The new I.R.S. Commissioner;.the sarcastic, snarky, Obama donor John Koskinen, faced a withering attack from Republican Congressional firebrands Darryl Issa, Paul Ryan, and Trey Gowdy, to name a few. In fact, the Republican Congress, in general, has now been noticeably more aggressive in its opposition to all things Obama , and with good reason. Now, there is evidence ,cold hard proof of malfeasance within the ranks of the I.R.S. ,with Lois Learner as the primary offender. Now the entire I.R.S. investigation has gone far beyond mere speculation and conspiracy theory, and moved into the Nixonian realm of an actual paper trail, to back up Republican assertions .Shortly after Lerner was informed in 2011of an investigation into possible I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, her hard drive crashed, and all email files were lost. Then, just to add conspiracy to the mix, 6 other I.R.S. officials , who were in direct communication with Lerner, also experienced Hard Drive crashes , and their emails files also disappeared into that black hole of Democrat deception. Mere coincidence? hardly All this occurred right after the Republican congressional investigation was announced. The I.R.S.,now led by John Koskinen, claims that the files congress has been asking for, now simply do not exist. That's laughable, since nothing ever really goes away on the internet. There is a server , out there somewhere,that does indeed have the Lerner emails, and now that Republican Congressman Louis Gohmert has offered a 1 million dollar bounty for them, they will , no doubt, turn up, eventually. All the Republican Congress and Senate need do now is keep the pressure on in the hearings ,until the sever containing the emails, is found.Once this happens the hearings themselves will not matter, because the Lerner emails will prove , beyond a shadow of a doubt, not only a deliberate I.R.S. plan to target conservatives , but also will prove a direct link to the White House and the Department of Justice , who, no doubt , authorized this attack.All that happens in the I.R.S., DOJ, NSA,ATF,ICE,....all of it, is orchestrated by Obama , and is part of his overall plan to weaken this Nation from within.
The main thing now that Republicans must concentrate on , is staying united in the mission to get those emails off that unknown server , Gohmert Bounty ,... or not.That is the Republican mission right now.Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, Darryl Issa, and the rest of the Republican congress, are in full attack mode and must stay that way.This is the big one that must not be allowed to simply, "fade away", into Obama scandal limbo.Direct targeting of individual citizens by the I.R.S. , for political purposes, and the subsequent coverup,are both major felonies. Like the Nixon break in on Democrat offices and the coverup afterwards,certain Washington officials should , no doubt , be going to jail over this one;...if I repeat,if,...those Lerner Emails are found. That is the key.Aways remember,the Watergate scandal of the Nixon Administration, would have faded from history, and been forgotten, if the Nixon tapes did not exist to provide hard evidence of the President's authorization of the break-ins, and the coverup afterwards.President Nixon's time-tested , fabled paranoia regarding political enemies proved to be his downfall. And so too, will the Democrat Party's paranoia over the Tea Party organizations , prove to be their downfall as well, if the emails are recovered , that is. For all the grilling of Kostkinen, Lerner, and other I.R.S. officials although quite entertaining, and necessary, if we are to uphold the constitution , will gain the Republicans nothing , without those files.Although the exposing of Democrat deceptions should benefit Republicans in the November primaries.However, the Democrats have proven, over the last 6 years worth of scandal after scandal, , that they will not cooperate , and will not reveal anything. They will not talk. They will not confess. They will not admit to anything , no matter how long the Republican grilling continues , and no matter how many special prosecutors are brought in.
The Democrat strategy is clear;..stonewall and delay all investigations into all scandals,..until after they have secured victory in the November Midterms. .The emails, fully recovered, would make this strategy worthless .For, they will show, in the Administration's own words, a deliberate intent to do harm to the Democrat Party's political enemies, and they will also prove that the plan , came directly from the DOJ,....and the White House. Nixon fell because his own words , his own voice,on the tapes, showed that he had given his stamp of approval to the break-in and coverup. Nixon may not have come up with the plan , directly, but he obviously authorized it. Lerner's emails will , likewise prove that Obama and his Administration , also authorized all that the I.R.S. has done, as well.
