Syria's President Bashar al Assad has aparently used chemical weapons on his own people . This is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention.President Obama's red line has been crossed . Yet. many months later, the President has done nothing.His speech in the Rose Garden , like Secretary of State John Kerry's the day before, was full of bluff , bluster and superpower rhetoric , worthy of President Bush himself, yet, it means nothing. President Obama will do nothing . Obama, like Pontius Pilate, has washed his hands of the entire chemical weapon issue , and has left the decision to authorize military action against Syria, in the hands of Congress. Congress , is however, on vacation over the Labor Day weekend . President Obama and Vice -President Biden , have gone off to play golf. When congress returns , they will deliberate endlessly on an issue that should be in the hands of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Congress will debate the issue, and eventually, vote no on military intervention, guaranteed. And thus, President Obama , like Pontius Pilate, is off the hook, on a decision that he never wanted to make in the first place .The strong rhetoric in the Rose Garden was for the cameras, and for the 2014 Midterm Election Campaign. The President, in reality, never wanted any action on Syria , ever. Assad was touted by the Obama Administration as an anti Al-Queda reformer who could be dealt with through negotiations and debate. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bashar al Assad is Al-Queda personified . Assad is massacring his own people, by the hundreds of thousands. Assad must therefore be ousted from office , just as Saddam Hussein was ousted for his crimes against humanity , and his own people. Our job as the only Superpower in the world,is simple. We must protect our interests around the globe , and those interests include, peace , freedom , and stability for other Nations. To do this, we must oust all dictators who threaten world peace with their crimes against humanity and their own people.
Our military must strike down evil tyrants , like the Hand of Zeus, hurling thunderbolts from Mount Olympus at all who displease him with their evil deeds against their fellow man.
This is our job. There is no such thing as isolationism . The concept of America is freedom and peace for all . To isolate ourselves from those who oppose our values on the premise that they are not directly threatening us, sends a message to all tyrants around the globe , and that message is that the U.S. is weak, and ready to be deposed , as the number one superpower. We do not, as a Nation , have the luxury to show weakness in the face of our enemies , especially Al-Queda , which must be stamped out ;..wherever we find it. Our job is to give Al-Queda ,and other terror groups , no safe haven from which to operate. We must drive them from every Nation that harbors them . That is our job, and that is the only path to ultimate peace and stability in the world. There have always been political figures , both on the right and left, that have called for the U.S. to isolate ourselves from global situations that seemingly ; not concern us. This is a terrible mistake in judgement . As history has shown, when the U.S. fails to confront evil dictators and depose them , disaster,for all Nations , is the result. Hitler's Germany, North Korea, and BinLaden's attack on the U.S.S Cole are perfect examples. If we had acted quickly , and decisively , on these threats , when they originally emerged, they would never have grown into a world wide threats that they ultimately became. The lesson is clear;...when the U.S. fails to act;...the world suffers the consequences;...and that includes us.
Syrian State T.V. has now declared victory over the U.S. Obama is perceived as weak , and afraid to act. Assad , and Syria, in general, are convinced that we will not strike. They are , unfortunately , correct. And, the Syrian people , men , women , and children , will continue to suffer for it. And, we will suffer, as other enemies around the world, are taking notice of our inaction and are , no doubt, plotting and planning for future strikes against the United States , a nation they now know to be a paper tiger.
Russian and China have threatened us, not to act in Syria, under threat of retaliation against our ally , Israel. Since when do we take orders from our enemies? We are the superpower. We must act . The President must act, as Commander in Chief, and order our already positioned military to strike, ..and keep striking, until Assad is deposed,or destroyed. Limited attacks are meaningless cosmetic , political window dressing. History has proven this . Attacks on the U.S.S. Cole , and the 911 attack are the result of limited strikes at our enemies. If we strike, it must be relentless , and continuous, to have an effect.
Our job is not to Nation build , or impose our way of life on other nations , but simply to oust dictators , like Assad , Hussein ,or Gaddafi,who have proven themselves to be threats to their own people , and therefore , threats to U.S. interests , and world peace , as well. The U.S. must be like Mount Olympus itself, , and unleash its thunderbolts on those that threaten innocent life and freedom. The isolationist policies of Senator Rand Paul, or his father Congressman Ron Paul, are unnecessary. No soldiers boots on the ground are needed.Our planes can hit specific weapon and fuel targets with precision, and deadly accuracy . We need to strike hard at specific targets , strike quickly, and keep striking, until the tyrant surrenders ,...or is no more.
We must realize that those nations we aid, will never love us, but , they will respect us, just as the ancient Greeks respected the gods of Olympus ,for fear of the thunder that could be unleashed upon them . We the People, are the gods of the New Olympus. The world is now watching , and waiting , to see what actions in Syria , we will take. We must not impose our freedom upon Nations that simply, do not comprehend it. , but, we must impose our will upon those evil tyrants who would dare commit atrocities in our presense , and dare to dream of the conquest of other nations.
We do not conquer.
We liberate.
All nations, that we unleash our thunderbolts upon , are left, by us , with a chance at liberty and democracy, if they choose to accept it.
A chance at freedom
A chance at liberty
A chance at democracy.
This is our mission . This is , as the world's last best hope , what we must do.
And, as the New War Gods of Olympus, overseeing the globe, can we do any less?
Monday, September 2, 2013
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