Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Terror Vaccine

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has written a tell all book that casts the President, former Secretary of State Clinton, and Vice President Joe Biden, in a very dim light. The revelations that he has disclosed are disturbing, to say the least. Apparently, all three had no interest in the war in Iraq , or the war in Afghanistan , and all three thought the surge would fail, but, according to Gates , went through with it for strictly political reasons . In addition, Gates stated that Vice President  Biden, has been on the wrong side  of  every international security decision  , for over three decades;..including his opinion that the President should not kill Bin Laden. Truly astounding.
The Commander in Chief of the armed Forces had no confidence in the sucess of either campaign , yet was willing to send our fighting men and women in as part of the highly touted ,"surge" strategy .  He risk their lives and squandered our treasure in a war effort he had no belief in . In fact, according to Gates, the only interest Commander Obama had in the military and its operations overseas was in how fast he could withdraw all troops from both terror hotspots , according to a pre-set time schedule. This is, of course, a foolish strategy for any military campaign . You don't go into battle with the time of withdraw clearly known by everyone , including our enemies. In any theater of war, there is no such thing, as complete withdraw. Once the mission is completed, and the war won, American military presence  in that region must remain a constant, in order to secure that victory. Our mission in the war on terror is not to nation build, but to drive Al-Queda from every country that they dwell in. Al-Queda must be given no safe haven , no respite . The terrorists must be kept on the run, with no home base to operate from. Our mission is to drive them into the wilderness and hound them out of existence. By  pulling out of both Iraq and Afghanistan  ,the President has effectively erased all that has been achieved in both locations militarily.
Nations that go to war with the U.S. will have a U.S. Military Base on their soil , forever , once they are defeated. That is the rule of war.The President, Vice President, and former Secretary of State have violated that rule, and as with the Benghazi scandal, has also demonstrated a complete lack of respect for our troops in the field, who they apparently regard as a nuisance and only of use as political pawns , to be sacrificed at will for the benefit of the Democrat Party. Yep, this is what former Secretary of State Robert Gates ,believes.
The question is;..why is any of this a surprise to anyone? Is it really that hard to believe that the President, Vice President, and Hillary, are anti-military? No, of course not. None of the Gates revelations should be surprising to anyone who's paying attention , that is. This is the nature of the enemy . This is the nature of the Democrat Party .The simple truth is;..liberal Democrats have nothing but contempt for the military,...period. They regard them as an expensive nuisance , and  believe that U.S. Military agression has made America hated around the world. Also, the U.S. Military is entitled to our tax dollars to fund its operations and pay our troops. In the minds of the Democrats , that tax money could be better  used to secure Democrat votes through entitlement programs , and to fund Democrat election campaigns. The money that the military uses , to keep us safe, is considered wasted by the Democrats . They feel the money is used to promote  a right wing imperialistic agression , that has alienated us from the rest of the world , and prevented other nations from growing and prospering.Believe it or not, this is truly what liberal Democrats think of our military. Plus, the most unforgivable sin our military commits against Democrats is the sin of voting Republican. It's no mystery as to why the Democrat Party tries to supress the overseas military votes every election cycle. The military vote , a Republican vote,...guranteed. Republicans support the military , and believe in the wars we send them to fight . Republicans understand that, without our military, there is no freedom . They keep us safe from the enemies of freedom , and therefore are , indeed , entitled to every last penny of our tax dollars , for, without them, there is no America. The Democrat Party, however, would like you to believe that , without a Democrat controlled  government, there is no America.
Former President Bush has shown a great deal of respect and love for the troops he once commanded, and his Bush Institute does tremendous work in supporting both our veterans and the soldiers in the field. . The love President Bush feels for the troops is self-evident in the time he spends with them , and the love the troops have for him, is also self-evident. A pity President Obama does not receive the same kind of love from them. The troops recognize the fact that a commander in chief ,that does not lead, is no longer , in their eyes ,..commander in chief. Our soldiers understand that we go to war with our enemies in foreign lands , so that we do not have to war with them,here , on our own soil. The terrorists goal is no less than the destruction of the United States ;..the Christian based ,"Great Satan". We are the infidels , and must be destroyed. That's why our troops believe in the mission . That's why they are willing to risk their lives to carry out that mission . They believe in the mission;..even if the Commander in Chief ,..does not.
Like all Democrats , President Obama believes only in himself, and in the power he can achieve for himself, and the Democrat Party. And, our military is perceived by him, as a major obstacle to acheiving that power, an obstacle that demands too much tax money , and delivers too few   Democrat votes.
Democrats do not cut taxes ,..ever.
Democrats do not cut spending,...ever. Except, of course, when it comes to our military . How ironic that the one force that enables the President and the Democrat Party to play their political games in a secure Nation, is the very force that the Democrats constantly seek to destroy. That is the nature of the liberal left .That is the nature of  the liberal Democrat. That is the nature of socialism. That is the nature of Marxism. That is the nature of communism .
The one fatal flaw in the socialist system is that , like a parasite , it must always destroy the very host body that sustains it. The free market economy and our military sustain us, as a nation. President Obama and the liberal left, by their very nature, seek to destroy these host bodies , even if it means their own destruction as well.
There is a new flag flying in Iraq. It's the flag of Al-Queda . The deadly contaigion of terrorism has returned, thanks to another virus , known as the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party , is, indeed, a virus that is destroying its host body called America. There is only one known vaccine for this virus , and that's the Republican Party.
It's 2014. Zero Hour.
Let the inoculation begin.  

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