The Democrats are following Obama's orders , no doubt, whether directly or indirectly. , .and will not cooperate on any investigation into any scandal.Nor will they be fired, or arrested , or even have their pay suspended. Nothing will happen to any of them. Attorney General Eric Holder will bring no charges against Lerner, Koskinan, Hillary, or any other individual at the center of this Democrat scandal storm. Find the emails , by finding that server , outside the White House, that definitely houses them, and Republican victory will be the result, now,...and in November , and beyond. Reps just need to stay aggressive, stop playing the Democrats game, and start playing their own. Much is being made now, of establishment Republican victories in the Primaries over Tea Party opponents. Mitch McConnell , Lindsay Graham, , and most recently,Mississippi Senate incumbent Thad Cochrane, over his Tea Party supported oppent, Chris Mc Daniels. Cochrane, in particular, is being accused by his Tea Party opponent of unethical, racist tactics. Apparently, the Cochrane campaign had a Robo-Call going out to potential Republican and Democrat voters , urging them to support Cochrane , in order to defeat the "racist " Tea Party candidate .Underhanded? Unethical? A betrayal of the Republican Party in general? Of course. We're all part of the same team and must support each other,not tear each other down, just to win.And, regardless of who wins in the Primaries, we Republican voters must show complete support for him , at the polls. To do otherwise, is to concede defeat ,once again,to the Democrats. This cannot happen. After all the scandals and destruction that has been inflicted , deliberately, upon this Nation by this Administration, we cannot simply roll over and let the Democrats win another election . So, Cochrane put out an offensive Robo-call targeting the Tea Party. So what? This isn't about Cochrane. This is about the American people , taking back the country in November,by taking back the Senate for the Republican Party. Besides, Robo-Calls are not the real problem. The real problem, is the illegal Democrat voting in Republican Primaries . Democrats , for years now, dating back to McCain, have been picking our candidates in order to defeat the more conservative candidates. A simple ploy, that Republicans have allowed the Democrats to get away with, far too long. To stop it, all that needs to be done, is stop the asinine "Open Primaries", start checking I.D.'s at the polls, and refuse to let Democrats vote in Republican Primaries any more. But, ..this has not been done. So, what now? Once again, the Republican voters are the puppets on the Democrat string. We are allowing them to pick our candidates , and then, we are staying home on election night, rather than vote for the Republicans that the Democrats have picked for us. How stupid can we possibly be? Make no mistake about it, the Democrats are laughing at us, right now. Cochrane's opponent Chris McDaniels ,is now refusing to concede the Mississippi Senate result, due to this Democrat voter fraud. More power to him, I hope he's successful in overturning the result. But, if it isn't overturned, Cochrane's victory, and other Republicans before him in other Primaries, have once again inspired certain Tea Party thick heads , to get on their high horses, and, once again,threaten to stay home in November, or worse yet, to vote for the Democrat opponent. How can we be this stupid? Look, here's the bottom line, If we are inexplicably not going to stop the Democrats from voting in our Primaries, and picking our candidates, then,dammit,..we have to support that Republican Primary winner,without reservations, in the main election. We have no choice. To do otherwise, is a betrayal of this country, that is being destroyed by the Democrat Party. Another victory, in a major election by the Democrats , will guarantee the complete destruction of America as a free Republic and send a signal to our enemies overseas, ISIS included, that now is the time to strike down the infidels , who are apparently too weak to even stand up to a failed President and a failed Democrat Party. ISIS will, no doubt, be laughing in anticipation of our fall, as they see the Republican Party , the Party that created our system of self government, the Party that is the engine of our freedom,..once and for all, back down, and admit defeat to the Democrat Party , whose plans for America , are very similar to their own .
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Operation: Godstrike!!
There will be no airstrikes. There will be no troops on the ground. The President hath spoken . There will be no renewal of hostilities upon the Al Queda spawned organization known as ISIS , in Iraq. No, instead the President will send 300 Viet Nam style ,"advisors", that will aid Maliki and the Iraqi security force that defends Baghdad strictly on a non combat support level. This is the equivalent of dropping someone in the middle of a lion's den, armed with a peashooter. In addition , military pay has once again been cut by Obama and the Democrats. Interesting that our military. that defends our freedom , is the only government program the Democrats are always ready , willing and able ,to cut, at the drop of a hat. President Obama has once again made a series of costly errors in judgement , and they could result in the fall of Baghdad, and the rise of ISIS as the rulers of Iraq, and the owners of the Iraqi oil wells that are the source of Iraqi wealth. Obama has failed to learn the lesson of history, which teaches us that the U.S.can never withdraw all of its troops from a conquered nation .And , if it does withdraw, it cannot return unless its prepared to renew the battle , and crush the enemy utterly, and completely. There can be no nation building . There can be no home, for America, in foreign lands. America must always strike at the terrorists and despots of the world, , so that evil can never have a home , from which to plot and plan its operations. To prevent this, America must always have a military base, in these conquered lands , to prevent evil from rising again. That must always be our goal. Not to nation build, but to free nations from tyrants and then leave the decision to live free , or not, the hands of the citizens themselves. We can never nation build, but, our military bases must remain , always , as a reminder of the wrath the U.S.can unleash, should these freed nations repeat the mistakes of their toppled tyrants.
300 non-combat advisors is not a U.S. Military base , but a sacrificial lamb, sent to slaughter , by a President who is now like a deer in the headlights of his Presidency. Transfixed, into complete immobility by his endless foreign policy gaffes that have emboldened our enemies ,who are aware of our power,but now know that we are unwilling to use that power . They know that our President seeks only negotiations with them. They know that our President fails to understand that they will not negotiate with infidels, with the Great Satan, that must be destroyed for the greater glory of Allah. No, Obama does not understand , and so, embattled Iraq , once a great achievement in wartime policy, now has reverted back to what it once was ,...a terror state, whose people are simply too weak and cowardly to stand and fight without the support of the U.S. forces.
You see, that is the key to American success , and the reason the rest of the world lives in darkness. Guts. Sheer , no holds barred courage , is the one defining trait that the American people possess, and that all other people of the earth , seem to lack. It was courage that enabled us to break from England . It was courage that enabled us to fight a seemingly hopeless war for freedom , against that same England.It was courage that brought about the end of slavery. It was courage that gave us the civil rights act. It was courage that enabled us to storm the beaches at Normandy,and free the world from an evil tyrant. It was courage that forced the unpleasant but necessary decision to drop the H Bomb, and end the seemingly endless conflict with Japan. It was courage that enabled us to put a man on the moon , before any other nation could. And, it was courage that enabled us to stand alone against terrorism after 911, and force Al Queda and the Taliban into the wilderness,..and to bring Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, to justice.
We are the Shining City on a Hill, because of this courage , the courage that comes from our Judeo Christian roots , that teach us through love of God, and our fellow man, can come great strength , and with that strength ,comes the courage that defines us as a Nation .
