Friday, August 2, 2013

The Viking Glory

William Buckley Jr. was once asked, "What is the purpose of your agenda?"Buckley answered, "My purpose is to destroy liberalism".There it is, pure and simple. Buckley may be gone, but the mission remains the same . The mission has now fallen into our hands , "We the People". The mission is now, and aslways will be, to destroy liberalism. Why then, are the Republican men and women that we send to Washington to represent us, failing to carry out this mission?
Look at the History of our country. At any point in time, when there has been economic disaster , middle east unrest, or conflict with our enemies , there has been Democrat control in Washington. When economic prosperity has reigned, Republicans were always in charge, of both the House and Senate. There's no mystery as to why Republican rule benefits the country . Republicans cut taxes. Republicans cut regulations . Republicans cut the entitlements that force hard working ,free market Americans , to support lazy, socialist, political dupes, that make up the Democrat voting base.
Republicans allow free market businesses to grow and prosper without government interference. Democrats , however, do not cut taxes, ...ever. Democrats do not cut the regulations that cripple businesses ,..ever. Democrats do not cut entitlements that support those who are the Democrat voting base, ..ever. All a Democrat will ever contemplate cutting, is the military funding that keeps us free. Therefore, when they are in charge of the country , as they have been for five years now, ..disaster and destruction is always the result. With this being said, the mission is clear;...Democrats , and their political agenda , must be stopped , at all costs , if America is to survive as a freemarket Republic.
Why then , do we have a Republican congress , that holds the majority and therefore holds the pursestrings , ,..that still refuses to do their job , and defund Obamacare? Job Security. That's what it comes down to . We have, for many years , had a crop of career Republicans that are more concerned with the next election , the status quo, and keeping their jobs , then they are about serving their constituents, that sent them to Washington.
This cannot continue. If you, as a Republican Representative in Washington, are more concerned with gaining the mythical Hispanic and Independent votes , than you are with defending the conservative principles of the constitutiuon , ...then you need to be banished , from the kingdom known as Washington , permanently. Fortunately, it's not all bleak. We do have hardcore , constitutional conservatives , like Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Senator Marco Rubio , Senator Rand Paul, and Congressman Louis Gohmert, to lead the fight against the Obama Agenda , but they have more than the Democrats to contend with . They also have the establishment , country club Republicans , who view conservatives with suspicion and contempt. They fear them , because they know ultimately, that their goal is to reduce the size of government, and that is not what career , country club Republicans , want. They want to hold on to power , and  a reducion in the size of government is not the way to accomplish that.
Therein lies the proiblem. We have conservative warriors like Michelle Bachmann refusing to run for another term , because it would violate the term limits laid out in the constitution ,...while the career Republicans like John Boehner are content to sit back , and let Obama have his way, long as he gets to keep his job, that is.
Even Karl Rove , architect of the Bush campaigns, fails to see the forest for the trees , and has called the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee push to defund Obamacare , "crazy", since it would lead to a government shutdown , which would , in Mr. Rove's mind, really upset the Republican voting base , and and could lead to a Republican loss in the 2014 Midterm Elections. What a load of nonsense. , by a man who should know better. Mr. Rove's strategy to stop Obamacare, apparently, is to sit back, and let the law take effect , bankrupt the country, and create a permanent , socialist , entitlement government, thereby effectively changing America from the leader of the free world, , into just another third world, poverty stricken , Dictatorship . Again, as long as Boehner , and the Republican congress , get to keep their jobs , and political status ,..they're okay with this.
That's all very well, gentlemen , but "We the People" , the constitutional conservative base of our Nation ,...are not okay with this. Not at all. To quote President Nixon, "Let me make this , perfectly clear",, the Republican House and Senate are our representatives . We sent you to Washington to do a job. We sent you to Washington , on a mission. That mission is, as William Buckley Jr. once said;.."to destroy Liberalism , whereever it may be. Forget earmarks . Forget deals with Democrats. Every deal a Republican has made with a Democrat has always ended with the Democrats reneging on the deal. Look at Reagan and then House Speaker Tip O' Neill. Reagan agreed to a tax increase in exchange for a cut in government spending . They shook on it. President Reagan raised taxes , and House Speaker O'Neill ,..did not cut spending,..but instead,...increased it.
President Bush made a deal with Senator Ted Kennedy It was called, "No child left behind". Now, our public schools are bankrupt, and more than half of the students graduating are illiterate , while the tenured union teachers arrogantly demand even more tax dollars to fund this mess. The McCain-Feingold bill was another example of a clueless Republican RINO ,being snookered by a hard core liberal Democrat, and we paid the price , with our tax dollars.
Now, Obama has agreed to cut corporate dividend taxes , in exchange for more "investment", funding. "Investment", is Democrat code,...for tax. If Republicans make this deal, Obama will , of course, never cut corporate taxes , ..but the Democrats will have their new "investment" taxes, guaranteed.
The lesson is clear;..Republicans cannot make deals with Democrats,..ever. They are the enemy. You don't meet and greet; defeat. You don't debate, annihilate. That is the job our Republican Representatives are hired to do. That is the mission . To stop all that the Democrat Party attempts to do,..because all that they do, leads ultimately to the destruction of our Nation. And now, the mission is even clearer. So clear, it could be on a blueprint. Mission ;..Destroy Obamacare. Mission;...Defund Obamacare.
Senator Cruz and Senator Lee are the leading Generals on this mission . The Republican Congress and Senate are the soldiers. They need to rally around these Generals and unite in this mission to defund this abomination of a law of the taxpayer money it needs to survive. It's all that matters now. It's not just a mission , its the only mission, other than Benghazi. There is no illegal Amnesty, no IRS scandal, no NSA scandal , there is nothing,..except this one mission ;Defund Obamacare.
If this mission fails, then there really is nothing else . It's all over. The Republican Congress must unite and get it done. If it shuts down the government, be it. If it costs you your job , your re-election, be it. This is your job. This is what you were hired to do. If you must fall, let it at least be a fall to be proud of. Let it be said that you went down fighting, and were carried out on your shield. If the defunding , in your minds, will anger your voting base with the shut down , and accomplish nothing more than cost you the 2014 Midterm Elections, be it. You did your job, and went down fighting the destructive cancer called liberalism . Yes, if this defunding is to be the funeral for the Republican Party,..then, let it be a Viking Funeral, a funeral of Warriors, a funeral of those who fought for freedom . Let it be the Viking funeral,..of Glory. Let it be a funeral of conservative heroes led by Cruz, Lee, Ghomert , Bachmann , Rubio, and Paul. , who chose to go out in that final blaze of glory , rather than live in the dimly lit depths of despair , fear, and indecision . And, when the smoke clears , from the battlefield, there will always be those who will tell the tale, and remember the courage and heroism , and the glory, of the battle against the impossible odds , and, remembering, ..will go to the polls for the 2014 Midterms ,..and salute these fallen heroes , pulling that lever for the Republican Party,..and....for the future Glory of the  Republic , as well.

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