Why did President Obama agree to be interviewed by Bill O'Reilly , live, just before the SuperBowl?It's election season, that's why. We have the critical Midterms coming this November, and all that Obama hath wrought, up to this point, hangs in the balance. If the Democrats lose the Senate and fail to take control of the House , it's over for them. Whether the Republicans are weak, wishy washy Moderates and Rinos or not, they are Republicans. They are part of the team that made America great. And when push comes to shove, they will vote with the team.After all, every single Republican voted no on Obamacare , whether moderate or conservative. Therefore it's critical for Republicans to win , and win big, if conservative principles are to be restored to our Nation. For Obama, that would mean the defunding of Obamacare and an end to the Government mandate aspect of the law. In other words , it would spell the end of Obama's crowning achievement of socialist destruction. Therefore, this is a must win election , for both parties. Republicans must hold the House and take the Senate if they are to implement the policies their constituents demand. For Democrats , the situation is the same, but reversed.Democrats must take the House and hold the Senate , if Obama is to put that final nail in the coffin of free market capitalism. Obama and the Democrat Party are under siege right now. The endless scandals have taken their toll on the once magical charisma that enveloped Obama at all times. So too, has the liberal press , slowly but surely , begun to question the sanity of all that has transpired in the first five years of the Barack Hussein Obama Presidency. The Press will never abandon him, but as their ratings slip , and Fox News 's ratings continue to grow, they have reached the point where they realize they have no choice , but to start reporting the truth , if they wish to survive as an industry. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, NSA, and of course the fraud called Obamacare, have reduced this President's popularity rating to something hovering in the mid to low thirties. In addition , with Midterms around the corner , many Democrats up for re-election have begun to distance themselves from Obama and Obamacare as well, but not because they are shocked and disappointed in the results of Obama policies, but simply because they fear losing their jobs . Being a politician , whether State or Federal , Democrat or Republican, is a pretty cushy , well paid deal, and ultimately none of them want to risk losing that deal, just to support an idealogue who could not care less about any of them. They will distance themselves, but again, they will not disown the President. Liberal Democrats always support their own in the end, and that is the advantage they hold over their Republican counterparts . Republicans need to see the lesson in their abandonment of Romney , wise up and support the team , do or die, and win this time around, just like in 2010. Only this time , we need to take both the House and the Senate, as well. So, the die is cast.The battle lines are drawn . The stakes are, indeed, high.
Why then, did Obama decide to risk all, and sit down with Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly, for a little chat on SuperBowl Sunday? Here's the reason;...Obama has a dilemma . There are currently open Senate investigations into the IRS, NSA, and Benghazi scandals . Corruption is the charge being leveled in each case, by the Republicans. The President must find a way , in one fell swoop, to eliminate the damage these investigations are doing to his credibility, and to his Party's future. The answer is stunningly simple. A 20 minute interview , with a Fox News commentator ,one who has always been willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on any issue , on a day that guarantees him millions of viewers , is the perfect solution. Obama knew that, no matter how tough O'Reilly makes his questions , and no matter how many times he chooses to interrupt him , O'Reilly still only had 20 minutes on camera , to conduct this two way dialogue. All President Obama needed to do was play defense , and run out the clock. The President knew , that no matter how tough the question , there is no law saying that he has to answer that question.He can duck . He can deflect. He can dodge. He can change the subject . And ,he certainly did all of this, especially on the subject of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius . O'Reilly asked Obama point blank why Sebelius , who is the architect of the implementation of Obamacare, has not been fired for incompetence? Obama's answer? Well, he didn't answer. He ignored the question and instead chose to emphasize the importance of going forward and getting Obamacare up and running effectively. Obama, like a Monarch with delusions of Godhood, would simply choose not to hear a question that he did not like, or for which he had no answer. Imperious is the ear of Obama.