This is the reason the rest of the world still teeters on the edge of total collapse . Lack of courage. Lack of guts. Lack of resolve. Lack of determination . Lack of the will, to stand against evil and say no to oppression. The rest of the world simply lacks the heart to simply say,"we will,as a people united, fight for our right to live free , or we will die in the attempt. The world is unfortunately ,..a world of cowards, who have always been easy prey to the petty , small , evil men,who think themselves better than their fellow man, and seek to prove it, by ruling over them. That, however,can't happen in a nation where the people rule ,and refuse to answer to a tyrant.That can't happen in a nation where the people have the guts to fight for their freedom. That can't happen, America. Unfortunately,we , as a nation , are alone in that sentiment. The rest of the world has always been willing to live under tyrants simply because its easier than fighting.
This is why when the U.S. frees nations, we must always remain behind. Our bases must always remain ,not just to protect American interests, but also as a reminder to that freed nation of their weakness , and a reminder of our strength.
But now, President Obama , on his last two years of his largely failed Presidency, has defied the American tradition, the American legacy, ..of courage, and has instead acted much like a citizen of a third world nation attempting to appease , negotiate with, and cater to, terrorist supporting nations that respect nothing except strength ,. power,...and the willingness , use that power. Obama's attitude is essentially anti-American, because he lacks the guts ,the courage,...that defines Americans and has made us a nation to be feared by all other nations.
The terrorists , and terror supporting nations, that once feared and respected America under Bush and Cheney, now view America under Obama and Biden, with contempt and derision. The President and Vice-President are weak, and so, America is also weak. Terrorists , tyrants and dictators always recognize weakness , and exploit it, for their own gain.Simply put, the weakness in people is what has enabled these tyrants to rise to their exalted levels . They have seized land and nations from the sheep that have given it to them, without a fight. That is the unfortunate blueprint,..for most of this world that we all share. And that is why America will always remain the one, the only, real superpower in the world. Obama believes America is the problem, and it must therefore ,be punished.That is what he has tried to accomplish lo these many years of his Presidency. All the scandals , taxes, regulations, Obamacare, open borders, appeasement of our enemies , and the weakening of our military, , is designed to weaken America ,..the thief,...that has stolen the freedom and wealth from other nations . Its because of America that terrorists control foreign lands, and commit acts of terror around the world. It's because of America that third world nations suffer in poverty and despair. It's because of America that communism, socialism, Marxism, and Totalitarianism, ...doesn't work as a viable political system. If America is diminished ,..the world will be free. That is the left's theory. Wrong. The truth, that Obama , and the left , have always failed to face, is simply this;...America is a Nation founded on courage. The other nations of the world, have been founded,...on cowardice. We the People,of the United States of America, had the guts, ..the courage, be free,..and to make ourselves successful, and other nations simply have always lacked that courage. There it is, a nutshell.
America isn't the problem.
It's the solution.
If America falls , the rest of the world, will be plunged into darkness.
And now, with Obama 's America properly diminished ,..the world is indeed in total chaos.
There is the proof.
The AlQueda offshoot , known only as ISIS ,..led by a former Gitmo resident called Al-Baghdadi, steadily, moving, unchallenged, to the Iraq capital of Baghdad, and has now taken control of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons facility. The facility that the left told us, during the reign of Bush -Cheney, didn't exist. Gee, apparently , Saddam did have WMD's , just as Bush and Cheney said he did. They also said that to remove all combat soldiers from Iraq would be a mistake, ..a costly one. They were right , on both counts , and total disaster is the result.. The only solution to this is to unleash all hell upon ISIS ,in the form of airstrikes.They must be fast, decisive , and unrelenting ,..until ISIS surrenders ,unconditionally. No need for 300 advisors . No need for troops on the ground. All we need do, is unleash the sheer unmatched power that our military possesses, and make the terrorists think that they have been struck down by the hand of God itself. That is the only solution to Iraq.
A pity , that we now have a President , an Administration, and a Democrat Party ,..that lacks the courage that defines us as a nation , and therefore lacks the courage to do what is necessary , Iraq.
300 non-combat advisors is not a U.S. Military base , but a sacrificial lamb, sent to slaughter , by a President who is now like a deer in the headlights of his Presidency. Transfixed, into complete immobility by his endless foreign policy gaffes that have emboldened our enemies ,who are aware of our power,but now know that we are unwilling to use that power . They know that our President seeks only negotiations with them. They know that our President fails to understand that they will not negotiate with infidels, with the Great Satan, that must be destroyed for the greater glory of Allah. No, Obama does not understand , and so, embattled Iraq , once a great achievement in wartime policy, now has reverted back to what it once was ,...a terror state, whose people are simply too weak and cowardly to stand and fight without the support of the U.S. forces.
You see, that is the key to American success , and the reason the rest of the world lives in darkness. Guts. Sheer , no holds barred courage , is the one defining trait that the American people possess, and that all other people of the earth , seem to lack. It was courage that enabled us to break from England . It was courage that enabled us to fight a seemingly hopeless war for freedom , against that same England.It was courage that brought about the end of slavery. It was courage that gave us the civil rights act. It was courage that enabled us to storm the beaches at Normandy,and free the world from an evil tyrant. It was courage that forced the unpleasant but necessary decision to drop the H Bomb, and end the seemingly endless conflict with Japan. It was courage that enabled us to put a man on the moon , before any other nation could. And, it was courage that enabled us to stand alone against terrorism after 911, and force Al Queda and the Taliban into the wilderness,..and to bring Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, to justice.
We are the Shining City on a Hill, because of this courage , the courage that comes from our Judeo Christian roots , that teach us through love of God, and our fellow man, can come great strength , and with that strength ,comes the courage that defines us as a Nation .
