Friday, August 8, 2014

Operation:.. Mirage!!

The President has now authorized airstrikes in Iraq.The mission? To aid thousands of Kurdish Christians and other religious minorities that have been driven out of their homes and forced to flee to a religious mountaintop , face death by starvation or death at the hands of the terror organization known as ISIS, that has condemned them as religious "infidels".The airstrikes on isolated ISIS targets and the food and water drops to the Kurds are long overdue, and in the end, simply not enough. Remember, Obama has specifically ordered only 'limited" airstrikes. Limited? The President has stated that the purpose of these strikes is to "contain" ISIS, not to destroy them.Contain? Really? ISIS has already conquered most of Iraq, and by so doing, has created the first terror state dedicated to the destruction of the "Great Satan", America. Contain? The President already had his chance to do that,years ago. But, instead, he pulled all American troops out of a then stable and terror free Iraq, and by so doing ,created the current crises which could result in the genocide of thousands of Christian Kurds. This is a crises, created by Obama and his Administration. . The time for limited strikes and care package drops is long gone .If airstrikes are done they must be done to decimate ISIS, destroy them completely,..or they should not be done at all. The President has chosen not to name this "limited " military operation. Perhaps this is just as well, since it seems to have no purpose or goal, no  substance at all. If Obama does ultimately give it a name, , perhaps "Operation Mirage", would be fitting ., since it seems, at the moment,  to be nothing more than mere illusion.
But ,what else can be expected from a President that says it was merely "irresponsible",for Hamas to place rocket launchers in populated Gaza areas. Irresponsible?Deliberately placing war weapons near the homes of families with children is a war crime perpetrated by a terrorist organization , ..period. There's a reason for the President's apathetic statement regarding Hamas targeting of its own civilians . The President, like any member of the liberal left , believes they have no right to call out , or criticize any other nation on the issue of war crimes, since the United States of America has always been a major perpetrator of these crimes in other nations around the globe. This is what the President deep, deep, down,..truly believes. And, not only that, but he believes that the reason other nations commit acts of terror is, for the most part , in retaliation against American Imperialism. This is the chief reason President Obama has turned his back on our Middle Eastern Ally ,and partner in freedom, Israel, ..and on Middle eastern conflicts in general. Our President is not interested  in asserting imperialist, arrogant America's position in the Middle East, or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. His views are the views of the liberal left , best represented by the Democrat Party which believes that America is the problem in the world,..not the solution;.. so,...that problem must be eliminated.America must retreat, and disengage from the world and its  affairs, if its ever to stabilize and know peace.  For, you see, the world would be a tranquil paradise , if America was no longer a factor. This Obama and the left's true belief , and it's what fuels all their policies and agendas that weaken our nation .If America's economy is collapsed,through heavy taxes  regulations,and entitlements , and our military downsized and weakened, ..then America becomes just another U.N. supported and funded third world nation , and this, therefore,..will give other nations a chance to grow and prosper , without having to worry about the boot of arrogant America being on their throats.
This is the true purpose behind all that the left does. This is the reason for their destructive policies that weaken our nation and grow their power and control. This has been their goal since the days of Woodrow Wilson , and they will never relent in this mission to destroy hated America , because they know its destruction will save the world . They're smugly and arrogantly sure of it.
But, usual,.....they're wrong. Obama and the Democrats have ruled our land since 2007, when the Democrat Party first took complete control of both the House and the Senate , in the midterms of that year.The following year,..President Obama was sworn in as President . The Liberal Democrat coup was complete. Since then, the leftist agenda to weaken America in order to strengthen the world has been in full force , with the only glitch being the 2010 victory for House Republicans.However, the Democrat controlled Senate has blocked all bills passed by the Republican Congress, ..bills that were designed to save our Nation from the Democrat Agenda. Plus, Obama has vetoed  anything that they did not block, and has used his executive power to bypass Congress anytime he pleased. In short, Obama and the left have had the will and the means for well over eight years now, to finally accomplish exactly what they wanted. And, has failed,..spectacularly. Sure, they've weakened America,..punishing it for its crimes of the past , and they've grown Democrat, and public union power and control in the process,...but the real mission, save the world by destroying America ,..has been a complete failure. Indeed, that's the only positive thing about all that's been done to destroy our nation.
It has proven that the left's academia based theory regarding America and the world, just flat out wrong.America is now almost as weak and ineffective as other nations , thanks to Obama policies.And the result? The world has not grown more peaceful and prosperous. Quite the contrary. The world has grown more dangerous, more violent ,..with terror groups despots and tyrants growing bolder and more brazen in their attacks on the free world.Vladimir Putin has now renewed his attack on the Ukraine, and is now poised to take the region that America swore to protect. China has seized lands belonging to our ally Japan.Syria continues to massacre its own people , with weapons it obtained from Iran and Russia. And the Al-Queda offshoot known as ISIS now controls most of Iraq , has created their own terror state,..and is steadily moving closer to seizing Baghdad as well. On Obama's watch , the world has seen the creation of the first terror state,a safe haven,.. where the free world's enemies can now plot and plan the destruction of their greatest enemies, America and Israel.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia,..mocks us.
Anwar Al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, mocks us.
President Assad of Syria,..mocks us.
Hamas continues its rocket assault on Israel, while targeting their own children, for propaganda purposes, confident that America will not intervene.
For , all these tyrants and terror groups now know that America , led by President Obama, is but a paper tiger unwilling , and perhaps,..unable to stop them, in their mission to destroy freedom.
The world has now become a much , much, darker , more dismal, more hopeless, and more dangerous place to live, a world of ever increasing oppression , subjugation ,disease and poverty .A world of ever increasing terror attacks and violence. A world of ever increasing hopelessness and despair.
And,....the reason is clear,....
As America has grown weaker,....evil has grown stronger.
As America has retreated,...evil has advanced.
As America has appeased,..evil has grown bold and brazen.
As America has hesitated ,..and failed to act,...evil has acted ,..swiftly and decisively, the world's detriment.
There it is,..the final proof that all the left has believed in ,..for decades ,..has been wrong.
A world without America would not be a  stronger,better, more prosperous ,safer place.
No,...quite the opposite.
A world without America ,...will simply cease to exist at all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

why don't you tell us what you really think. and it should be 'Operation Pin Prick', a commentary on the Obama genitalia.