer of the stimulous scam , and the man who orchestrated the attempt to block our military's votes in the Bush Gore Presidential campaign, and the "recount" that tried to rob Bush of his just won Presidency. Klain is a Democrat Party idealogue and loyalist. He has zero medical credentials. He is as are all Obama appointees,unqualified for his position. Klain's real; mission is clear;...Find a way to blame the Republicans for the Ebola outbreak, and make it stick , in time for the Midterms,.....make Ebola the Apocalypse Weapon that will finally bring down the Republicans permanently.
We the People must wake up , and take control of our nation back. We are running out of time.We no longer have the luxury of in- party fighting
The Republican Party is the only Party that cuts taxes , cuts entitlements , cuts spending , strengthens our military , secures our borders , puts the fear of God in our enemies, and supports our Allies.
Republicans freed the slaves.
Republicans created the Civil Rights Act.
Republicans support our individual right to keep and bear arms.
Republicans support the America that our founders envisioned .
So, enough with this bickering within our Party .Time for conservative , moderate, weak ,and strong, to unite in this time of war. We have a battle to win . We have a contagion to destroy. We have a disease to cure . Ebola is a light pleasantry compared to the disease of Liberalism , the disease called the Democrat Party.
This November 4th , in the Midterm elections this disease must be isolated , quarantined ,and crushed permanently .This disease must be wiped out , if America is to survive. Senator McCain was indeed correct. We are losing, and ISIS and the Democrats are winning.
Vote Republican in November , my fellow Americans, or admit defeat and accept your grim fate.
All this virus called the Democrat Party cares about is winning elections, no matter how many American lives are lost to terrorism or the Ebola plague. To the Left, to the Democrat Party,...winning isn't just everything,'s the only thing.
So, why don't We the People,.....take that victory,......take everything they value,... away from them?
You want the border sealed? You want ISIS defeated? You want a prosperous America , that is Ebola free? Then you better damn well vote Republican .
United, We the People, We,...the Republic, are unbeatable.
Let's win this one.
Let's achieve massive, overwhelming, landslide, Republican Victory, just for the sheer joy of winning .
For the sheer joy of defeating a plague,..far worse than Ebola.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
The Plague War
The President is now under pressure from his Generals , the CIA, Military Advisors ,and most of the Democrat Party, to change his war strategy. The Problem with this is,he has no war strategy. What he has is a political strategy .His air attacks in Iraq and Syria on ISIS, are designed to merely run out the clock till the November Midterms. It's the military equivalent of shadow boxing .It looks like fighting, looks like war,....but pinpoint strikes against insignificant targets and a virtually invisible coalition force, that waits for America to take the lead,are doing little more than slowing ISIS down temporarily.The strategy is simply not working, nor will it ever work, since the President never intended to stop ISIS, but to simply do the minimum necessary for him to survive his last two years in office. The President is not interested in the war.His campaign promise after all, was that he would end the war, and bring our troops home. He is , however interested in campaigning, and is focusing like a laser on his 2014 November Midterms campaign strategy. Obama knows that without a victory for the Democrats in November , all of his accomplishments, all of his work, to "Change America", could be lost forever.That's why his military advisors and most of the Democrat Party have turned against him on the ISIS issue. They don't really believe in fighting another war on terror either, but they know if they don't at least appear to oppose Obama ,they have no chance to stop the Republicans from regaining control of the Senate and thereby the country's direction as well. The Democrats are pretending to reject Obama , just to save their jobs. But, it's too little,too late..Their records speak for themselves.All of them, I repeat,all, ...have supported the President in everything he has done , from Obamacare to the troop withdraw in Iraq. The Democrat Party is Obama. They are one and the same,in all things, and that is the key reason they are doomed. Even the open border strategy designed to secure permanent Democrat control of the country has, like Obamacare and the troop withdraw,..backfired , a deadly plague called Ebola is now among us, thanks to the President's non existent border and air security .Secretary of State John Kerry insists that keeping our borders open and flights unrestricted is vital to stopping this plague from spreading. He's right. It is vital ,to stopping the plague of Republicans from seizing control of the country through Midterm victory .Kerry knows that the illegal immigrant vote is vital to the Democrat Party's short and long term plan to create a One Party Nation ,with the Democrats being that one Party. Apparently, the Democrats and Obama are willing to risk a new black death in America and expose our troops to it overseas in order to hold on to their power. And , how long before ISIS uses Ebola as a weapon against America, in a new kind of plague war?