This is the reason the rest of the world still teeters on the edge of total collapse . Lack of courage. Lack of guts. Lack of resolve. Lack of determination . Lack of the will, to stand against evil and say no to oppression. The rest of the world simply lacks the heart to simply say,"we will,as a people united, fight for our right to live free , or we will die in the attempt. The world is unfortunately ,..a world of cowards, who have always been easy prey to the petty , small , evil men,who think themselves better than their fellow man, and seek to prove it, by ruling over them. That, however,can't happen in a nation where the people rule ,and refuse to answer to a tyrant.That can't happen in a nation where the people have the guts to fight for their freedom. That can't happen, America. Unfortunately,we , as a nation , are alone in that sentiment. The rest of the world has always been willing to live under tyrants simply because its easier than fighting.
This is why when the U.S. frees nations, we must always remain behind. Our bases must always remain ,not just to protect American interests, but also as a reminder to that freed nation of their weakness , and a reminder of our strength.
But now, President Obama , on his last two years of his largely failed Presidency, has defied the American tradition, the American legacy, ..of courage, and has instead acted much like a citizen of a third world nation attempting to appease , negotiate with, and cater to, terrorist supporting nations that respect nothing except strength ,. power,...and the willingness , use that power. Obama's attitude is essentially anti-American, because he lacks the guts ,the courage,...that defines Americans and has made us a nation to be feared by all other nations.
The terrorists , and terror supporting nations, that once feared and respected America under Bush and Cheney, now view America under Obama and Biden, with contempt and derision. The President and Vice-President are weak, and so, America is also weak. Terrorists , tyrants and dictators always recognize weakness , and exploit it, for their own gain.Simply put, the weakness in people is what has enabled these tyrants to rise to their exalted levels . They have seized land and nations from the sheep that have given it to them, without a fight. That is the unfortunate blueprint,..for most of this world that we all share. And that is why America will always remain the one, the only, real superpower in the world. Obama believes America is the problem, and it must therefore ,be punished.That is what he has tried to accomplish lo these many years of his Presidency. All the scandals , taxes, regulations, Obamacare, open borders, appeasement of our enemies , and the weakening of our military, , is designed to weaken America ,..the thief,...that has stolen the freedom and wealth from other nations . Its because of America that terrorists control foreign lands, and commit acts of terror around the world. It's because of America that third world nations suffer in poverty and despair. It's because of America that communism, socialism, Marxism, and Totalitarianism, ...doesn't work as a viable political system. If America is diminished ,..the world will be free. That is the left's theory. Wrong. The truth, that Obama , and the left , have always failed to face, is simply this;...America is a Nation founded on courage. The other nations of the world, have been founded,...on cowardice. We the People,of the United States of America, had the guts, ..the courage, be free,..and to make ourselves successful, and other nations simply have always lacked that courage. There it is, a nutshell.
America isn't the problem.
It's the solution.
If America falls , the rest of the world, will be plunged into darkness.
And now, with Obama 's America properly diminished ,..the world is indeed in total chaos.
There is the proof.
The AlQueda offshoot , known only as ISIS ,..led by a former Gitmo resident called Al-Baghdadi, steadily, moving, unchallenged, to the Iraq capital of Baghdad, and has now taken control of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons facility. The facility that the left told us, during the reign of Bush -Cheney, didn't exist. Gee, apparently , Saddam did have WMD's , just as Bush and Cheney said he did. They also said that to remove all combat soldiers from Iraq would be a mistake, ..a costly one. They were right , on both counts , and total disaster is the result.. The only solution to this is to unleash all hell upon ISIS ,in the form of airstrikes.They must be fast, decisive , and unrelenting ,..until ISIS surrenders ,unconditionally. No need for 300 advisors . No need for troops on the ground. All we need do, is unleash the sheer unmatched power that our military possesses, and make the terrorists think that they have been struck down by the hand of God itself. That is the only solution to Iraq.
A pity , that we now have a President , an Administration, and a Democrat Party ,..that lacks the courage that defines us as a nation , and therefore lacks the courage to do what is necessary , Iraq.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Wrath of the Infidel
Iraq has now fallen to the forces of an Al Queda offshoot, and to the evil of terrorism. And, with its fall , all the blood and treasure that our Nation has invested in this region has been wasted. We had won . Saddam Hussein and his evil sons had been deposed, a dictatorship eliminated , and democratic elections were installed. The schools were opened , the rape and torture rooms of Uday Hussein were gone. Women could drive again. Girls could go to school again. And, all the while , the liberal left demonized Bush, his administration,and this war that they supported and voted for, and demanded to know where the weapons of mass destruction were. Did Saddam have the weapons? Of course.They were , for the most part, shipped into Syria. Chemical weapons are WMD'S,and Saddam had used them on the Kurds,years before, slaughtering thousands , and in the process creating the need for American Intervention. The Democrats insisted the Iraq war was fought for oil, yet the U.S.did not touch a drop of it.The Democrats said the good war was the one in Afghanistan against the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Why were we wasting tax dollars on Iraq? Yet now, the Afghan war has also been demonized by the left, as an unnecessary waste of time, money, and lives.
Obama promised to end the war in Iraq. So, shortly before his re-election , he started the withdraw of all American troops from that region . Like with Viet Nam, complete withdraw was the goal.Complete withdraw was accomplished. The result, of course, is complete disaster. There was a reason for the war on terror, and it had nothing to do with WMD'S and everything to do with the fact that war had already been declared on us, when the terrorists dared attack us, on our own soil , on 911. This is not about nation building . This is about freedom;..our freedom , and the freedom of our allies. The world is full of despots and dictators . The more there are, the more unstable and violent the world becomes. America is indeed that shining city on a hill that Reagan called us . But, if we isolate ourselves , and allow the enemies of freedom, socialism, communism and Islamic Extremism to fester and grow in nations around the world, then our superpower status means nothing. The world is safer, and freedom stronger, because the United States is part of that world.
