Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Tides of Truth

The Tide is turning . The evidence is mounting. Socialism , Marxism, Communism ,...the "Great Experiment", as Olympic announcer Bob Costas called it , in his pandering whitewash of Russian History , has been exposed , for the nonsensical fraud that it is . No, not by conservative talk radio , Tea Party rhetoric, Fox News , or even Sarah Palin , but by cold , hard , irrefutable evidence ;...evidence that is mounting , evidence that will continue to mount the longer President Obama and the Democrats hold power . So, what is the evidence?Simply this ;...individual States in our Nation , that are being run, and controlled by Republicans , conservative or otherwise, are growing and prospering , while States that are run by Democrats and the liberal left , are either bankrupt or swiftly approaching it .The reason is clear ;..Republicans believe in the basic conservative concept of free market competition , with limited government interference. In other words,in Republican States , there are low taxes , and limited regulations that allow businesses to grow and prosper , and create employment opportunities .This  of course , creates new taxpayers that sustain the government without hurting the free market. A basic concept. A basic reality. And again , the evidence is there , for all the world to see . It's working.
This is why a State like Wisconsin , that once suffered from a massive deficit , when it was controlled by public labor unions , has a massive surplus and a growing economy . All it took was for its Governor, Scott Walker , to shut down the unions ever increasing entitlement demands on the State ;..demands that were not helping the working man , but simply forcing businesses to close their doors or face being sucked dry by an organization that serves no real  purpose except to act as a money laundering/ election campaign system for the Democrat Party.
More evidence of the Tide Shift is in Virginia, where auto workers of that State , have rejected attempts by the UAW to indoctrinate them into the socialist cult of the public union system .And , once again, the reason why has nothing to do with any political awakening or a Tea Party conversion , instead, has to do with the evidence that these workers are seeing across the Nation , that says , quite clearly , that states and businesses that are controlled by public unions , are states that have massive job layoffs,  business closings and a bankrupt economy. This isn't rocket science . These people want to work , so that they can support their families and improve their lives. Unions are a Socialist, Marxist concept , and therefore unions are a cancer on any business that wants to grow and prosper . Yes , Virginia , there is a Santa Claus,...and he's definitely a free market capitalist.
And so, SEIU, UAW,and other public union organizations , now face extinction as their membership continues to dwindle in the cold , hard light of conservative reality.
And, the ultimate template that proves the success of that reality , the success of the principles of conservatism, is none other than the State of Texas. Texas , you see, has no state income tax. Texas encourages the growth of new businesses by keeping their taxes and regulations low , which grows businesses and creates jobs. In fact, 30% of the jobs in the last decade , have been created in Texas. Texas is also a strong 2nd Amendment State , which means violent crime statistics are low, the streets are safe , and Texas families can feel secure in their homes.
The result of all this is that there has been a mass exodus of citizens from Blue states , like California , into Red states , like Texas. Again, not surprising. California is run by Democrats , and is therefore bankrupt. Texas is run by Conservative Republican Governor Rick Perry, ..and the Republican Party. It's an oil friendly State, with plenty of jobs, a great economy , and an ever increasing population of happy citizens. Evidence. Cold, hard, evidence that would hold up in any court , no matter how liberal the judge . Why has Fox News remained the number one news network in the nation , lo, these many years? Because it puts forth this evidence in every broadcast , and the American people always respond positively, to the truth.
True freedom must start with economic freedom. There is no other way.
The Tide is turning overseas as well , as bankrupt socialist and communist nations are, en masse, rioting and protesting . What are they protesting ? Their lack of freedom , of course. That's why 70 Ukrainian citizens are now dead . They were killed in a bid for freedom. Freedom from the evil of communism. Freedom from the grip of Vladimir Putin , who seeks a renewed Iron Curtain , from which he and his fellow ex-KGB agents can grow and prosper  off the labor of the Soviet citizens. This is why the Ukrainian citizens have now seized the capital city of Kiev, and demanded the ousting of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
So too, in Venezuela, where rioters have reached their breaking point , living under the oppressive grip of the mad tyrant Hugo Chavez , for 15 long , painful years. But, what of Syria and Iran? Do their citizens seek freedom as well? Perhaps , but Muslim Ideology may trump any concept of true capitalist freedom .The citizens of these nations are caught in the middle of a struggle between warring factions of terror groups . And President Obama, despite another red line boast , will no doubt , do nothing but once again , appease and grovel before the tyrants that run these countries , while refusing to enforce the sanctions and weapon restrictions that could possibly bring about the regime change and the freedom that the citizens are sacrificing their lives for.
So too, with Afghanistan , and  Iraq, which are , once again, being controlled by Al Queda forces , now that President Obama has given his withdraw date from both countries , and again refused to impose the sanctions that are the only thing,besides military force , that will show the terror leaders that the U.S. means business.
The cry for freedom is growing across the globe . But, unfortunately, , as the riots continue , so too, will the casualty count , that is the unfortunate price all must be willing to pay, to break the grip of tyranny and achieve freedom. America paid its price . But , in all fairness, we did have the help of another nation;..France. Who now, can these other nations turn to for help , as Obama bends to appease their oppressors?
As the evidence of the benefits of freedom spread from our Red States , to even nations overseas , how can these nations achieve this freedom with Obama and the Democrats destroying the credibility of the U.S. as a Nation to be respected, and feared?
With the U.S. shrinking in status , and shirking its duties as the leader of the free world , can freedom survive? For you see, knowing that free market conservatism works is meaningless, if the tools to achieve it, no longer exist. Even with our Nation divided by political ideology  , still our individual States have shown the way and proven that capitalism not only works , but its the only thing that does work. But, for the rest of the globe that seeks their freedom , they must wait , even as the American citizens wait, for the rebirth of Republican rule and the destruction of Obama and the Democrat Party.And , all the while America , and the world, must now truly wonder , wherein , doth freedom lie, if not here in the Shining City on a Hill?
But, where freedom lies seems not to be a concern for President Obama. The President now seems far more interested in using the FCC  to shut down conservative free speech . It's election season, and Obama the idealogue is far more concerned with maintaining his power base than in being a champion for freedom. Much like his counterparts , Karzai , Putin, Chavez, Rouhani, and Assad, he seems only concerned with himself , and his own vision .And, if the Shining City on a Hill must lose its luster to achieve that vision , be it.
A pity,because as the light of freedom dims in America, our enemies grow emboldened , and the world will continue to grow , ever darker ,..indeed.

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