It's become abundantly clear that the Democrats will do anything necessary to win an election, no matter the destruction it reigns down on our Nation. A pity they don't show the same dedication and resolve when it comes to destroying America's enemies. Case in point, former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's new tell -all book , states unequivocally that when he informed the President that the Benghazi Embassy attack was , indeed,..a terror attack,....the President chose to ignore this fact, and instead decided to promote the YouTube inspired, "Demonstration" theory. In fact, Panetta states that all terror intelligence info that was given to the President , by either the CIA, State Department ,or military Generals and advisors was simply ignored by this President for no other reason than it didn't fit the political narrative that his administration had put forth during the Presidential re-election campaign , which claimed that Al Queda was on the run, and essentially decimated.
Like with Ebola.
Like with our borders .
Like with Obamacare.
The President , his Administration , and the Democrat Party, have always chosen political expediency over the safety of our Nation .And now, with the dual threat of a potential ISIS attack and Ebola plague upon our shores, we are seeing the results of their strategems.
Panetta, in an interview on Fox News , told Bill O'Reilly that he feels Obama has the courage to confront ISIS,and terrorism in general, but he seems to lack the actual will to do it. Nonsense. Obama doesn't lack the will. He's exercised it often enough in ramming through his socialist agenda , despite Republican opposition.He has the will. He simply sees no need to do it. Defeating ISIS is not related to his goal of achieving a Democrat controlled entitlement state. Therefore, the President is simply not interested in fighting a war on terror. He is far more interested in fighting a war on another organization that he considers far more of a threat , far more of a danger,..namely,..the Republican Party.
And that is the war he will devote his last two years in office to,...if he can achieve Democrat victory in November , that is.
The simple truth is this;..under the right leadership, the U.S. Military has the technology, skill, and manpower to decimate any enemy , any threat ,..anywhere in the world, quickly and easily. U.S. Airpower alone, if fully unleashed, would destroy ISIS, Al Queda , the Taliban , and the Muslim Brotherhood, utterly , and completely. That's how advanced our Air War Technology is. As Panetta says, all it would take is the will to do it .
One Man's Will.
The Will, of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
President Obama , however, is not that man.
But, there is another will, another force , that, history has shown, is just as unstoppable, just as unbeatable , just as unconquerable, our Military.
The Will of "We the People".
And, in November ,"We the People" must exercise that will, and end the scourge of Democrat Party rule of our Nation just as quickly and easily as our military, fully unleashed, can destroy the enemies of freedom .
"We the People" are the rulers of this Nation. All it will take is our will, our resolve, to show up at the polls en masse, and vote Republican in the Midterms and every election thereafter.Our Nation was founded as a free Republic, so vote Republican,'s that simple. America is a system of self government , self-rule.That is the root of our greatness. Rule of the people , by the people , and for the people. Our system makes us the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known. But, it has also made us the most powerful military force the world has ever known as well. With that power , must come responsibility, the responsibility to other nations , the responsibility to use our power to fight the forces of evil and tyranny, no matter what corner of the globe we find it in.
This is a sacred charge.
This is a sacred duty.
This is a sacred responsibility.
A responsibility that "We the People" must never shirk.
And that is why , in the end, this Nation, this Republic, this Shining City on a Hill,..must always obey our will ,..and our will alone.
Or,...We the People ,..must destroy it.
It's become abundantly clear that the Democrats will do anything necessary to win an election, no matter the destruction it reigns down on our Nation. A pity they don't show the same dedication and resolve when it comes to destroying America's enemies. Case in point, former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's new tell -all book , states unequivocally that when he informed the President that the Benghazi Embassy attack was , indeed,..a terror attack,....the President chose to ignore this fact, and instead decided to promote the YouTube inspired, "Demonstration" theory. In fact, Panetta states that all terror intelligence info that was given to the President , by either the CIA, State Department ,or military Generals and advisors was simply ignored by this President for no other reason than it didn't fit the political narrative that his administration had put forth during the Presidential re-election campaign , which claimed that Al Queda was on the run, and essentially decimated.
Like with Ebola.
Like with our borders .
Like with Obamacare.
The President , his Administration , and the Democrat Party, have always chosen political expediency over the safety of our Nation .And now, with the dual threat of a potential ISIS attack and Ebola plague upon our shores, we are seeing the results of their strategems.