Saddam Hussein was a sponsor of terror. He trained , financed , and gave medical treatment to terror organizations . He massacred his own people, with chemical weapons.He tortured and terrorized those unlucky enough to still be alive under his iron fisted rule. The United States went to war , not with the Iraq people, but with a dictator that was funding evil. So too, with Afghanistan.
So too, with Pakistan.
So too, with Syria.
So too, with Libya.
So too, with Saudi Arabia.
So too, with Egypt.
The dictators who rule these nations all sponsor terror financially. And, all these nations receive tax dollar subsidies from the one nation that they all regard as their enemy;...the United States.
And now, As our President has unleashed a new crop of illegal immigrants into our nation , so too has he decided to unleash terrorist leaders from Gitmo Bay, using Taliban dupe Bowe Bergdahl, as the excuse to finally empty Gitmo and close it forever.
Total surrender. Total defeat. 5 Top Taliban agents were released, in exchange for a homegrown terror sympathizer. The process has begun. Obama will now, in his final two years, end all wars , regardless of the fact that these wars are certainly not over. Not by a long shot. Those he releases will return to their mission , and will most certainly bring more death and destruction to the "Great Satan", the infidel America.
The U.S.goes to war to liberate nations , and by so doing, makes the world a safer place where people can live free, if they so choose. We are at war with terror, not a specific nation. The war cannot end until the Taliban, Al Queda , and all other terror offshoots surrender, on their knees, , unconditionally to the United States, or until they are completely destroyed;..whichever comes first. As Reagan said, in describing his foreign policy stance,"We win,...they lose."And , part of that victory must be the occupation of these nations that have been liberated,...permanently,... by our American forces. Otherwise, all our wars against evil will be for naught.For, when good withdraws,..evil advances. That is the nature of warfare. Nations that the U.S.has liberated will have permanent U.S. military bases . The reason is clear,....evil cannot be destroyed. It has always existed , and it always will. But, it matters little , as long as good strongly opposes it. We may not be able to destroy evil, ..but we can control it.
The U.S. is the leader of the free world. We are the beacon of liberty , the ultimate force for good in the world. Therefore , our mission must be , not to destroy evil, but to force it to retreat back into the shadows where it belongs. The U.S. mission must be to give the terrorists no respite , peace, no home base , where it can rest, regroup, and plot . We must keep evil on the run,..eternally. It must have no nation it can call home. It must have no nation it can rule from. That must be the U.S. goal. We must keep the Taliban ,Al Queda , and all other terror offshoots, on the run, forever. We must chase them from every country. We must chase them in every corner of the globe. We must chase them from every country that they occupy, and force them into the wilderness.
For, if we do not, evil will always return, stronger than ever, and will indeed renew their attack on the one nation that has been its most persistent enemy,...the United States of America. Obama and the left, has never understood any of this , and has instead always regarded the the problem. If the U.S. were diminished, then the world would be a more peaceful place ,..with no terrorism. Imperialist America, supreme in its arrogance ,... creates terrorists.That is the left's firm belief.
And that is why, all that Obama has done, is by design. All of it ,.... Obamacare ,Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, the EPA Global Warming inspired attack on the coal industry, the refusal to police our borders, and now, the release of terror leaders and the closing of Gitmo ,..all of it was designed to fail. None of it was supposed to accomplish anything except destruction. All of it serves the singular, misguided purpose of weakening America, in order to strengthen the world.
Obama , and the left,..are wrong. Without America, the world would be the dark, dismal place , that it always was , before our Founders showed the world another way. . Without America, the world would be infested with nothing but dictators and tyrants, that would oppress their citizens and leave them in poverty. They would suffer unendingly, as most of the world suffered , until the birth of freedom , the birth of America. If America never existed, who would stand against the tyrants?
Who would end oppression?
Who would liberate nations from evil?
No one , that's who.
We stand alone , as the beacon of freedom for the world , ..and without us, there would indeed be only,...darkness.
Obama now knows the end is near. He has only two years left, to finish his plan,..his ultimate agenda, reduce America permanently. He is doing it. He no longer bothers to inform congress of anything he plans, and will continue to act unilaterally ,until his time as President is done.
No enforcement of our borders . The closing of Gitmo Bay. All terrorists eventually ,..released. The coal industry destroyed with new regulations imposed by executive order in the name of the EPA,and fictional Global Warming. And now, the obliteration of the last great achievement of America, the defeat of Saddam, and the ousting of the Taliban from Afghanistan, and the decimation of the terror organizations around the world. This is not the end of the war. For , the enemy has declared war on us, and every other free nation on earth. Obama has not ended the war. He has surrendered. He has forced America to surrender. And now, Al Queda and the Taliban renewed and energized with the release of their top leaders, will now conquer the nations we have liberated. And, they will continue to grow, and spread their evil , until ,it, once again, as with 911,.. reaches our shores .
That is the reason we send our finest to fight in these foreign lands. We fight evil over there, that we don't have to fight it over here, and to keep it from infesting other nations as well. That is the reason for war.
A world free of tyrants, terrorists, and dictators , is a world of free markets , prosperity, and freedom. A world free of tyrants ,terrorists, and dictators, is a world free,...of war itself. Imagine it , if you will. The ultimate goal,...a world, of war . That must always be our goal, the goal of the United States of America.
