Friday, September 6, 2013

The Fall of Olympus

America should be like Mount Olympus, with the President as Zeus, unleashing the fury of his thunderbolts upon mere mortals who displeased him with their evil deeds. America should be, and was, under the leadership of Kennedy, Reagan , and Bush one and two. But, certainly, not under Obama. Obama, as a Senator, opposed all things Bush, especially when it came to the war on terror, in particular the Iraq War. Obama , along with Secretary of State John Kerry, stated repeatedly , for eight long years , that we should not be in Iraq , and Saddam had np weapons of mass destruction , despite the fact that he used them to kill over 300 thousand of his own people. Yep, that's right . Saddam used chemical weapons to murder his own people . Yet, most Democrats at the time, opposed U.S. involvement in Iraq, and that includes then Senators Obama and Kerry. It was none of our business  , they said. Despite Saddam Hussein 's crimes against humanity , they were adamant about no U.S. involvment . Saddam , after all, didn't attack us on 911. Bin Laden did . Afghanistan , and the Taliban did. And, even though Saddam was an active sponsor of terror;...funding it and providing training facilities and medical care to Al Queda terrorists;.. still,Obama and Kerry staunchly opposed our intervention in any way . And even as the President and Secertary of State , both Obama and Kerry have been extremely anti military intervention, to such an extreme degree, that our Nation , now, is perceived as weak and a laughing stock to our enemies overseas , and , yes, even to our allies.
Appeasement of terror sponsoring nations has caused this. Failure to act on so-called "red lines" , caused this. America is swiftly losing its status as a superpower , and of course , that is what Obama and the left have always wanted. This was part of the plan , when Obama became President and when the Democrats seized control of the House and Senate; weaken America economically,and militarily, to diminish our influence around the globe. , to equalize America , to make it fair, so that other nations that were hurt by U.S. policies , could now prosper, in our absence.
This is the Obama plan. This is the left's plan;...for America, and always.
Why then , is President Barack Hussein Obama , Secretary of State John Kerry, former Speaker of the House , Nancy Pelosi , Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, and virtually every Democrat on Capital Hill, now calling for military intervention in Syria , simply because Assad has used chemical weapons on his own people ;...just like Saddam Hussein?
Yep. suddenly, every Democrat in Washington is a war hawk, a cowboy , like Bush. Assad must pay for his crimes against humanity , and its the United States of America 's job to make him pay. We are, after all, the leader of the free world . We are after all, the last, best hope for a bleak , dark , and dangerous , world. That's what President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have told us.
Or;.....have they? They are , after all, Democrats. They are part of the liberal left. Everything that the left does , or says , is with political purpose. Everything they say is, in fact, a lie , designed to further their agenda of securing Democrat victories in upcoming elections. In other words , securing Democrat Power. How then , does a useless , limited missile strike in Syria , that will only embolden Assad , further this Democrat Agenda?
Well, here's how;..Obama has no real intention of authorizing a military strike. Why should he? He's never made a political decision in his life , military or otherwise. He voted, "present" over 100 times as a Senator. Why then , would he now make a decision to authorize a military strike in Syria? Answer;...he wouldn't. And, he's not going to. The President has put the decision in the hands of Congress , and the Senate. The Democrat controlled Senate has already approved the limited strike , with the  no boots on the ground stipulation. But, the Congress will vote no . Guaranteed. This is what Obama hopes for. Then, like Pontius Pilate, Obama can wash his hands of the decision , and the slaughter of the innocents in Syria, can now be convieniently blamed on the Republicans . And, right before the 2014 Midterm Elections too. That is the real purpose of all this. Syria is a convienient strategem , to distract from Benghazi , NSA, Obamacare , and the failing economy. Syria can now be blamed on the Republicans , now that the President has put the decision in their laps. And, if Congress decides to vote yes on the useless strike;..which they won't, this will work in Obama's favor too,
The Limited Missile Strike will do nothing but increase Assad's resolve , and increase the violence in that region . More Syrian innocents will , no doubt, die in even greater numbers. This, as our History has shown , is what happens after weak kneed Presidents launch limited strikes against tyrants. The situation grows worse, not better, and sure enough, the U.S. is eventually drawn in to real live, full blown war. This is what a "limited strike", will do , if the congress is foolish enough to vote "yes" for it.
And, best of all, Obama can then blame the escalation of the war;....on the Republicans!See, it works to Obama's advantage either way ;  at least , in his mind. Either way, the Republicans get the blame , just in time for the Democrat campaign to switch into high gear for the 2014 Midterms.
This is the purpose. No other. Obama care nothing about Syria , Assad , or military intervention in the Middle East , except to insure the Muslim Brotherhood seizes power in these regions.
Ultimately, Obama ,  Kerry , and the left , only care about securing their voting base power. They only care about winning elections , which means more entitlements through Democrat tax increases. This is the purpose of the Syrian Strategem. This is the plan .
But, there is a fatal flaw in this plan . One that Obama , Kerry , and all the Democrats, have always failed to see, because of their contempt for our military . And , that fatal flaw is, as the Democrat Party grows stronger, America grows weaker , both economically, and militarily. And, as America grows weaker, All , I repeat, all, of our enemies, grow stronger, and ever more contemptuous of America , and her power.
You see, while Obama and the left may have their dream of a socialist utopia, a dream  of an America transformed; too, do our enemies ;...Russia, China , Syria, Iran, Egypt,and North Korea, ...have their dream too.
And, that dream has always been to conquer , and destroy,..the United States of America. Nothing has brought their dream closer to fruition , than the weak kneed socialist strategems of Barack Hussein Obama.  

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