Panetta, in an interview on Fox News , told Bill O'Reilly that he feels Obama has the courage to confront ISIS,and terrorism in general, but he seems to lack the actual will to do it. Nonsense. Obama doesn't lack the will. He's exercised it often enough in ramming through his socialist agenda , despite Republican opposition.He has the will. He simply sees no need to do it. Defeating ISIS is not related to his goal of achieving a Democrat controlled entitlement state. Therefore, the President is simply not interested in fighting a war on terror. He is far more interested in fighting a war on another organization that he considers far more of a threat , far more of a danger,..namely,..the Republican Party.
And that is the war he will devote his last two years in office to,...if he can achieve Democrat victory in November , that is.
The simple truth is this;..under the right leadership, the U.S. Military has the technology, skill, and manpower to decimate any enemy , any threat ,..anywhere in the world, quickly and easily. U.S. Airpower alone, if fully unleashed, would destroy ISIS, Al Queda , the Taliban , and the Muslim Brotherhood, utterly , and completely. That's how advanced our Air War Technology is. As Panetta says, all it would take is the will to do it .
One Man's Will.
The Will, of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
President Obama , however, is not that man.
But, there is another will, another force , that, history has shown, is just as unstoppable, just as unbeatable , just as unconquerable, our Military.
The Will of "We the People".
And, in November ,"We the People" must exercise that will, and end the scourge of Democrat Party rule of our Nation just as quickly and easily as our military, fully unleashed, can destroy the enemies of freedom .
"We the People" are the rulers of this Nation. All it will take is our will, our resolve, to show up at the polls en masse, and vote Republican in the Midterms and every election thereafter.Our Nation was founded as a free Republic, so vote Republican,'s that simple. America is a system of self government , self-rule.That is the root of our greatness. Rule of the people , by the people , and for the people. Our system makes us the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known. But, it has also made us the most powerful military force the world has ever known as well. With that power , must come responsibility, the responsibility to other nations , the responsibility to use our power to fight the forces of evil and tyranny, no matter what corner of the globe we find it in.
This is a sacred charge.
This is a sacred duty.
This is a sacred responsibility.
A responsibility that "We the People" must never shirk.
And that is why , in the end, this Nation, this Republic, this Shining City on a Hill,..must always obey our will ,..and our will alone.
Or,...We the People ,..must destroy it.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Enemy in the Looking Glass
The Gates of Olympus have been breached by the enemy,..and the enemy is us. Omar Gonzalez, the individual who scaled the White House fence without being intercepted by security forces apparently got much further than than first realized.He actually made it as far as the White House Green Room, overpowering a female security agent in the process , and was finally tackled by another male agent . And, in the wake of this outrageous display of incompetence , Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said she was "proud" of the "restraint" shown by these agents who dealt with the knife welding intruder."Restraint?"The man should have been shot on sight, for potentially endangering the President and his family, who were fortunately not at home during this invasion.
Julia Pierson has now resigned , after being mercilessly , and appropriately ,..grilled by Republican Representatives Darryl Issa and Trey Gowdy on her inexcusable performance regarding this incident, and others in the past , when the President was needlessly put in danger by the chronic apathy of this secret service detail under her leadership.The list of incidents is long indeed;...shots fired at the White House ,the Mandela Funeral, and an armed felon security guard in an elevator with the President ,are just a few of the more outrageous examples of Pierson's seemingly non existent security system. But, what else can you expect from a woman who ,when first appointed,..told her agents she wanted the Secret Service to be more like "Disneyland"........Really? But then, Pierson's incompetence and lack of any solid credentials for her job should come as no surprise. This is a pattern for the Obama Administration All of Obama's appointees have eventually been revealed to be grossly incompetent .Timothy Geitner, Rahm Emanuel, Elena Kagan, Kathleen Sebelius, Lois Learner, Eric Shinseki , and, of course ,Eric Holder, all ...have proven themselves dangerously unfit for their security related positions. All are ,..unqualified,...except of course, one key area,.....Ideaology. All of them,..Pierson included,..are hard core ,..leftist idealogues ,..loyal to the liberal cause , ..and more importantly ,...loyal to the Obama Administration ,..and it's America diminishing agenda.