But now, we , as a nation , must first defeat Obama and the left, before we can renew our never ending battle against evil. A sunni man, once in U.S. custody until 2009, now being hailed as the "New Bin Laden", now controls most of Iraq, with his new Al Queda offshoot organization. His sights are on Baghdad , the Iraqi President Malaki, and the American Embassy as well.And , most disturbing there are rumors that this man, known as Abu Bakir Al Baghdad , is already planning a new 911 style attack on the U.S.,..A U.S. that now makes no effort at all, protect its own borders.
This is the result. This is what happens when good retreats from evil. Evil attacks ,..and its prime target, is always ,
The solution is simple.Heavy, constant ,airstrikes in Iraq, now, ..until they beg us to stop .We win. They lose.
The U.S.military has the power to level the earth a thousand times over , without getting so much as a hangnail. Its time we start proving that fact to the terrorists , right now, bomb them back into the stone age, and bring about the total, unconditional surrender , or total destruction, that are the only ways to end a war.
We win,...they lose. That is the Reagan strategem , and that is how all wars must end, if the world is to survive.
It has been said that the terrorists fear only the wrath of Allah.
It's time to give them something to really fear.
Obama promised to end the war in Iraq. So, shortly before his re-election , he started the withdraw of all American troops from that region . Like with Viet Nam, complete withdraw was the goal.Complete withdraw was accomplished. The result, of course, is complete disaster. There was a reason for the war on terror, and it had nothing to do with WMD'S and everything to do with the fact that war had already been declared on us, when the terrorists dared attack us, on our own soil , on 911. This is not about nation building . This is about freedom;..our freedom , and the freedom of our allies. The world is full of despots and dictators . The more there are, the more unstable and violent the world becomes. America is indeed that shining city on a hill that Reagan called us . But, if we isolate ourselves , and allow the enemies of freedom, socialism, communism and Islamic Extremism to fester and grow in nations around the world, then our superpower status means nothing. The world is safer, and freedom stronger, because the United States is part of that world.
Saddam Hussein was a sponsor of terror. He trained , financed , and gave medical treatment to terror organizations . He massacred his own people, with chemical weapons.He tortured and terrorized those unlucky enough to still be alive under his iron fisted rule. The United States went to war , not with the Iraq people, but with a dictator that was funding evil. So too, with Afghanistan.
So too, with Pakistan.
So too, with Syria.
So too, with Libya.
So too, with Saudi Arabia.
So too, with Egypt.
The dictators who rule these nations all sponsor terror financially. And, all these nations receive tax dollar subsidies from the one nation that they all regard as their enemy;...the United States.
And now, As our President has unleashed a new crop of illegal immigrants into our nation , so too has he decided to unleash terrorist leaders from Gitmo Bay, using Taliban dupe Bowe Bergdahl, as the excuse to finally empty Gitmo and close it forever.
Total surrender. Total defeat. 5 Top Taliban agents were released, in exchange for a homegrown terror sympathizer. The process has begun. Obama will now, in his final two years, end all wars , regardless of the fact that these wars are certainly not over. Not by a long shot. Those he releases will return to their mission , and will most certainly bring more death and destruction to the "Great Satan", the infidel America.
The U.S.goes to war to liberate nations , and by so doing, makes the world a safer place where people can live free, if they so choose. We are at war with terror, not a specific nation. The war cannot end until the Taliban, Al Queda , and all other terror offshoots surrender, on their knees, , unconditionally to the United States, or until they are completely destroyed;..whichever comes first. As Reagan said, in describing his foreign policy stance,"We win,...they lose."And , part of that victory must be the occupation of these nations that have been liberated,...permanently,... by our American forces. Otherwise, all our wars against evil will be for naught.For, when good withdraws,..evil advances. That is the nature of warfare. Nations that the U.S.has liberated will have permanent U.S. military bases . The reason is clear,....evil cannot be destroyed. It has always existed , and it always will. But, it matters little , as long as good strongly opposes it. We may not be able to destroy evil, ..but we can control it.
The U.S. is the leader of the free world. We are the beacon of liberty , the ultimate force for good in the world. Therefore , our mission must be , not to destroy evil, but to force it to retreat back into the shadows where it belongs. The U.S. mission must be to give the terrorists no respite , peace, no home base , where it can rest, regroup, and plot . We must keep evil on the run,..eternally. It must have no nation it can call home. It must have no nation it can rule from. That must be the U.S. goal. We must keep the Taliban ,Al Queda , and all other terror offshoots, on the run, forever. We must chase them from every country. We must chase them in every corner of the globe. We must chase them from every country that they occupy, and force them into the wilderness.
For, if we do not, evil will always return, stronger than ever, and will indeed renew their attack on the one nation that has been its most persistent enemy,...the United States of America. Obama and the left, has never understood any of this , and has instead always regarded the the problem. If the U.S. were diminished, then the world would be a more peaceful place ,..with no terrorism. Imperialist America, supreme in its arrogance ,... creates terrorists.That is the left's firm belief.
And that is why, all that Obama has done, is by design. All of it ,.... Obamacare ,Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, the EPA Global Warming inspired attack on the coal industry, the refusal to police our borders, and now, the release of terror leaders and the closing of Gitmo ,..all of it was designed to fail. None of it was supposed to accomplish anything except destruction. All of it serves the singular, misguided purpose of weakening America, in order to strengthen the world.
Obama , and the left,..are wrong. Without America, the world would be the dark, dismal place , that it always was , before our Founders showed the world another way. . Without America, the world would be infested with nothing but dictators and tyrants, that would oppress their citizens and leave them in poverty. They would suffer unendingly, as most of the world suffered , until the birth of freedom , the birth of America. If America never existed, who would stand against the tyrants?
