Monday, January 20, 2014

Tao of the Surfer

Khalid Sheik Mohammed , the architect , the mastermind of the 911 terror attack on our Nation, the man who personally cut off the head of government contractor Daniel Pearl, on camera , in the name of ,"Jihad", has a new pen pal, in England, to whom he is enthusiastically spreading his Jihadist manifesto , while at the same time pretending remorse for his past deeds . Indeed. This is not surprising . This is a common tactic for Islamic extremists . They preach repentance , while trying to convert infidels to Islam.Then, once they are converted, they kill them, in accordance with the will of Allah. This man should be in a dark hole in Gitmo Bay, with no outside communication permitted;..ever. Why then, has a military judge allowed this evil monster an opportunity to spread his terror propaganda ? Well, for the same reason we now have Iranian President Rouhani  declaring victory over the U.S. in the fight to keep their nuclear program , and to keep U.S. tax dollars flowing into their country. For the same reason our U.S. embassies were left unprotected on the anniversary of 911, a decision that left four men dead and further emboldened Al-Queda , while our President and Secretary of State, blamed the attack on a video inspired protest , instead of the terrorists who actually did it.
Now, a Senate Intel . investigation has concluded that the attack on the  Benghazi Embassy could have been prevented . No kidding. Not only that, but the blame seems to be directly on the heads of President Obama and Hillary Clinton , who both refused to beef up security as the anniversary of 911 approached , and then, after being informed by CIA Director Leon Panetta that the attack was an Al-Queda , terror based one ,...they lied, and pushed the Prophet Muhammad video as the cause of the entire incident.
Terror Masterminds permitted pen pals . Terror sponsoring nations permitted nuclear programs , and our tax dollars. And, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, permitted to run for President , while refusing to answer any questions regarding her criminal negligence , that led to the death of four men, including Ambassador Stevens.
Our enemies grow emboldened by these repeated demonstrations of weakness on the part of the Obama Administration . They attack our embassies with impunity , and declare victory over us , with Rouhani announcing to the Iranian people that the U.S. has submitted to their will , and recognized their right to build nuclear weapons ,that U.S. tax dollars pay for. Yes, our enemies smell blood in the water They smell the weakness of the Obama administration . And , all the while, that very administration is now brazenly asking for yet another bailout , this time it's for 1.1 trillion , to keep Washington running , and for Obamacare bailouts and subsidies as well. And to ad insult to injury, our President has promised to continue to use his illegal executive action powers , to make all this happen , in accordance with his will.
How can all this be stopped? Well, the Tea Party would have us believe, it can be stopped by seeking, new , more conservative leaders , and by rejecting all those Republicans in the House and Senate , who are simply not conservative enough to suit them. They seek to oust all those that they deem unfit, and , if these Rinos somehow win in the primaries, they will not vote for them, even if it means allowing a Democrat, to win an election. This is absurd. Tea Party rallies and marches on Washington are all well and good, but , in the end, meaningless if not backed up with Republican victory at the polls. We the People don't need a new conservatism rebirth. We don't need new conservative leaders . We don't need a third party. We don't need to fire all moderate Republicans. We don't need a new system. We are the conservatives.We are the leaders . And, the Republican Party is all the Party we will ever need. All we need do, in this system of self government , is to show up at the polls , and vote enthusiastically , for everyone , in our party , that's running.
Despite Tea Party rhetoric , only solid , nuts and bolts Republican Victory at the polls in the November Midterms, can stop Obama and his Socialist Agenda. Why do we fight our own Party members? The Democrats don't. No, the Democrats simply show up at the polls and vote their Party ,...period. They don't attack their representatives , despite all their scandals and failings. They know, that Party victory means another step closer to achieving the socialist utopia they have always dreamed of. Individual candidates and their feelings , don't matter . Achieving team victory does. For, Democrats know , that all members of the team , the lesser and the greater , all believe in the same basic things and support the same basic agenda. They will not attack each other , and jeopardize team victory.
Why then, the Republicans? Enough of this fairytale. We Republicans, all believe in conservative principles ,..even those Republicans who are not themselves necessarily conservative. President Bush was no conservative . He spent heavily , and cut many a deal with Democrats on housing, immigration, no child left behind, the Dubai Port Deal, and AIG bailouts . Yet, from 2001 to 2006, Bush created the greatest period of job growth in American History , through tax and regulation cuts , and kept us safe from terror attacks , on our soil, for all eight years of his Presidency , after 911. Newt Gingrich was not the perfect conservative either, yet he gained control of the House and Senate , for the Republicans, during Clinton's Presidency, and created a booming economy , despite having a myriad of personal problems and making foolish deals with Democrats, that led to his downfall.  Even Reagan , who turned Jimmy Carter induced disaster into economic triumph, made a deal with Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill ;..a deal that promised spending cuts in exchange for tax increases. O'Neill reneged on his end of the deal, of course. But Reagan learned his lesson , cut taxes and regulations ,strengthened our military , and restored our Nation to a  greatness that lasted from 1983 to 1990.  Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham both considered weak , Rino Republicans in many respects, both supported the surge that gave us final victory in Iraq, and both have been leading the charge to expose the Benghazi scandal . All these men have their political flaws .But, all these men voted against Obamacare .In fact, every Republican in the House and Senate , conservative,moderate, and RINO, voted against the passing of Obamacare. And, they all believe in the basic conservative principles that made our nation great.
The late Bruce Lee, having grown frustrated with the ineffectiveness , the inefficiency , of the various martial arts styles , decided to break free from all style, all form, and simplify. He decided to use no way, as a way. No style, as a style. No form, as a form. He decided to use , and to teach, not useless ineffective , impractical styles, but only substance . He decided to use, and to teach ,..what works. His practical , simple, and direct style of martial arts , called Jeet Kun Do, made him the most lethal and effective martial artist in the world. Using no way, as a way.
We, as Republicans , must now follow a similar path , a similar way, if we are to beat the Democrats , and stop Obama in November . We must put aside all ineffective styles and Parties, and unite , and simplify,..into one solid Party, the only real Party,..the Party that made America great;...the Republican Party. All we need do is follow Bruce Lee's path and create a simple, direct method of attack on the Democrats. If they attack,we respond with an attack. If they slander,..we respond with the truth. If they lie,..expose the lie. And, in the end, we must simply , just show up at the polls in November, en masse, and pull that lever for every Republican running. Pull that lever, for Republican victory. Vote the team, not the individual. There are no leaders ;...we are the leaders. There is no conservatism;... there is only truth. There are no RINOS;..only team members that will be stronger ,..if we unite. We all believe in the same basic , Jeet Kun Do  principles that made our nation what it is.
Limited Government.
Limited Taxes.
Limited Regulations.
Second Amendment Rights
A Strong Military.
All, I repeat, all Republicans believe in these things ,..or they are not Republicans. Therefore , if all win, if we simply show up, and vote for a team Republican win,..the Nation wins. Only Democrats destroy the country with their policies and only Democrats have created all the problems we now face.
So,..simplify. Just vote Republican. Today, Tomorrow, and Forevermore. This political Jeet Kun Do will be unbeatable and will restore our Nation,..guaranteed. It worked in 2010,..didn't it?
As a Party, we must stop fighting against the tide , and against ourselves . We must as Bruce said,"Flow like Water". We must be like the ocean, and form to the shape of the shore. Be like water fellow Republicans and flow to victory. The political Tide is now turning. Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats, are now fully exposed for what they truly are. Now, our wave is coming . We must be like the surfer and ride that wave , to Republican victory , and turn the tide of destiny.

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