All of President Obama's appointees have failed spectacularly , but certainly not in his eyes. In the President's eyes,they have all ,..I repeat,..all ,..done their jobs of attacking Republicans , weakening America,..and staying loyal to him and,..more importantly,..staying loyal to the Democrat Party and its mission to secure a permanent one Party system in America ,..with the Democrats being that one Party. Even Julia Pierson , whose position would seem to be a non-political one,was also charged to push the left's agenda .Her appointment was part of the "War on Women" strategy the Democrats have been pushing ,along with the 'Race Card" , in order to gain votes and, more importantly, gain the edge over Republicans at the voting polls. And, make no mistake, it's no mere coincidence that her ,"reluctant warrior" style as Secret Service Director reflects the style of our President as Commander in Chief. That was the plan. To demonstrate that "restraint" as Pierson said,is something to be applauded, and that the "Old School" style of the overbearing , uptight , militaristic Secret Service ,was nothing more than an outdated holdover from the Cold War days of Republican Rule in the White House. The President's agenda ,..from the moment he took office, was , after all, to show a new , different approach , from that of the Republicans , and in particular,..the Bush Administration.
That is the defining reason for everything Obama does.From the beginning , he needed to prove that he is the polar opposite of President Bush , and would demonstrate that by being this,"Anti-Bush", and repairing all the mistakes that Bush had made , he would heal not only the country,..but the world.And all it would take , is doing everything different from Bush.
You raise taxes , instead of cutting them.
You increase spending drastically on entitlements.
You downsize the military .
You embrace the Islamic enemies of our country , while demonizing our own imperialist nation , and its interfering military.
You withdraw troops , from all war zones.
You ignore our Allies
You abandon Israel.
You ignore your CIA,and military advisors on the subject of ISIS in Iraq , and everything else.
You ignore all security briefings,...period.
You diminish our security and open our borders to our enemies , and to disease ridden, entitlement bound, refugees.
And the result?
A Nation in collapse economically.
A Nation whose enemies no longer fear them .
A Nation whose militaristic apathy has created the first Islamic Terror State to ever exist.
A Nation that allows Iran to move ever closer to producing a nuclear weapon .
A Nation that allows Russia to invade the Ukraine that America vowed to protect.
A Nation that allows America to be diminished in the eyes of both our Allies and our enemies.
At this point, after six years,Obama's Anti-Bush Agenda would be considered a failure to anyone except a liberal that is. To the Liberal Left, and Obama in particular, it has been a glowing success.America has been diminished, and now all that remains is to secure the November Midterms , to complete the mission.
Enter;...the Coalition , alliance of nations to fight ISIS , on the ground,...while the U.S. maintains a steady stream of pin point bombings in Iraq and Syria .Not very likely.
Obama's Bush -like war rhetoric , Arab -based coalition, and Democrat support for military action ,..are all the result of political expediency ,and nothing more. To win the Midterms, the Democrats must show a willingness to protect the nation,..and to secure it from our enemies. Except, ..that it can't,..and won't,..and that has become apparent as the extremely limited U.S. bombing, pledge of no U.S. ground troops , and the half hearted aid to our allies has exposed the Anti- ISIS coalition for the politically motivated fraud that it is. Even the Iraqis soldiers that our tax dollars are funding , will no doubt , once again , take off their uniforms , drop their weapons, and run, at the first sign of ISIS .They did it before, and they will do it again. Let's face it, when push comes to shove, Arab will side with infidel Americans against their fellow Arabs, whether they're ISIS or not. This fact does not bode well for the future of Iraq, with ISIS now only five miles from its capital, Baghdad.
True, the UAE is bombing in Syria , along with other Arab nations in this fragile coalition , but this will soon fade away , since these nations are strictly motivated by the need for America's money donations that , in .keep all Arab nations from economic collapse and starvation. In reality, America , at its best,..does not need a coalition to destroy ISIS. In truth, even if the ISIS war on terror by Obama and his fragile coalition were legitimate, and the President Bush inspired war rhetoric authentic, it wouldn't matter .The President, simply does not have the will to win. America has the technology ,..the sheer power , to bomb ISIS out of existence. ,easily,..if the President only had the will to do it ,..the actual will to win the war,..rather than play a game of hit and run , designed to simply run out the clock,..until after the November Midterms. And, the President has another problem , that would hamper any authentic war strategy;....
A Nation without Borders,..will soon cease to be a Nation at all.
