The madness of ISIS goes on .Their latest outrage is in response to American airstrikes, and it comes in the form of an on camera beheading of American journalist James Foley, , a man who has placed himself in the heart of the terror storm repeatedly over the years, until his luck finally ran out. Foley, a compassionate man , a former teacher in fact, always felt the need to seek out reason in the middle of a madness that has no reason.There is no need for investigative journalism in Iraq or anywhere else in the middle east. All these efforts are pointless,, because ISIS,Al Queda, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas,..will not waiver from their mission to destroy us,..ever. That's all a reporter needs to know . Brave, honorable men like Foley are too valuable to waste by sending them into terror states on a fool's errand to find something that simply isn't there , nor will it ever be there. Now, ISIS is poised to execute another brave, but foolish American journalist , if American airstrikes do not cease immediately.
The President's response has been predicable, almost robot -like .He gave a speech lacking any emotion , as usual , expressing outrage at the barbaric act, and declaring that a "just God" would not permit such things.Really.Well, Mr. President, neither should a just America. Then , the short and definitely not sweet speech ended, and President Obama resumed his vacation with a round of golf, while Jim Foley's parents mourned. Then, in an effort at damage control Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel released classified intel details of a special ops mission that attempted to rescue the two journalists. There's a reason military intel is classified.Releasing that information to the public is a good way to get people killed,including our special forces soldiers. But the Obama Administration has other priorities, and right now, damage control is number one on that list, as the Democrats scramble to cover up the fact that Obama's withdraw from Iraq is really the cause of all that is transpiring now, in Iraq. But now, what will be the President's,...and America's response , this latest atrocity? Nothing,..that's what. The President will continue to unleash limited, specific target airstrikes designed to do no more than"contain" the plague that is ISIS.In other words ,ISIS will not be stopped and the President's airstrikes will essentially be the equivalent of his drone strikes , that kill the terrorist head,..but leave the body alive , grow a new head, and strike again another day. Nothing will change in this strategy, unfortunately. It is the Obama military strategy and it will not be altered by this man who,deep down views America as the true cause of all that has happened in Iraq.
The simple truth is, President Obama has little or no interest in foreign policy matters and will stick to his formula of soaring, verbose speeches ,filled with outrage , and followed with limited, or no military action. In truth, the President has other , more urgent problems on his mind ,..namely,..the 2014 Midterm Elections , which are looking , with each passing day, be an easy victory for the Republican Party , simply by default. Obama and the Democrat's failures, both on the domestic and foreign fronts, have sealed their fate and placed the Senate well within the Republican Party's grasp. And, once this victory is secured, Obama becomes a lame duck President whose destructive agenda will be halted, perhaps in time to reverse the damage he has done for almost six years.The Republicans must be stopped. That is the agenda from now until November, and that is what Obama and the Democrats will focus on like a laser until then. But, how to stop them? What can inspire dispirited , low information , disgruntled Democrat voters and public Unions, to once again get out the vote for this man and his Party? Ferguson ,that's what.The President has wasted no time in sending Attorney General Eric Holder to the embattled Missouri town, in order to assure the narrative,..the myth surrounding the police shooting of this 18 year old,"gentle giant", remains intact,regardless of conflicting evidence .This may be the only chance Obama and the Democrats have to save themselves. The race card, once again remains the only weapon they can call on to save them from their own self inflicted, leftist folly. This is why the President , since the beginning , has interjected himself in the Ferguson incident .An eighteen year old, unarmed , innocent , college bound African American , shot and killed in the streets of Ferguson , by a hate filled, racist cop. The looting and riots that followed the shooting were practically made to order for the Democrat Party. The citizens of Ferguson, Missouri are outraged , the parents of Mike Brown are outraged,..and all demand justice. President Obama sent Holder to oversee a third autopsy , that would insure that proper "justice" is indeed done. This is exactly what the President and his Party needed to spark another Democrat victory in November. Except for the fact,..that it really isn't. The evidence simply will not cooperate with the myth that was manufactured by the left regarding this incident. The reality is simply this;..Michael Brown,the "Gentle Giant", high on marijuana, robbed a convenience store, assaulted a store clerk, and then assaulted a police officer named Darren Wilson, breaking his facial bones in the process,when the officer dared stop to question him during his march down the center of a highway.He then rushed the officer, forcing the poloiceman to defend himself from further assault. Brown was shot six times , from the front.The last two shots were fatal. Those are the facts confirmed by eyewitnesses , and the damage to Officer Wilson's face. Brown was a thug , who would have surely killed Wilson, if he had the chance. His madman's attack on him proves this. Remember Brown had just robbed a store, and was no doubt convinced that was the reason Officer Wilson had stopped him. Michael Brown, apparently, was not going to allow himself to be arrested.These are the facts,..and they don't help the Obama -Democrat election agenda. Therefore,..Enter;...Attorney General Eric Holder.His mission; apply DOJ pressure on the Ferguson investigation ,..pressure in the form of some well placed political threats , no doubt. In the end, however, it doesn't matter. Brown's death meant seemingly little to the people of Ferguson , except an opportunity to cash in on the tragedy, through looting. In the end, the myth of the racist shooting in Ferguson will die , just as the myth of racist America will die as well , eventually, in the cold hard light of reality, and evidence,..especially in the minds of the Ferguson grand jury .After all, the whole,"hands up don't shoot "scenario was created by Mike Brown's partner in crime, Dorian Wilson, who , not only has a rap sheet as long as his arm,..but he also has a warrant out for his arrest on the crime of robbery,..and has been arrested for lying to a jury , ..of all things. So much for the star witness in the Ferguson myth.And, so much for the Obama -Holder "race card", that would save their Party .In the end, nothing , including Ferguson , can save Obama and the Democrats from a bitter defeat in November , for they have allowed our economy to implode, our military to wither, and our enemies to grow stronger , with the realization that this American President will do nothing to stop their mission to destroy everything in their path.
What will stop ISIS?A stronger, more aggressive , American Military, that will support our Allies,and make our enemies fear us , once again. What will make this possible, the inevitable Republican victory in November,and no Democrat race card strategem, or the myth of a racist murder in Ferguson , ..can alter the course of this Republican Destiny.
Friday, August 22, 2014
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