Who would end oppression?
Who would liberate nations from evil?
No one , that's who.
We stand alone , as the beacon of freedom for the world , ..and without us, there would indeed be only,...darkness.
Obama now knows the end is near. He has only two years left, to finish his plan,..his ultimate agenda, reduce America permanently. He is doing it. He no longer bothers to inform congress of anything he plans, and will continue to act unilaterally ,until his time as President is done.
No enforcement of our borders . The closing of Gitmo Bay. All terrorists eventually ,..released. The coal industry destroyed with new regulations imposed by executive order in the name of the EPA,and fictional Global Warming. And now, the obliteration of the last great achievement of America, the defeat of Saddam, and the ousting of the Taliban from Afghanistan, and the decimation of the terror organizations around the world. This is not the end of the war. For , the enemy has declared war on us, and every other free nation on earth. Obama has not ended the war. He has surrendered. He has forced America to surrender. And now, Al Queda and the Taliban renewed and energized with the release of their top leaders, will now conquer the nations we have liberated. And, they will continue to grow, and spread their evil , until ,it, once again, as with 911,.. reaches our shores .
That is the reason we send our finest to fight in these foreign lands. We fight evil over there, that we don't have to fight it over here, and to keep it from infesting other nations as well. That is the reason for war.
A world free of tyrants, terrorists, and dictators , is a world of free markets , prosperity, and freedom. A world free of tyrants ,terrorists, and dictators, is a world free,...of war itself. Imagine it , if you will. The ultimate goal,...a world, of war . That must always be our goal, the goal of the United States of America.
But now, we , as a nation , must first defeat Obama and the left, before we can renew our never ending battle against evil. A sunni man, once in U.S. custody until 2009, now being hailed as the "New Bin Laden", now controls most of Iraq, with his new Al Queda offshoot organization. His sights are on Baghdad , the Iraqi President Malaki, and the American Embassy as well.And , most disturbing there are rumors that this man, known as Abu Bakir Al Baghdad , is already planning a new 911 style attack on the U.S.,..A U.S. that now makes no effort at all, protect its own borders.
This is the result. This is what happens when good retreats from evil. Evil attacks ,..and its prime target, is always ,
The solution is simple.Heavy, constant ,airstrikes in Iraq, now, ..until they beg us to stop .We win. They lose.
The U.S.military has the power to level the earth a thousand times over , without getting so much as a hangnail. Its time we start proving that fact to the terrorists , right now, bomb them back into the stone age, and bring about the total, unconditional surrender , or total destruction, that are the only ways to end a war.
We win,...they lose. That is the Reagan strategem , and that is how all wars must end, if the world is to survive.
It has been said that the terrorists fear only the wrath of Allah.
It's time to give them something to really fear.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Dawn of the Destroyer
On the eve of the 70th Anniversary of the D Day invasion, Robert Bergdahl,Taliban agent,and father of rogue soldier Bowe Bergdahl, stood next to the President of the United States , in the White House Rose Garden, and there, for all the world to see, said an Islamic prayer in arabic, sanctifying the ground upon which he stood , while The President looked on, and could only smile , as this puppet of terrorism, determined to see all terrorists released from Gitmo Bay, claimed total Islamic victory over America ,while also claiming the ground upon which the White House stands , for the Taliban, for Al-Queda, for Radical Islam. Total victory over the Great Satan America,was Bergdahl's message, for the President has released five Top Taliban Leaders in exchange for a traitor who left his post, and became a Taliban Agent, dedicated to destroying America in the name of Islam. Eight American soldiers were killed searching for this defector , who was implementing a plan that began five years ago , when Bowe Bergdahl, following the instructions of his Taliban supporting father, became a willing terror hostage , in order to secure the release of Gitmo Terrorists.
The plan of Robert Bergdahl was now reaching fruition. The President of the United States willingly freed 5 threats to America's security,in exchange for his traitor son. Mission Accomplished.And the President had good reason to stand there, next to Bergdahl and his wife, with a big smile on his face , because he now understood that his plan to close Gitmo completely , could now be realized, thanks to Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. President Obama used this deserter and his traitor family as the perfect excuse to begin the closing of Gitmo Bay, and no doubt, many more terrorist war criminals will be released in the weeks to come. For Obama, a President under siege, now realizes he is done, finished,...and his Party is destined for defeat in the November Midterms , and in the 2016 Presidential election as well. Therefore ,in his last two years in office, he will do as he pleases , and will now accelerate the destruction of this stubborn America, that refuses to obey his whims and bend to his will. And, that destruction includes the releasing of all terror agents,the release of illegal immigrant criminals from Federal prison, the destruction of the coal industry through EPA regulations, and the absolute refusal to deport any illegals or enforce our border.
The end is near. The stench of Democrat defeat is in the air,and if Obama cannot shape the world in his image, in his final two years, he will , instead, simply destroy it.
Obama , of course will not admit to this nihilistic agenda, and has stated , for the record , that his Administration's release of the five Taliban Elite is simply standard operating procedure as a war winds down , and Republican outrage is unwarranted. Obama , as usual , is wrong. War prisoners are only released when a war is actually over, and the war on terror is far from over, thanks to President Obama's appeasement strategy in dealing with terror supporting nations. The President cannot simply wave his imperial arm, and declare a war ended. A war can only end when the enemy surrenders unconditionally ,..on its knees, or is destroyed completely. Al-Queda and the Taliban however, are stronger than ever and even if they weren't, you do not release five terror masterminds in exchange for an Army deserter who defected to the Taliban.These are war criminals, not soldiers , fighting for an opposing army. The United States does not release war criminals,..ever.And make no mistake about it, Bowe Bergdahl, and his Father, are Taliban Agents whose mission is to facilitate the release of all Gitmo prisoners. The President has committed treason by circumventing Congress , and just deciding to make this pact with Satan deal, all on his own. The reason is clear ;...the President , just doesn't give a damn any more.He sees the handwriting on the wall . He knows that crushing defeat is all the future holds for him, and his Party.