America, right now,.,..has no security whatsoever. Our borders are gone, erased by Obama policy,..leaving us vulnerable to all forms of terrorism , especially with our military downsized and weakened .And now, even the White House itself, has been revealed to be unsecure , since even the Secret Service has also been deliberately diminished , along with the rest of our nation , by Director Julia Pierson , and the other leftists who currently occupy the ranks of the agency. Obama's destruction of America and its security would seem to be complete, since it now reaches even into the White House.
Indeed, whether it's at America's borders , or the gate to the White House,..America is defenseless,'s security truly non-existent, on all levels, even unto the office of the Commander in Chief itself.
The Gates of Olympus hath indeed truly been breached. The enemy in the looking glass stares back at us ,..mockingly.
Has all now been truly lost?
At this point,can America be saved?
Is there any hope for the future of this New Olympus ,..this Shining City on a Hill,...this America?
Yes. There is only one chance , ONLY one small shard , small glimmer of hope.
The 2014 November Midterms, must be won, the Republican Party.
The Republicans can, as a Party,...destroy the Democrats in every election , just as easily as our military can destroy ISIS . All it takes is the will ,..and the resolve to do it.
Victory is within the Republican Party's reach .All that remains is for them to snatch it from the destructive grasp of Obama and the Democrats ,..and then ,..seal the gates of this new Olympus, for the only gods that should occupy it ,..and control it,..the Republicans.
For, if not,..nothing else will matter. The Shining City , the New Olympus,..will truly be gone ,..forever ,..and even it's memory,..will truly be dust.
Julia Pierson has now resigned , after being mercilessly , and appropriately ,..grilled by Republican Representatives Darryl Issa and Trey Gowdy on her inexcusable performance regarding this incident, and others in the past , when the President was needlessly put in danger by the chronic apathy of this secret service detail under her leadership.The list of incidents is long indeed;...shots fired at the White House ,the Mandela Funeral, and an armed felon security guard in an elevator with the President ,are just a few of the more outrageous examples of Pierson's seemingly non existent security system. But, what else can you expect from a woman who ,when first appointed,..told her agents she wanted the Secret Service to be more like "Disneyland"........Really? But then, Pierson's incompetence and lack of any solid credentials for her job should come as no surprise. This is a pattern for the Obama Administration All of Obama's appointees have eventually been revealed to be grossly incompetent .Timothy Geitner, Rahm Emanuel, Elena Kagan, Kathleen Sebelius, Lois Learner, Eric Shinseki , and, of course ,Eric Holder, all ...have proven themselves dangerously unfit for their security related positions. All are ,..unqualified,...except of course, one key area,.....Ideaology. All of them,..Pierson included,..are hard core ,..leftist idealogues ,..loyal to the liberal cause , ..and more importantly ,...loyal to the Obama Administration ,..and it's America diminishing agenda.
All of President Obama's appointees have failed spectacularly , but certainly not in his eyes. In the President's eyes,they have all ,..I repeat,..all ,..done their jobs of attacking Republicans , weakening America,..and staying loyal to him and,..more importantly,..staying loyal to the Democrat Party and its mission to secure a permanent one Party system in America ,..with the Democrats being that one Party. Even Julia Pierson , whose position would seem to be a non-political one,was also charged to push the left's agenda .Her appointment was part of the "War on Women" strategy the Democrats have been pushing ,along with the 'Race Card" , in order to gain votes and, more importantly, gain the edge over Republicans at the voting polls. And, make no mistake, it's no mere coincidence that her ,"reluctant warrior" style as Secret Service Director reflects the style of our President as Commander in Chief. That was the plan. To demonstrate that "restraint" as Pierson said,is something to be applauded, and that the "Old School" style of the overbearing , uptight , militaristic Secret Service ,was nothing more than an outdated holdover from the Cold War days of Republican Rule in the White House. The President's agenda ,..from the moment he took office, was , after all, to show a new , different approach , from that of the Republicans , and in particular,..the Bush Administration.
That is the defining reason for everything Obama does.From the beginning , he needed to prove that he is the polar opposite of President Bush , and would demonstrate that by being this,"Anti-Bush", and repairing all the mistakes that Bush had made , he would heal not only the country,..but the world.And all it would take , is doing everything different from Bush.
You raise taxes , instead of cutting them.
You increase spending drastically on entitlements.
You downsize the military .
You embrace the Islamic enemies of our country , while demonizing our own imperialist nation , and its interfering military.