But dodging questions is all well and good, if you're debating Mitt Romney with a liberal moderator running interference for you. Obama had no choice. To win re-election, he had to show up for all three debates , or back down and be damned forever. He had to endure the probing questions that sought to expose his socialist agenda , and basic incompetence. But why endure a grilling by Bill O'Reilly? What could he have to gain by fielding Fox News questions , for which he had no answers?Actually, he had much to gain.For, with that interview, came the key strategem that , he thought , would insure his Party's victory in November, and erase all the scandals at the same time. President Obama, in the O'Reilly SuperBowl prelude, revealed his master stroke , his master battle plan , that would erase all scandals, all investigations , all probing questions , at least in the minds the uninformed Democrat voter, and the liberal left. The President,...simply blamed all of it;..Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Obamacare,.. ..all of it ,...on Fox News. Period. All of this, according to Obama , in that interview, was a fictitious , manufactured narrative , designed to bring him and his administration down , for no other reason , than they simply don't like him , and are shilling, for the Republican Party. Obama told Bill , in no uncertain terms, that Fox was , unfair, unbalanced, and inaccurate,nothing more than the American version of the Russian News service Pravda.
There it is, the political strategy that will be used by Obama, and the Democrat Party, for the President's remaining three years in office. All of this so-called "scandal ", is is the fault of Fox News lies. And, this strategem is already being widely used by everyone in the Democrat Party .Case in point,Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel , the man who created the basic structure of Obamacare , has stated , quite unequivocally , on Megan Kelly's show, that Fox News 's badgering and bullying , has brought down Obamacare, and is the reason for all its failures. Unbelievable.Yet, this is the narrative that the Democrats now believe is the key to victory, the plan that will lift the curse from Obama and restore the Democrat Party to greatness.Every question, every probe, every inquiry into every misstep by the Democrats,will be, from now on, blamed on Fox News 's erroneous reporting. In Obama's mind, it could work;..it should work;...except for one tiny little problem ;..money. People are now losing their money,..to Obamacare. There is no denying the fact that now, with Obamacare fully implemented , ..people,.... all people,....Democrats and Republicans ,are losing their coverage , and are being forced into bankruptcy , by Health Insurance policies , that they can no longer afford.
That is not Fox News propaganda. That is a fact.
There is less money in your wallet , since Obama has been President, and since Obamacare has been in effect.
That is not Fox News propaganda. That is a fact.
Businesses have been forced to lay off employees , cut hours and salaries, and raise prices in response to Obamacare .
That is not Fox News propaganda .That is a fact.
91% of the American people , are now on extended unemployment compensation, thanks to Obama's ever increasing taxes , regulations and Obamacare mandates.
That is not Fox News propaganda . That is a fact.
The Great Joe Louis, former Heavyweight boxing Champion , was once asked, before his fight with challenger Billy Conn, how he would handle his opponent's hit and run style of fighting. "He can run, but he can't hide", Joe answered .
There it is, in a nutshell.
All of Obama's maneuverings , all his machinations , all of his strategems, all of his attacks on Fox News ,..will not change the fact that all that has happened , all that hath been wrought, in the last five years,...has occurred while he was President. None of this happened under Bush. None of this happened under Reagan. None of this even happened under Clinton. It has all happened under Obama. And now that the great masses of uninformed Americans are seeing the effects of all that has happened , ..on their wallets , and on their paychecks,..Obama and the Democrats can, indeed, no longer run to Fox News to escape responsibility, and ,..they are running out of places to hide , as well.
Now, does this mean that Democrat voters , the clueless and the hard left, will go running to the polls in November, and vote Republican? No, of course not, but they might decide to stay home , rather than support a Party, and a Monarch gone mad . Never have the Republicans had a better chance to seize the reigns of power, and reduce Obama to a hollow god , whose threats of executive action are meaningless. All we need do, is show up at the polls and vote Republican. House Speaker John Boehner has stated that President Obama 's threats of executive action to achieve his goals proves that both he, and his Party, cannot be trusted . As a result, Boehner and the Republican House, has suspended all discussion regarding the so-called Amnesty bill. Boehner is correct . The President, and the Democrat Party , cannot be trusted ,with the future prosperity and security of our Nation, now,...or ever.They must be stopped. And that responsibility , falls directly on us , the American people, who must vote this madman , and his Party out of existence, permanently.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
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