President Obama has been in office for six years now, and has accomplished nothing but increased taxes and regulations,economic collapse , endless scandals, a failed health system, and the weakening of our military . Obama and the Democrats have used their socialist agenda to weaken America , and will pay the price for this at the election polls. Realizing this, the President has now adopted a reckless, scorched earth policy,whereby he will do as he pleases ,for the remaining two years of his reign. The Bergdahl deal is part of his scorched earth strategem, and is Obama's last chance effort to fulfill his long term goal of closing Gitmo permanently. In addition to releasing dangerous terrorists , and illegal immigrant felons, Obama has also renewed his attack on coal , imposing new regulations that are designed to put the coal industry out of business, and refused to deport any illegals , just for good measure. All of this is simply part of the overall Democrat plan to weaken America, in order to strengthen the socialist, tyrant based nations of the world. That is always the left's ultimate goal, for deep down , they have always believed that America is the root cause of all the world's problems , and if America is diminished ,..the world, will begin to heal.Such a far reaching plan takes time ,however, and the cooperation of the masses , and Obama is now running out of both. So he must accelerate the plan, and do as much damage as he can, in his remaining time in power. The President has decided, that, if America refuses to bend to his will ,it must be destroyed, rather than risk compromising his mad dream of a Marxist world, freed from the opressions of Imperialist America.
Contemplate all this, America, on the 70th Anniversary of D-DAY,as our President journeys to France , to honor those who died on that Beach Head,.. opposing all that he stands for.
The plan of Robert Bergdahl was now reaching fruition. The President of the United States willingly freed 5 threats to America's security,in exchange for his traitor son. Mission Accomplished.And the President had good reason to stand there, next to Bergdahl and his wife, with a big smile on his face , because he now understood that his plan to close Gitmo completely , could now be realized, thanks to Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. President Obama used this deserter and his traitor family as the perfect excuse to begin the closing of Gitmo Bay, and no doubt, many more terrorist war criminals will be released in the weeks to come. For Obama, a President under siege, now realizes he is done, finished,...and his Party is destined for defeat in the November Midterms , and in the 2016 Presidential election as well. Therefore ,in his last two years in office, he will do as he pleases , and will now accelerate the destruction of this stubborn America, that refuses to obey his whims and bend to his will. And, that destruction includes the releasing of all terror agents,the release of illegal immigrant criminals from Federal prison, the destruction of the coal industry through EPA regulations, and the absolute refusal to deport any illegals or enforce our border.
The end is near. The stench of Democrat defeat is in the air,and if Obama cannot shape the world in his image, in his final two years, he will , instead, simply destroy it.
Obama , of course will not admit to this nihilistic agenda, and has stated , for the record , that his Administration's release of the five Taliban Elite is simply standard operating procedure as a war winds down , and Republican outrage is unwarranted. Obama , as usual , is wrong. War prisoners are only released when a war is actually over, and the war on terror is far from over, thanks to President Obama's appeasement strategy in dealing with terror supporting nations. The President cannot simply wave his imperial arm, and declare a war ended. A war can only end when the enemy surrenders unconditionally ,..on its knees, or is destroyed completely. Al-Queda and the Taliban however, are stronger than ever and even if they weren't, you do not release five terror masterminds in exchange for an Army deserter who defected to the Taliban.These are war criminals, not soldiers , fighting for an opposing army. The United States does not release war criminals,..ever.And make no mistake about it, Bowe Bergdahl, and his Father, are Taliban Agents whose mission is to facilitate the release of all Gitmo prisoners. The President has committed treason by circumventing Congress , and just deciding to make this pact with Satan deal, all on his own. The reason is clear ;...the President , just doesn't give a damn any more.He sees the handwriting on the wall . He knows that crushing defeat is all the future holds for him, and his Party.
President Obama has been in office for six years now, and has accomplished nothing but increased taxes and regulations,economic collapse , endless scandals, a failed health system, and the weakening of our military . Obama and the Democrats have used their socialist agenda to weaken America , and will pay the price for this at the election polls. Realizing this, the President has now adopted a reckless, scorched earth policy,whereby he will do as he pleases ,for the remaining two years of his reign. The Bergdahl deal is part of his scorched earth strategem, and is Obama's last chance effort to fulfill his long term goal of closing Gitmo permanently. In addition to releasing dangerous terrorists , and illegal immigrant felons, Obama has also renewed his attack on coal , imposing new regulations that are designed to put the coal industry out of business, and refused to deport any illegals , just for good measure. All of this is simply part of the overall Democrat plan to weaken America, in order to strengthen the socialist, tyrant based nations of the world. That is always the left's ultimate goal, for deep down , they have always believed that America is the root cause of all the world's problems , and if America is diminished ,..the world, will begin to heal.Such a far reaching plan takes time ,however, and the cooperation of the masses , and Obama is now running out of both. So he must accelerate the plan, and do as much damage as he can, in his remaining time in power. The President has decided, that, if America refuses to bend to his will ,it must be destroyed, rather than risk compromising his mad dream of a Marxist world, freed from the opressions of Imperialist America.
Contemplate all this, America, on the 70th Anniversary of D-DAY,as our President journeys to France , to honor those who died on that Beach Head,.. opposing all that he stands for.
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