You withdraw troops , from all war zones.
You ignore our Allies
You abandon Israel.
You ignore your CIA,and military advisors on the subject of ISIS in Iraq , and everything else.
You ignore all security briefings,...period.
You diminish our security and open our borders to our enemies , and to disease ridden, entitlement bound, refugees.
And the result?
A Nation in collapse economically.
A Nation whose enemies no longer fear them .
A Nation whose militaristic apathy has created the first Islamic Terror State to ever exist.
A Nation that allows Iran to move ever closer to producing a nuclear weapon .
A Nation that allows Russia to invade the Ukraine that America vowed to protect.
A Nation that allows America to be diminished in the eyes of both our Allies and our enemies.
At this point, after six years,Obama's Anti-Bush Agenda would be considered a failure to anyone except a liberal that is. To the Liberal Left, and Obama in particular, it has been a glowing success.America has been diminished, and now all that remains is to secure the November Midterms , to complete the mission.
Enter;...the Coalition , alliance of nations to fight ISIS , on the ground,...while the U.S. maintains a steady stream of pin point bombings in Iraq and Syria .Not very likely.
Obama's Bush -like war rhetoric , Arab -based coalition, and Democrat support for military action ,..are all the result of political expediency ,and nothing more. To win the Midterms, the Democrats must show a willingness to protect the nation,..and to secure it from our enemies. Except, ..that it can't,..and won't,..and that has become apparent as the extremely limited U.S. bombing, pledge of no U.S. ground troops , and the half hearted aid to our allies has exposed the Anti- ISIS coalition for the politically motivated fraud that it is. Even the Iraqis soldiers that our tax dollars are funding , will no doubt , once again , take off their uniforms , drop their weapons, and run, at the first sign of ISIS .They did it before, and they will do it again. Let's face it, when push comes to shove, Arab will side with infidel Americans against their fellow Arabs, whether they're ISIS or not. This fact does not bode well for the future of Iraq, with ISIS now only five miles from its capital, Baghdad.
True, the UAE is bombing in Syria , along with other Arab nations in this fragile coalition , but this will soon fade away , since these nations are strictly motivated by the need for America's money donations that , in .keep all Arab nations from economic collapse and starvation. In reality, America , at its best,..does not need a coalition to destroy ISIS. In truth, even if the ISIS war on terror by Obama and his fragile coalition were legitimate, and the President Bush inspired war rhetoric authentic, it wouldn't matter .The President, simply does not have the will to win. America has the technology ,..the sheer power , to bomb ISIS out of existence. ,easily,..if the President only had the will to do it ,..the actual will to win the war,..rather than play a game of hit and run , designed to simply run out the clock,..until after the November Midterms. And, the President has another problem , that would hamper any authentic war strategy;....
A Nation without Borders,..will soon cease to be a Nation at all.
America, right now,.,..has no security whatsoever. Our borders are gone, erased by Obama policy,..leaving us vulnerable to all forms of terrorism , especially with our military downsized and weakened .And now, even the White House itself, has been revealed to be unsecure , since even the Secret Service has also been deliberately diminished , along with the rest of our nation , by Director Julia Pierson , and the other leftists who currently occupy the ranks of the agency. Obama's destruction of America and its security would seem to be complete, since it now reaches even into the White House.
Indeed, whether it's at America's borders , or the gate to the White House,..America is defenseless,'s security truly non-existent, on all levels, even unto the office of the Commander in Chief itself.
The Gates of Olympus hath indeed truly been breached. The enemy in the looking glass stares back at us ,..mockingly.
Has all now been truly lost?
At this point,can America be saved?
Is there any hope for the future of this New Olympus ,..this Shining City on a Hill,...this America?
Yes. There is only one chance , ONLY one small shard , small glimmer of hope.
The 2014 November Midterms, must be won, the Republican Party.
The Republicans can, as a Party,...destroy the Democrats in every election , just as easily as our military can destroy ISIS . All it takes is the will ,..and the resolve to do it.
Victory is within the Republican Party's reach .All that remains is for them to snatch it from the destructive grasp of Obama and the Democrats ,..and then ,..seal the gates of this new Olympus, for the only gods that should occupy it ,..and control it,..the Republicans.
For, if not,..nothing else will matter. The Shining City , the New Olympus,..will truly be gone ,..forever ,..and even it's memory,..will truly be dust.
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